============================================================================= Run Date: DEC 26, 2018 Designation: DG*5.3*941 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #850 Status: Released Compliance Date: JAN 26, 2019 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*664 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*941' (v)DG*5.3*935 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*941' (v)DG*5.3*940 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*941' (v)DG*5.3*944 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*941' Subject: ADDRESS TYPE OF RESIDENTIAL, ADDR UPDATES AND HEALTH BENE PLAN UPDATE Category: - Data Dictionary - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Other Description: ============ ************************ A T T E N T I O N ************************** After installing this patch, please ensure that you follow the Residential Address VistA Parameters Special Instructions under the Post-Installation section of this patch description. Failure to take this action immediately after install will result in failure to upload the demographic updates from the Z05 messages. ********************************************************************** Patch DG*5.3*941 is being released to support the enhancements for the Enterprise Health Benefits Determination (EHBD) program that focuses on updates for the Enrollment System Modernization (ESM) project, which supports Enrollment System Community Care (ESCC). DG*5.3*941 is being released with IVM*2.0*164 and EAS*1.0*151 in Host File DG_53_P941.KID. DG*5.3*941 is also being released in support of the Enrollment System (ES) 5.2 release. Refer to Informational Patch EAS*1.0*159 (Enrollment Application System) for additional details regarding the ES release. With the install of this patch: A new address type of Residential Address can be viewed, added or updated in Veterans Health Information System and Technology Architecture (VistA) Registration, Eligibility, & Enrollment (REE). This address is used by Enrollment and Eligibility to retain the geographic residence of an applicant or patient. It supports the Enrollment System Community Care (ESCC) program's need to determine geographic distance from a treatment facility. A Residential Address street address cannot include a P.O. Box. A new field "Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) Certified" was added to all address types to store whether postal addresses meet United States Postal Service (USPS) format standards. The CASS Certified field will not be displayed or shared in Address Application Program Interfaces (APIs). The Residential Address is available for viewing in other VistA packages via Integration Control Registration (ICR) 2041 and 10037. This patch also includes a Health Benefit Plan name change. This is described in the Pre/Post Installation Overview section below. VistA can receive from the Enrollment System a new value for the Change Source associated with the Residential Address, Permanent Address, Residential Phone Number, Cellular Phone Number and Email Address. The new value is "VET360" and VistA will accept and store it in the corresponding PATIENT file (#2) field. The value of "VET360" refers to a central repository for patient contact information which is also used for address validation. A defect was resolved by revising address type labels on the Patient Address Update [DG ADDRESS UPDATE] Option to be consistent with the changes made with Patch DG*5.3*925. Listing of Updates: =================== This patch makes the following enhancements to VistA REE: PART 1: New Address Type of Residential ======================================= 1. The PATIENT file (#2) includes a new address type of Residential Address consisting of the following fields: a. CASS Certified (system-generated and not displayed) RESIDENTIAL ADDR CASS IND b. Country RESIDENTIAL COUNTRY c. Address Line 1 RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 1] d. Address Line 2 RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 2] e. Address Line 3 RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 3] f. Zip Code (4 Digit Extension) RESIDENTIAL ZIP+4 g. City RESIDENTIAL CITY h. State RESIDENTIAL STATE i. County RESIDENTIAL COUNTY j. Postal Code RESIDENTIAL POSTAL CODE k. Province RESIDENTIAL PROVINCE l. Source of Change RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE SOURCE m. Site of Change RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE SITE n. Last Update (system-generated, view only) RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE DT/TM 2. The following menu options incorporate the Address changes listed below: Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Patient Inquiry [DG PATIENT INQUIRY] Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Admit a Patient [DG ADMIT PATIENT] 3. Validation and consistency rules are consistent with those used for the Permanent Mailing Address unless specified herein. 4. When creating or modifying the Residential Address, the fields and prompts are as shown. a. Country - Required. Defaults to UNITED STATES. Selection limited to the list of countries from the COUNTRY CODE file (#779.004). For an existing address, the Country on-file is displayed. b. Address Line 1 - Optional, but required for saving. Free Text 3-35 characters. c. Address Line 2 - Optional. Free Text 3-30 characters. d. Address Line 3 - Optional. Free Text 3-30 characters. 5. VistA uses the selected Country to determine the following fields presented to the user. a. If Country = UNITED STATES: i. Zip Code - Optional, but required for saving. Selection must be a valid zip code from the ZIP CODE file (#5.11). Once a Zip Code is entered, the State and County will be populated automatically. ii. City - Optional, but required for saving. Selection is derived from the zip code and user may be presented with more than one choice. b. If Country is not UNITED STATES: i. City - Optional, but required for saving. Free Text 2-15 characters. ii. Province - Optional. Free Text 1-20 characters. iii. Postal Code - Optional. Free Text 1-10 characters. 6. VistA then prompts for the two phone number fields below. a. Phone Number [RESIDENCE] - Optional. Free Text 4-20 characters. b. Phone Number [WORK] - Optional. Free Text 4-20 characters. 7. VistA then prompts for confirmation to save the changes to the Address fields. The previous residential address fields are displayed along with the updated fields. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * [OLD RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] 123 MAIN STREET APT 2 CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60606 UNITED STATES County: COOK 031 [NEW RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] 123 MAIN STREET UNIT 2 MILFORD,MASSACHUSETTS 01757 UNITED STATES County: WORCESTER 027 Are you sure that you want to save the ADDRESS changes? END SCREEN CAPTURE * 8. If the user answers "N", the changes are discarded. 9. If the user answers "Y", VistA validates the address entered. If the address passes validation the changes are saved. If the validation fails, VistA rejects the changes, informs the user, and presents the user with a message indicating the validation failure. The validation consists of two steps. a. The following fields are required and may not be empty. - Address Line 1 - City - State (for domestic address only) - Zip Code (for domestic address only) b. The address must be a valid residential address. See PART 2: Determine Non-Residential Address. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * [OLD RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] 123 MAIN STREET APT 2 CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60606 UNITED STATES County: COOK 031 [NEW RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60606 UNITED STATES County: COOK 031 Are you sure that you want to save the ADDRESS changes? YES RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 1], ZIP CODE and CITY fields are required. RESIDENTIAL COUNTRY: UNITED STATES// END SCREEN CAPTURE * BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * [OLD RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] 123 MAIN STREET APT 2 CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60606 UNITED STATES County: COOK 031 [NEW RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] P.O. BOX 123 APT 2 CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60606 UNITED STATES County: COOK 031 Are you sure that you want to save the ADDRESS changes? YES You cannot enter 'P.O. Box' or 'General Delivery' for a Residential Address. RESIDENTIAL COUNTRY: UNITED STATES// END SCREEN CAPTURE * 10. VistA then prompts for confirmation to save the changes to the Phone Number fields. The previous phone number fields are displayed along with the updated phone numbers. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * [OLD PHONE NUMBERS] Phone: 555-555-5555 Office: [NEW PHONE NUMBERS] Phone: 111-222-3333 Office: 123-456-7890 Are you sure that you want to save the PHONE changes? 11. If the user answers "Y", the changes are saved. If the user answers "N", the changes are discarded. 12. After the phone number is processed, if the address validation described above had failed, the user is returned to the RESIDENTIAL COUNTRY prompt. 13. When the user has completed editing a Residential Address and phone Numbers, VistA prompts the user "Copy the Residential Address to the Permanent Mailing Address? NO//". a. If the user selects "Yes", VistA copies the Residential Address fields to the Permanent Mailing Address, displays the Permanent Mailing Address fields and requests confirmation to update. b. If the user selects "No", the copy is canceled and VistA returns to SCREEN <1.1>. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * RESIDENTIAL COUNTRY: UNITED STATES// UNITED STATES USA United States RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 1]: 14 MAIN STREET// 123 MAPLE AVE RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 2]: APT 2// @ RESIDENTIAL ZIP+4: 01757// 60606 Select one of the following: 1 CHICAGO* RESIDENTIAL CITY: MILFORD// 1 CHICAGO* STATE: ILLINOIS COUNTY: COOK PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE]: 555-555-5555// 312-555-5555 PHONE NUMBER [WORK]: 312-444-4444 [OLD RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] 14 MAIN STREET APT 2 MILFORD,MASSACHUSETTS 01757 UNITED STATES County: WORCESTER 027 [NEW RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS] 123 MAPLE AVE CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60606 UNITED STATES County: COOK 031 Are you sure that you want to save the ADDRESS changes? YES Change saved. Press ENTER to continue: [OLD PHONE NUMBERS] Phone: 555-555-5555 Office: [NEW PHONE NUMBERS] Phone: 312-555-5555 Office: 312-444-4444 Are you sure that you want to save the PHONE changes? YES Change saved. Press ENTER to continue: Copy the Residential Address to the Permanent Mailing Address? NO// YES Residential Address to copy to the Permanent Mailing Address: 123 MAPLE AVE County: COOK(031) CHICAGO,IL 60606 UNITED STATES Are you sure you want to copy? // YES Copy completed. Press ENTER to continue: END SCREEN CAPTURE * 14. The user cannot exit the Residential Address prompts by entering an up-carat "^". 15. The Last Update field is system generated and displayed as view-only, for example in the EAS VIEW PATIENT ADDRESS screen. 16. VistA PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> is updated as follows: a. Group [1]: The Phone Number [Residence] and Phone Number [Work] are no longer presented to the user with the Permanent Mailing Address on Registration screens. b. Group [4]: The Permanent Mailing Address group of fields are removed. The fields 'Cell Phone', 'Pager #' and 'Email Address' are added. c. Group [5]: The fields 'Language Date/Time', 'Preferred Language' are added. Temporary Mailing Address fields are removed. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> REGPATIENT,TESTADDRESS; 666-12-1144 NSC VETERAN ========================================================================== [1] Name: REGPATIENT,TESTADDRESS SS: 666-12-1144 DOB: SEP 1,1965 Family: REGPATIENT Birth Sex: FEMALE MBI: UNANSWERED Given: TESTADDRESS [2] Alias: < No alias entries on file > Middle: Prefix: Suffix: Degree: Self-Identified Gender Identity: UNANSWERED [3] Remarks: NO REMARKS ENTERED FOR THIS PATIENT [4] Cell Phone: 555-123-4567 Pager #: 555-555-5555 Email Address: UNANSWERED [5] Language Date/Time: UNANSWERED Preferred Language: UNANSWERED to CONTINUE, 1-5 or ALL to EDIT, ^N for screen N or '^' to QUIT: END SCREEN CAPTURE * 17. VistA ADDITIONAL PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1.1> is redesigned as follows: a. Group [1] Residential Address is added with the following fields: - Address Line 1 - Address Line 2 - Address Line 3 - City - State, Zip Code, County - for UNITED STATES address - Province, Postal Code - for foreign address - Country (default equals "United States" for a new address) - Phone (Phone Number [Residence]) - Office (Phone Number [Work]) b. Group [2] 'Cell Phone', 'Pager #', and 'Email Address' are removed. c. Group [2] Permanent Mailing Address - is added with the same group of fields as originally presented in SCREEN <1>, group [4], with the removal of the 'Phone:' and 'Office:' fields. d. Group [3] 'Language Date/Time' and 'Preferred Language' are removed. e. Group [3] Temporary Mailing Address is added with the same group of fields as originally presented in SCREEN <1>, group [5]. f. Group [4] Confidential Mailing Address is added - same group of fields as originally presented in ADDITIONAL PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1.1>, group [1]. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * ADDITIONAL PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1.1> REGPATIENT,TESTADDRESS; 666-12-1144 NSC VETERAN ========================================================================== [1] Residential Address: [2] Permanent Mailing Address: 123 MAIN STREET 14 MAPLE AVE MILFORD,MA 31707-10 CHICAGO,IL 60606 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES County: WORCESTER (027) County: COOK (031) Phone: 555-444-4444 Bad Addr: Office: UNANSWERED [3] Temporary Mailing Address: [4] Confidential Mailing Address Address: 123 MAIN STREET NONE ON FILE MILFORD,MA 01757 UNITED STATES County: WORCESTER (027) Phone: UNANSWERED Phone: NOT APPLICABLE From/To: JUL 10,2017-JUL 11,2017 From/To: NOT APPLICABLE Categories: NOT APPLICABLE to CONTINUE, 1-4 or ALL to EDIT, ^N for screen N or '^' to QUIT: END SCREEN CAPTURE * 18. The Demographic Help Screens for SCREEN <1> and SCREEN <1.1> reflect the changes described above in #16 and #17. 19. On the ADDITIONAL PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1.1>, when the user is adding a Permanent Mailing Address that is currently blank and a Residential Address was entered, VistA prompts the user "Copy the Residential Address to the Permanent Mailing Address? NO//". a. If the user selects "Yes", VistA copies the Residential Address fields to the Permanent Mailing Address, and displays the Permanent Mailing Address fields and requests confirmation to add. b. If the user selects "No", VistA proceeds by prompting for each Permanent Mailing Address field. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * ADDITIONAL PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1.1> REGPATIENT,TESTADDRESS; 666-12-1144 NSC VETERAN [1] Residential Address: [2] Permanent Mailing Address: 123 MAIN STREET UNK. CITY/STATE MILFORD,MA 31707-10 UNITED STATES County: WORCESTER (027) County: UNANSWERED Phone: 555-444-4444 Bad Addr: Office: UNANSWERED [3] Temporary Mailing Address: [4] Confidential Mailing Address: 123 MAIN STREET NONE ON FILE MILFORD,MA 01757 UNITED STATES County: WORCESTER (027) Phone: UNANSWERED Phone: NOT APPLICABLE From/To: JUL 10,2017-JUL 11,2017 From/To: NOT APPLICABLE Categories: NOT APPLICABLE to CONTINUE, 1-4 or ALL to EDIT, ^N for screen N or '^' to QUIT: 2 Copy the Residential Address to the Permanent Mailing Address? NO// END SCREEN CAPTURE * 20. On the ADDITIONAL PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1.1>, when the user has edited and saved a Permanent Mailing address and the Permanent Mailing address is an allowable Residential Address (not a P.O. Box or General Delivery and has the required fields) VistA prompts the user "Copy the Permanent Mailing Address to the Residential Address?" - If the user selects "Yes", VistA copies the Permanent Mailing Address fields to the Residential Address, displays the Residential Address fields and requests confirmation to update. BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * This is your current Permanent Mailing Address. 14 MAPLE AVE County: COOK(031) CHICAGO,IL 60606 UNITED STATES Current Residential Address: 123 MAIN STREET County: WORCESTER(027) MILFORD,MA 01757 UNITED STATES Copy the Permanent Mailing Address to the Residential Address? y YES Permanent Mailing Address to copy to Residential Address: 14 MAPLE AVE County: COOK(031) CHICAGO,IL 60606 UNITED STATES Are you sure you want to copy? // END SCREEN CAPTURE * 21. A history of Residential address changes is maintained by VistA via VA FileMan auditing. PART 2: Determine Non-Residential Address ========================================== 1. VistA prevents a user from saving a Residential Address that is in a non-residential format with General Delivery or P.O. Box. A non-residential address is defined as Address Line 1 starting with any of the following in upper case, lower case or mixed case, with or without a period: "Post Office" "P.O." or "PO" "General Delivery" "Box" when immediately followed by a number. 2. The user can enter a non-residential address format when: a. The Veteran's Residential address is Alaska or Hawaii b. The Veteran resides in one of the United States territories (Guam, American Samoa, CNMI (Mariana Islands), U.S. Virgin Islands, or Philippines) 3. If the user attempts to save a Residential Address that violates the non-residential address rules defined above, saving the record is not allowed. The following error message is displayed: "You cannot enter 'P.O. Box' or 'General Delivery' for a Residential Address". PART 3: Patient Address Updates ================================ 1. When editing the Temporary Mailing Address, the prompts for these fields are renamed as follows: a. TEMP MAILING ADDRESS ACTIVE?: b. TEMP MAILING ADDRESS START DATE: c. TEMP MAILING ADDRESS END DATE: BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * TEMP MAILING ADDRESS ACTIVE?: YES YES TEMP MAILING ADDRESS START DATE: T+1 (JAN 24, 2018) TEMP MAILING ADDRESS END DATE: 2/6/18 (FEB 06, 2018) TEMPORARY ADDRESS COUNTRY: UNITED STATES// UNITED STATES USA United States TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 1]: // 999 TEMP AVE. TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 2]: // TEMP SUITE 2 TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 3]: // TEMPORARY ZIP+4: 45212 Select one of the following: 1 CINCINNATI* 2 NORWOOD TEMPORARY CITY: // 2 NORWOOD TEMPORARY STATE: OHIO TEMPORARY COUNTY: HAMILTON TEMPORARY PHONE NUMBER: // 513-908-4455 END SCREEN CAPTURE * 2. In the Patient Address Update [DG ADDRESS UPDATE] option, on the screen for editing the Permanent Mailing Address, the 'PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE]' and 'PHONE NUMBER [OFFICE]' fields are removed. 3. The Patient Inquiry Screen [DG PATIENT INQUIRY] is modified so the first screen mimics the format of SCREEN <1.1>. a. Residential Address group of fields is added. b. Permanent Mailing Address, Temporary Mailing Address, and Confidential Mailing Address groups of fields are shifted on the screen to mimic the same positions as in SCREEN <1.1>. c. The Cell phone number and email remain displayed with the Permanent Mailing Address. 4. A new CASS Certified field was added for Residential Address, (RESIDENTIAL ADDR CASS IND field .1159), Confidential Mailing, (CONFIDENTIAL ADDR CASS IND field .14117), Temporary Mailing, (TEMPORARY ADDR CASS IND field .12115), and Permanent Mailing address, (STREET ADDRESS CASS IND field .1118) types. This new field will be set to "NC" Not Checked when a user enters a new address or edits an existing address. PART 4: Add Residential Address to Address Sharing APIs ======================================================== The VADPT routine includes the Residential Address. It now returns the Residential Address with the Patient Address data. This applies to ICR 10061 at entry point "ADD^VADPT". This provides other VistA packages with the ability to edit the Residential Address, which is planned for a future release. PART 5: ADDRESS CHANGE SOURCE Fields Updates ============================================= The Z05 received from the Enrollment System can include any of the following: Residential or Permanent Address, a Residence or Cellular Phone Number or an Email Address. If VistA accepts the update, now the Change Source can contain the value "VET360" and VistA will store "VET360" in the corresponding PATIENT file (#2) Change Source field. The change source fields are: ADDRESS CHANGE SOURCE (Permanent Address) RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE SOURCE RESIDENCE NUMBER CHANGE SOURCE CELLULAR NUMBER CHANGE SOURCE EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGE SOURCE PART 6: DEFECT - DG Address Update Prompt Labels ================================================= On the screen in the Registration menu option Patient Address Update [DG ADDRESS UPDATE]: The labels in the prompt are modified from "Do you want to update the (P)ermanent Address, (T)emporary Address, or (B)oth?" to "Do you want to update the (P)ermanent Mailing Address, (T)emporary Mailing Address, or (B)oth?". BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE * Select OPTION NAME: DG ADDRESS UPDATE Patient Address Update Patient Address Update Veteran Name/SSN: REGADDRESS, TESTADDRESS 5-1-42 666223939 NO NSC VETERAN Enrollment Priority: GROUP 6 Category: IN PROCESS End Date: Do you want to update the (P)ermanent Mailing Address, (T)emporary Mailing Address, or (B)oth? END SCREEN CAPTURE * PART 7: HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN NAME CORRECTED =========================================== In the HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN file (#25.11) the name of a Health Benefit Plan (HBP) is corrected. "Veteran Plan - VC Unusual and Excessive Burden" is changed to "Veteran Plan - VC Unusual or Excessive Burden." PART 8: PATIENT FILE (#2) ADDRESS TRIGGER - ADTTM8 =================================================== 1. When any Residential Address field is changed (see list below), it modifies the Residential Address Change Date and Time field RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE DT/TM (#.1158) RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 1] (#.1151) New RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 2] (#.1152) New RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 3] (#.1153) New RESIDENTIAL CITY (#.1154) New RESIDENTIAL STATE (#.1155) New RESIDENTIAL ZIP+4 (#.1156) New RESIDENTIAL COUNTY (#.1157) New RESIDENTIAL PROVINCE (#.11571) New RESIDENTIAL POSTAL CODE (#.11572) New RESIDENTIAL COUNTRY (#.11573) New 2. Any modification of the Residential Address Change Date and Time field RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE DT/TM (#.1158) triggers the update of the Residential Address Source of Change field RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE SOURCE (#.11582). PART 9: ADDRESS FIELDS CONVERTED TO UPPERCASE =================================================== All address text fields on SCREEN <1.1> are modified to automatically convert the text entered to uppercase. This applies to address lines 1, 2, and 3, City, Province, Postal Code for Residential Address, Permanent Mailing Address, Temporary Mailing Address, and Confidential Mailing Address. Patch Components: ================= Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- PATIENT (#2) RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 1] (#.1151) New RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 2] (#.1152) New RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS [LINE 3] (#.1153) New RESIDENTIAL CITY (#.1154) New RESIDENTIAL STATE (#.1155) New RESIDENTIAL ZIP+4 (#.1156) New RESIDENTIAL COUNTY (#.1157) New RESIDENTIAL PROVINCE (#.11571) New RESIDENTIAL POSTAL CODE (#.11572) New RESIDENTIAL COUNTRY (#.11573) New RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE DT/TM (#.1158) New RESIDENTIAL ADDR CASS IND (#.1159) New RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE SITE (#.11581) New RESIDENTIAL ADDR CHANGE SOURCE (#.11582) New TEMPORARY ADDR CASS IND (#.12115) New CONFIDENTIAL ADDR CASS IND (#.14117) New STREET ADDRESS CASS IND (#.1118) New ADDRESS CHANGE SOURCE (#.119) Mod RESIDENCE NUMBER CHANGE SOURCE (#.1322) Mod CELLULAR NUMBER CHANGE SOURCE (#.1311) Mod EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGE SOURCE (#.137) Mod STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] (#.111) Mod STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] (#.113) Mod CITY (#.114) Mod PROVINCE (#.1171) Mod POSTAL CODE (#.1172) Mod TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 1] (#.1211) Mod TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 2] (#.1212) Mod TEMPORARY STREET [LINE 3] (#.1213) Mod TEMPORARY CITY (#.1214) Mod TEMPORARY ADDRESS PROVINCE (#.1221) Mod TEMPORARY ADDRESS POSTAL CODE (#.1222) Mod CONFIDENTIAL STREET [LINE 1] (#.1411) Mod CONFIDENTIAL STREET [LINE 2] (#.1412) Mod CONFIDENTIAL STREET [LINE 3] (#.1413) Mod CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS CITY (#.1414) Mod CONFIDENTIAL ADDR PROVINCE (#.14114) Mod CONFIDENTIAL ADDR POSTAL CODE (#.14115) Mod Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Additional Information: ----------------------- N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- N/A Problem: -------- N/A Resolution: ----------- N/A Test Sites: ---------- Lebanon VA Medical Center (VAMC) Lebanon, PA 17042 VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System Pittsburgh, PA 15240 Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- Patches for this installation are combined in the following Host File for distribution: DG_53_P941.KID. The Host File was created to simplify installation at Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities. This file can be obtained from one of the anonymous Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) directories. File Name Contents Retrieval Format --------- -------- ---------------- DG_53_P941.KID DG*5.3*941 ASCII IVM*2.0*164 EAS*1.0*151 Updated documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to retrieve files from download.vista.domain.ext. This transmits the files from the first available server. Sites may also elect to retrieve files directly from a specific server. Sites may retrieve the software and/or documentation directly using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Hines: domain.ext Salt Lake City: domain.ext The documentation will be in the form of Adobe Acrobat files. Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ Title File Name SFTP Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes DG_5_3_P941_KID_RN.PDF (binary) User Manual - Registration Menu DG_5_3_P941_REG_UM.PDF (binary) PIMS Technical Manual PIMSTM.PDF (binary) Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- The post install process will run routine DG53P941 to change the name of Health Benefit Plan (HBP) "Veteran Plan - VC Unusual and Excessive Burden" to "Veteran Plan - VC Unusual or Excessive Burden." in the HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN file (#25.11). The routine will first check to see if this plan exists. If the plan does not exist, VistA will issue a message that it does not exist and no action is taken. If the plan does exist, the name change will be stored and a message will display that the plan was corrected in the HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN file (#25.11). The post install process will also run routine IVM2164P to add new entries listed in Post-Install Instructions section to the Income Verification Match (IVM) DEMOGRAPHIC UPLOAD FIELDS file (#301.92). If an entry already exists, it will be deleted and recreated with new data elements. Note: After installing this patch, please ensure that you follow the Residential Address VistA Parameters Special Instructions under the Post-Installation section of this patch description. Failure to take this action immediately after install will result in failure to upload the demographic updates from the Z05 messages. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ The following KIDS build DG_53_P941.KID will be installed. This patch should NOT be installed while the IVM BACKGROUND JOB [IVM BACKGROUND JOB] is running. 1. The IVM BACKGROUND JOB [IVM BACKGROUND JOB] should be unscheduled. Use the Schedule/Unschedule Options [XUTM SCHEDULE] option on the Taskman Management [XUTM MGR] menu. Note the currently scheduled date/time. 2. The HL7 incoming/outgoing filers should be stopped. Stop All Messaging Background Processes by using the [HL STOP ALL] option on the Filer and Link Management Options [HL MENU FILER LINK MGT] menu on the HL7 Main Menu [HL MAIN MENU]. 3. Use Global Output Function to backup the PATIENT file (#2) data dictionary by running the command below (be sure to enter "V" for the parameters). You will need to specify a local directory and file name for the Device. DEVISC1A1:DEVVOO>D ^%GOGEN Device: USER$:[VISTA]dg_53_941_backup.gbl Parameters? ("WNS") => V Global ^DD(2 -- NOTE: translation in effect Global ^ DEVISC1A2:DEVVOO> If the system you are installing this patch on is a LINUX system, you will need to run a different utility, GOGEN^%ZSPECIAL. Enter the following command: D GOGEN^%ZSPECIAL Device: /srv/vista/xxx/user/sftp/dg_53_941_backup.gbl Parameters? ("WNS") => V Global ^DD(2 -- NOTE: translation in effect Global ^ DEVISC1A2:DEVVOO> Where "xxx" is the site designation, then follow the instructions above for entering the globals to save. 4. The following options should be disabled during installation: Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Patient Inquiry [DG PATIENT INQUIRY] Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Patient Address Update [DG ADDRESS UPDATE] Admit a Patient [DG ADMIT PATIENT] View Patient Address [EAS VIEW PATIENT ADDRESS] Demographics Upload [IVM UPLOAD DEM] 5. This patch may be installed with users on the system, however, because the Registration options need to be placed out of order, we suggest it be installed after business hours. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. Installation Instructions: -------------------------- 1. Download DG_53_P941.KID into your local directory. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) Menu, select the Installation menu. 3. Use Load a Distribution option. You may need to prepend a directory name. When prompted for "Enter a Host File: ", respond with DG_53_P941.KID Example: USER$:[ABC]DG_53_P941.KID 4. From the installation menu, you may elect to use the following options. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter DG*5.3*941. a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DDs or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 5. From the Installation Menu, select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. 6. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//' respond NO. 7. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//'respond YES. 8. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' Enter the following options: Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Patient Inquiry [DG PATIENT INQUIRY] Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Patient Address Update [DG ADDRESS UPDATE] Admit a Patient [DG ADMIT PATIENT] View Patient Address [EAS VIEW PATIENT ADDRESS] Demographics Upload [IVM UPLOAD DEM] 9. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' press . 10. If prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//' respond 0. Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- The IVM BACKGROUND JOB [IVM BACKGROUND JOB] should be rescheduled. Use the Schedule/Unschedule Options [XUTM SCHEDULE] option on the Taskman Management [XUTM MGR] menu. The HL7 incoming filers should be restarted. Use the Restart/Start All Links and Filers [HL TASK RESTART] option on the Filer and Link Management Options [HL MENU FILER LINK MGT] menu on the HL7 Main Menu [HL MAIN MENU]. The post-installation routines DG53P941 and IVM2164P should be manually deleted from your system using the KERNEL option Delete Routines [XTRDEL] The post-install routine, IVM2164P, delivered with patch IVM*2.0*164, will add thirty three new records to the IVM DEMOGRAPHIC UPLOAD FIELDS file (#301.92). If records already exists, IVM2164P deletes them and then adds records with new data elements. The new records will contain the data listed in the Post-Install Instructions for IVM*2.0*164 at the completion of the post-install process. Residential Address VistA Parameters Special Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------------- For ES to share Residential Address data with VA facilities, a parameter (ES_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_VISTA_ROLLOUT) must be updated to include each VistA site. This change will be made on the Enrollment System (ES) side by authorized staff. Once the DG*5.3*971 build is installed at a facility, each site must contact Once the host file is installed in the Production, each site must contact Geraldine Bridges, Member Services, Quality Program Management Program Analyst (geraldine.bridges@domain.ext) to add the site id to the parameter to allow ES to share the Residential Address with their site. For additional questions, log a Service Now ticket or reach out to the Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357, option 5. Failure to take this action immediately after install can result in failure to upload the demographic updates from the Enrollment System via the ORUZ05 transmission type. Back-Out Plan ------------- In the event a site determines that this patch should be backed out, the site should submit a YOUR IT Services ticket with the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) for assistance with the procedure. Refer to the "DG_53_P941.KID Deployment, Installation, Back-out, and Rollback Guide" for complete instructions. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Registration;**[Patch List]**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 70 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: DG53P941 Before: n/a After: B4792773 **941** Routine Name: DGADDUT2 Before: B7195938 After: B6214510 **688,851,925,941** Routine Name: DGADDUTL Before: B59041473 After: B62220802 **658,695,730,688,808,851,872, 915,925,941** Routine Name: DGCNTRY Before: B3718332 After: B4455344 **688,941** Routine Name: DGDDDTTM Before: B5522558 After: B7898513 **665,653,688,754,941** Routine Name: DGREGAED Before: B42299807 After: B43930519 **522,560,658,730,688,808,915,941** Routine Name: DGREGCOP Before: n/a After: B2145529 **941** Routine Name: DGREGCP1 Before: n/a After: B29343646 **941** Routine Name: DGREGCP2 Before: n/a After: B3251423 **941** Routine Name: DGREGRED Before: n/a After: B55962900 **941** Routine Name: DGREGTED Before: B30516214 After: B31206434 **688,851,941** Routine Name: DGRP1 Before: B40910302 After: B36820867 **109,161,506,244,546,570,629, 638,649,700,653,688,750,851, 907,925,941** Routine Name: DGRPCADD Before: B18204630 After: B22281332 **489,624,688,754,887,941** Routine Name: DGRPD Before: B79894914 After:B102167809 **109,124,121,57,161,149,286, 358,436,445,489,498,506,513, 518,550,545,568,585,677,703, 688,887,907,925,936,940,941** Routine Name: DGRPE Before: B71849762 After: B78319537 **32,114,139,169,175,247,190, 343,397,342,454,415,489,506, 244,547,522,528,555,508,451, 626,638,624,677,672,702,689, 735,688,797,842,865,871,887, 941** Routine Name: DGRPH Before: B25194652 After: B27215074 **114,343,397,415,489,545,638, 624,689,842,941** Routine Name: DGRPU Before: B88766469 After: B89347012 **33,114,489,624,672,689,688, 935,941** Routine Name: DGRPU1 Before: B6201118 After: B6546031 **139,169,415,527,508,664,941** Routine Name: DGRPV Before: B19742844 After: B19689062 **109,114,247,190,327,365,343, 397,415,489,546,545,451,624, 677,672,689,716,688,797,842, 871,887,941** Routine Name: VADPT1 Before: B50294297 After: B57593585 **415,489,516,614,688,754,887,941** Routine Name: VAFCQRY3 Before: B63911334 After:B101601272 **575,707,754,944,941** Routine Name: VAFHLZAV Before: n/a After: B4403961 **941** Routine list of preceding patches: 664, 935, 940, 944 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : FEB 21, 2017 Completed By: Date Completed: DEC 26, 2018 Released By : Date Released : DEC 26, 2018 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included