============================================================================= Run Date: FEB 18, 2020 Designation: EAS*1*186 Package : EAS - ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #158 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 20, 2020 ============================================================================= Subject: ENROLLMENT SYSTEM (ES) 5.10 RELEASE Category: - Informational Description: ============ The purpose of this informational patch description is to announce the release of the Enrollment System (ES) 5.10. This release, developed in Java technology, contains Enrollment System Modernization (ESM) Phase 2 development and upgrade efforts, including enhancements and defect fixes to support Enrollment System Community Care (ESCC), Suicide High Risk Patient Enhancements (SHRPE), Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM), and ES Sustainment. ES 5.10 was successfully deployed on Saturday, February 15, 2020. The following functionality is updated in this ES 5.10 release: Enrollment System Modernization (ESM) 1. ES is enhanced to allow entry of financial hardships so that Veterans will be placed in the appropriate enrollment priority and VHA Profile (VHAP). 2. Three new capabilities - "Add Hardship", "Edit Hardship", and "Delete Hardship" - are added to ES. The system allows only users with the appropriate capabilities to add, edit, or delete hardships. 3. Hardship information is added to the ES User Interface (UI): a. A hyperlink titled "View Hardship Details" is added to the Hardship section of the Person Search -> Financials screen. Clicking the "View Hardship Details" hyperlink directs the user to a new screen titled "Hardship Overview". i. If there is no current hardship on file, the system displays the blank hardship fields, the "Cancel" button, and the "Grant Hardship" button. ii. If a current hardship is on file, the system displays the current hardship details within the hardship fields, the "Cancel" button, the "Delete Hardship" button, and the "Edit Hardship" button. b. Selecting the "Delete Hardship" button displays a free text field on the Person Search -> Financials -> Hardship Overview screen with the title: "Reason for Hardship Deletion" along with an "Accept Changes" and "Cancel" button. c. A new screen, "Edit Hardship Details", is added and is displayed when a user clicks the "Grant Hardship" or "Edit Hardship" button from the Person Search -> Financials -> Hardship Overview screen. d. The Financials tab is updated to include an ES entered hardship. The system deletes the hardship when the associated income test is deleted, disables the "Add Income Test" button when there is a current hardship, and grays out the "Married Last Calendar Year", "Disclose Financial Income", and "Agree to Pay Deductible" radio buttons on the Person Search -> Financials -> Edit Financial Details screen when a hardship is entered in ES. 4. ES is enhanced to send hardship updates to VistA by triggering an updated Z10 message to correlated VistA site(s) upon hardship entry completion. 5. ES will generate a daily report for the Office of Community Care (OCC) so that it is notified when a job or routine fails in the processes of determining, communicating, and tracking CC eligibility. The report will be generated in the morning and will include the data for the day before. This report will be created out of Oracle and displayed as part of a daily email. The report includes: a. Daily counts of Veteran records that were slated to be sent to VistA for VHAP changes and failed. b. Daily counts of how many Veterans with "State with No Full-Service Medical Facility (N)" did not meet the business rules and need to be investigated. c. Daily counts of how many Veterans with "Urgent Care (U)" did not meet the business rules and need to be investigated. d. Daily counts of the number of records processed for Title 38 care received from Corporate Date Warehouse (CDW) and the number of records ES assigned "Grandfather (G)" status. e. Daily counts to show the difference between the number of records ES sent to Planning Systems Support Group (PSSG) and the number of records returned. 6. When online Health Care Applications (HCAs) are transmitted to the Enrollment System, (if HCAs have incorrect information or information that cannot be verified), the Enrollment System determines the HCAs to be "anonymous"; however, rather than failing HCAs because they are "anonymous", the anonymous HCAs are rerouted to the Workload Reporting and Productivity (WRAP) system so the anonymous HCAs can be reviewed and processed manually in order to validate the incorrect or missing information. Note: Anonymous HCAs are treated the same as mailed-in applications once rerouted to WRAP. IMPORTANT: The WRAP functionality will be delivered in ES 5.10 but turned off in Production until WRAP is ready. If the Veteran provides an email address, the initial email confirmation will continue to be sent to the Veteran after the online HCA is saved and submitted. The same confirmation email will be used for both anonymous and authenticated online HCAs. Concurrently, the farewell message will continue to display on the Farewell screen after the online HCA is saved and submitted. The same farewell message will be used for both anonymous and authenticated online HCAs. 7. ES is enhanced to allow users to update a Veteran's address on the Address screen when the address is "invalid" according to the Universal Addressing Module (UAM) but the Veteran has indicated that it is a valid address. The address is stored to VA Profile without further UAM validation. 8. In order to support the Electronic Health Record (EHR) in Cerner's Millennium application, all VMBP labels are updated to display "VHA Profile" or "VHA Profiles". 9. ES is enhanced to shorten VHAP names to allow the profiles to be successfully sent to the Cerner system, provide an easier way for ES users to access VHAP details, and add a new profile for employee records. a. VHAP names are changed so that they don't contain special characters or exceed 60 characters total per Cerner limitations. b. ES users can access the list of VHAP with a single click from the Overview -> Update Current Eligibility panel. c. ES is updated to display a "Return to Eligibility" hyperlink on the Person Search -> Eligibility -> VHA Profiles screen. Upon clicking, the hyperlink directs the user to the Person Search -> Eligibility screen. d. ES is enhanced to allow users to assign a VHAP to individuals who have no Veteran eligibility code and who have either a primary or secondary code of Employee. i. The "Employee Only" profile is displayed on the Person Search -> Eligibility -> VHA Profiles page with a non-grayed out checkbox and is manually assignable to records by users with the appropriate capability. ii. The "Employee Only" profile is considered a Carveout/Supplemental profile that can be assigned in addition to other profiles. 10. ES is updated to gray out and disable all profile checkboxes when a record has a Deceased enrollment status. Upon a date of death being entered in or received by ES, the system unassigns and moves to history all manually assigned profiles. 11. ES is updated to include the following Suicide High Risk Patient Enhancements (SHRPE) for Emergent MH OTH: a. ES calculates the initial and subsequent 90-day periods of care. i. The initial 90-day period of care in any 365-day period has a total of 91 days. ii. Any additional 90-day periods of care within a 365-day period have a total of 90 days. b. Only today's date (current date) or a past date is allowed for the "Authorization Received Date". c. A 15-day backdating and forward-dating rule for subsequent 90-day periods of care is added. i. If the current 90-day period is ACTIVE, then the Start Date of the subsequent 90-day period is limited to the "current period's End Date+1" (the next consecutive day after the current period ends) through forward-dating up to 15 days. ii. If the current 90-day period is EXPIRED, then the Start Date of the subsequent 90-day period is limited to backdating and forward- dating up to 15 days from the current date. 12. The Health Information Exchange (HIE) initiative requires ES to now share several demographic data fields. ES is enhanced to create and send a message to the VA Profile Micro Service when applicable demographics data (Race, Religion, Ethnicity, and Marital Status) have been updated or deleted in ADR. Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) Within Cerner Millennium, there is not a way for clinicians to view an individual's service connected (SC) disability rating data. This information is critical for clinicians to access within the course of patient encounters and orders. ES is enhanced to provide a view of an individual's SC disability rating data to clinicians using Cerner Millennium. 1. ES receives and validates ratings requests from Cerner. Upon receipt of the message, ES performs basic format validation to assure that it is in a recognized structure by ES and performs authentication of the message. 2. ES calls the VA Profile Ratings Service, receives a response, and evaluates the outcome based on that reply. 3. ES constructs a view from the VA Profile response message. a. If the VA Profile response message succeeds, ES constructs a view (formatted as an HTML page following Cerner style guidelines) from the VA Profile response message, renders the HTML view, and sends a reply code indicating "success". b. If the VA Profile response message fails, ES constructs the view (formatted as an HTML page following Cerner style guidelines) from existing Administrative Database Repository (ADR) ratings data. The view contains a message indicating that the data being displayed is from ES and the reason it could not be retrieved from VA Profile. Operational Decision Management (ODM) Under ODM, the 71 iLOG rule sets were transferred from iLOG to ODM. A Mediation Framework was established to allow the system administrators to switch between the iLOG and ODM rules sets as the rules sets are integrated into the ES application. Once the migration is fully completed to ODM, the rules will not be switched back to iLOG unless there is a systemic issue with ODM. ES 5.10 supports integration of the Determine Eligibility, Manage Communications Log, Process Mail Responses, Calculate Period of Service, Conflict Experience Validation, and Determine Camp Lejeune (CL-V) rule sets. Patch Components: ----------------- N/A Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Additional Information: New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Rational Team Concert (RTC): RTC # Problem / Resolution: -------- -------------------- 1120309 Problem: Cerner Notification: The push notification does not contain the "Eligibility Report Date" for Special Authorities Bio. Resolution: Updated code to add Special Factors report dates to the Enrollment & Eligibility (E&E) Service. 1127129 Problem: Cerner Notification: ES is not updating the "Nose and Throat" indicator. Resolution: Updated the rules to conduct a null check for verification date on the Nose Throat Radium (NTR) indicator from Cerner. 1147553 Problem: Cerner Notification: There are discrepancies in the Diagnosis & Catastrophic Disability descriptors between the E&E summary and the Cerner Outbound Bio. Resolution: Updated code to reconcile the inbound and outbound descriptors. 1151082 Problem: Search Screen: Searching using Member ID and other traits (social security number (SSN), first and last names, birth sex, and date of birth (DOB)) displays a red banner with a hidden error message. Resolution: Added exclusive Member ID message. 1159993 Problem: CERNER Notification: Medicaid last updated date is mapped to updated date on inbound mapper. Resolution: Updated code to read the Medicaid last updated date from the "medicaidlastupdated" field instead of the audit field. 1160669 Problem: Section 508: Headings and labels do not describe the topics or purpose of the content to which they belong. (Demographics, Associates) Resolution: Changed delete check box count label to name. 1160678 Problem: Section 508: Labels and instructions are not provided when content requires user input. (Add Associate) Resolution: Associate page role is changed to remove "required" from the label name. 1172132 Problem: Calculate Period of Service: When a new record is generated, manual updates are lost. Resolution: Manual changes were added back in; ODM version will be used in future. 1176663 Problem: VA Profile Contact Information: VA Profile inbound process service returns a null pointer exception. Resolution: The null pointer occurs when there is no CHANGE_EFFECTIVE_DATE on the phone or email and there is a delete request coming in from VA Profile. Fixed code to look at the record modified date if the CHANGE_EFFECTIVE_DATE is not present on file for email or phone. 1180972 Problem: ES is excluding addresses with country code PHL from geocoding requests. Residential address in PHL should also be included in the geocoding request. Resolution: The PHL country code is not excluded from geocoding; however, the state and zip code check is skipped. 1182332 Problem: The EHRM outbound message retries on validation errors from VA Profile. Resolution: Updated code to not retry when the HTTP status is 400 BAD_REQUEST. Test Sites: ----------- Health Eligibility Center (HEC) Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- Software being released as a Patch (PackMan) message and documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to retrieve files from download.vista.domain.ext. This transmits the files from the first available server. Sites may also elect to retrieve files directly from a specific server. Sites may retrieve the software and/or documentation directly using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Hines: domain.ext Salt Lake City: domain.ext Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ Title File Name FTP Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ES 5.10 Release Notes ES_5_10_RN.PDF binary ES 5.10 User Guide ES_5_10_UG.PDF binary The documentation will be in the form of Adobe Acrobat files. Patch Installation: ES will be installed at the Austin Information Technology Center (AITC). ****** This is an informational patch ONLY. ****** ****** There is NO install to be done by sites. ****** Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- N/A Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ N/A Installation Instructions: ------------ ES will be installed at the AITC only. ****** This is an informational patch ONLY. ****** ****** There is NO install to be done by sites. ****** Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- N/A Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : DEC 12, 2019 Completed By: Date Completed: FEB 18, 2020 Released By : Date Released : FEB 18, 2020 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included