============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 14, 2025 Designation: PSO*7*727 Package : PSO - OUTPATIENT PHARMACY Priority: Mandatory Version : 7 SEQ #638 Status: Released Compliance Date: FEB 14, 2025 ============================================================================= Subject: Inbound eRx (ePrescribing) TRM Compliance & Defect Fixes Category: - Informational - Other Description: ============ The Inbound eRx JAVA application is a component of the PRE IEP program that provides the capability to receive inbound eRx's from an external provider. The JAVA application provides a user interface that allows end users to manage and monitor eRx processing from external sources. This patch provides resolutions for the following issues: 1 Jira Defect: HDSO-3909 - Resolves issues reported by the Software Assurance (SwA) team with vulnerabilities detected within the libraries and frameworks used in the application. 2 INC23782969 - Addresses an incorrect error code within the application. 3 Jira Defects: HDSO-737, HDSO-9083 and ERXCS-3191- Addresses TRM compliance issues with outdated libraries and frameworks used. 4 INC23152564- MbM_Check to set fault value independent of digital signature by limiting initial call to the class constructor - post parse. 5 Jira Defect: HDSO-6920- Outdated version of ESAPI version that is not TRM compliant in use by the application. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- N/A Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- -------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: ============================================ 1. Jira Defects: HDSO-3909 -(SwA) team detected vulnerabilities within several libraries and frameworks. Problem 1: --------- Software Assurance (SwA) team detected vulnerabilities within several libraries and frameworks that were used by the application. Resolution 1: ----------- The libraries and frameworks with known vulnerabilities were updated within the application to patched versions of the libraries and frameworks in question to eliminate the issues reported by the SwA team. 2. INC23782969 - Inbound eRx is sending an error with error code 602 Problem 2: --------- Inbound eRx is sending an error with error code 602 for eRx containing controlled substance when sending a NewRx to MEDS BY MAIL CHAMPVA (NCPDP ID: 5204437) which is an incorrect error code. Resolution 2: ----------- The system should send error code 601 with description (Receiver unable to process). 3. Jira Defect: HDSO-7370 and HDSO-9083 - Update libraries and frameworks for compliance with TRM. Problem 3: --------- Update libraries and frameworks for compliance with TRM. Resolution 3: ----------- Updated Apache CXF, Apache Commons Text, Apache Commons Lang3, Apache log4j, Spring Framework, Spring Security, Jackson JSON, SLF4J, Hibernate, Hibernate Validator, and Ehcache for compliance with TRM. 4. INC23152564 - Jira Defect:HDSO-505-CII eRx prescriptions are supposed to be blocked at the Hub,but some CII eRx prescriptions are still reaching our VistA. Problem 4: --------- CII eRx prescriptions are supposed to be blocked at the Hub, but some CII eRx prescriptions are still reaching our VistA. Resolution 4: ----------- Changed MbM_Check to set fault value independent of digital signature by limiting initial call to the class constructor - post parse. 5. Jira Defect: HDSO-6920 - Outdated version of ESAPI version that is not TRM compliant. Problem 5: --------- Outdated version of ESAPI version that is not TRM compliant in use by the application. Resolution 5: ----------- Updated ESAPI version from to in compliance with TRM. Patient Safety Issues: ====================== N/A Participating Test Sites: ========================= User acceptance testing successfully completed at listed stations. MbM - Station 741 Central Texas- Station 674 SNOW/RFC Ticket#: ------------------- INC37063743 Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ------------------------------------------------- The PSO*7*727 documentation can be found on the VA Documentation Library (VDL) at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl. The PSO*7*727 documentation can also be obtained at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. PSO*7*727 documentation can also be obtained at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. Title File Name ------------------------------------------------------------------ Deployment, Installation, PSO_7_0_P727_ DIBR.DOCX Back-out and Rollback Guide PSO_7_0_P727_ DIBR.PDF Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ N/A Installation Instructions: ------------------------- Inbound eRx (ePrescribing GUI) is a Centralized Web application and JAVA component for this patch is being installed by AITC. No installation is required at Local sites. The Deployment, Installation, Back-Out and Rollback Guide (DIBR) for this patch contains detailed installation instructions on how to deploy this eRx Java application patch at the Central Application Server. Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: -------------- The backout plan is provided as part of the Deployment, Installation, Back-Out and Rollback Guide (DIBR) for this patch. Refer to section 4, Back-Out Procedure. Validation of Back-out Procedure: --------------------------------- Detailed information on the validation of back-out procedure is provided in the DIBR for this patch. Refer to section 4.2, Back-Out Verification Procedure. Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : MAY 17, 2023 Completed By: Date Completed: JAN 14, 2025 Released By : Date Released : JAN 14, 2025 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included