============================================================================= Run Date: JUN 27, 2023 Designation: PSO*7*545 Package : PSO - OUTPATIENT PHARMACY Priority: Mandatory Version : 7 SEQ #596 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 11, 2023 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PSO*7*651 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*184 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*581 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*621 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*630 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*682 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*683 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*684 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' (v)PSO*7*711 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PSO*7*545' Subject: DEA ENHANCEMENTS Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ This patch is part of an update to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number functionality supporting multiple (DEA) numbers for a provider. ******* ATTENTION-GUI UPDATE ******** ATTENTION-GUI UPDATE *********** ********************************************************************** This release includes an update to the ePCS Delphi GUI executable. Shortcuts pointing to ePCS GUI must be updated using the same local, VISN, or Regional processes used to update CPRS GUI shortcuts. ********************************************************************** Below is a list of all the applications involved in this project along with their patch numbers: APPLICATION/VERSION PATCH --------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPATIENT PHARMACY v7.0 PSO*7.0*545 ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING v3.0 OR*3.0*499 INPATIENT MEDICATIONS v5.0 PSJ*5.0*372 KERNEL v8.0 XU*8.0*689 The Kernel patch XU*8.0*689 is being released in a host file as a standalone patch. The remaining patches are being released in the Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) multi-package build PSO_545_PSJ_372_OR_499.KID. *********************************************************************** ********* ATTENTION ********* ATTENTION ********* ATTENTION *********** *********************************************************************** The multi-package host file containing this patch must be installed IMMEDIATELY after installing XU*8.0*689. After the installation of XU*8.0*689, controlled substance (CS) medication orders are not permitted until the installation of the multi-package build PSO_545_PSJ_372_OR_499.KID. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** This group of patches follow an initial release consisting of patches XU*8*688, PSO*7*529, and PSO*7*684. This patch PSO*7*545 has the following enhancements: 1. Options Add New Providers [PSO PROVIDER ADD] and Edit Provider [PSO PROVIDER EDIT] are included with the following modifications: a. The following existing fields have been hidden and will not be available for editing: - Prescriber DEA # (field #53.2) - Prescriber DEA expiration Date (field #747.44) - Prescriber Detox/Maint # (field #53.11) b. Allow Multiple DEA Numbers to be associated to a Provider. c. Add/Edit/Remove/Confirm DEA Number Information for Non-VA Providers. 2. New options have been added to the ePCS DEA Utility Functions [PSO EPCS UTILITY FUNCTIONS] menu: a. Allow VA Number if DEA Number Expired [PSO EPCS EXPIRED DEA FAILOVER] b. DEA Number Integrity Check [PSO EPCS DEA INTEGRITY REPORT] c. Edit Facility DEA# and Expiration Date [PSO EPCS EDIT DEA# AND XDATE] d. Manual DEA Number Entry] [PSO EPCS DEA MANUAL ENTRY] e. Print Audits for Prescriber Editing [PSO EPCS PRINT EDIT AUDIT] f. Print DISUSER Prescribers with Privileges [PSO EPCS DISUSER PRIVS] g. Print Prescribers with Privileges [PSO EPCS PRIVS] h. Print Setting Parameters Privileges [PSO EPCS SET PARMS] i. Set Pharmacy Operating Mode [PSO VAMC MBM PHARMACY MODE] 3. The 'Allow VA Number if DEA Number Expired' [PSO EPCS EXPIRED DEA FAILOVER] option will allow sites to turn off the existing expired DEA number "fail over" functionality so that the renewal of DEA Registrations can be enforced while allowing other sites to maintain the "fail over" functionality. This parameter is also accessible from menu 'General Parameter Tools', option 'Edit Parameter Values' [XPAR EDIT PARAMETER], at the package level and the system level. Note - The post-install routine will set this parameter to 1 ("Yes") at the system level to allow the "Fail Over" functionality. 4. The 'Set Pharmacy Operating Mode' option will allow Meds by Mail (MBM) sites to turn off the warning messages when using the EPCS GUI application to select a provider who does not have a CPRS account. With MBM mode on, pharmacy will be able to edit DEA information regardless of provider type. Note - The post-install routine will set this parameter to "VAMC". 5. The 'Manual DEA Number Entry' option provides the ability to enter a new DEA number when a connection to the DEA Web Service (PSO DOJ/DEA WEB SERVICE) cannot be established. 6. The Copy and Renew ListMan actions have been modified to ensure that the DEA # that is in the original prescription has the credentials to write CS orders. 7. The options Add New Providers [PSO PROVIDER ADD], Edit Provider [PSO PROVIDER EDIT], and View Provider [PSO PROVIDER INQUIRE] have been Modified with the following: a. The following existing fields have been hidden and will not be displayed or available for editing: Prescriber DEA # (field 53.2) Prescriber DEA expiration date (field 747.44) Prescriber Detox/Maint # (field 53.11 b. Support multiple DEA numbers associated with a single Provider. c. To allow multiple DEA Numbers to be associated to a single Non-VA Provider, a call is made to the PSO DOJ/DEA web Service to get the latest copy of the DEA registration, which, if confirmed by the user, are stored in the DEA NUMBERS file (#8991.9) and a pointer is added to the NEW DEA #'S multiple field (53.21). 8. The option Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS] has been modified with the following: a. To allow the selection of a DEA number when placing an order for Controlled Substance (CS) drug. b. To ensure the Provider is authorized to prescribe a specific CS drug. Technical Description ---------------------- Routine PSODIR has been modified to allow the selection of a DEA Number when placing a CS drug order and to store the DEA#/DETOX# in variable PSORX("RXDEA")/PSORX("DETX"). Routine PSOORNE3 has been modified to include the DEA# and the DETOX# as part of the display when the order is being edited before being accepted. Routines PSOORED1, PSOORNE5 and PSOORFI5 have been modified to include the DEA# as part of the display when the order is being copied or renewed. Routine PSONEW and PSORENW0 has been modified to kill PSORX("RXDEA")/PSORX("DETX"). Routine PSORN52C has been modified to store the selected DEA# in ^TMP("PSORXN",$J,RXN,"DEA") to use in routine PSOHLSN1. Routine PSOHLSN1 has been modified to include the selected DEA# in The RXE-13 piece as part of the order transmission to ORDER ENTRY/ RESULTS REPORTING (OERR) package, where this DEA# will be populated in the ORDER DEA ARCHIVE INFO file (#101.52). 9. A reminder has been added to the TM - Titration Mark/Unmark hidden Action for Controlled Substance prescriptions: "NOTE: Marking this controlled substance Rx as a Titration prescription will prevent refills and renewals. You will not be able to convert the Rx to a maintenance prescription by the TR Hidden Action." 10. New Remote Procedure Calls (RPC's) have been created to support ePCS enhancements. See the Remote Procedure Calls section for a complete list. New 'Broker' type options EPCS EDIT PRESCRIBER DATA [PSO DEA EDIT DATA] option and EPCS GUI CONTEXT VERSION [PSO EPCS GUI CONTEXT]. 11. In order to avoid removing existing users' access to ePCS GUI, a Post-Install routine replaces the legacy ePCS broker menu XU EPCS EDIT DATA (which has been marked Out of Order) with the new broker menu PSO EPCS GUI CONTEXT in the secondary menu multiple of active users holding the XUEPCSEDIT key. Note: Routine PSOHLEXP has been modified. The mail message generated by the Expire Prescriptions [PSO EXPIRE PRESCRIPTIONS] option when the facility DEA # is about to expire has been modified to reference the option, 'Edit Facility DEA# and Expiration Date' [PSO EPCS EDIT DEA# AND XDATE]. Note: The following routines have been modified to use calls $$DEA^XUSER, $$DETOX^XUSER and $$PRXDT^XUSER to replace references to the NEW PERSON file (#200) fields DEA# (#53.2), DETOX/MAINTENANCE ID NUMBER (#53.11) and DEA EXPIRATION DATE (#747.44). PSOERXR1 PSOERXA0 PSOCLUTL PSOHLDS1 PSOCPTRI Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: -------------------------- N/A Forms Associated: ----------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: ----------------------- N/A Options Associated: ------------------- Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- Allow VA Number if DEA Number Expired [PSO EPCS EXPIRED DEA FAILOVER] Option New DEA Number Integrity Check [PSO EPCS DEA INTEGRITY REPORT] Option New Edit Facility DEA# and Expiration Date [PSO EPCS EDIT DEA# AND XDATE] Option New Enter/Edit EPCS Access Reports Parameters [PSO EPCS ACCESS REPORT PARAM] Option New ePCS Edit Prescriber Data [PSO DEA EDIT DATA] Broker New EPCS GUI Context version [PSO EPCS GUI CONTEXT] Broker New Manual DEA Number Entry] [PSO EPCS DEA MANUAL ENTRY] Option New Print Audits for Prescriber Editing [PSO EPCS PRINT EDIT AUDIT] Option New Print DISUSER Prescribers with Privileges [PSO EPCS DISUSER PRIVS] Option New Print Prescribers with Privileges [PSO EPCS PRIVS] Option New Print Setting Parameters Privileges [PSO EPCS SET PARMS] Option New Set Pharmacy Operating Mode [PSO VAMC MBM PHARMACY MODE] Option New Protocols Associated: --------------------- Protocol Name New/Mod/Del ------------- ----------- PSODEAME ACCEPT AND SAVE New PSODEAME COPY TO VISTA New PSODEAME EDIT VISTA VALUES New PSODEAME MENU New PSODEAME QUIT AND REJECT New Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: New/Modified Template Name Type File Name (Number) /Deleted ------------- ---- -------------------- ------------ PSO DEA NUMBER LIST DEA NUMBERS (8991.9) New MANAGEMENT PSO DEA SET PARMS PRINT NEW PERSON (200) New PRINT PSO DEA SET PARMS SORT NEW PERSON (200) New SORT PRINT TEMPLATE: ACTION: PSO DEA SET PARMS PRINT FILE #200 SEND TO SITE SORT TEMPLATE: ACTION: PSO DEA SET PARMS SORT FILE #200 SEND TO SITE Remote Procedure Calls Associated: Remote Procedure Name: New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- PSO EPCS ADD DEA New PSO EPCS DEADOJ New PSO EPCS DEALIST New PSO EPCS DEA DUP CHECK New PSO EPCS DETOX CHECK New PSO EPCS EDIT New PSO EPCS FIELD HELP New PSO EPCS FILE NP SCHED New PSO EPCS FILER New PSO EPCS GET LIST New PSO EPCS LIST NP SCHED New PSO EPCS LIST OPTN DESC New PSO EPCS MBM New PSO EPCS REMOVE DEA New PSO EPCS REPORTS New PSO EPCS SYSTEM DATE TIME New PSO EPCS TOPIC HELP New PSO EPCS VA# DUP CHECK New PSO EPCS VERSION New Parameter Definitions Associated: --------------------------------- Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- ----------- PSOEPCS EXPIRED DEA FAILOVER New Additional Information: ----------------------- New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ---------- Coatesville VAMC (Coatesville, PA) Kansas City VAMC (Kansas City, MO) Tennessee Valley HCS (Nashville, TN) Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released using a host file. The host file is available at the following location: /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/PSO_545_PSJ_372_OR_499.KID Other Software Files: This release also includes other software files. Other software files can be obtained by accessing the URL: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE Retrieval File Name Contents Format --------- -------- --------- EPCSDATAENTRYFORPRESCRIBER.ZIP ePCSDataEntryForPresciber.exe binary Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/. Documentation can also be obtained at https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. Documentation Title File Name ------------------------------- ------------------------ Deployment, Installation, Back-out PSO_7_0_P545_DIBRG.DOCX and Rollback Guide (DIBRG) PSO_7_0_P545_DIBRG.PDF Outpatient Pharmacy Version 7 PSO_7_0_P545_MAN_UM.DOCX Manager's User Manual PSO_7_0_P545_MAN_UM.PDF Outpatient Pharmacy Version 7 PSO_7_0_P545_PHAR_UM.DOCX Pharmacist's User Manual PSO_7_0_P545_PHAR_UM.PDF Outpatient Pharmacy Version 7 PSO_7_0_P545_TM.DOCX Technical Manual Security Guide PSO_7_0_P545_TM.PDF ePCS GUI Setup Instructions: --------------------------- Here are the instructions to setup the ePCS GUI: 1. Upon receipt of the file, ePCSDataEntryForPrescriber.zip, save into your My Documents folder. 2. Open Windows Explorer 3. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\VistA 4. Right-click on C:\Program Files (x86)\VistA a. choose New -> Folder b. ePCS 5. Right-click on My Documents\ePCSDataEntryForPrescriber.zip a. Choose Open with -> Windows Explorer 6. Drag the following files to the new ePCS folder a. ePCSDataEntryForPrescriber.exe b. borlndmm.dll 7. Navigate to the new ePCS folder 8. Right-click on ePCSDataEntryForPrescriber.exe a. Send to -> Desktop (create shortcut) 9. You will find the new shortcut on your Desktop. Select the new shortcut. a. Right-click b. Select Properties i. In Target text box, append to the end of "C:\Program Files (x86)\VistA\ePCS\ePCSDataEntryForPrescriber.exe" 1. s= p= ii. For example "C:\Program Files(x86)\VistA\ePCS\ePCSDataEntryForPrescriber.exe" s=vaausvipappdev3.aac.domain.ext p=9991 c. Click Apply d. Click OK 10. Click the new shortcut to launch the ePCS GUI. Note: To enter data in the ePCS Data Entry for Prescriber application, the user must have the XUEPCSEDIT key and the option EPCS GUI Context version [PSO EPCS GUI CONTEXT] as a secondary menu. A user cannot have both the XUEPCSEDIT key and the ORES key. The two keys are exclusive to one another so that the person prescribing is not also the person controlling authorization for prescribing controlled substances. Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- The migration of DEA numbers from the old DEA# field in the NEW PERSON file (#200) must be performed no more than 7 days prior to installing this patch. This migration was previously done by the post-installation process of required patch PSO*7.0*684; if PSO*7.0*684 was installed more than 7 days prior to installing this patch (PSO*7.0*545), the DEA migration must be re-run or 'refreshed' prior to installing this patch. The migration may take several hours to run, therefore the installation of this patch PSO*7.0*545 may need to occur a day after executing the pre-installation steps. ************************************************************************* NOTE: When running the ^XINDEX routine, sites will encounter an XINDEX Error after the installation of this patch. Routine PSO7P684 uses HealtheVet Web Services Client (HWSC). It calls Cache Classes to request data from the web server, read each line data returned, and retrieve any error codes returned. A Department of Veterans Affairs Cache Programming Standards and Conventions (SAC) Exemption (ID 20210601-01) was approved on 06/01/2021. The errors reported by XINDEX are: PSO7P684 * * 251 Lines, 12270 Bytes, Checksum: B121890392 I 'SC Q "0^General Service Error"_PSOERR.code GET+12 W - Vendor specific code is restricted.] S RESPONSE=REQUEST.HttpResponse GET+15 W - Vendor specific code is restricted.] S DATA=RESPONSE.Data GET+16 W - Vendor specific code is restricted.] F Q:DATA.AtEnd Set RESPJSON=RESPJSON_DATA.ReadLine() GET+18 W - Vendor specific code is restricted.] GET+18 W - Vendor specific code is restricted.] --- Routine Detail --- with REGULAR ROUTINE LISTING --- ************************************************************************* Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ 1. Use the DEA Migration Report [PSO DEA MIGRATION REPORT] option to re-run the DEA migration. a. The message "The DEA Migration was last run on @