============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 06, 2020 Designation: ONC*2.2*10 Package : ONC - ONCOLOGY Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 2.2 SEQ #9 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAY 13, 2020 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)ONC*2.2*11 <<= must be installed BEFORE `ONC*2.2*10' Subject: Oncology Updates for NAACCR 2018 Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Input Template Description: ============ 1. Software Changes for NAACCR Standards Vol II Version 2018 A. New Grade Fields and Schema ID Three new Grade fields were added in patch ONC*2.2*6 as free text fields. In this patch the GRADE CLINICAL (#165.5, #24.3), GRADE PATHOLOGICAL (#165.5, #24.4) and GRADE POST-THERAPY (#165.5, #24.5) fields will have specific grade tables/values depending on the SCHEMA ID (#165.5, #3800) field for the primary. The SCHEMA ID field is computed based on the Primary Site, Histology and Schema Discriminators, and the SCHEMA ID in turn then determines the specific grade tables to be used for the 3 Grade fields in the Abstract Edit Primary [ONCO ABSTRACT-EDIT] option. The 3 new Grade fields will be for 2018 and later cases; 2017 and earlier cases will still use the old Grade field. B. New Site-Specific Data Item (SSDi) fields and Schema ID This patch creates 130+ new Site-Specific Data Item fields. The list of new fields can be found in the Site-Specific Data Items Manual on the NAACCR website: https://apps.naaccr.org/ssdi/list/. The SCHEMA ID field described in item A above, will also be computed and used to determine which of the Site- Specific Data Item fields will be edited/displayed for the primary in the Abstract Edit Primary [ONCO ABSTRACT-EDIT] option. Only those SSDi specific to that primary/Schema ID will be editable and displayed. C. AJCC 8th Edition Staging Changes The staging module in the Abstract Edit Primary [ONCO ABSTRACT-EDIT] option will be completely updated to conform to the 8th edition staging rules. Similar to the SCHEMA ID field, the AJCC ID (#165.5, #5000) field is computed based on Primary Site and Histology, and the AJCC ID will determine the TNM Staging Codes from the appropriate chapter of the AJCC 8th Edition Staging Manual to be used. The TNM codes will be used to automatically calculate the AJCC CLINICAL STAGE GROUP, AJCC PATHOLOGIC STAGE GROUP and AJCC POST-THERAPY STAGE GROUP fields, if possible. D. RADIATION THERAPY FIELDS/CHANGES Seven new PHASE I, PHASE II and PHASE III Radiation fields have been added (21 total new fields). These new fields will replace the existing Radiation fields for 2018 and later cases; pre-2018 cases will still use the old Radiation fields. There is also a Post-Install conversion routine that will populate the new Radiation fields for 2018 cases that have already been created, based on the data in the old Radiation fields. E. SEER EOD, SUMMARY STAGE 2018 AND LYMPHOVASCULAR INVASION CHANGES Four new fields will be added to the Abstract for 2018 and later cases: EOD PRIMARY TUMOR (#165.5, #1772), EOD REGIONAL NODES (#165.5, #1774), EOD METS (#165.5, #1776) and SUMMARY STAGE 2018 (#165.5, #35.2). In addition to the new fields the existing LYMPH-VASCULAR INVASION (L) (#165.5, #149) fields will be modified to reflect the new codes for the SEER LVI. For 2018 cases that have already been started, any LVI with a value of '1' will be cleared, because the '1' value could correspond to new value of 1, 2, 3 or 4 and so will have to be re-entered. F. New EDITS in Standards Vol II, Version 18 Metafile The new Standards Volume II, version 18 metafile includes edits for the new and modified data items. The edits and edit sets are consistent with the reporting requirements as specified in the NAACCR 2018 Implementation Guidelines as specified by CoC, NPCR, SEER and CCCR. G. Record Layout Changes The overall record layout will change. Column spaces for some data items have been moved in the record layout to accommodate the new and expanded data items. 2. The RECURRENCE DATE-1ST FLAG field has been added to the Recurrence section The RECURRENC DATE-1ST FLAG (#) has been added to the Recurrence section of abstracts so that it is easily edited without having to go back into the Edit Abstract Primary option. This field will now show up in the PF [Post/Edit Follow-up] and RF [Recurrence/Sub Tx Follow-up] options. 3. Skip over the old Grade, Collaborative Stage and SSD fields for 2018+ cases In the Abstract Edit Primary [ONCO ABSTRACT-EDIT] option, if the Abstract is a 2018 or later case then the option will use the new Grades and Site-Specific Data Items, and will no longer display/edit the following fields: CS SCHEMA DISCRIMINATOR (#165.5, #240) GRADE/DIFFERENTIATION (#165.5, #24) TUMOR SIZE/EXT EVAL (CS) (#165.5, #29.1) TUMOR SIZE (CS) (#165.5, #29.2) EXTENSION (CS) (#165.5, #30.2) LYMPH NODES (CS) (#165.5, #31.1) LYMPH NODES EVAL (CS) (#165.5, #32.1) METS AT DX (CS) (#165.5, #34.3) METS EVAL (CS) (#165.5, #34.4) SSD1 - SSD25 (#165.5, #44.1 - #44.25) RADIATION TREATMENT VOLUME (#165.5, #125) REGIONAL TREATMENT MODALITY (#165.5, #363) REGIONAL DOSE: CGY (#165.5, #442) BOOST TREATMENT MODALITY (#165.5, #363.3) BOOST DOSE: CGY (#165.5, #443) NUMBER OF TXS TO THIS VOLUME (#165.5, #56) For pre-2018 cases these fields will continue to display and be editable. 4. Address INC0756087 - FM issue with File #160 When doing a Fileman Inquiry on the Oncology Patient (#160) file the user may get an undefined error in Fileman at the A+3^DIQ1 line label, due to a call to EN^DIQ1 embedded in certain Oncology computed fields. This problem has been fixed by removing the calls to EN^DIQ1 in the computed field code and replacing it with code to get the data directly. PATCH COMPONENTS: ================= Routines: --------- ONC2PS10 ONC2PSTN ONCACD0 ONCATF1 ONCCS ONCCS2 ONCEDIT ONCEDIT2 ONCGENED ONCNTX ONCOAIP ONCOAIP2 ONCOAIS ONCOCFL1 ONCOCOFA ONCOCOM ONCODIS ONCODSP ONCODSR ONCOEDC ONCOEDC1 ONCOEDC2 ONCOEOD1 ONCOPA1 ONCOPA1A ONCOPA2 ONCOSUR2 ONCOU55 ONCPCI ONCPSD ONCPTX ONCSCHMA ONCSCHMB ONCSCHMC ONCSCHMD ONCSCHME ONCSCHMG ONCSCHMM ONCSCHMP ONCSCHMS ONCSCHMT ONCSCHMU ONCSCHMX ONCSCHMY ONCSGA8A ONCSGA8B ONCSGA8C ONCSGA8H ONCSGA8U ONCSGA8X ONCSUBS ONCUTX Files & Fields Associated: -------------------------- New/Modified/ File Name (#) Field Name (#) Deleted ------------- ------------------ ----------------- ONCOLOGY SITE PARAMETERS (#160.1) Modified ONCOLOGY DATA EXTRACT FORMAT (#160.16) Modified ONCOLOGY GRADE TABLES (#164.44) New ONCOLOGY SCHEMA DISCRIMINATOR CODES (#164.47) New ONCO RADIATION EXTERNAL BEAM (#164.81) New ONCO RADIATION TREATMENT (#164.82) New ONCO RADIATION TO DRAINING LN (#164.83) New ONCO RADIATION TREATMENT MODALITY (#164.84) New ONCOLOGY PRIMARY (#165.5) Modified ONCO AJCC STAGING CHAPTERS (#165.8) New ONCOLOGY EOD SCHEMAS (#165.9) New ONCO BRAIN MOLECULAR MARKERS (#167.1) New GLEASON PATTERNS (#167.2) New ONCO LN STATUS (#167.3) New ONCO PERIPHERAL BLOOD INVOLVEMENT (#167.4) New ONCO RESIDUAL TUMOR VOLUME (#167.5) New Forms Associated: ----------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: ----------------------- N/A Options Associated: ------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: --------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: ------------------------- N/A Templates Associated: --------------------- ONCO ABSTRACT-I FILE #165.5 Type: Input Template ONCO RECURRENCE FOLLOWUP FILE #165.5 Type: Input Template Remote Procedures Associated: ----------------------------- N/A Parameter Definitions Associated: --------------------------------- N/A Additional Information: ----------------------- New Service Requests (NSRs): N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): N/A Test Sites: ----------- Albany VAMC Asheville, NC VAMC Durham VAMC Puget Sound HCS Washington, DC VAMC West Haven, CT Patch Installation: =================== Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- There is both a pre- and a post-installation routine included in this patch which will run automatically when the patch is installed. The routines ONC2PS10 and ONC2PSTN may optionally be deleted by the installer after the installation is complete. Installation instructions: -------------------------- This patch should be loaded with Oncology users off the system. Installation should take less than 15 minutes. The patch could also be queued for installation. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This patch is available as a Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) distribution file. The Host File is named ONC22P10.KID. Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ================================================== The software for this patch is being released using a host file. The host file is available at the following location: /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/ONC22P10.KID Software being released as a host file and/or documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch are available through Forum. Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Documentation and software includes: Documentation Title File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONC22P10.KID KIDS Build ASCII Oncology User Manual ONC_2_2_P10_UM.PDF Binary Oncology Technical Manual ONC_2_2_P10_TM.PDF Binary 1. Load the KIDS distribution file via the 'Load a Distribution' option on the KIDS Installation menu. 2. Prior to installing the patch you may want to make use of the following optional installation options located on the KIDS Installation menu: a. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. 3. Install the KIDS distribution via the 'Install Package(s)' option on the KIDS Installation menu. a. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//' Answer NO. b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONS during the install' NO//' Answer NO. c. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//' Answer NO. Back out/Rollback Plan ---------------------- Backout of this patch will be performed only with the concurrence and participation of the appropriate VA site/region personnel. The decision to back out the patch will be a joint decision between VA site/region personnel and other appropriate VA personnel. Prior to installing the updated KIDS package, the site/region should have saved a backup of the routines in a mail message using the Backup a Transport Global [XPD BACKUP] menu option. The message containing the backed up routines can be loaded with the "Xtract PackMan" function at the Message Action prompt. The PackMan function INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE is then used to install the backed up routines onto the VistA system. Note: In the event that a site decides to back out this patch, the site should contact the National Service Desk (NSD) to submit an IT Service Desk ticket. The development team will then assist with the backout process and restoration of the DD and Input Template. Validation of Backout Procedure of the Routines: ----------------------------------------------- The Backout procedure can be verified by printing the first two lines of the ONC routines contained in this patch using the option First Line Routine Print [XU FIRST LINE PRINT]. Once the ONC routines have been backed out, the first two lines of the routines will no longer contain the designation of patch ONC*2.2*10 on line 2 in the patch list section. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;2.2;ONCOLOGY;**[Patch List]**;Jul 31, 2013;Build 20 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: ONC2PS10 Before: n/a After: B89627705 **10** Routine Name: ONC2PSTN Before: n/a After: B61873183 **10** Routine Name: ONCACD0 Before:B186336178 After:B188212457 **1,4,5,8,6,10** Routine Name: ONCACDU1 Before: B47366223 After: B55925806 **1,4,7,5,10** Routine Name: ONCATF1 Before: B52321975 After: B59347534 **1,5,10** Routine Name: ONCCS Before: B58774411 After: B67320152 **1,4,5,10** Routine Name: ONCCS2 Before:B114251425 After:B114966999 **1,4,5,10** Routine Name: ONCEDIT Before: B57186228 After: B58474803 **1,4,10** Routine Name: ONCEDIT2 Before: B36961845 After: B37770206 **1,10** Routine Name: ONCGENED Before: B28575882 After: B28576012 **1,4,6,10** Routine Name: ONCNTX Before: B87723291 After: B98533494 **1,6,10** Routine Name: ONCOAIP Before:B122414268 After:B132025583 **1,4,5,6,10** Routine Name: ONCOAIP2 Before: B25189252 After:B119850739 **1,4,5,6,10** Routine Name: ONCOAIS Before: B7347538 After: B7372604 **1,10** Routine Name: ONCOCFL1 Before: B61829784 After: B64672774 **1,10** Routine Name: ONCOCFP1 Before: B82107874 After: B85300341 **7,10** Routine Name: ONCOCOFA Before: B2437896 After: B3650547 **1,10** Routine Name: ONCOCOM Before: B69325538 After: B69458933 **1,4,10** Routine Name: ONCODIS Before: B795013 After: B794969 **1,4,7,5,8,6,9,11,10** Routine Name: ONCODSP Before: B55463101 After: B56361354 **1,4,5,10** Routine Name: ONCODSR Before: B90897333 After: B91001573 **1,5,10** Routine Name: ONCOEDC Before: B31265069 After: B31599734 **1,5,6,10** Routine Name: ONCOEDC1 Before: B39545395 After: B51442697 **1,5,6,10** Routine Name: ONCOEDC2 Before: n/a After: B26483375 **10** Routine Name: ONCOEOD1 Before: n/a After: B16414168 **10** Routine Name: ONCOPA1 Before: B60892840 After: B60933311 **1,5,6,9,10** Routine Name: ONCOPA1A Before: B61656187 After: B73026178 **1,6,10** Routine Name: ONCOPA2 Before: B46065983 After: B64936187 **1,5,10** Routine Name: ONCOPRT1 Before: B85682347 After: B71270764 **1,7,10** Routine Name: ONCOSUR2 Before: B46917344 After: B55357665 **1,10** Routine Name: ONCOU55 Before: B29262224 After: B34003832 **1,10** Routine Name: ONCPCI Before: B27235694 After: B31602147 **1,9,10** Routine Name: ONCPSD Before: B8425456 After: B18760519 **1,6,9,10** Routine Name: ONCPTX Before: B85832405 After:B121243527 **1,5,6,10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMA Before: n/a After:B119267434 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMB Before: n/a After: B96210850 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMC Before: n/a After: B75257552 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMD Before: n/a After:B115413496 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHME Before: n/a After:B102239697 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMG Before: n/a After:B102038053 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMM Before: n/a After: B35183618 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMP Before: n/a After: B53442477 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMS Before: n/a After: B21992128 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMT Before: n/a After: B38607289 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMU Before: n/a After: B27105358 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMX Before: n/a After:B121440013 **10** Routine Name: ONCSCHMY Before: n/a After: B92368459 **10** Routine Name: ONCSGA8A Before: n/a After:B179981790 **10** Routine Name: ONCSGA8B Before: n/a After:B183119820 **10** Routine Name: ONCSGA8C Before: n/a After: B27848374 **10** Routine Name: ONCSGA8H Before: n/a After: B24138934 **10** Routine Name: ONCSGA8U Before: n/a After: B1746408 **10** Routine Name: ONCSGA8X Before: n/a After: B29958360 **10** Routine Name: ONCSUBS Before: B7009875 After: B7155078 **1,10** Routine Name: ONCUTX Before: B37076017 After: B43786418 **1,10** Routine list of preceding patches: 11 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : OCT 10, 2018 Completed By: Date Completed: MAY 05, 2020 Released By : Date Released : MAY 06, 2020 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included