============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 18, 2018 Designation: MAG*3*190 Package : MAG - IMAGING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #155 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 18, 2018 ============================================================================= Subject: Upgrade DICOM Gateway to 2017c Edition of DICOM Standard Category: - Routine Description: ============ Associated Patches: =================== This patch must be installed after MAG*3.0*183. Subject: VistA Imaging and Legacy DICOM Gateway (LDGW) Update ======== Category: OTHER ========= Description: ============ Patch MAG*3.0*190 addresses the following issues with VistA Imaging & Legacy DICOM Gateway: Upgrade Legacy DICOM Gateway to meet the 2017c DICOM Standard 2-8-2 Lock-Up Error on VistA Reconnect after Legacy DICOM Gateway (LDGW) service interruption. Some DICOM Images are not getting transmitted through Release Of Information (ROI) from Clinical Display. Inactive router destinations being listed when starting the routing transmission process on the Legacy DICOM Gateway. Patch Components: ================= This patch includes software and documentation files. This document, MAG3_0P 190_Patch_Description.pdf, provides an overview, explains the changes, and outlines the installation for this patch. MAG3_0P190_README.txt, if present, is an informative file associated with the patch. Table 1: Software & Documentation Files for MAG*3.0*190 ======================================================= File Name Description ========= =========== MAG3_0P190.KID KIDS file for installation on VistA MAG3_0P190_DICOM_SETUP.EXE Executable install for Legacy DICOM Gateway MAG3_0P190_PATCH_DESCRIPTION.PDF Patch description - this document MAG3_0P190_README.TXT If present, is an informative file associated with the patch. Documentation: ============== This document, MAG3_0P190_Patch_Description.pdf, provides an overview, explains the changes, and outlines the installation for this patch. Files & Field Associated: ========================= Forms Associated: ================= There are no forms associated with this patch. Mail Groups Associated: ======================= There are no mail groups associated with this patch. Options Associated: =================== There are no options associated with this patch. Protocols Associated: ===================== There are no protocols associated with this patch. Security Keys Associated: ========================= There are no security keys associated with this patch. Templates Associated: ===================== There are no templates associated with this patch. New Service Requests (NSRs): ============================ There are no new service requests addressed in this patch. Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ============================= There are no patient safety issues associated with this patch. Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: ============================================ 1. Task 561265 - Upgrade LDGW to meet 2017c DICOM Standard Problem: ======== The existing VistA Imaging Legacy DICOM Gateway ELEMENT.DIC, TEMPLATE.DIC, and UID.DIC dictionaries (MAG*3.0*162 and others) are based on the 2011 version of the DICOM Standard. The DICOM Standard has progressed over the past six years and it is now necessary to update these dictionaries to the 2017c version of the Standard, DICOM 2017c (July 2017). For more information on the DICOM Standard, refer to the DICOM website: http://www.dicomstandard.org/ Resolution: =========== VistA and Legacy DICOM Gateway code and files were updated to2017c Data Dictionaries and VRs (Value Representations). 2. Defect 420193 (Ticket I7126349FY16) Test Site (2-8-2 lockup on VistA Reconnect) Problem: ======== When the Transmit DICOM Images to Storage SCP (Option 2-8-2) is running on the Legacy DICOM Gateway and the Gateway needs to reconnect to VistA after a disruption in service, it returns to the Select Sites menu option. This causes a disruption in service and a user intervention is required before the images will continue processing. Resolution: =========== The reentry point is set in MAGDIWB. The reentry point had a default timeout of 100000 seconds. The timeout was changed to 300 seconds, so that the process can quickly resume without user intervention in 10 minutes (5 minute reconnect and 5-minute idle prompt time). 3. Defect 615043 (Ticket R12189070FY17 / R18263762FY18/ INC0183576) DICOM Images are not getting transmitted through ROI from Clinical Display Problem: ======== Some of the DICOM Images are not getting transmitted through ROI from Clinical Display. The images are selected in Clinical Display and sent to a ROI device, but the images are not being transmitted to the device. Sites are still able to transmit the images manually using the LDGW 2-8-1 option. Resolution: =========== The accession number logic had been modified in P138 to support look up in the lab/anatomic pathology package. This modification broke the accession look up for some consults. The MAGDRPC9 routine was modified to fix the consult accession number look up. 4. Defect 601802 (Ticket R16534754FY17) Inactive router destinations being listed when starting the routing transmission process on the Legacy DICOM Gateway Problem: ======== When starting the routing transmission process on the LDGW all the active and inactive router destinations are listed. Users do not realize that some of the destinations are inactive and select an inactive destination causing images not to be routed. Resolution: =========== A filter was added to MAG DICOM ROUTE LIST DESTI RPC to filter out inactive routing destinations. Test Sites: =========== The following sites are test sites for this patch: Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System (Biloxi) Fayetteville VA Medical Center Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ================================================== Software being released and/or documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch are available. The preferred method is to retrieve files from download.vista.domain.ext. This transmits the files from the first available server. Sites may also elect to retrieve files directly from a specific server. Sites may retrieve the software and/or documentation directly using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Hines: domain.ext Salt Lake City: domain.ext Additional documentation may be found also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl Note: Information about last-minute changes to this patch will be provided in a readme file. If present, this file will also be located in the MAG3_0P190 directory. Patch Installation: =================== Pre/Post Installation Overview: MAG*3.0*190 must be installed on the VistA System and on Legacy VistA Imaging DICOM Gateways. This patch must be installed by the compliance date to conform to VHA Directive 2001-023. All sites running VistA Imaging 3.0 must install the KIDS portion of this patch. This patch can be loaded while the VistA Imaging System is active and users are on the system. Installing the MAG*3.0*190 KIDS takes 2-5 minutes. Note: Sites must first install the KIDS portion followed immediately by the DICOM Text Gateway(s). The Legacy DICOM Image Gateways and Routing Gateways can then be upgraded at the site's convenience. *Note: HDIGs still use Legacy DICOM Gateway for Image processing. They should be upgraded as well at site's convenience. Note: All released VistA Imaging patches must be installed on the VistA system before installing MAG*3.0*190. VistA System (KIDS) Installation ================================ Installation Steps ================== The actual KIDS installation will take less than one minute. 1. On the VistA system, access the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]. 2. Run the Installation option [XPD INSTALLATION MENU]. 3. Load the KIDS file by performing the following steps: a. Run the Load a Distribution option [XPD LOAD DISTRIBUTION] to load the KIDS distribution. b. When prompted, enter the path and file name (MAG3_0P190.KID) of the Patch 190 KIDS file. c. When prompted to continue with the load, enter "YES". A Distribution OK! message will be displayed when the load is complete. 4 After loading the KIDS file, use the following options to verify the contents of the patch and to back up any affected routines. a. Verify Checksums in Transport Global [XPD PRINT CHECKSUM] - Run this option if you want to ensure the integrity of the routines in the patch. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System [XPD COMPARE TO SYSTEM] - Run this option if you want to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. All components (routines, options, and so on) in the patch will be compared. c. Backup a Transport Global [XPD BACKUP] - Run this option if you want to create a backup message of any routines exported with the patch. It will NOT back up any of the other changes. 5. After performing the load and any optional verification steps, install the KIDS file by performing the following steps: a. Run the Install Package(s) [XPD INSTALL BUILD] option. b. When prompted for the install name, enter "MAG*3.0*190". c. Answer "NO" to the following prompts: Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO// Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO// Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// 6. When installation is finished, an Install Complete message will be displayed. KIDS Installation Example ========================= Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: Installation 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option You've got PRIORITY mail! Select Installation Option: 1 Load a Distribution Enter a Host File: C:\INSTALL\MAG3_0P190.KID KIDS Distribution saved on Apr 26, 2018@09:05:42 Comment: VistA Imaging V3.0 - Patch 190 This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s): MAG*3.0*190 Distribution OK! Want to Continue with Load? YES// Loading Distribution... MAG*3.0*190 Use INSTALL NAME: MAG*3.0*190 to install this Distribution. 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option You've got PRIORITY mail! Select Installation Option: 6 Install Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: MAG*3.0*190 7/17/18@11:52:46 => VistA Imaging V3.0 - Patch 190 ;Created on Apr 26, 2018@09:05:42 This Distribution was loaded on Jul 17, 2018@11:52:46 with header of VistA Imaging V3.0 - Patch 190 ;Created on Apr 26, 2018@09:05:42 It consisted of the following Install(s): MAG*3.0*190 Checking Install for Package MAG*3.0*190 Install Questions for MAG*3.0*190 Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO// NO Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// NO Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages. You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt. Enter a '^' to abort the install. DEVICE: HOME// HERE Install Started for MAG*3.0*190 : Jul 17, 2018@11:55:39 Build Distribution Date: Apr 26, 2018 Installing Routines:.... Jul 17, 2018@11:55:39 Running Post-Install Routine: ^MAGIP190. Updating Routine file...... Updating KIDS files....... MAG*3.0*190 Installed. Jul 17, 2018@11:55:39 Not a production UCI NO Install Message sent Post-Installation Instructions: =============================== Legacy DICOM Gateway Installing and Updating ============================================= For installing, updating, or uninstalling the Legacy DICOM Gateway, refer to the VistA Imaging DICOM Gateway Installation Guide. Uninstalling MAG*3.0*190: ========================= If it is necessary to uninstall the MAG*3.0*190 VistA KIDS, you need to select the "Kernel Installation & Distribution System" menu option, "Backup a Transport Global" (see Installation Steps section, step 4c done before you installed the patch. Administrators will need to use the PackMan function INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE. Check your MailMan messages for the backup message sent by the "Backup a Transport Global" function executed prior to the patch install. 1. Select the message shown below: Backup of MAG*3.0*190 install on 2. Select the Xtract PackMan option. 3. Select the Install/Check Message option. 4. Enter "Yes" at the prompt. 5. Enter "No" at the backup prompt. There is no need to back up the backup. Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// Xtract PackMan Select PackMan function: ? Answer with PackMan function NUMBER, or NAME Choose from: 1 ROUTINE LOAD 2 GLOBAL LOAD 3 PACKAGE LOAD 4 SUMMARIZE MESSAGE 5 PRINT MESSAGE 6 INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE 7 INSTALL SELECTED ROUTINE(S) 8 TEXT PRINT/DISPLAY 9 COMPARE MESSAGE Select PackMan function: Select PackMan function: 6 INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE Warning: Installing this message will cause a permanent update of globals and routines. Do you really want to do this? NO// YES Routines are the only parts that are backed up. NO other parts are backed up, not even globals. You may use the 'Summarize Message' option of PackMan to see what parts the message contains. Those parts that are not routines should be backed up separately if they need to be preserved. Shall I preserve the routines on disk in a separate back-up message? YES// NO No backup message built. Line 2 Message #42925 Unloading Routine MAGGGTU4C (PACKMAN_BACKUP) Select PackMan function: Routine Information: ==================== DICOM CheckSums: ================ This section lists modified routines for the DICOM Setup build. For each routine, the second line will contain the following information: ;;3.0;IMAGING;**[Patch List]**; Mar 19, 2002;Build 5;[Date] Table 5: Modified Routines for DICOM Setup Build Routine Checksum Checksum Patch List Before After MAGDDR0 53556787 57333954 **1,10,51,54,190** MAGDDR2A 94720705 97912369 **1,10,51,54,99,110,190** MAGDDR3 44336406 46117255 **1,10,51,50,110,190** MAGDDW3 35962080 36157236 **10,30,51,54,190** MAGDDW4 73618612 82471058 **1,10,51,54,190** MAGDIR6B 20102559 21857231 **11,30,51,54,53,99,123,190** MAGDIR6C 42810392 45366757 **11,30,51,54,53,99,110,190** MAGDIR6F 19332518 22472350 **11,30,51,54,190** MAGDIR7C 87271244 89687601 **11,30,51,54,49,99,162,190** MAGDIW2A 17267226 17353490 **10,11,30,51,50,54,123,110, 138,190** MAGDIW3 20270812 20340399 **10,30,50,69,54,190** MAGDIW3A 85967674 85967674 **50,69,110,190** MAGDIWB1 81036736 82684636 **11,30,51,50,54,138,156,190** MAGDMFB2 48221936 49214267 **21,30,51,69,190** MAGDMFB3 41071819 41066270 **30,69,190** MAGDIWBD 29567811 30843111 **50,54,110,156,190** VistA KIDS Checksums: ===================== This section lists modified routines for the VistA KIDS build. For each routine, the second line will contain the following information: ;;3.0;IMAGING;**[Patch List]**;Mar 19, 2002;Build 19;Mar 27, 2015 CHECK1^XTSUMBLD is used to generate the checksums. Table 6: Modified Routines for VistA KIDS Build Routine Checksum Checksum Patch List Before After MAGDRPC5 81877416 84608025 **11,30,51,85,54,190** MAGDRPC9 94046476 97395044 **50,54,53,49,123,118,138, 180,190** MAGIP190 N/A 4110402 **190** Routine MAGIP190 is an installation routine that is automatically deleted after the KIDS installation. There are no other changes on VistA. Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUL 05, 2017 Completed By: Date Completed: JUL 17, 2018 Released By : Date Released : JUL 18, 2018 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included