$TXT Created by at ADM1S1.AAC.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Tuesday, 01/16/18 at 20:54 ============================================================================= Run Date: APR 02, 2018 Designation: LBR*2.5*15 Package : LBR - LIBRARY Priority: Mandatory Version : 2.5 SEQ #14 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAY 03, 2018 ============================================================================= Subject: LIBRARY DECOMMISSION Category: - Data Dictionary - Input Template - Print Template - Routine - Sort Template - Other Description: ============ ****************************************************************************** All scheduled Library options must be unscheduled before installing this patch. ****************************************************************************** This patch will retire the Library (LBR) version 2.5 package. All national components associated with the Library package will be removed. Every site may not have all of the listed components. 1. The following Library options will be removed. Serials Control [LBRY SER TECH MENU] Check-in [LBRY SERIALS CHECK-IN] Return from Routing [LBRY RTN FRM ROUTING] History of Check-in [LBRY HIST CHK-IN] Reprint Routing Slips [LBRY REPRINT ROUTING] Library Management [LBRYZ MANAGER] Serials Management [LBRY SER MGT] Library Site Parameters [LBRY SITE PRMTERS] Serials Titles [LBRY SER TITLE EDT] Remove Serial Title from Database [LBRY RMV SER TITLE] Library Supporting Files [LBRY SER SUP EDIT] Library Title Setup [LBRY BRF CKIN SETUP] Copy Specific Edit [LBRY COPY EDT] Name Entries [LBRY ROUTING LIST ENTRIES EDIT] Medical Center Files [LBRY SITE CORE FILES] Hospital Service File [LBRY HOSP SERV EDT] Item Placement Location Entries [LBRY ITEM PLACEMENT LOCATION] VALNET Library Package [LBRY MAIN MENU] Select Library Site [LBRY SITE SELECT] Title Specific Edit [LBRY TITLE(SER) EDT] View Routing Information [LBRY VIEW ROUTING] Serial Holdings Inquiry [LBRY INQ SER HOLD] Missing Issues List [LBRY MISSING ISSUE] Holdings Setup [LBRY BIBLI EDIT] Purchasing Information Edit [LBRY FINANCE EDIT] Titles Due for Renewal [LBRY TITLES DUE RENEWAL] Subject Setup [LBRY SUBJECT EDIT] Indexing Sources Setup [LBRY INDEXING SOURCES] Serials Titles Reports [LBRY SER TITLES REPORTS] Other Serials Reports [LBRY SER OTHER REPORTS] All Serials Titles [LBRY TITLES ALPHABETICAL] Local Titles by Location [LBRY TITLES LOCATION] Local Titles by Vendor [LBRY TITLES VENDOR] Local Microfilm Titles [LBRY MICROFILM] Local Medical Titles [LBRY MEDICAL TITLES] Local Patient Titles [LBRY PATIENT TITLES] Local Administrative Titles [LBRY ADMINISTRATIVE TITLES] Local Donor Titles [LBRY DONOR TITLES] New Local Titles [LBRY NEW LOCAL TITLES] Local Gaps List [LBRY GAPS LIST] Outstanding Routed to Return Issues [LBRY MISSING R-T-R] List of Recipients [LBRY RECIPIENTS] List of Routed or Routed to Return titles [LBRY R OR R-T-R] Titles by Union Lists [LBRY UNION LISTS] For-your-information titles [LBRY FOR-YOUR-INFORMATION] Library Patron Options [LBRY PATRON OPTIONS] Patron Requests for the Local Library [LBRY PATRON REQUESTS] Reports for Patrons [LBRY PATRONS REPORTS] Medical Subscriptions with Cost [LBRY MEDICAL SUBSCRIPTIONS] Local Patient Subscriptions [LBRY PATIENT SUBSCRIPTIONS] Administrative Titles with Recipients [LBRY ADMIN RECIPIENTS] Library Monthly Statistical Report [LBRY MONTHLY STATISTICAL] General Serials Control Information [LBRY OVERVIEW #2] PURGE Journal Date/s from a Title [LBRY PURGE] Journal Title Availability Inquiry [LBRY PATRON TITLES] Subject List of Journals Available [LBRY PATRON SUBJECT] Serials Technician Main Menu [LBRY SER MAIN MENU] Purchasing Information Update [LBRY PURCHASING UPDATE] NEW LIBRARY SERVER [LBRYSRV] SEND LIBRARY TRANSACTIONS [LBRY TRAN SEND] PROCESS THE TRANSACTIONS FROM FORUM [LBRY TRAN PROCESS] PURGE LIBRARY TRANSACTIONS [LBRY TRAN PURGE] National files reports [LBRY NANCY REPORTS] Library Management [LBRY MANAGER] Library Transaction Report [LBRY TRAN REPORT] Process Titles from FORUM Manually [LBRY TRAN MAN] Resubmit Local Titles to FORUM [LBRY RESUB LOCAL] Integrate Library Data [LBRY INT INTEGRATE DATA] Prepare Library Data [LBRY INT PREPARE DATA] Add a local vendor (COREFLS) [LBRY LOCAL VENDOR ADD] COREFLS Conversion of old vendors [LBRY COREFLS CONVERSION] General Library Package Information [LBRY OVERVIEW] Hospital Service File [LBRY HOSP SERV] 2. The following Library input templates will be removed. LBRY SITE LBRY D2 LBRY CONTACTS ROUTING LBRY D1 LBRY CHECK-IN SETUP LBRY INSERT LBRY JOURNAL DATE EDIT LBRY CHECK-IN SETUP LBRY BIBLIOGRAPHIC ENTRY LBRY FINANCIAL ENTRY LBRY INDEXING EDIT LBRY PREDICT INSERT LBRY PURCHASING UPDATE LBRYLTF LBRYREC LBRYFRUP LBRYPUUP LBRYPPUP LBRY TITLE SETUP LBRY LOCAL SETUP LBRYINUP LBRY SITE2 LBRY D3 LBRY D4 LBRY BIBLIOGRAPHIC 2 ENTRY 3. The following Library sort templates will be removed. LBRY TITLE ALPHABETICAL LBRY TITLE LOCATION LBRY GAPS LIST LBRY MICROFILM HOLDINGS LBRY SUBSCRIPTION/VENDOR LBRY RECIPIENTS BY TITLE LBRY RECIPIENTS WITH TITLES LBRY MICROFILM VENDOR LBRY MEDICAL HOLDINGS TEMP LBRY MEDICAL BY SUBJECT LBRY MEDICAL SUBSCRIPTIONS LBRY PATIENT HOLDINGS LBRY ADMIN TITLES LBRY DONOR TITLES LBRY PATIENT TITLES LBRY PATIENT TITLES BRIEF LBRY ROUTE-TO-RETURN LBRY FYI LIST LBRY ADMIN RECIPIENTS LBRY UNION LIST CODE LBRY NEW LOCAL TITLES LBRY MISSING ISSUES LIST LBRY MEDICAL HOLDINGS LBRY SUB1 LBRY MINE CRP LBRY X LBRY ARLIS LBRY TAF SORT LBRY LOCAL HOLDINGS SORT LBRY TITLE ALPHABETICAL LBRY TITLES DUE RENEWAL LBRY SUBSCRIPTION/VENDOR 2 LBRY MICROFILM VENDOR 2 LBRY MISSING ISSUES LIST 2 4. The following Library print templates will be removed. LBRY MISSING ISSUES LIST LBRY MISSING ISSUES HEADER LBRY TITLE ALPHABETICAL LBRY TITLE ALPHABETICAL BRIEF LBRY TITLE LOCATION LBRY TITLE LOCATION BRIEF LBRY GAPS LIST LBRY MICROFILM HOLDINGS LBRY SUBSCRIPTION/VENDOR LBRY TESTING BAD FILES LBRY RECIPIENTS BY TITLE LBRY RECIPIENTS WITH TITLES LBRY MICROFILM VENDOR LBRY MEDICAL HOLDINGS LBRY BRIEF MEDICAL HOLD TEMP LBRY MEDICAL BY SUBJECT LBRY BRIEF MEDICAL/SUBJECT LBRY MEDICAL SUBSCRIPTIONS LBRY PATIENT HOLDINGS LBRY ADMIN TITLES LBRY DONOR TITLES LBRY PATIENT TITLES LBRY PATIENT TITLES BRIEF LBRY ROUTE-TO-RETURN LBRY FYI LIST LBRY ADMIN RECIPIENTS LBRY UNION LIST CODE LBRY UNION LIST BRIEF LBRY NEW LOCAL TITLES LBRY PATRON TITLES LBRY BRIEF MEDICAL HOLDINGS LBRY SUB1 LBRY TITLE ALPHABETICAL LBRY TITLE ALPHABETICAL BRIEF LBRY TITLES DUE RENEWAL LBRY MICROFILM HOLDINGS 2 LBRY TITLES DUE RENEWAL 2 LBRY MISSING ISSUES LIST 2 5. The following Library help frames will be removed. LBRY SERIALS CHECK-IN LBRY SERIALS RETURN LBRY SERIALS VIEW LBRY RET LBRY SITE PARAMETERS1 LBRY HIS LBRY CHECK-IN LBRY LSF LBRY IPL LBRY SET LBRY CSE LBRY MCF LBRY RST LBRY HSF2 LBRY RRS LBRY LSM LBRY SER LBRY SITE PARAMETERS2 LBRY CHEX LBRY ENTERING LBRY MANAGEMENT LBRY HSF1 LBRY INTEGRITY LBRY SEARCH STRATEGY LBRY SEARCH EXAMPLE LBRY ADDING TITLES LBRY ROUTING ORDER LBRY TOC LBRY COMPLETION LBRY HISTORY VIEW LBRY SITECONTINUE LBRY ADDINGCONTINUE LBRY CSECONTINUE LBRY CHECKCONTINUE LBRY CHEXCONTINUE LBRY INSERT LBRY SERIALSCONTINUE LBRY NOTESCONTINUE LBRY CSE CHOICE PROMPT LBRY ROUTING LBRY MANAGEMENT2 LBRY HSF3 LBRY SUB LBRY NME LBRY PLACE LBRY LTS LBRY ENTRY LBRY HOL LBRY PIE LBRY BIB LBRY LTS EXAMPLE LBRY ADDING2 LBRY CONADD LBRY NOTES LBRY FYI LBRY COPIES LBRY INACTIVE LBRY CSECONTINUE2 LBRY ALTER LBRY ROUTING EXAMPLE LBRY EDITROUTE LBRY EDITROUTE2 LBRY REMOVE LBRY EDIT LBRY FUTURE LBRY START LBRY START2 LBRY SUBJECT LBRY LOCATION LBRY MICROFILM LBRY CATEGORY LBRY MORE LBRY UNION LBRY RECOMMEND LBRY STATEMENT LBRY RETENTION LBRY RENEWAL LBRY INITIAL LOGON LBRY SERVICE LBRY FUNDING LBRY STR LBRY CHECKSUM LBRY OSR LBRY ADV INSERT LBRY SEQUENCE LBRY CHEX2 LBRY STATUS LBRY CHOICES LBRY CHOICES2 LBRY MULTIPLE LBRY MULTIPLE2 LBRY SITE MANAGER LBRY FIRST LOCATION LBRY DELETE FIRSTLOC LBRY SITECONTINUE2 LBRY DELETING2 LBRY STR2 LBRY MISSING ISSUE LBRY TITLES ALPHABETICAL LBRY TITLES LOCATION LBRY TITLES VENDOR LBRY MICROFILM TITLES LBRY MEDICAL SUBSCRIPTIONS LBRY PATIENT TITLES LBRY ADMINISTRATIVE TITLES LBRY DONOR TITLES LBRY NEW LOCAL TITLES LBRY MEDICAL TITLES LBRY PATIENT SUBSCRIPTIONS LBRY OSR2 LBRY TITLES DUE RENEWAL LBRY GAPS LIST LBRY MISSING R-T-R LBRY RECIPIENTS LBRY UNION LISTS LBRY FOR-YOUR-INFORMATION LBRY ADMIN RECIPIENTS LBRY MONTHLY STATISTICAL LBRY START WITH LBRY DEVICE PROMPT LBRY RECIPIENTS2 LBRY START WITH NULL LBRY NEW LBRY STARTEXAMPLE LBRY DETAILED/BRIEF LBRY GEN LBRY GEN2 LBRY TAF LBRY HELP LBRY ABBREV LBRY CONVENTIONS LBRY MANUALS LBRY ORDER LBRY FEATURES LBRY SIUG LBRY FRAMES LBRY FRAMES2 LBRY FRAMES3 LBRY ABBREV2 LBRY ABBREV3 LBRY ABBREV4 LBRY SPACE LBRY JUMP LBRY EDITING LBRY DELETE LBRY QUEUING LBRY ORDER2 LBRY ORDER3 LBRY INSERTEX LBRY INSERTEX2 LBRY FINDTITLE LBRY TRUNCATION LBRY TRUNCATION2 LBRY FRAMES4 LBRY TAF2 LBRY TAF3 LBRY REPLACE LBRY HALTING LBRY ID NUM LBRY PREDICTION LBRY PREDICTION2 LBRY PREDICTION3 LBRY PREDICTION4 LBRY PREDICTION5 LBRY PREDICTION6 LBRY GENERIC HELP PROMPT LBRY INACTIVE HELP PROMPT LBRY F-Y-I HELP PROMPT LBRY NLM HELP ?? LBRY ROUTING HELP ?? LBRY MICROFILM ?? LBRY SUBJECT ?? LBRY GAPS ?? LBRY STOP LBRY HINTS LBRY SAME TITLE LBRY INITIALISMS LBRY PURGE ?? LBRY POP-UP ?? LBRY FUNDING ?? LBRY SUBJECT NAME ?? LBRY NAME ?? LBRY ITEM PLACEMENT NAME ?? LBRY FILE MISSING LBRY DEFAULT LBRY BIB INFO EXAMPLE LBRY PUNCTUATION LBRY AMPERSAND LBRY PREDICTION7 LBRY CHECK-IN EDIT ?? LBRY BRIEF ?? LBRY DETAILED ?? LBRY PREDICTION POP-UP LBRY SKIP TEST ?? LBRY ADP DIRECTORY UPDATES LBRY ADP DIRECTORY LBRY TYPES OF EQUIPMENT LBRY ADP HARDWARE LBRY FACILITY ADP OVERVIEW LBRY ADP SOFTWARE REPORT LBRY EXAMPLE - ADP HARDWARE LBRY EXAMPLE2 - ADP HARDWARE LBRY ULP BIBRECORD LBRY ULP TITLE TRUNCATION LBRY ULP SAME TITLE LBRY ULP DIRECTORY LBRY ULP HOLDINGS LBRY ULP WORDS/FRAGMENTS LBRY ULP ISSN LBRY ULP SYNONYMS LBRY ULP HINTS LBRY ULP PUNCTUATION LBRY ULP AMPERSAND LBRY ULP BIBDISPLAY LBRY ULP BIBDISPLAY2 LBRY ULP REPORTS CONTINUED LBRY ULP LIBRARY ULP REPORTS 6. The following Library Bulletins will be removed. LBRYFORUM LBRYMANL 7. The following Library mail groups will be removed. LBRYUPDT LBRYFORUM 8. The following Library security keys will be removed. LBRYIRM LBRY LOCAL VENDOR 9. The following Library routines will be removed. If after the patch is installed there are still routines starting with LBR, then the site will be responsible for reviewing and deleting those routines. LBR256EN LBR258P LBR25P12 LBR25P9 LBR25P9V LBRCSL LBREDIT LBRLCNV LBRLCONV LBRLM LBRLP LBRLP0 LBRLP1 LBRLP2 LBRLP3 LBRLP31 LBRLP4 LBRLP5 LBRLP6 LBRLP7 LBRLPRG LBRLSITE LBRLT LBRLTST LBRNCNV1 LBRNCNV2 LBRNCNV3 LBRNTEG LBRPUTL LBRTCNV1 LBRTCNV2 LBRTCNV3 LBRTCNV4 LBRTCNV5 LBRVC681 LBRVC682 LBRVCLN LBRVCON1 LBRVCON2 LBRVCON3 LBRVCON9 LBRVCOND LBRVCONE LBRVCONP LBRVCONS LBRVCONV LBRVCONX LBRVENV LBRVPOST LBRVPRE LBRVPRIN LBRVRSEQ LBRY LBRYADP LBRYADP2 LBRYADP3 LBRYADPL LBRYADR LBRYALA LBRYALA1 LBRYASK LBRYASR LBRYCK LBRYCK0 LBRYCK1 LBRYCK2 LBRYCK3 LBRYCK4 LBRYCK5 LBRYCSE LBRYCSE0 LBRYDELP LBRYDSP LBRYDSP1 LBRYDWN LBRYEDI LBRYEDR LBRYET1 LBRYET2 LBRYET3 LBRYF01 LBRYFEDR LBRYFIN1 LBRYFINP LBRYFLST LBRYFRP2 LBRYFRPT LBRYFSN1 LBRYFSN2 LBRYFSND LBRYFSRV LBRYHD LBRYHD1 LBRYHIS LBRYHIS0 LBRYHIS1 LBRYHIS2 LBRYHLD LBRYHLD1 LBRYHLD2 LBRYHOL LBRYHSF LBRYHSP LBRYIPRE LBRYKILL LBRYLIPL LBRYLSL LBRYLSR LBRYLSR1 LBRYLST LBRYLTF LBRYMNLM LBRYMSTN LBRYMTCN LBRYNFU LBRYNLMC LBRYNLMP LBRYNLMT LBRYNLT1 LBRYNLT2 LBRYNLTT LBRYNSTL LBRYNTE0 LBRYNTE1 LBRYNTE2 LBRYNTE3 LBRYNTE4 LBRYNTE5 LBRYNTE6 LBRYNTE7 LBRYNTEG LBRYPG LBRYPG0 LBRYPG1 LBRYPG2 LBRYPG3 LBRYPPR LBRYPPR0 LBRYPRC1 LBRYPRC2 LBRYPRCM LBRYPRCS LBRYPRG LBRYPT1 LBRYQRY LBRYREGN LBRYREPT LBRYRET LBRYRET0 LBRYRET1 LBRYRET2 LBRYRLE LBRYRPT LBRYRPT0 LBRYRPT1 LBRYRPT2 LBRYRRS LBRYRRS0 LBRYRSLT LBRYRST LBRYRTX LBRYSEND LBRYSITE LBRYSRV LBRYSRV1 LBRYSTA LBRYSTR0 LBRYTAPE LBRYTRN LBRYTST LBRYUE LBRYUED LBRYULP LBRYUSER LBRYUST LBRYUTL LBRYX1 LBRYX11 LBRYX12 LBRYX13 LBRYX14 LBRYX15 LBRYX16 LBRYX2 LBRYX21 LBRYX22 LBRYX23 LBRYX24 LBRYX3 LBRYX31 LBRYX32 LBRYX33 LBRYX34 LBRYX4 LBRYX41 LBRYX42 LBRYX43 LBRYX44 LBRYX45 LBRYX46 LBRYX5 LBRYX51 LBRYX52 LBRYX53 LBRYX54 LBRYX6 LBRYX61 LBRYX62 LBRYX63 LBRYX64 LBRYX6A LBRYX6A1 LBRYX6A2 LBRYX6A3 LBRYX6A4 LBRYX7 LBRYX71 LBRYX72 LBRYX73 LBRYX74 LBRYX75 LBRYX76 LBRYX77 LBRYX78 LBRYX8 LBRYX81 LBRYX82 LBRYX83 LBRYX84 LBRYX85 LBRYX86 LBRYX87 LBRYX88 LBRYX9 LBRYX91 LBRYX92 LBRYX93 LBRYX94 10. The following Library files and data will be removed. LOCAL SERIALS file (#680) PUBLISHER file (#680.1) FREQUENCY file (#680.2) SUBJECT file (#680.3) NAME file (#680.4) TITLE AUTHORITY file (#680.5) LIBRARY PARAMETERS file (#680.6) LBRY ITEM PLACEMENT LOCATION file (#680.7) INDEXING SOURCES file (#680.8) PREDICTION PATTERN file (#680.9) LBRY DISPOSITION file (#681) COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION file (#681.1) LBRY ISSUE file (#682) LIBRARY TRANSACTIONS file (#682.1) AAHSST PROGRAM file (#686) AAHSST SITE file (#686.11) AAHSST STATISTICS file (#686.12) AAHSST MISCELLANEOUS file (#686.13) AAHSST SATELLITE file (#686.14) 11. A background job will be tasked when the patch is installed to remove the Library files and data. Upon completion of the job, a MailMan message with the subject "Library Package Data & Data Dictionary Removal" is generated showing a list of files that were deleted. If there are routines that begin with LBR that were not removed, then they will be listed in the message. These routines will need to be reviewed by IRM to determine if they should be removed. 12. Any remaining local Library components will need to be manually reviewed and removed from each site. ASSOCIATED NSR(S): ================== N/A ASSOCIATED TICKET(S): ===================== N/A PARTICIPATING TEST SITES: ========================= Alexandria VAMC Huntington VAMC Installation Instructions: ========================== Installation will take approximately 10 minutes. Suggested time to install: Non-peak requirement hours. NOTE: *** Please ensure any scheduled LBR options are unscheduled *** 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. From the Kernel Installation & Distribution System menu, select the Installation menu. 3. From this menu, you may select to use the following options: (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter LBR*2.5*15) a. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. b. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. c. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). d. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. 4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package LBR*2.5*15. 5. When Prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" respond NO. 6. When Prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" respond NO. 7. Review the installation message for notifications. 8. You may delete the routine LBR25P15 from your production system after the patch has been successfully tested. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;2.5;Library;**[Patch List]**;Mar 11, 1996;Build 10 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: LBR256EN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBR258P Before: B4476345 After: Delete Routine Name: LBR25P12 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBR25P15 Before: n/a After: B15463305 **15** Routine Name: LBR25P9 Before: B3360171 After: Delete Routine Name: LBR25P9V Before: B23191789 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRCSL Before: B500996 After: Delete Routine Name: LBREDIT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLCNV Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLCONV Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLM Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP0 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP31 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP4 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP5 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP6 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLP7 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLPRG Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLSITE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRLTST Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRNCNV1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRNCNV2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRNCNV3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRNTEG Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRPUTL Before: B4409267 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRTCNV1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRTCNV2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRTCNV3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRTCNV4 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRTCNV5 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVC681 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVC682 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCLN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCON1 Before: B2611033 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCON2 Before: B13414315 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCON3 Before: B11017202 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCON9 Before: B3237470 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCOND Before: B28481821 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCONE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCONP Before: B10811860 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCONS Before: B25695189 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCONV Before: B5732048 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVCONX Before: B5860705 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVENV Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVPOST Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVPRE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVPRIN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRVRSEQ Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRY Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYADP Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYADP2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYADP3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYADPL Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYADR Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYALA Before: B4052276 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYALA1 Before: B2125020 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYASK Before: B1132304 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYASR Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCK Before: B15996193 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCK0 Before: B13395161 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCK1 Before: B14879784 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCK2 Before: B6667366 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCK3 Before: B6554282 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCK4 Before: B8921675 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCK5 Before: B1488320 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCSE Before: B18134746 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYCSE0 Before: B7123215 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYDELP Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYDSP Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYDSP1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYDWN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYEDI Before: B4885485 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYEDR Before: B985166 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYET1 Before: B6478773 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYET2 Before: B3860459 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYET3 Before: B408866 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYF01 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFEDR Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFIN1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFINP Before: B3231841 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFLST Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFRP2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFRPT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFSN1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFSN2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFSND Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYFSRV Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHD Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHD1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHIS Before: B11619109 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHIS0 Before: B6034597 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHIS1 Before: B4953453 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHIS2 Before: B1467019 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHLD Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHLD1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHLD2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHOL Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHSF Before: B415226 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYHSP Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYIPRE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYKILL Before: B619451 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYLIPL Before: B778193 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYLSL Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYLSR Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYLSR1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYLST Before: B15447641 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYLTF Before: B3635836 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYMNLM Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYMSTN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYMTCN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNFU Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNLMC Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNLMP Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNLMT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNLT1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNLT2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNLTT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNSTL Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE0 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE4 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE5 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE6 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTE7 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYNTEG Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPG Before: B10501660 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPG0 Before: B1432705 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPG1 Before: B4721912 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPG2 Before: B1977183 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPG3 Before: B1481685 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPPR Before: B15392736 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPPR0 Before: B5650276 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPRC1 Before: B7547949 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPRC2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPRCM Before: B11416056 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPRCS Before: B10586120 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPRG Before: B706874 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYPT1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYQRY Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYREGN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYREPT Before: B1012931 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRET Before: B11592220 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRET0 Before: B5173674 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRET1 Before: B5793858 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRET2 Before: B6380655 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRLE Before: B1189249 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRPT Before: B25967108 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRPT0 Before: B21756464 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRPT1 Before: B5942729 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRPT2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRRS Before: B2192084 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRRS0 Before: B5922082 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRSLT Before: B1698111 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRST Before: B12319674 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYRTX Before: B12359855 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYSEND Before: B5273590 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYSITE Before: B4466209 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYSRV Before: B7678102 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYSRV1 Before: B3804827 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYSTA Before: B5434356 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYSTR0 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYTAPE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYTRN Before: B6653903 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYTST Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYUE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYUED Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYULP Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYUSER Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYUST Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYUTL Before: B8862657 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX1 Before: B7693982 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX11 Before: B503515 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX12 Before: B437732 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX13 Before: B528543 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX14 Before: B594859 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX15 Before: B439819 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX16 Before: B538318 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX2 Before: B7314380 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX21 Before: B1125982 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX22 Before: B669668 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX23 Before: B1194572 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX24 Before: B688317 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX3 Before: B7315147 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX31 Before: B2083275 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX32 Before: B2230445 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX33 Before: B2283843 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX34 Before: B2741493 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX4 Before: B7718955 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX41 Before: B1341735 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX42 Before: B454988 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX43 Before: B431209 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX44 Before: B1418813 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX45 Before: B457333 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX46 Before: B433473 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX5 Before: B7320983 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX51 Before: B1156236 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX52 Before: B440295 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX53 Before: B1736965 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX54 Before: B442551 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX6 Before: B6568848 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX61 Before: B134911 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX62 Before: B678467 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX63 Before: B141378 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX64 Before: B687174 After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX6A Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX6A1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX6A2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX6A3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX6A4 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX7 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX71 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX72 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX73 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX74 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX75 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX76 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX77 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX78 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX8 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX81 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX82 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX83 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX84 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX85 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX86 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX87 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX88 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX9 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX91 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX92 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX93 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: LBRYX94 Before: n/a After: Delete ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : DEC 29, 2017 Completed By: Date Completed: MAR 29, 2018 Released By : Date Released : APR 02, 2018 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT