$TXT Created by G at CHY0034.FO-BAYPINES.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Friday, 05/06/22 at 14:13 ============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 17, 2022 Designation: SD*5.3*814 Package : SD - SCHEDULING Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #666 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 01, 2022 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)SD*5.3*658 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*814' (v)SD*5.3*806 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*814' (v)SD*5.3*813 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*814' Subject: VS GUI VERSION Category: - Routine - Other - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ VistA Scheduling (VS) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Release and SD*5.3*814 includes several defect corrections and enhancements including updates to the Calendar Appointment Item Context Menus were updated to be 508 compliant. The VS GUI was updated to display the information correctly when a Recall is viewed or edited and the FASTING button has been selected. The new SDES GET MISSION ACT ELIG RPC was created to determine whether a patient is mission act eligible and the VS GUI was updated to display the Mission Act eligibility on various screens within the application. The VS GUI was updated to utilize the user's division when calling demographics web service. $G commands were placed around all input parameters within the DO statements of the SDES routine to help prevent undefined variable errors. The VS GUI was updated to prevent the hijacking of the Ctrl+P control function that is shared among numerous applications. The SDUNC routine was updated to quit out if the user enters an ^ at the RESTORE WHICH PERIOD?: prompt. The SDESGETUD and SDESGETUDDUZ routines were updated to return the ID / IEN of Division and name. The VS GUI Disposition logic was updated to present display a message to the user in a dialog window if the minimum number of contact attempts have not been made for the request. The $$FMTISO function was updated to account for Eastern European Time zones. The SDEC1 and SDEC46 routines were updated to return the institution name so the VS GUI can display the default institution assigned to the VistA instance a user is logged into in the top center of the VS GUI application. The Return Value Type field for the SDEC EDIT PAT PRE-REGISTRATION RPC was changed from array to single value. This release includes creation of wrapper SDES RPCs to add an appointment and view an appointment. The release also includes a new RPC that accepts a list of patient DFNs and returns insurance indicators. SDES CREATE APPT #409.84 RPC and SDES CREATE APPT #44 were updated to adhere to SDES established standards. SDECDATE was updated to correct an issue where trailing alpha characters were not passed for date validation. The VS GUI was updated to display VVC appointment start time in human readable format. ************************************************************************** * GUI UPDATE NOTICE * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This patch MUST be installed before the GUI update for release * * of VS is installed. * * * * * * * * * * The previous version of the VS GUI will not operate after this * * patch is installed. Therefore, VS GUI v1.7.23.0 and VistA patch * * SD*5.3*814 must be coordinated and installed during the same * * maintenance window. * * * * * ************************************************************************** Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: -------------------------- File Name (Number) Field Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ---------- -------------------- Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: ----------------------- Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: ------------------- Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- SDECRPC Broker (Client/Server) Modified SDESRPC Broker (Client/Server) Modified Protocols Associated: --------------------- Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: ------------------------- Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: --------------------- Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ----------------------- -------------------- Remote Procedures Associated: ----------------------------- Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- SDEC EDIT PAT PRE-REGISTRATION Modified SDEC GET INSTITUTION New SDES CREATE APPOINTMENTS New SDES GET APPTS BY CLIN IEN New SDES GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN New SDES GET INSURANCE VERIFY LIST New SDES GET MISSION ACT ELIG New Parameter Definitions Associated: --------------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- JIRA tasks: =========== 1) VSE-180: Tasks Tab - Calendar Appointment Item Context Menus. Problem: The Calendar Appointment Item Context Menus need to be updated to address several 508 compliance issues. Resolution: The Calendar Appointment Item Context Menus were updated to be 508 compliant. 2) VSE-2148: Recall Reminders View or Edit window in GUI. Problem: Within Recall Reminders View or Edit, if the FASTING button is selected, the display is not shown correctly. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to display the information correctly when a Recall is viewed or edited and the FASTING button has been selected. 3) VSE-2268: VistA: Calculate Mission Act Wait Time. Problem: A new RPC is needed to calculate whether patient is mission act eligible based on their appt request entry date, PID, and selected appointment date. Use stop code to determine primary care/mental health vs specialty-verify stop codes that are primary care. Resolution: The new SDES GET MISSION ACT ELIG RPC was created to determine whether patient is mission act eligible based on their appt request IEN, PID, and selected appointment date. 4) VSE-2432: VistA: Create wrapper RPC for adding an appointment. Problem: Create a wrapper SDES RPC to add an appointment. This will contain the SDES RPCs to add appointments in the HOSPITAL LOCATION (#44), PATIENT, (#2) and SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) files. This should ensure that the appointment is added in all three places-if it cannot be added in one, the others should be backed out and an error returned. Resolution: The SDES CREATE APPOINTMENTS wrapper RPC was created to call the 3 RPCs to create the necessary entries in the HOSPITAL LOCATION (#44), PATIENT (#2) and SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) files. 5) VSE-2433: VistA: Create wrapper RPC for viewing an appointment. Problem: Create a wrapper SDES RPC to view an appointment. This will contain the SDES GET RPCs to return appointment info from the HOSPITAL LOCATION (#44), PATIENT (#2), and SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) files. Resolution: The SDES GET APPTS BY CLIN IEN and SDES GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN were created to get all appointment information for the HOSPITAL LOCATION (#44), PATIENT (#2) and SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) 6) VSE-2505: .NET: Display Mission Act Wait Time. Problem: The VS GUI needs to be updated to utilize the new SDES GET MISSION ACT ELIG RPC and to display this information on various screens within the application. Resolution: RPC will return eligible/not eligible-scheduler should be alerted if they are scheduling an appointment that would be mission act eligible because the timeframe from appointment request entry exceeds 20/28 days and PID is <20/28 days from AR entry date. MISSION ACT Wait Time Standard: 20 days from file entry date (date of request) for primary care, 28 days for specialty care. Using this standard: A patient is MISSION act eligible if: * The Request Create Date to PID is less than 20 days AND the scheduled date of appointment is greater than 20 days from the request date (28 for specialty care). A patient is NOT MISSION act eligible if: * Request create date to PID is greater than 20 days for primary care or 28 days for specialty care. * PID and appointment scheduled are within the Wait Time Standard of 20 days for primary care or 28 days for specialty care. 7) VSE-2611: .NET: Update VS GUI to send a user's division, not station, when calling demographics web service. Problem: The VS GUI needs to send a user's division, not station, when calling demographics web service. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to utilize the user's division when calling demographics web service. 8) VSE-2642: VistA: Update the SDES routine to place $G around all input params. Problem: All RPC Entry points in the SDES routine need to be updated to place $G around all input parameters within the DO statements. Resolution: $G were placed around all input parameters within the DO statements of the SDES routine to help prevent undefined variable errors. 9) VSE-2646: VS GUI prevents other apps from using CTRL+P even when GUI is not in context. Problem: The VS GUI prevents other apps from using Ctrl+P, even when VS GUI is not the application in context. This can lead to a loss in productivity for the VA support personnel. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to prevent the hijacking of the Ctrl+P control function that is shared among numerous applications. 10) VSE-2648: VistA: TMP change exposed error. Problem: The TMP team recently made a change to SDUNC to correct an errant TMP call. We received a SNOW ticket (INC21389173) about an error trap on the same line of code we modified. However, it is not related to the change we made. Resolution: The SDUNC routine was updated to quit out if the user enters an ^ at the RESTORE WHICH PERIOD?: prompt. 11) VSE-2675: .NET: Update VS GUI to display institution for VistA instance user is logged into instead of default division. Problem: Update the GUI to display the default institution assigned to the VistA instance a user is logged into. Wording should instead be "VistA" Scheduling for Institution: [institution name]". Below is the current display. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to display default institution assigned to the VistA instance a user is logged into in the top center portion of the screen. 12) VSE-2691: .NET: Display VVC appointment start time in human readable format. Problem: Currently, the Start Time on the Create Video Visit window displays the start time in ISO 8601 format with offset. This should display in a user-friendly format, like Mar 30, 2022@0900. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to display a user-friendly date/time format in the create Video Visit window. 13) VSE-2695: VistA: Update SDES GET USRPROFILE and SDES GET USER PROFILE BY DUZ RPCs Return Division Id. Problem: The SDES GET USER PROFILE BY DUZ RPC needs to be updated to return the ID / IEN of Division in addition to the name. Resolution: The SDESGETUD and SDESGETUDDUZ routines were updated to return the ID / IEN of Division and name. 14) VSE-2703: .NET: Update GUI to account for new contact attempt methods when dispositioning requests. Problem: If minimum scheduling effort has not been met, the user should be presented with the dialog warning them that the minimum number of contact attempts has not been made for the request. Minimum is defined as follows, per the Minimum Scheduling Effort SOP: * Two contact attempts have been made * Contact attempts are in different modalities (cannot both be calls, for example) * It is at least 14 calendar days since the second contact attempt Resolution: The VS GUI Disposition logic was updated to present display a message to the user in a dialog window if the minimum number of contact attempts have not been made for the request. 15) VSE-2705: VistA: Eastern European Time Zone offset is not returning valid times. Problem: The conversion from FileMan to ISO is not currently working for European Time zones. $$FMTISO function needs to be fixed. Resolution: The $$FMTISO function was updated to account for European Time zones. 16) VSE-2726: VistA: Support for UI change to display institution name on top banner. Problem: The allow the VS GUI to display the default institution assigned to the VistA instance a user is logged into, the SDEC GET INSTITUTION RPC needs to be updated to return the institution information. Resolution: The SDEC1 and SDEC46 routines were updated to return the institution name so the VS GUI can display the default institution assigned to the VistA instance a user is logged into in the top center of the VS GUI application. 17) VSE-2754: SDES CREATE APPOINTMENTS. Problem: The RPC needs to be edited to make incorporating into other SDES RPC's uniform. The updates are not functional, but will include coding changes. Resolution: The SDES CREATE APPOINTMENTS was updated to conform to coding standard established for SDES* RPCs. 18) VSE-2748: VistA: Update SDES CREATE APPT #409.84 RPC. Problem: The RPC needs to be edited to make incorporating into other SDES RPC's uniform. Resolution: The SDES CREATE APPT #409.84 RPC was updated to conform to coding standard established for SDES* RPCs. 19) VSE-2794: VistA: Modify routine SDECDATE to correct offset validation. Problem: Modify routine SDECDATE, correcting an issue when trailing alpha characters are not passed for date validation. Resolution: The offset validation logic in routine SDECDATE was updated to handle missing railing alpha characters. 20) VSE-2795: VistA: Create a new RPC that accepts a list of patient DFNs and returns insurance indicators. Problem: Need to create a new RPC that accepts a list of patient DFNs and returns insurance indicators. Resolution: The SDES GET INSURANCE VERIFY LIST RPC was created to accept a list of patient DFNs and will return insurance indicators. 21) VSE-2933: VistA: Update SDEC EDIT PAT PRE-REGISTRATION RPC Problem: Update SDEC EDIT PAT PRE-REGISTRATION RPC to change the RETURN VALUE TYPE from GLOBAL ARRAY to SINGLE VALUE. Resolution: The Return Value Type field for the SDEC EDIT PAT PRE-REGISTRATION RPC was changed from array to single value. Test Sites: ----------- Detroit, MI (DET) San Diego, CA (SDC) North Texas (NTX) Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- Software is distributed by PackMan message and MSI software. NOTE: There are two installation files. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_23_0_P.MSI is the production VS GUI installation file. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_23_0_T.MSI is the preproduction VS GUI file. Other Software Files: This release also includes documentation and other software files. They can be obtained at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE/ Documentation Title File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS GUI R1.7.23.0 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_23_0_P.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.23.0 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_23_0_T.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.23.0 VDD VS_GUI_1_7_23_0 VDD Binary VS GUI R1.7.23.0 DIBR VS_GUI_1_7_23_0 DIBR Binary VS GUI R1.7.23.0 Release Notes VS_GUI_1_7_23_0 RN Binary VS GUI R1.7.23.0 Technical Manual VS_GUI_1_7_23_0 TM Binary VS GUI R1.7.23.0 User Guide Addendum VS_GUI_1_7_23_0_UG_ADD Binary PIMS Technical Manual PIMS_TM Binary Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Patch Installation: ------------------- GUI Installation Instructions: ------------------------- This patch serves as notification that the new VS GUI associated with this patch is available for installation. Please refer to the VS GUI DIBR for instructions on VACS installation. The IO HBMC FO Application Division will lead and coordinate deployment activities with EUO, Client Technology, Citrix Back Office, and Area Managers, and other OIT and business partners as required. The released software package is available at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE Release Manager Point of Contact: Name: Stevens Jack Phone: 772-646-2303 Email: jack.stevens1@domain.ext Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- Routine SDEC814P will update SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) FILE. Routine will run at the end of patch installation process. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ N/A Setup/Configuration Instructions: --------------------------------- This patch may be installed with users on the system, although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. It is not recommended that this patch be queued. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. 2. Choose the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. From the KIDS Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*814. a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any components exported with this patch. You are prompted to select "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. For this patch, backing up the "B"uild is suggested. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. From the Installation Menu, select the Install Package(s) option and when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*814. 5. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//' respond NO. 6. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" respond NO. 7. If prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" respond NO. 8. If prompted "Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//" respond 0. Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- Post install routine SDEC814P will automatically run at the end of the installation process. After the post install has finished running, sites can delete the SDEC814P routine using the Delete Routines [XTRDEL] if they wish. Back-Out Plan/Roll Back Plan: ----------------------------- Install the backup message created during the installation of SD*5.3*814. The VS GUI NATIONAL and VS GUI LOCAL entries in the SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) file needs to be reverted to 1.7.22. If VS GUI was installed, it will need to be reverted to VS GUI See Deployment, Installation, Back Out and Rollback Guide (DIBR) https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE/VS_GUI_1_7_23_0_ DIBR.PDF. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Scheduling;**[Patch List]**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 11 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: SDEC1 Before: B13428022 After: B13653237 **774,781,784,785,797,800,803, 807,814** Routine Name: SDEC46 Before: B14528609 After: B16645449 **627,643,658,814** Routine Name: SDEC814P Before: n/a After: B2328600 **814** Routine Name: SDECDATE Before: B9653243 After: B10065914 **694,805,814** Routine Name: SDES Before: B80563301 After: B90920854 **788,790,792,794,797,799,800, 801,803,804,805,807,809,813, 814** Routine Name: SDESAPPTDATA Before: B11227759 After: B12687619 **788,814** Routine Name: SDESCREATEAPPT Before: n/a After: B53991455 **814** Routine Name: SDESCREATEAPPT2 Before: n/a After: B20075592 **814** Routine Name: SDESCREATEAPPT44 Before: n/a After: B18441985 **814** Routine Name: SDESCRTAPPTWRAP Before: n/a After: B47766702 **814** Routine Name: SDESGETAPPTWRAP Before: n/a After: B81712709 **814** Routine Name: SDESGETREGA Before: B84435948 After: B86128131 **799,804,805,809,814** Routine Name: SDESGETUD Before: B14411324 After: B14150215 **801,805,809,814** Routine Name: SDESGETUDDUZ Before: B13594450 After: B13360017 **807,809,814** Routine Name: SDESJSON Before: B87852471 After:B104073591 **788,794,797,799,800,801,803, 805,807,809,813,814** Routine Name: SDESMISSIONELG Before: n/a After: B41751347 **814** Routine Name: SDESPATRPC Before: B7695958 After: B15821148 **792,804,805,807,809,814** Routine Name: SDESUTIL Before: B15644745 After: B25286641 **801,804,805,814** Routine Name: SDUNC Before: B23671243 After: B24539563 **79,303,380,452,780,806,814** Routine list of preceding patches: 658, 806, 813 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : MAR 30, 2022 Completed By: Date Completed: MAY 17, 2022 Released By : Date Released : MAY 17, 2022 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT