$TXT Created by at CMNT.FO-BIRM.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Wednesday, 11/05/14 at 09:15 ============================================================================= Run Date: DEC 22, 2014 Designation: SR*3*182 Package : SR - SURGERY Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #174 Status: Released Compliance Date: DEC 31, 2014 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)SR*3*106 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SR*3*182' (v)SR*3*177 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SR*3*182' Subject: ANNUAL SURGERY UPDATES - 2014 Category: - Data Dictionary - Input Template - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ In support of the VA Surgery Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP), this patch provides the update to the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Surgery package. The updates include the addition of new data fields, changes to existing fields, and changes to data entry screens, changes to reports, changes to the Surgery Risk Assessment transmissions, and changes to transplant components of the VistA Surgery application. 1) This patch updates the CPT EXCLUSIONS file (#137) with data for fiscal year 2014. 2) The HOSPITAL DISCHARGE DATE field (#419) of the SURGERY file (#130) has been added to the 1-liner case transmission. 3) Case Cancellation - The pre-existing reasons have been inactivated and will not be editable but can be viewed. - A new selection list for Cancellation Reasons has been added in the SURGERY CANCELLATION REASON file (#135). - The CANCELLATION TIMEFRAME field (#17.5) of the SURGERY file (#130) has been added to cancellation process when using the Cancel Scheduled Operation [SRSCAN] option. 4) Updates to the Time Out Verified Utilizing Checklist [SROMEN-VERF] option - The CHECKLIST CONFIRMED BY field (#.69) of the SURGERY file (#130) is renamed to "TIME-OUT DOCUMENT COMPLETED BY" - The TIME-OUT COMPLETED field (#74) of the SURGERY file (#130) has been added as new field and will be auto-populated with military formatted timestamp when the user enter the TIME-OUT DOCUMENT COMPLETED BY field (#.69). 5) Updates to the Operation [SROMEN-OP] option - The POSSIBLE ITEM RETENTION field (#630), WOUND SWEEP field (#633), WOUND SWEEP COMMENTS field (#635), INTRAOPERATIVE X-RAY field (#636), and the INTRAOPERATIVE X-RAY COMMENTS field (#637) have been added as new fields in the SURGERY file (#130) and are added to the data entry screen of this option - The listed above new field are added to the transmissions for cardiac assessments, non-cardiac assessments, and 1-liner (non-assessed) transmissions. 6) The Operation Startup [SROMEN-START] option - The MAJOR/MINOR field (#.03) of the SURGERY file (#130) has been removed - The existing field, FOLEY CATHETER INSERTED BY field (#.57), and the new field, LATERALITY OF PROCEDURE (#638) in the SURGERY file (#130) have been added to this option. 7) The new field, PROVIDER READ BACK PERFORMED (#13), of the PROSTHESIS INSTALLED multiple (#.47) in the SURGERY file (#130) has been added to the list to prosthesis fields under the Operation [SROMEN-OP] option. 8) The REPORT GIVEN TO (#639) in the SURGERY file (#130) has been added as a new field under the Post Operation [SROMEN-POST] option. 9) The Principal Anesthesia Technique field has been added to the list of missing fields for the Key Missing Surgical Package Data [SROQ MISSING DATA] option under the Management Reports [SRO-CHIEF REPORTS] sub-menu of the Chief of Surgery Menu [SROCHIEF] menu. 10) The "N/A" selection option has been inactivated in all listed below fields of the SURGERY file (#130) and replaced with the new selection "NA". - SPONGE COUNT CORRECT (Y/N) field (#44) - SHARPS COUNT CORRECT (Y/N) field (#45) - INSTRUMENT COUNT CORRECT (Y/N) field (#46) - CONVERT FROM OFF PUMP TO CPB field (#469) - POSITIVE DRUG SCREENING field (#618) 11) The LATERALITY OF PROCEDURE (#638) of the SURGERY file (#130) has been added to the required field for case creation during the case requesting dialog 12) The following fields in the SURGERY file (#130) have been renamed as follows: - SURGEON field (#.14) to PRIMARY SURGEON - ATTEND SURG field (#.164) to ATTENDING SURGEON - ATTENDING CODE field (#.166) to ATTENDING/RES SUP CODE - OPERATING ROOM field (#.02) to OP ROOM PROCEDURE PERFORMED - IN/OUT-PATIENT STATUS field (#.011) to HOSPITAL ADMISSION STATUS 13) The following fields of the SURGERY file (#130) are added to the Operation (Short Screen) [SROMEN-OUT] option: - POSSIBLE ITEM RETENTION field (#630) - WOUND SWEEP field (#633) - WOUND SWEEP COMMENTS field (#635) - INTRAOPERATIVE X-RAY field (#636) - INTRAOPERATIVE X-RAY COMMENTS field (#637) 14) The List of All Surgical Cases option (List #6) of the List of Surgery Risk Assessments [SROA ASSESSMENT LIST] option has been updated to include the "*" indicating eligible cases similar to the "*" indicator for eligible cases on List 9 of eligible cases. 15) A new data indicator "#" has been added to each line of 30-Day Readmission Report data transmission. 16) The following changes have been made to the Preoperative Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA PREOP DATA] option. All fields listed below are in the SURGERY file (#130): - The BLEEDING RISK DUE TO MED (#642) has been added as new field - The ANGINA ONE MONTH PRIOR field (#395) has been replaced with the ANGINA SEVERITY field (#267) and the ANGINA TIMEFRAME field (#643) - The PREVIOUS PCI field (#220) has been replaced with the new field, PCI (#640) - The CHF WITHIN ONE MONTH field (#396) has been replace with new field, CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (#207) - The REVASCULARIZATION/AMPUTATION field (#329) has been replaced with the PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE field (#265). - The data detention of the POSITIVE DRUG SCREENING field (#618) has been updated - The PREVIOUS CARDIAC SURGERY field (#266) has been replaced with existing field, PRIOR HEART SURGERIES (#485) - The existing field, PREOPERATIVE SLEEP APNEA (#237.1) has been added to this data entry screen - The new fields have been added to the Print Risk Assessment, and the non-cardiac data transmission 17) The following changes have been made to the Clinical Information (Enter/Edit)[SROA CLINICAL INFORMATION] option. All listed below fields are in the SURGERY file (#130): - The ANGINA TIMEFRAME field (#643) has been added as new field - The HYPERTENSION field (#463) has been replaced with new field, HYPERTENSION field (#641) - The PCI field (#351) has been replace with the new field, PCI (#640) - The new fields have been added to the Print Risk Assessment, and the cardiac data transmission - The data definition of the PRIOR HEART SURGERIES field (#485) has been updated. - The data detention of the POSITIVE DRUG SCREENING field (#618) has been updated - Existing field, PREOPERATIVE SLEEP APNEA (#237.1) has been added to the data entry screen - The following fields have been removed from the Cardiac Procedures Operative Data (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC PROCEDURES] option and are removed from the print assessment report, from missing cardiac items, and be replaced with blanks in cardiac data transmission. o Number with Vein o Number with IMA o Number with Radial Artery o Number with Other Artery o Number with Other Conduit o LV Aneurysmectomy o Aortic Valve Procedure o Mitral Valve Procedure o Bridge to transplant/Device/Destination Therapy o TMR (Transmyocardial laser revascularization) o Tricuspid Valve Procedure o Pulmonary Valve Procedure o Maze procedure o ASD repair o VSD repair o Myectomy o Myxoma resection o Other tumor resection o Cardiac transplant o Great Vessel repair o Endovascular repair of aorta o Other cardiac procedure(s) o Foreign Body Removal o Pericardectomy o Other cardiac procedure(s) 18) The OPERATIVE DEATH field (#384) of the SURGERY file (#130) has been removed from the Outcome Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC-OUTCOMES] option. 19) The CARDIAC SURG PERFORMED NON-VA field (#472) of the SURGERY file (#130) has been removed from the SROA Resource Data [CARDIAC RESOURCE] option. 20) This patch updates the Nurse Intraoperative Report (NIR) to display values for the following fields: - The "TIME OUT CHECKLIST" header is added before printing the Confirm Correct Patient Identity field - The CHECKLIST CONFIRMED BY field (#.69) is renamed to "TIME-OUT DOCUMENT COMPLETED BY" - New field, TIME-OUT COMPLETED field (#74), is added - The VALID CONSENT FORM field (#603) is renamed to CONFIRM VALID CONSENT - New fields, POSSIBLE ITEM RETENTION field (#630), WOUND SWEEP field (#633), WOUND SWEEP COMMENTS field (#635), INTRAOPERATIVE X-RAY field (#636), and INTRAOPERATIVE X-RAY COMMENTS field (#637) are added to NIR report. - The POSSIBLE ITEM RETENTION field, WOUND SWEEP field, and the INTRAOPERATIVE X-RAY field are made required for NIR to be signed. - The ASA CLASS field and the Principal Anesthesia Technique field are made mandatory for signing NIR. - The PROSTHESIS INSTALLED field is made mandatory for signing the NIR report if this multiple has an item(s) entered. - The ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE multiple (#130.06) has been made mandatory for signing the NIR report. 21) Occurrences updates: - The URINARY TRACT INFECTION post-operative occurrence in the PERIOPERATIVE OCCURRENCE INFORMATION file (#136.5) has been inactivated and new occurrence, SYMPTOMATIC UTI-CULTURE PLUS SIGN/SYMPTOM with special entry dialog. - The definition of the DVT/THROMBOPHLEBITIS, and the WOUND DISRUPTION occurrence have been updated 22) Consolidation of Shared Cardiac and Non-Cardiac fields This patch updates various fields in the SURGERY file (#130) as well as various occurrence category descriptions in the PERIOPERATIVE OCCURRENCE CATEGORY file (#136.5) so that common items share common definitions. This patch also replaces various fields with new fields in order to enhance and refine certain data elements that are in common with cardiac and non-cardiac risk assessments. All the associated data input options, assessment printouts, and transmissions are updated accordingly. The complete list of updated fields, new fields and replaced fields are in the patch release notes. Patch Components ================ Files & Fields Associated: File Name (#) Field Name (#) New/Mod/Del ------------- ------------------------------------- ----------- SURGERY (#130) HOSPITAL ADMISSION STATUS (#.011) Modified OP ROOM PROCEDURE PERFORMED (#.02) Modified PRIMARY SURGEON (#.14) Modified ATTENDING SURGEON (#.164) Modified ATTENDING/RES SUP CODE (#.166) Modified PLANNED POSTOP CARE (#.43) Modified OP DISPOSITION (#.46) Modified TIME-OUT DOCUMENT COMPLETED BY (#.69) Modified CANCELLATION TIMEFRAME (#17.5) New PRIMARY CANCEL REASON (#18) Modified DRESSING (#41) Modified SPONGE FINAL COUNT CORRECT (#44) Modified SHARPS FINAL COUNT CORRECT (#45) Modified INSTRUMENT FINAL COUNT CORRECT (#46) Modified TIME-OUT COMPLETED (#74) New REASON FOR NO ASSESSMENT (#102) Modified PRIOR MI (#205) Modified CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (#207) Modified *HYPERTENSION REQUIRING MEDS (#208) Obsolete BLEEDING DISORDERS (#216) Modified PREOPERATIVE SEPSIS (#218.1) Modified *PREVIOUS PCI (#220) Obsolete PREOPERATIVE SLEEP APNEA (#237.1) Modified MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (#258) Modified DVT/THROMBOPHLEBITIS (#263) Modified PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE (#265) Modified *PREVIOUS CARDIAC SURGERY (#266) Obsolete ANGINA SEVERITY (#267) Modified *REVASCULARIZATION/AMPUTATION (#329) Obsolete INTRAOP RBC UNITS TRANSFUSED (#340) Modified *PCI (#351) Obsolete *NUMBER WITH VEIN (#365) Obsolete *NUMBER WITH IMA (#366) Obsolete *AORTIC VALVE PROCEDURE (#367) Obsolete *MITRAL VALVE PROCEDURE (#368) Obsolete *TRICUSPID VALVE PROCEDURE (#369) Obsolete *LV ANEURYSMECTOMY (#371) Obsolete *GREAT VESSEL REPAIR (Y/N) (#372) Obsolete *CARDIAC TRANSPLANT (#373) Obsolete *ASD REPAIR (#376) Obsolete *MYXOMA RESECTION (#377) Obsolete *MYECTOMY (#378) Obsolete *OTHER TUMOR RESECTION (#379) Obsolete *VSD REPAIR (#380) Obsolete *FOREIGN BODY REMOVAL (#381) Obsolete *PERICARDIECTOMY (#382) Obsolete *HISTORY OF MI (#394) Obsolete *ANGINA ONE MONTH PRIOR (#395) Obsolete *CHF WITHIN ONE MONTH (#396) Obsolete WOUND DISRUPTION (#404) Modified *NUMBER WITH OTHER CONDUIT (#416) Obsolete CARDIAC RESOURCE DATA COMMENTS (#431) Modified *HYPERTENSION (#463) Obsolete *NUMBER WITH RADIAL ARTERY (#464) Obsolete *NUMBER WITH OTHER ARTERY (#465) Obsolete NEW MECHANICAL CIRCULATORY (#467) Modified CONVERT FROM OFF PUMP TO CPB (#469) Modified *CARDIAC SURG PERFORMED NON-VA (#472) Obsolete *BRIDGE TO TRANSPLANT/DEVICE (#481) Obsolete *TMR (#483) Obsolete *OTHER CARDIAC PROCEDURES-LIST (#484) Obsolete PRIOR HEART SURGERIES (#485) Modified *REPEAT VENTILATOR W/IN 30 DAY (#490) Obsolete *PULMONARY VALVE PROCEDURE (#493) Obsolete *OTHER CARDIAC PROCEDURES (Y/N) (#502) Obsolete *ENDOVASCULAR REPAIR (#505) Obsolete *MAZE PROCEDURE (#512) Obsolete CONFIRM VALID CONSENT (#603) Modified MARKED SITE CONFIRMED (#605) Modified PREOPERATIVE IMAGES CONFIRMED (#606) Modified CORRECT MEDICAL IMPLANTS (#607) Modified ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS (#608) Modified APPROPRIATE DVT PROPHYLAXIS (#609) Modified BLOOD AVAILABILITY (#610) Modified AVAILABILITY OF SPECIAL EQUIP (#611) Modified POSITIVE DRUG SCREENING (#618) Modified IMMED USE-CONTAMINATION (#619) Modified IMMED USE-SPS/OR MGT ISSUE (#620) Modified IMMED USE-EMERGENCY CASE (#621) Modified IMMED USE-NO BETTER OPTION (#622) Modified IMMED USE-LOANER INSTRUMENT (#623) Modified IMMED USE-DECONTAMINATION (#624) Modified POSSIBLE ITEM RETENTION (#630) New WOUND SWEEP (#633) New WOUND SWEEP COMMENTS (#635) New INTRA-OPERATIVE X-RAY (#636) New INTRA-OPERATIVE X-RAY COMMENTS (#637) New LATERALITY OF PROCEDURE (#638) New REPORT GIVEN TO (#639) New PCI (#640) New HYPERTENSION (#641) New BLEEDING RISK DUE TO MED (#642) New ANGINA TIMEFRAME (#643) New SYMPTOMATIC UTI OCCURRENCES (#644) New MECHANICAL VENT W/N 30 DAYS (#645) New PROSTHESIS INSTALLED (sub-file)(#130.01) PROVIDER READ BACK PERFORMED (#13) New ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE (sub-file)(#130.06) ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE (#.01) Modified INTRAOPERATIVE OCCURRENCES (sub-file)(#130.13) INTRAOP DEVICE TYPE (#5) New POSTOP OCCURRENCE (sub-file)(#130.22) SEPSIS CATEGORY (#7) Modified CPB STATUS (#8) Modified INDWELLING URETHRAL CATHETER (#10) New URGENCY/FREQ/DYSURIA (#11) New UTI SIGNS/SYMPTOMS FEVER (#12) New UTI SIGNS/SYMPTOMS TENDERNESS (#13) New UTI CULTURE (#14) New POSTOP DEVICE TYPE (#15) New Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Mod/Del --------- ------ ----------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Mod/Del --------------- ----------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Mod/Del ----------- ---- ----------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Mod/Del ------------- ----------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (#) New/Mod/Del ------------- ---- ------------------ ----------- SREQUEST Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRO-NOCOMP Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SROMEN-OPER Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SROMEN-OUT Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SROMEN-POST Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SROMEN-START Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SROMEN-VERF Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRONRPT Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRSCHED-UNREQUESTED Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRSREQV Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRSRES-ENTRY Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRSRES-SCHED Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRSRES1 Input SURGERY (#130) Modified Additional Information: N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ----------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ------------------------------ N/A Remedy Ticket(s) & Overviews: ----------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ----------- CLEVELAND, OH NORTH TEXAS HCS TENNESSEE VALLEY HCS, TN WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ------------------------------------- Updated documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to FTP the files from ftp://download.vista.domain.ext/. This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.domain.ext Hines ftp.domain.ext Salt Lake City ftp.domain.ext The documentation will be in the form of Adobe Acrobat files. Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ File Description File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SURGERY User Manual SR_3_UM_R0914.PDF (binary) SURGERY Technical Manual/Security Guide SR_3_TM_R0914.PDF (binary) SURGERY Release Notes SR_3_P182_RN.PDF (binary) Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ - The pre-installation process performs the following actions: o Deletes the existing data from the PERIOPERATIVE OCCURRENCE CATEGORY file (#136.5) - The routines SR182UTL, SR182UT0, SR182UT1, SR182UT2, and SR182UT3 are deleted at the end of patch installation. Installation Instructions ------------------------- This patch should be installed during a period of low system activity with Surgery users off the system. It should be installed at a time when the Surgery Nightly Cleanup and Updates [SRTASK-NIGHT] option is not running. No options need to be placed out of service. Installation time is expected to be less than 5 minutes. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. 2. Choose the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options. When prompted for the INSTALL enter the patch # (SR*3.0*182): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. From the Installation Menu, select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. Enter SR*3.0*182. 5. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', respond NO. 6. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', respond NO. 7. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', respond NO. Post-Installation Instructions ------------------------------ N/A Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;3.0;Surgery;**[Patch List]**;24 Jun 93;Build 49 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: SR182UT0 Before: n/a After: B21717763 **182** Routine Name: SR182UT1 Before: n/a After: B87205437 **182** Routine Name: SR182UT2 Before: n/a After: B78556217 **182** Routine Name: SR182UT3 Before: n/a After: B62396955 **182** Routine Name: SR182UTL Before: n/a After: B9724223 **182** Routine Name: SRO1L1 Before: B14121011 After: B14307107 **86,88,100,129,142,153,160,182** Routine Name: SROACAR Before: B13317261 After: B1319854 **38,71,93,95,100,125,142,153, 166,174,182** Routine Name: SROACL1 Before: B32293061 After: B37257930 **38,71,95,125,153,160,174,176,182** Routine Name: SROACL2 Before: B3905416 After: B3657478 **125,160,176,182** Routine Name: SROACLN Before: B12597200 After: B12972978 **38,47,71,95,100,125,142,174, 175,176,182** Routine Name: SROACOM Before: B15413481 After: B16269766 **38,55,63,65,88,93,95,102,100, 125,134,142,160,166,174,182** Routine Name: SROACOP Before: B23967302 After: B23252358 **38,47,71,88,95,107,100,125, 142,153,160,166,174,175,182** Routine Name: SROACPM Before: B53758075 After: B52631911 **71,93,95,99,100,125,142,160, 164,166,174,182** Routine Name: SROACR2 Before: B15979431 After: B14624720 **125,153,160,166,182** Routine Name: SROALSS Before: B17361953 After: B17750174 **38,47,50,100,142,153,160,182** Routine Name: SROALST Before: B13725112 After: B14010437 **38,47,50,100,142,153,160,182** Routine Name: SROANEW Before: B18923715 After: B18923841 **34,47,71,100,135,160,182** Routine Name: SROANT Before: B10975780 After: B11055443 **38,50,100,142,153,160,182** Routine Name: SROANTP Before: B11181920 After: B11303131 **32,50,100,142,153,160,182** Routine Name: SROANTSP Before: B12449043 After: B12558074 **32,50,100,142,153,160,182** Routine Name: SROAOP1 Before: B11530418 After: B11581317 **38,47,63,81,88,95,97,125,142, 153,160,177,182** Routine Name: SROAOUT Before: B16161579 After: B16228336 **125,135,142,160,174,175,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPAS Before: B28274307 After: B28675186 **38,47,81,88,111,112,100,125, 153,166,174,175,182** Routine Name: SROAPCA Before: B30319092 After: B32334880 **38,47,71,95,125,134,153,160, 174,175,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPCA2 Before: B19031580 After: B2234169 **38,71,95,125,153,174,175,182** Routine Name: SROAPCA3 Before: B26346165 After: B24717605 **38,71,95,101,125,160,164,166, 174,175,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPIMS Before: B27220554 After: B27575340 **38,46,47,57,71,81,86,100,125, 134,160,175,182** Routine Name: SROAPM Before: B44996096 After: B45069143 **47,81,111,107,100,125,142, 160,166,174,175,182** Routine Name: SROAPR1A Before: B6217869 After: B7825783 **38,125,182** Routine Name: SROAPRE Before: B16062002 After: B16875105 **38,47,55,88,100,125,142,166, 174,182** Routine Name: SROAPRE1 Before: B13792714 After: B13656190 **38,47,125,135,141,166,174,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPRE2 Before: B9148135 After: B9447593 **38,47,125,153,166,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPRT1 Before: B17263679 After: B22844323 **38,47,125,153,166,174,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPRT2 Before: B11792393 After: B12414779 **38,125,137,153,160,166,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPRT7 Before: B30831500 After: B30812579 **38,47,57,60,125,160,176,177,182** Routine Name: SROAPS1 Before: B27027149 After: B33013237 **38,47,125,153,166,174,176,182** Routine Name: SROAPS2 Before: B17240705 After: B18823799 **38,47,125,153,160,166,176,182** Routine Name: SROAT0P Before: B15119995 After: B15440516 **50,129,182** Routine Name: SROAT0T Before: B3942191 After: B3977219 **50,129,182** Routine Name: SROAT1P Before: B18518763 After: B18845998 **52,50,129,182** Routine Name: SROAT1T Before: B2755009 After: B2789476 **50,129,182** Routine Name: SROAT2P Before: B18866996 After: B19190792 **52,50,129,182** Routine Name: SROAT2T Before: B6257748 After: B6368086 **50,129,182** Routine Name: SROATCM Before: B25541565 After: B27083969 **38,55,68,90,93,95,99,125,153, 174,175,177,182** Routine Name: SROATCM1 Before: B58032375 After: B63097180 **38,71,79,90,88,93,95,111,125, 135,134,142,153,160,174,175, 176,177,182** Routine Name: SROATCM3 Before: B13088442 After: B13215032 **125,135,153,164,166,174,177,182** Routine Name: SROATM1 Before: B26038317 After: B28438380 **27,38,47,60,62,81,88,93,95, 125,153,160,166,174,176,177, 182** Routine Name: SROATM2 Before: B35137516 After: B37344320 **38,39,45,47,57,60,62,68,81, 88,97,129,125,142,153,160,174, 175,176,177,182** Routine Name: SROATMNO Before: B36769071 After: B39488872 **27,38,47,62,68,79,83,81,88, 93,95,97,129,125,142,153,160, 166,174,175,176,177,182** Routine Name: SROAUTL Before: B41315079 After: B45777532 **38,46,47,63,81,88,95,112,100, 125,134,142,153,160,166,174, 176,182** Routine Name: SROAUTL0 Before: B21283908 After: B23046095 **38,47,57,60,61,63,81,125,153, 160,174,176,177,182** Routine Name: SROAUTL1 Before: B19378590 After: B19181745 **38,47,81,125,153,160,166,174, 176,182** Routine Name: SROAUTL2 Before: B35918406 After: B36189372 **38,47,63,88,125,153,160,176, 177,182** Routine Name: SROAUTL4 Before: B55709470 After: B39340588 **38,71,95,125,153,160,164,166, 174,175,176,182** Routine Name: SROAUTLC Before: B28000682 After: B26739810 **38,71,90,88,95,97,102,96,125, 153,163,164,166,174,175,176, 182** Routine Name: SROCAN0 Before: B16620958 After: B16716509 **14,94,176,182** Routine Name: SROCCAT Before: B16992620 After: B16850257 **38,47,95,138,153,160,174,176,182** Routine Name: SROCMPED Before: B36854349 After: B55528552 **26,38,47,125,153,170,176,177,182** Routine Name: SROCOMP Before: B18186198 After: B18220104 **37,38,88,129,177,182** Routine Name: SRODIS Before: B21345297 After: B21470892 **48,77,50,182** Routine Name: SRODIS0 Before: B20212068 After: B20896752 **48,50,182** Routine Name: SROESNR0 Before: B39978191 After: B41856155 **100,129,147,153,175,176,182** Routine Name: SROESNR1 Before: B41160518 After: B42035755 **100,143,157,176,182** Routine Name: SROFILE Before: B16246959 After: B15335951 **48,41,88,100,175,176,182** Routine Name: SROICU1 Before: B13994619 After: B14117758 **48,106,182** Routine Name: SROICU2 Before: B14071324 After: B14207907 **48,106,182** Routine Name: SROINQ Before: B18402832 After: B17869501 **38,48,129,151,182** Routine Name: SROMENU Before: B24367683 After: B25521719 **52,67,69,104,107,100,134,175, 177,182** Routine Name: SRONEW Before: B36010808 After: B36104631 **3,23,26,30,47,58,48,67,107, 100,144,175,176,177,182** Routine Name: SRONIN Before: B79594372 After: B95799961 **68,50,100,129,134,153,157, 175,176,182** Routine Name: SRONOR2 Before: B17794451 After: B18165133 **50,175,182** Routine Name: SRONOR3 Before: B17276324 After: B17640494 **50,175,182** Routine Name: SRONOR4 Before: B17388281 After: B17758963 **50,175,182** Routine Name: SRONOR5 Before: B17096598 After: B17460768 **50,175,182** Routine Name: SRONOR8 Before: B17438076 After: B17802246 **50,175,182** Routine Name: SRONP2 Before: B17930608 After: B18164568 **132,142,177,182** Routine Name: SRONRPT Before: B27465848 After: B27706165 **100,129,182** Routine Name: SRONRPT0 Before: B63289001 After: B69675932 **100,129,147,153,157,175,176,182** Routine Name: SRONRPT1 Before: B27292461 After: B28505102 **100,143,157,176,182** Routine Name: SRONRPT2 Before: B19811275 After: B25607346 **100,182** Routine Name: SRONRPT3 Before: B26846038 After: B27091661 **100,176,182** Routine Name: SROPCE0 Before: B29268226 After: B29333385 **58,62,69,77,50,119,142,182** Routine Name: SROPLIS Before: B4980104 After: B5089083 **77,50,182** Routine Name: SROPLSTS Before: B21285954 After: B21404517 **38,53,50,134,182** Routine Name: SROPRIO Before: B20219757 After: B20328508 **77,50,182** Routine Name: SROQ30D Before: B25737238 After: B25801926 **176,182** Routine Name: SROQD0 Before: B26539053 After: B26805426 **62,70,50,87,182** Routine Name: SROQD1 Before: B12825991 After: B12980776 **62,70,77,142,182** Routine Name: SROQIDP Before: B19872075 After: B20134755 **62,77,50,88,142,182** Routine Name: SROQN Before: B28925024 After: B30035176 **62,77,92,129,142,175,182** Routine Name: SRORAT1 Before: B15525737 After: B15602768 **14,63,94,182** Routine Name: SRORATA Before: B6538715 After: B6605886 **63,182** Routine Name: SRORATP Before: B8208810 After: B8280041 **63,182** Routine Name: SROSCH Before: B16004233 After: B16320304 **19,48,63,50,182** Routine Name: SROSCH1 Before: B16320901 After: B16435656 **63,77,50,182** Routine Name: SROSPC1 Before: B12463202 After: B12578693 **50,182** Routine Name: SROSPSS Before: B16215009 After: B16320500 **50,182** Routine Name: SROUTC Before: B20577259 After: B22577677 **125,135,153,174,175,176,182** Routine Name: SROUTL Before: B43018873 After: B43734592 **58,62,69,77,50,88,94,100,129, 134,141,142,160,182** Routine Name: SRSCAN0 Before: B17191683 After: B16717618 **34,42,67,103,107,114,100,144, 175,176,182** Routine Name: SRSCHC2 Before: B1652836 After: Delete Routine Name: SRSCHUN Before: B32328292 After: B32397035 **3,67,68,88,103,100,144,158, 175,177,182** Routine Name: SRSRQST Before: B28426612 After: B33623825 **3,58,67,88,103,105,100,144, 175,177,182** Routine Name: SRSUPC Before: B8595921 After: B7886388 **100,175,182** Routine Name: SRTOVRF Before: B3588832 After: B14137837 **175,182** Routine list of preceding patches: 87, 106, 151, 177 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : NOV 21, 2013 Completed By: Date Completed: NOV 24, 2014 Released By : Date Released : DEC 22, 2014 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT