CPRS GUI version 28 consists of five host files: PSS_1_151.KID, PSS_1_142.KID, CPRS28_REQUIRED.KID, OR_PSJ_PXRM_28.KID and CPRS28_RELATED.KID. These five host files contain software that support CPRS GUI v28 functionality. The host files were created to simplify installation at Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities and to assist in the phased implementation release method for CPRS v28. CPRS v28 will follow a phased implementation. To see current status and target dates for Sites/VISN/Region please refer to the following site: http://vaww.itfo.portal.va.gov/svcs/itfopmo/pre05/default.aspx Please refer to the "CPRS GUI v.28 and Associated Patches Installation Guide" for installation sequence information. This document is exported as OR_30_280IG.doc and OR_30_280IG.pdf and is included in OR_30_280.ZIP. Installation and set-up information specific to PSS*1*151 is included in "CPRS GUI v.28 and Associated Patches Installation Guide". Patch information: PSS patches exported as two host files support CPRS v28 functionality. PSS_1_142.KID PSS_1_151.KID CPRS28_REQUIRED.KID includes the required patches needed to support CPRS GUI v28 functionality. It includes builds for the following patches: OR*3.0*293 GMRC*3.0*66 GMRA*4.0*45 OR_PSJ_PXRM_28.KID includes the CPRS, Pharmacy and Clinical Reminders patches required for CPRS GUI v28. It includes builds for the following patches: OR*3.0*280 PSJ*5.0*226 PXRM*2.0*16 CPRS28_RELATED.KID includes the related patches needed to support CPRS GUI v28 functionality. It includes builds for the following patches: GMRC*3.0*64 GMTS*2.7*90 OR*3.0*337 Installation of these five host files should be coordinated among the packages affected because these host files will install the software needed to implement CPRS GUI v28.