============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 14, 2015 Designation: PRCA*4.5*298 Package : PRCA - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Priority: Mandatory Version : 4.5 SEQ #270 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 06, 2015 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRCA*4.5*208<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*220<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*222<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*241<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*249<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*253<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*261<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*262<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*269<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*271<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*276<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*283<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*284<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*293<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' (v)PRCA*4.5*296<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*298' Subject: ePAYMENTS COMPLIANCE Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Other - Print Template - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ This patch has enhancements that extend the capabilities of the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) electronic payment (ePayments) system. Below is a list of all the applications involved in this project along with their patch number: APPLICATION/VERSION PATCH --------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (PRCA) V. 4.5 PRCA*4.5*298 INTEGRATED BILLING (IB) V. 2.0 IB*2*511 ELECTRONIC CLAIMS MANAGEMENT ENGINE (ECME) V. 1.0 BPS*1*17 The patches PRCA*4.5*298, IB*2*511, and BPS*1*17 are being released in the Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) multi-build distribution BPS IB PRCA EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 1.0. The purpose of this software package is to increase automation of the current ePayments processes in order to improve productivity of Accounts Receivable (AR) staff and increase accuracy of the revenue operation. These changes include: 1. Increasing automation of third party payer medical claims processing a. Automatic Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) posting (auto-posting) for ERAs associated with Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs) b. Automatic decrease (auto-decrease) adjustments 2. Addressing issues with existing ePayments process for pharmacy claims a. Automatic matching of pharmacy 835 responses with the ECME claim 3. Increasing automation of pharmacy claims processing a. Process standard National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) pharmacy fees b. Manage non-released prescriptions 4. Enabling a switch-back solution through implementation of parameter questions This specific patch contains the following functionality: --------------------------------------------------------- 1. The ePayments Site Parameter Edit menu was modified. a. The existing EDI Lockbox Parameters option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX PARAMETERS] is extended to allow maintenance of new parameter values for the new automatic processing and posting prevention functionality. These parameters include: - Enable Auto-posting of Medical Claims for the site - Payers to be excluded from Auto-posting - Enable Auto-decrease of Medical Claims for the site - Payers to be excluded from Auto-decrease - Number of Days to wait before Auto-decrease is applied - Maximum Dollar Amount for which Auto-decrease is allowed - Number of Days Allowed for Un-Posted Medical EFTs - Number of Days Allowed for Un-Posted Pharmacy EFTs b. A new EDI Lockbox Parameter Report option [RCDPE SITE PARAMETER REPORT] displays the parameter settings. c. A new EDI Lockbox Exclusion Audit Report option [RCDPE EXCLUSION AUDIT REPORT] reports changes made to the excluded payer parameters d. A new EDI Lockbox Parameters Audit Report option [RCDPE PARAMETER AUDIT REPORT] reports changes made to other parameters 2. The Accounts Receivable Nightly Process Background Job [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] was modified to automatically create receipts for ERA if the following criteria are met: - Enable Auto-posting of Medical Claims parameter is set to 'Yes' - The Payer for the ERA is not excluded from Auto-posting - ERA is matched to an EFT and the EFT receipt's status is 'Accepted By FMS' - ERA has no EXC exceptions and also contains no ERA level adjustments 3. The Accounts Receivable Nightly Process Background Job was also modified to automatically apply contract decrease adjustments to claims which have been previously automatically posted if the following criteria are met: - Enable Auto-posting parameter for medical claims is set to 'Yes' - Enable Auto-decrease parameter for medical claims is set to 'Yes' - The Payer for the claim is not excluded from Auto-decrease or Auto-posting - The number of days since Auto-posting exceeds the value of the Number of Days to Wait before Auto-decrease parameter - The claim balance does not exceed the value of the Maximum Dollar Amount parameter 4. The EDI Lockbox Reports Menu [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX REPORTS MENU] was modified to include new ad-hoc reports of Auto-posting and Auto-decrease activity - A new Auto-post Report option [RCDPE AUTO-POST REPORT] displays information on receipts created by Auto-Posting for selected dates and payers - A new Auto-decrease Adjustment Report [RCDPE AUTO-DECREASE REPORT] displays Information on claims Auto-decreased for selected dates and payers 5. The EDI Lockbox menu option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX MENU] was modified to include a new Auto-Post Awaiting Resolution option [RCDPE APAR]. This option allows for claim lines rejected by the nightly Auto-posting process to be reviewed and resubmitted for Auto-posting. Claim lines can be rejected for the following reasons: - The claim has been referred to General Counsel - The payment (or other pending payments) would generate a negative balance on the claim - The claim is no longer active Note that the new Auto-Posting Awaiting Resolution option [RCDPE APAR] is similar to the current EOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] except that a receipt cannot be created directly. A 'Mark For Auto-Posting' action allows claims to be re-submitted to Auto-Posting after review and correction. 6. The Decrease Adjustment option [PRCAC TR DECREASE] was changed to display a warning message if a user tries to make a decrease adjustment on a bill that has at least one associated Electronic Explanation of Benefit (EEOB) marked for auto-post. 7. Exception processing options were modified: a) The EDI Lockbox 3rd Party Exceptions option [RCDPE EXCEPTION PROCESSING] is modified - The action to 'Transfer EEOB' is removed from the Data Exceptions screen - A new RCDPE ERA EXCEPT key is now required for use of the Delete Message action - ERAs with payment method of Automated Clearing House can no longer be deleted - A record selection filter for Medical, Pharmacy or Both claim types is also added to the EEOB Data Exceptions List Manager screen - For pharmacy claims the EEOB Data Exceptions List Manager screen now displays the ECME number and release date for pharmacy claims. If the prescription is not released then entry and display of a comment is allowed - Exceptions due to non-released prescriptions are now cleared automatically from the data exceptions list by the AR Nightly Process when prescriptions are released. The EEOB for the prescription are then processed normally. b) The EEOB Transfer Reports option [RCDPE EOB TRANSFER REPORTS] was removed from the EDI Lockbox Reports Menu [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX REPORTS MENU] 8. The matching of ERA claim numbers to the VistA database was improved for both pharmacy and medical claims. 9. The EEOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] was renamed ERA Worklist and has a number of new functions: - The capability to view an ERA without creating a Scratchpad is added - On the Worklist screen an 'x' is displayed against any ERA which has exceptions and a warning is displayed if the users attempts to work the ERA before the exceptions are cleared - The Worklist screen displays a warning message if an ERA is selected and there are other unposted EFT payments for medical claims more than 14 days old or pharmacy claims older than the number of days specified in the site parameters - The Worklist screen will prevent selection of an ERA when there are other unposted EFT payments for medical claims more than 21 days old or pharmacy claims older than the number of days specified in the site parameters - Verification of ERA patient information against VistA claim for the Scratchpad is no longer case sensitive - The Adjust (Inc/Dec) action on the Research Menu List Manager screen was removed - The Split/Edit A Line action in the Scratchpad screen is modified to transfer the correct payer name when editing EEOB with different payer names - The ECME number for pharmacy claims is displayed on the Scratchpad screen and on the View/Print ERA action 10. A new Unposted EFT Override option [RCDPE UNPOSTED EFT OVERRIDE] was added to the EDI Lockbox menu [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX MENU]. This allows users with the new RCDPE AGED PMT security key to override posting prevention in the ERA Worklist. The reason for the override must be entered as a comment. 11. ERA selection criteria for the EEOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] can be saved as the preferred Worklist view for the user and will be re-used each time the Worklist is entered. The preferred view for the user may be changed by using the Change View (CV) action in the ERA Worklist screen. A new filter for Medical ERAs only, Pharmacy ERAs only or both was added and also included in the preferred view. 12. The Batch Maintenance actions was removed from the Scratchpad screen in the EEOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST]. The Hide/Display Batch action is removed from the ERA List - Worklist screen in the EEOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST]. 13. Scratchpad display criteria for the EEOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] can be saved as the preferred Scratchpad view for a user and will be re-used each time the Scratchpad screen is entered. The preferred view for the user may be changed by using the CV action. A new filter for posted lines, un-posted lines or both was added and also included in the preferred view. This is for Auto-Posted ERAs. 14. For pharmacy claims the Release Date, ECME number and Date of Service are displayed in the Scratchpad View EEOB action for the EEOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST]. 15. The following actions were removed from the Research Menu screen in the EEOB Worklist option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST]: - Release Hold - On Hold List - Claims Matching Report 16. Changes were made to the reports in the EDI Lockbox Reports Menu [RCPDE EDI LOCKBOX REPORTS MENU] a) To facilitate searching of report content List Manager functionality was added to the existing reports: - Active Bills With EEOB Report [RCDPE ACTIVE WITH EEOB REPORT] - Daily Activity Report [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX ACT REPORT] - ERA Unmatched Aging Report [RCDPE ERA AGING REPORT] - EFT Unmatched Aging Report [RCDPE EFT AGING REPORT] - Unapplied EFT Deposits Report [RCDPE UNAPPLIED EFT DEP REPORT] - Duplicate EFT Deposits Audit Report [RCDPE EFT AUDIT REPORT] - EEOB Move/Copy/Rmove Audit Report [RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY/RMOVE RPT] - ERAs Posted with Paper EOB Audit Report [RCDPE ERA W/PAPER EOB REPORT] - Remove ERA from Active Worklist Audit Report [RCDPE REMOVED ERA AUDIT] b) A filter to allow inclusion or exclusion of TRICARE and/or CHAMPVA was added to the existing reports - Active Bills With EEOB Report [RCDPE ACTIVE WITH EEOB REPORT] - ERA Unmatched Aging Report [RCDPE ERA AGING REPORT] - EEOB Move/Copy/Rmove Audit Report [RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY/RMOVE RPT] - ERAs Posted with Paper EOB Audit Report [RCDPE ERA W/PAPER EOB REPORT] - Remove ERA from Active Worklist Audit Report [RCDPE REMOVED ERA AUDIT] c) The ERA Unmatched Aging Report now displays an 'x' indicator against any ERA for which a Transmission or Data exception exists d) The Daily Activity Report option [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX ACT REPORT] is renamed EFT Daily Activity Report e) The following reports were corrected to include EFTs with all 9's in the trace number: - Daily Activity Report (now renamed EFT Daily Activity Report) [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX ACT REPORT] - EFT Unmatched Aging Report [RCDPE EFT AGING REPORT] - Unapplied EFT Deposits Report [RCDPE UNAPPLIED EFT DEP REPORT] f) A date range selection prompt was added to the Active Bills with EEOB Report [RCDPE ACTIVE WITH EEOB REPORT] 17. The Receipt Processing option [RCDP RECEIPT PROCESSING] action 'ER Edit Receipt' was modified to allow the user to change open receipts with a payment type of 'EDI LOCKBOX' to payment type 'CHECK/MO PAYMENT'. The user is prompted 'Are You Sure?' and the EFT is changed to a match status of 'UNMATCHED'. 18. The option Manual Match EFT - ERA [RCDPE MANUAL MATCH EFT-ERA] was modified to allow selection of an unmatched EFT within a date range. 19. The option to remove an EEOB is added to the EEOB Move/Copy option [RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY] which was renamed EEOB Move/Copy/Remove [RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY/REMOVE]. 20. The EEOB Move/Copy Audit Report [RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY RPT] was renamed to EEOB Move/Copy/Remove Audit Report [RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY/RMOVE RPT] and includes removed EEOBs. 21. The following MailMan notifications were disabled: - EDI LBOX EEOB - EXCEPTIONS - EDI LBOX - NO VALID BILLS ON ERA - EDI LBOX - ERA HAS ADJ/TAKEBACKS - EDI LBOX ERA - DUPLICATE TRANSMISSION MSG - EEOB MOVE/COPY Patch Components ================ The following is a list of field modifications included in this patch: File Name (#) New/Modified/ Sub-File Name (#) Field Name (#) Deleted ------------------- ------------------- -------- AR BATCH PAYMENT (#344) Modified EFT RECORD (#.17) Modified ERA REFERENCE (#.18) Modified EDI THIRD PARTY EFT DETAIL (#344.31) Modified TRACE (#.04) Modified DATE RECEIVED (#.13) Modified ELECTRONIC REMITTANCE ADVICE (#344.4) Modified TRACE NUMBER (#.02) Modified PAYMENT FROM (#.06) Modified ERA DETAIL POST STATUS (#.14) Modified AUTO-POST DATE (#4.01) New AUTO-POST STATUS (#4.02) New LATEST AUTO-DECREASE DATE (#4.03) New ERA DETAIL sub-file (#344.41) Modified ECME # (#.24) New RECEIPT (#.25) New AUTO-POST REJECTION REASON (#5) New MARK FOR AUTO-POST (#6) New AUTO-DECREASE INDICATOR (#7) New AUTO-DECREASE AMOUNT (#8) New AUTO-POST DATE (#9) New PHARMACY CLAIM COMMENT (#9.01) New AUTO-DECREASE DATE (#10) New OTHER RECEIPT NUMBERS sub-file (#344.48) New OTHER RECEIPT NUMBER (#.01) New EDI LOCKBOX EOB WORKLIST (#344.49) Modified OTHER RECEIPT NUMBERS sub-file (#344.494) New OTHER RECEIPT NUMBER (#.01) New RCDPE AUTO-PAY EXCLUSION (#344.6) New File PAYER NAME (#.01) PAYER ID (#.02) DATE ADDED (#.03) UPDATED BY (#.04) DATE LAST UPDATED (#.05) EXCLUDE MED CLAIMS POSTING (#.06) EXCLUDE MED CLAIMS DECREASE (#.07) AUTO-POST COMMENT (#1) AUTO-DECREASE COMMENT (#2) RCDPE PARAMETER (#344.61) New File SITE (#.01) AUTO-POST MED CLAIMS ENABLED (#.02) AUTO-DECREASE MED ENABLED (#.03) AUTO-DECREASE MED DAYS DEFAULT (#.04) AUTO-DECREASE MED AMT DEFAULT (#.05) MEDICAL EFT POST PREVENT DAYS (#.06) PHARMACY EFT POST PREVENT DAYS (#.07) LAST UPDATE PAYER EXCLUSIONS (#.08) EFT CUTOFF field (#.09) MEDICAL EFT OVERRIDE (#20) PHARMACY EFT OVERRIDE (#21) USER-MEDICAL OVERRIDE (#22) USER-PHARMACY OVERRIDE (#23) COMMENT-MEDICAL OVERRIDE (#24) COMMENT-PHARMACY OVERRIDE (#25) RCDPE PARAMETER AUDIT (#344.7) New File TIMESTAMP (#.01) MODIFIED IEN (#.02) CHANGED BY (#.03) CHANGED FIELD (#.04) MODIFIED FILE (#.05) NEW VALUE (#.06) OLD VALUE (#.07) COMMENT (#.08) RC MESSAGE TEXT OBJECT FILE (#344.81) New File NUMBER (#.001) NAME (#.01) CREATOR (#.02) CREATED (#.03) LAST UPDATED (#.04) DESCRIPTION (#.05) TYPE (#1.01) OBJECT STATUS (#1.02) OBJECT TEXT sub-file (#344.812) OBJECT TEXT (#.01) RC TESTING USER PREFERENCES (#344.82) New File USER (#.01) UPDATED (#.02) PAYER ID DEFAULT (#1.01) PAYMENT METHOD CODE (#1.02) Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Option Name Type Deleted ----------- ---- ------------- PRCA BIL AGENCY action Modified PRCA CBO PARAMETERS run routine Modified PRCA DEACTIVATE GROUP action Modified PRCA NOTIFICATION action Modified PARAMETERS PRCA RC PARAMETERS run routine Modified PRCA SITE PARAMETER menu Modified PRCAF U ADMIN.RATE action Modified RCDPE ACTIVE WITH EEOB run routine Modified REPORT RCDPE APAR run routine New RCDPE AUTO-DECREASE run routine New REPORT RCDPE AUTO-POST REPORT run routine New RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX ACT run routine Modified REPORT RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX MENU menu Modified RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX run routine Modified PARAMETERS RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX menu Modified REPORTS MENU RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX run routine Modified WORKLIST RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY Delete RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY Delete REPORT RCDPE EEOB run routine New MOVE/COPY/REMOVE RCDPE EEOB run routine New MOVE/COPY/RMOVE RPT RCDPE EFT AGING REPORT run routine Modified RCDPE EFT AUDIT REPORT run routine Modified RCDPE EOB TRANSFER run routine Modified REPORTS RCDPE ERA AGING REPORT run routine Modified RCDPE ERA POSTED BY run routine Modified PAPER EOB RCDPE ERA W/PAPER EOB run routine Modified REPORT RCDPE EXCEPTION run routine Modified PROCESSING RCDPE EXCLUSION AUDIT run routine New REPORT RCDPE MANUAL MATCH run routine Modified EFT-ERA RCDPE MARK 0-BAL EFT run routine Modified MATCHED RCDPE MATCH EFT TO ERA run routine Modified RCDPE MOVE ERA TO run routine Modified SUSPENSE RCDPE PARAMETER AUDIT run routine New REPORT RCDPE PAYER EXCLUSION run routine New NAME TIN RCDPE REMOVE DUP run routine Modified DEPOSITS RCDPE REMOVE ERA FROM run routine Modified WORKLIST RCDPE REMOVED ERA AUDIT run routine Modified RCDPE SITE PARAMETER run routine New REPORT RCDPE UNAPPLIED EFT DEP run routine Modified REPORT RCDPE UNMATCH ERA run routine Modified RCDPE UNPOSTED EFT run routine New OVERRIDE RCDPE VIEW/PRINT ERA run routine Modified RCDPETT TOOL run routine New Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- RCDPE APAR CHANGE VIEW New RCDPE APAR EEOB LIST MENU New RCDPE APAR EEOB REFRESH New RCDPE APAR EEOB REVIEW New RCDPE APAR EEOB RESEARCH MENU New RCDPE APAR RESEARCH New RCDPE APAR SELECT EEOB New RCDPE APAR SELECTED EEOB MENU New RCDPE APAR SPLIT LINE New RCDPE APAR VERIFY New RCDPE APAR VIEW/PRINT EOB New RCDPE APAR VIEW/PRINT ERA New RCDPE EOB WL RECEIPT VIEW Modified RCDPE EOB WL RESEARCH EXIT Modified RCDPE EOB WL REVIEW Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST ADMIN COST ADJ Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST BILL COMMENT Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST CHANGE VIEW New RCDPE EOB WORKLIST DIST ADJ Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST FULL ACCT PROF Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST MENU Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST REESTABLISH Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST REFRESH Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST RESEARCH Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST RESEARCH MENU Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST SPLIT LINE Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST TPJI Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST VERIFY Modified RCDPE ERA LIST VIEW ERA Modified RCDPE ERA WORKLIST CHANGE VIEW New RCDPE MARK FOR AUTOPOST New RCDPE VIEW/PRINT WORKLIST EOB Modified RCDPE VIEW/PRINT WORKLIST ERA Modified RCDPE WORKLIST ERA LIST MENU Modified RCDPE WORKLIST ERA SELECT Modified RCDPE WORKLIST ERA SORT Modified RCDPEX DELETE MESSAGE Modified RCDPEX EOB_SUM EXCEPTION MENU Modified RCDPEX EOB_SUM REMOVE EXCEPT Modified RCDPEX RX_COMMENT New RCDPEX SUM_EDIT CLAIM Modified RCDPEX SUM_FILE EXCEPTION Modified RCDPEX SUM_VIEW/PRINT MESSAGE Modified VALM QUIT Modified Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name New/Modified/Deleted ----------------- -------------------- RCDPE AGED PMT New RCDPE AUTO DEC New RCDPE ERA EXCEPT New RCDPE REMOVE EEOB New List Templates: List Template Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ -------------------- RCDPE APAR EEOB LIST New RCDPE AUTO EOB RECEIPT PREVIEW New RCDPE APAR EOB RESEARCH New RCDPE APAR SELECTED EEOB New RCDPE EOB RESEARCH Modified RCDPE EOB WORKLIST Modified RCDPE MISC REPORTS New Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Parameters Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ -------------------- RCDPE APAR New RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST New RCDPE SCRATCHPAD New Additional Information: N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ------------------------------------------------------------- NSR - Request id: 20110503 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) New Standards and Operating Rules (Veterans Health Administration) VHA Provider-Side TCRs 05/19/2011 http://vista.domain.ext/nsrd/ViewITRequest.asp?RequestID=20110503 Patient Safety Issues (PSIs) ----------------------------- N/A Remedy Ticket(s) & Overview: ------------------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ---------- VA Puget Sound Health Care System VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System (VASNHS) - Las Vegas New Mexico VA Health Care System - Albuquerque Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System (CAVHCS) Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ------------------------------------ Updated documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to FTP the files from ftp://download.vista.domain.ext/. This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.domain.ext Hines ftp.domain.ext Salt Lake City ftp.domain.ext The documentation will be in the form of Adobe Acrobat files. Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ Title File Name FTP Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AR Release Notes/Installation PRCA_4_5_P298_RN.PDF Binary Guide (PRCA*4.5*298) ePayments User Manual (EDI Lockbox) PRCA_4_5_UM_epayments_R0515.PDF Binary AR Technical Manual/Security Guide PRCA_4_5_TM_R0515.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Clerk's AR Menu - Part 1 PRCA_4_5_UM_CLERK_R0515.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Agent Cashier PRCA_4_5_UM_AC_R0515.PDF Binary Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ N/A Installation Instructions ------------------------- This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. DO NOT QUEUE the installation of this patch. To avoid disruptions, these patches should be installed during non-peak hours when there is minimal activity on the system. Avoid times when ERAs and EFTs are being received from the Financial Services Center (FSC). Of particular concern is the option below. TaskMan tasks will be queued at installation to perform post-installation activities. When these tasks are complete the installer will receive informational MailMan messages. No additional installation tasks will be needed. 1. Accounts Receivable Nightly Process Background Job [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] Do not install the patch when the AR Nightly Process Background job is running. Wait for this job to finish or complete the installation before this job starts. Pre-Installation Instructions ----------------------------- 1. OBTAIN PATCHES -------------- Obtain the host file BPS_IB_PRCA_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_1_0.KID, which contains the following 3 patches: PRCA*4.5*298 IB*2.0*511 BPS*1.0*17 Sites can retrieve VistA software from the following FTP addresses. The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.domain.ext This will transmit the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.domain.ext Hines ftp.domain.ext Salt Lake City ftp.domain.ext The BPS_IB_PRCA_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_1_0.KID host file is located in the [] directory. Use ASCII Mode when downloading the file. 2. USE KIDS TO INSTALL ------------------- Use the Kernel Installation & Distribution System Menu option [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 3. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL FOR MULTI-BUILD ------------------------------------- From the Installation menu, select the Load a Distribution option. When prompted for "Enter a Host File:", enter the full directory path where you saved the host file BPS_IB_PRCA_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_1_0.KID (e.g., SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ANONYMOUS]BPS_IB_PRCA_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_1_0.KID). When prompted for "OK to continue with Load? NO//", enter "YES." The following will display: Loading Distribution... Build PRCA*4.5*298 has an Environmental Check Routine Want to RUN the Environment Check Routine? YES// PRCA*4.5*298 Will first run the Environment Check Routine, PRCA298E Checking for prerequisite patches Sep 25, 2014@18:31:09 BPS*1.0*11 installed IB*2.0*447 installed IB*2.0*451 installed IB*2.0*452 installed IB*2.0*488 installed PRCA*4.5*138 installed PRCA*4.5*208 installed PRCA*4.5*220 installed PRCA*4.5*222 installed PRCA*4.5*233 installed PRCA*4.5*241 installed PRCA*4.5*249 installed PRCA*4.5*253 installed PRCA*4.5*261 installed PRCA*4.5*262 installed PRCA*4.5*269 installed PRCA*4.5*271 installed PRCA*4.5*276 installed PRCA*4.5*283 installed PRCA*4.5*284 installed PRCA*4.5*293 installed PRCA*4.5*296 installed All prerequisite patches found. IB*2.0*511 BPS*1.0*17 Use INSTALL NAME: BPS IB PRCA EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 1.0 to install this Distribution. 4. OPTIONAL INSTALLATION OPTIONS FOR MULTI-BUILD --------------------------------------------- From the Installation menu, you may select to use the following 3 KIDS options (when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter BPS IB PRCA EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 1.0): 5 Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as data dictionaries or templates. 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, data dictionaries, templates, etc.). 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 5. INSTALL MULTI-BUILD ------------------- This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch. This will need to be run for the BPS IB PRCA EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 1.0. a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted for the "Select INSTALL NAME:", enter BPS IB PRCA EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 1.0 c. When prompted "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//", enter YES unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. d. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//", enter NO. e. When prompted " Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//", enter NO. g. When prompted "Device: HOME//", respond with the correct device but do not queue this install. Note: You may see this informational message during installation of the multi-build: Not a known package or a local namespace This is because the name of the multi-build doesn't match a namespace in the PACKAGE file (#9.4). Post-Installation Instructions ------------------------------ For production environments only: After the distribution is installed the vha835notify@domain.ext mail address must be added to the RCDPE AUDIT Mail Group as a REMOTE MEMBER if it's not already there. This can be done via the Mail Group Edit [XMEDITMG]option. This can be verified by a FileMan inquiry to the MAIL GROUP file (#3.8). You should see this in the Mail Group: NAME: RCDPE AUDIT TYPE: public ALLOW SELF ENROLLMENT?: NO ... REMOTE MEMBER: vha835notify@domain.ext In the DOMAIN file (#4.2) the Q-NPS.DOMAIN.EXT domain must exist and the field 'FLAGS' must have a value of 'S'. For example: NAME: Q-NPS.DOMAIN.EXT FLAGS: S RELAY DOMAIN: FOC-AUSTIN.DOMAIN.EXT DHCP ROUTING INDICATOR: NPS DISABLE TURN COMMAND: YES Please consult the MailMan documentation for additional information on creating and editing Mail Groups and Domains. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**[Patch List]**;Jan 21, 2014;Build 121 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PRCA298E Before: n/a After: B2741517 **298** Routine Name: PRCAP298 Before: n/a After:B109719472 **298** Routine Name: RCBEADJ Before: B63961627 After: B66159160 **169,172,204,173,208,233,298** Routine Name: RCDPAYER Before: B25868382 After: B26142929 **269,276,298** Routine Name: RCDPE8NZ Before: B56342604 After:B102784792 **173,212,208,269,276,283,293,298** Routine Name: RCDPEAA1 Before: n/a After: B60672744 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEAA2 Before: n/a After: B95635325 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEAA3 Before: n/a After: B72680990 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEAC Before: B83292786 After:B163795465 **208,269,276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEAD Before: n/a After: B15979535 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEADP Before: n/a After: B82856652 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEAP Before: n/a After:B192874498 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEAP1 Before: n/a After: B28791355 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEAPP Before: n/a After:B144741985 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEAR1 Before:B126108337 After:B225062601 **173,269,276,284,293,298** Routine Name: RCDPEAR2 Before: B63768101 After: B99664049 **173,269,276,284,283,293,298** Routine Name: RCDPEARL Before: n/a After: B31596491 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEDA1 Before: B24558059 After: B3534 **173,269,276,284,283,298** Routine Name: RCDPEDAR Before:B115536602 After:B196389465 **173,276,284,283,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM Before: B58755837 After: B61345619 **173,255,269,276,283,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM0 Before: B51750344 After: B72082268 **173,208,220,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM2 Before:B188791112 After:B206109836 **173,208,276,284,293,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM3 Before:B110558911 After:B177381909 **276,284,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM4 Before:B186253544 After:B226302840 **276,284,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM41 Before: n/a After: B8625925 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEM5 Before: B72301084 After: B85031915 **173,208,276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM6 Before: B40220654 After: B78693035 **276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM7 Before: B44597294 After: B44920512 **276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEM8 Before: B32433593 After: B32922579 **276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEMA Before: n/a After: B22679834 **298** Routine Name: RCDPESP Before: n/a After:B100040879 **298** Routine Name: RCDPESP1 Before: n/a After: B30021822 **298** Routine Name: RCDPESP2 Before: n/a After: B90155274 **298** Routine Name: RCDPESP3 Before: n/a After: B6781847 **298** Routine Name: RCDPESP4 Before: n/a After: B23109774 **298** Routine Name: RCDPESR1 Before: B50545484 After: B49930663 **173,214,208,202,271,298** Routine Name: RCDPESR2 Before: B85277265 After: B84502503 **173,216,208,230,252,264,269, 271,298** Routine Name: RCDPESR3 Before: B55776988 After: B51416516 **173,214,208,255,269,283,298** Routine Name: RCDPESR4 Before: B77733360 After: B80329387 **173,216,208,230,269,271,298** Routine Name: RCDPESR6 Before: B43409269 After: B45550757 **173,214,208,230,252,269,271,298** Routine Name: RCDPETT Before: n/a After: B81520347 **298** Routine Name: RCDPETTE Before: n/a After:B258211138 **298** Routine Name: RCDPETTF Before: n/a After: B80402649 **298** Routine Name: RCDPETTM Before: n/a After:B189296632 **298** Routine Name: RCDPETTP Before: n/a After: B4906426 **298** Routine Name: RCDPETTQ Before: n/a After: B30669370 **298** Routine Name: RCDPETTU Before: n/a After:B117602125 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEUPO Before: n/a After: B40462165 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEV Before: B37749611 After: B38492428 **208,138,298** Routine Name: RCDPEV0 Before: B24403974 After: B24203052 **208,261,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL Before: B44600003 After: B68499983 **173,208,269,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL0 Before: B83670852 After:B153865640 **173,208,252,269,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL1 Before: B53027767 After: B68166367 **173,208,222,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL2 Before: B84334841 After: B85809764 **173,208,269,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL4 Before: B48717166 After: B46490209 **173,208,269,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL6 Before: B83585540 After: B80720367 **173,208,222,276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL7 Before: B93160515 After: B96884750 **208,222,269,276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWL8 Before: B78778752 After: B82558343 **208,269,276,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWLA Before: B49000254 After: B59960871 **173,208,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWLB Before: B46624897 After: B49175831 **208,298** Routine Name: RCDPEWLP Before: n/a After:B164916639 **298** Routine Name: RCDPEX Before: B76642906 After: B80310750 **173,208,269,298** Routine Name: RCDPEX1 Before: B15098572 After: B18257259 **173,262,298** Routine Name: RCDPEX2 Before: B15963944 After: B22431438 **173,269,298** Routine Name: RCDPEX31 Before: B37980620 After: B40819762 **173,208,298** Routine Name: RCDPEX32 Before: B30120865 After: B48567496 **173,249,298** Routine Name: RCDPEX4 Before: n/a After: B11626090 **298** Routine Name: RCDPURE1 Before: B57024051 After: B60661584 **114,148,153,169,204,173,214, 217,296,298** Routine Name: RCDPUREC Before: B76306195 After:B104492015 **114,148,169,173,208,222,293,298** Routine Name: RCMSITE Before: B7163985 After: B8419776 **173,236,253,298** Routine list of preceding patches: 138, 220, 233, 249, 253, 261, 262, 271 293, 296 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : SEP 23, 2013 Completed By: Date Completed: APR 24, 2015 Released By : Date Released : MAY 14, 2015 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included