============================================================================= Run Date: SEP 27, 2022 Designation: JLV*3*9 Package : JLV - JOINT LEGACY VIEWER Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #9 Status: Released Compliance Date: OCT 04, 2022 ============================================================================= Subject: JLV Maintenance Release Category: - Informational Description: ============ ****************************** PLEASE NOTE ******************************* * * * Version 3.1.2 of the Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV) was deployed * * to Austin Information Technology Center (AITC), * * Philadelphia Information Technology Center(PITC) and the VA Enterprise * * Cloud (VAEC) Amazon Web Services (AWS) on September 22, 2022. * * * * NOTE: The release was loaded on the National JLV servers. There is * * nothing that local sites needed to do for this release. * * * ************************************************************************** JLV 3.1.2 release updates the VA Enterprise Cloud (VAEC) Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. This includes continuing work on the User Session Management to maintain user sessions when AWS scales up or down and the transition of DoD connection to VAEC AWS from on-premise environ- ments to ensure DoD continues to receive VistA and Cerner Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) data from VA. In addition, JLV 3.1.2 upgrades the on-premise SQL servers to MSSQL2016 from MSSQL2012 to meet OIT end of life compliance. The following **planned requirements** for the release are included: Issue Key | Summary JP-13487 | Change memory reservations in JAVA_OPTS JP-16625 | VAEC: DAS EHRM Endpoint Cutover JP-16912 | VAEC: Stand up PPD-C cluster JP-17232 | VAEC: Update ppd_a dockerfiles JP-15182 | VAEC: Stand up Pre-Prod-B cluster JP-14135 | Refactor Cloudformation Template for ECS for PPD DOD JP-18768 | Re-encrypt DevOps branch dev 3.1.2 maint in the VAJLVOps-Configs git repository JP-18752 | Update VDS clinical reminders The following **maintenance tasks** are included in this release: Issue Key | Summary JP-6589 | Remove certificates from SCM JP-6809 | Leverage Twistlock to scan the ECR JP-7335 | Take IPs out of route53 CFT JP-7894 | DoD Inbound - Mutual TLS - Implement/Test NGINX solution on JLV GOLD JP-7895 | DoD Inbound - Mutual TLS -Implement/Test NGINX solution on JLV PROD JP-7896 | DoD Inbound - Mutual TLS -Cleanup JP-8022 | Use AWS Parameter Store for the new subnets JP-8108 | Delete the default index page and remove the example JSP and servlets JP-8126 | Replace ListenerARN in the ecs-service-fargate.yml file with the new ALBs JP-8146 | Update Jenkins Pipeline Build Version JP-8181 | Create Cloudformation template for Route53 private hosted zones JP-8274 | Remove Context Root B,C,D from all Dockerfiles/Configs JP-8365 | Add automatic version updating to Dockerfiles JP-16572 | Add additional outputs to CodeBuild logs JP-16912 | VAEC: Stand up PPD-C cluster JP-17232 | VAEC: Update ppd_a dockerfiles JP-18048 | Update VAEC Gold CVIX site code and timeout JP-18421 | Resolve all discrepancies between on-prem and VAEC configs Documentation Instructions: Sites may retrieve the documentation directly using this website: https://download.vista.domain.ext then select the SOFTWARE directory File Name Contents --------- -------- JLV_3_1_POM.DOCX JLV Production Operations Manuel JLV_3_1_DIBR.DOCX JLV Deployment/Install/Backout/Rollback Guide JLV_3_1_USERGUIDE.DOCX JLV User Guide The JLV user guide, resources, and training materials are also posted and updated on the JLV website: https://dvagov.sharepoint.com/sites/VACOVE2/JLV Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : SEP 22, 2022 Completed By: Date Completed: SEP 27, 2022 Released By : Date Released : SEP 27, 2022 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included