============================================================================= Run Date: DEC 16, 2022 Designation: JLV*3*12 Package : JLV - JOINT LEGACY VIEWER Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #12 Status: Released Compliance Date: DEC 30, 2022 ============================================================================= Subject: JLV Infrastructure Release Category: - Informational Description: ============ ****************************** PLEASE NOTE ******************************* * * * Version 3.2.2 of the Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV) was deployed to * * VA Enterprise Cloud (VAEC) Amazon Web Services (AWS) Production on * * Thursday December 15, 2022 at 11pm ET and VA Enterprise Cloud (VAEC) * * Amazon Web Services (AWS) Production B (Backup) at 2pm ET * * * * NOTE: The release was loaded on the National JLV servers. There is * * nothing that local sites can or need to do for this release. * * * ************************************************************************** JLV 3.2.2 release focuses on the VA Enterprise Cloud (VAEC) Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. Infrastructure work includes continued prerequisite development for User Session Management to monitor and maintain user sessions when the application scales up/down, evaluation of Broker Security Enhancement (BSE) extended token and Security Token Service (STS) token usage for improved Centralized VistA Imaging Exchange (CVIX) performance, and implementation of AppDynamics agent, a monitoring tool, into Prod-B environment. The following requirements are included in this release: Issue Key | Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------- JP-20386 | Add/delete people to read only access to AWS console JP-19842 | Create and Populate PROD B database JP-19831 | JP-19973 | JP-19726 | Create AWS Client VPN Endpoint JP-19729 | JP-19727 | JP-20119 | Create CLI command for failover alternative JP-19053 | Create composite alarms to capture risk and reduce alarms JP-19054 | fatigue JP-20030 | Create ECS Fargate Failover and fail back CFT JP-20029 | JP-20265 | Create infrastructure for Failover testing in Gold and Prod JP-20266 | JP-20267 | JP-19974 | Create job to maintain synchronization between PROD A and JP-19820 | PROD B databases JP-19825 | JP-20120 | Create Lambda script in python for failover alternative JP-20264 | Document ECS-Service-Fargate Cloudformation template JP-20499 | DR Task: Attach TGW to new AZ3 JP-19721 | ECS Fargate JP-19722 | JP-20007 | Fix RDS IAM role in a cloudformation template JP-20546 | Implement AppD agent in VAEC Prod-B JP-3571 | JLV-VAEC ATO Required Documentation JP-20335 | Knowledge transfer & tasks review JP-20164 | Modify ecs service fargate CFT for all Gold JP-20163 | JP-20467 | Refactor bihourly reporting to improve efficiency and cloud | watch warnings. JP-20294 | refactor ecs fargate CFT JP-20027 | Refactor ECS Fargate CFT for Prod-B Failover JP-20028 | JP-20097 | Synchronization errors between Prod-A & Prod-B RDS databases JP-19702 | Troubleshoot Cloudformation deployment subnets JP-20096 | Troubleshoot prod-b deployment JP-7206 | Troubleshoot VAEC Silver JP-20084 | VA DNS entry for lv-vaec-ppd-b.domain.ext JP-16617 | VAEC: Build Prod B images JP-16618 | VAEC: Deploy services to Prod B JP-16619 | VAEC: Validate Prod B Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : DEC 14, 2022 Completed By: Date Completed: DEC 16, 2022 Released By : Date Released : DEC 16, 2022 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included