============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 09, 2009 Designation: BPS*1*7 Package : BPS - E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #7 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 09, 2009 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (c)IB*2*384 install with patch `BPS*1*7' (c)PSO*7*289 install with patch `BPS*1*7' (v)BPS*1*6 <<= must be installed BEFORE `BPS*1*7' Subject: ePHARMACY ENHANCEMENTS Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Other Description: ============ This patch has enhancements which extend the capabilities of the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) electronic pharmacy (ePharmacy) billing system. Below is a list of all the applications involved in this project along with their patch number: APPLICATION/VERSION PATCH -------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED MAIL OUTPATIENT PHARMACY (CMOP) V. 2.0 PSX*2*65 PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT (PDM) V. 1.0 PSS*1*131 OUTPATIENT PHARMACY (OP) V. 7.0 PSO*7*289 INTEGRATED BILLING (IB) V. 2.0 IB*2*384 ELECTRONIC CLAIMS MANAGEMENT ENGINE (ECME) V. 1.0 BPS*1*7 The last three patches (PSO*7*289, IB*2*384 and BPS*1*7) will be released in the Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) multi-build distribution BPS PSO IB BUNDLE 3.0. Patches PSX*2*65 and PSS*1*131 will be released as stand-alone patches. Since there is an implementation dependency between the multi-build distribution and the stand-alone patches, PSX*2*65 and PSS*1*131 must be installed prior to the installation of the multi-build. For more specific instructions please refer to the installation steps provided in each of the patches. This patch modifies the Electronic Claims Management Engine v1.0 application as described below: 1. ECME User Screen: - Reversal Action: - Allow a Claims Tracking entry to be closed for a reversal from the ECME User Screen: If a released claim is being manually reversed from the ECME user screen, ECME will prompt the user whether the claims tracking entry should be marked as non-billable. If the user answers YES, the user will be prompted for a Claims Tracking Non-Billable Reason and a Comment. If the reversal is accepted by the payer, the ECME claim will be closed and a close event will then be sent to IB with the non-billable reason and comment provided by the user. IB will mark the episode as non-billable and release the first-party copay. - Allow claims with Reversal Other status to be reversed: The Reversal action of the ECME User Screen was updated to allow a user to select a claim with a status of Reversal Other. Previously, these claims could not be processed via the ECME User Screen. - Close Claim Action: The Close Claim action was modified to allow a reversal to be selected if the reversal is released and accepted. Since this action will now allow released reversals to be closed, the action name was changed from Close Rejected Claim to Close Claim. - Change View Updates: - Eligibility Indicator: An eligibility prompt was added to the change view action to assist in identifying the eligibility type of the claim. The possible input will be TRICARE, Veteran, or ALL with an initial default of Veteran. User selection will determine which eligibility claims show up on the user screen. - Open/Close Claims Selection: A new prompt was added which allows the user to select Open, Closed, or All claims with an initial default of Open. User selection will determine whether open and/or closed claims show up on the user screen. - Submission Type Selection: A submission type prompt was added which will allow the user to select billing requests, reversal claims, or all claims with an initial default of All. User selection will determine which type of claims show up on the user screen. - Multiple Insurance Selection: The Insurance Selection prompt was changed to 'Display Specific (I)nsurance Companies or (A)ll'. If the user selects 'I' for Specific Insurance Companies, the user will then be able to select one or more specific insurance companies. The insurances that can be selected will be based on the entire list of insurance companies and not based on the insurance companies which are applicable to the range specified by the user in the Activity Timeframe question. - Closed Claims Indicator: Since the user will be able to select closed claim in the change view action, the claims that are displayed will need an indicator so that the user knows which claims are open and which claims are closed. The display for an open claim will not change. In other words, if there is no indicator on the claim's line, the claim is an open claim. Closed claims will have the string '/Closed' after the status display. For claim lines with multiple statuses, the closed indicator will be after the first status. In addition, the REV Reverse Payable Claim, RES Resubmit Claim, CLO Close Claim, WRK Send to Worklist, and RED Resubmit Claim w/EDITS actions in the ECME User Screen have been modified to not allow selection of a closed claim. In order to perform these actions a closed claim must be reopened. - Eligibility Display: Since the user will have a new eligibility prompt in the ECME User Screen Change View action, the display of the user screen will need to indicate the eligibility of the patient and insurance. To accommodate this, the '*Done*'/percentage display has been replaced with an eligibility indicator ('Vet' for Veterans and 'Tri' for TRICARE). - Add Reopen Closed Claim Action: Since users will have the option to display closed claims on the ECME user screen, a new hidden action Reopen Closed Claim (ROC) will be added that will allow a user to open a closed claim directly from the user screen instead of using the Re Open CLOSED Claims option [BPS REOPEN CLOSED CLAIM] that is on the Maintenance menu. The execution of this action requires the BPS MANAGER security key, which is the same key needed to run the Re Open CLOSED Claim option. - New Options on the Further Research Menu: The Further Research screen was updated to include a new action called Group Plan Menu (GRPL). This will take the user to a sub-menu with three selections - Edit PLAN APPLICATION Sub-file (EPLA), Match Group Plan to a Pharmacy Plan (MGP), and Match Multiple Group Plans to a Pharmacy Plan (MMGP). Selecting any of these will allow the user to jump to these options under the e-Pharmacy submenu (EPH) of the Patient Insurance Menu. - Print Claim Log Action: The Print Claim Log action was updated to display the submitting user for each transmission where the information is available. 2. Status Message for Unstranded Claims: A modification was made to ECME routines that changes name of the statuses from "E STRANDED" to "E UNSTRANDED" and from "E REVERSAL STRANDED" to "E REVERSAL UNSTRANDED". Also the status messages for the user on the User Screen were changed accordingly - from "Stranded" to "Unstranded" and from "Stranded reversal" to "Unstranded reversal". This modification will eliminate previous confusion for the user when their status became "Stranded". 3. Reopen Closed Claims and Deleted Prescriptions: A modification was made to the Re Open CLOSED Claims option [BPS REOPEN CLOSED CLAIM] that prevents deleted prescriptions from showing up on the list of prescriptions allowed to be reopened. Deleted prescriptions are also prevented from being reopened using the new hidden protocol Reopen Closed Claims from the ECME User Screen. 4. Insurance Selection for the Claim Results and Status Reports: A modification was made to seven options listed beneath the Claim Results and Status [BPS MENU RPT CLAIM STATUS] menu to allow the user to generate these reports for multiple insurances. The following options have been modified: Payable Claims Report [BPS RPT PAYABLE] Rejected Claims Report [BPS RPT REJECTION] Reversal Claims Report [BPS RPT REVERSAL] Claims Submitted, not yet Released [BPS RPT NOT RELEASED] Recent Transactions [BPS RPT RECENT TRANSACTIONS] Totals by Date [BPS RPT TOTALS BY DAY] Closed Claims Report [BPS RPT CLOSED CLAIMS] 5. Rejected Claims Report: The Rejected Claims Report [BPS RPT REJECTION] option has been modified to include an Eligibility and Open/Closed prompts. The Eligibility prompt will allow the report to display claims with an eligibility of Tricare, Veteran, or All with an initial default of Veteran. The Open/Closed prompt will allow the report to display claims that are Open, Closed, or All with an initial default of Open. The output of the Rejected Claims report has been modified to display the Open/Closed state and the Eligibility. 6. Reversal Claims Report and Closed Claims: The original intention of the Payable Claims, Rejected Claims, Reversal Claims, and Closed Claims reports was that a claim was suppose to show up on only one report but not more than one at the same time. Now that we can close released, accepted reversals, the Reversal Claims report has been updated to no longer include closed claims. If a reversal is closed, it will show up on the Closed Claims report as this was the last action performed on the claim. 7. Implement Insurer Asleep Functionality: New functionality has been added to allow claims that have been rejected with NCPDP Reject Codes 90-98 to be automatically resubmitted at specific intervals. Prior to this modification, claims that were rejected with these specific codes were treated as any other reject and the claim was reported as E REJECTED. Now sites have the ability to maintain control over how these claims are processed by setting the interval time and number of retries that the system will use to resubmit claims returned from Emdeon or the third-party payer. Two new fields have been added to the BPS SETUP file (#9002313.99) that are editable via the Edit Basic ECME Parameters [BPS SETUP BASIC PARAMS] option. The INSURER ASLEEP INTERVAL field (#.05) will allow an input between 0 and 29 minutes with a default of 20. The INSURER ASLEEP RETRIES field (#.06) will allow an input between 0 and 99 retries with a default of 10. If either the Insurer Asleep Interval or the Insurer Asleep Retries parameter is set to 0, the functionality will be disabled. If the user does disable this functionality, any claims that are in an insurer asleep state will automatically be resubmitted to the payer. 8. Processing Queue Fix: The ECME engine code was redesigned to allow multiple submissions of the same prescription and fill to be placed on the request queue at the same time. Two new files BPS REQUESTS file (#9002313.77) and BPS INSURER DATA file (#9002313.77) was introduced to support this modification. Now all requests sent to the payers for payment claims or reversals submitted by packages are placed in the queue as records in the BPS REQUESTS file. Initially all new records are getting "SCHEDULED" process flag value. Then the record that must be processed first changes its process flag to "ACTIVATED" and this makes it available for the background job. This background job monitors continuously records in the BPS REQUESTS file and un-queue (starts processing) requests as soon as they become "ACTIVATED". When the ECME engine receives a response from the payer it checks whether the request was successful and if so then ECME engine identifies the request (if any) that needs to be activated next for this prescription/refill. Thus the newly activated request becomes available for the background job and it starts processing the next request for the prescription/refill in the right order. If one of scheduled requests was unsuccessful then all following sequential requests will be cancelled. Also if one of the requests becomes stranded then un-stranding the claim via View/Unstrand Claims Not Completed option will result in cancelling all following requests. This menu option also was modified to handle this situation. The new BPS INSURER DATA file (#9002313.77) is used to store billing determination data returned by IB package. Both files are used to populate the transaction record in BPS TRANSACTION file at the time the background job un-queues the request. This modification required changes in STATUS APIs to handle the situation when a request is waiting processing in the queue. The Developer Log option reflects all significant stages of new request processing including un-queuing, determination of the next request and other details to provide enough information for trouble shooting. Most of the changes made for this functionality are transparent to the user. The new Processing Queue functionality also supports other changes made in this patch such as Insurer Asleep Functionality and changes made to Reversal Action of the User Screen (Close after Reversal). 9. Registration Updates: - The registration process has been reworked to avoid multiple "Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit:" prompts when walking through the various registration prompts. Users will now just be able to walk directly through the prompts avoiding extra prompting to continue. Additionally if a user enters "^" to exit the registration process the software will now respect their wish to exit and exit the option Register Pharmacy with Austin Automation Center [BPS SETUP REGISTER PHARMACY]. - Hours of Operation removed. The hours of operation data and prompts were never utilized for any of the ePharmacy process; therefore the prompts for Hours of Operation have been removed from the registration prompts. - MailMan message notification. Prior to this patch if the registration process encountered an error a MailMan message notification was only sent to the site's primary email address contact in the New Person (#200) file. With this patch the MailMan notification will be sent to the Primary Site and Alternate Site contact to both their VistA MailMan and their email address in the New Person (#200) file. - Registration Data Display. Prior to this patch when completing the registration process, the data to be transmitted was displayed in HL7 format. This patch updates the display to show the data in a user readable format. - Additional Tracking. This patch implements additional tracking to determine when a site was last confirmed as registered in Austin. The new field DATE SITE LAST CONFIRMED (#.07) in the BPS SETUP (#9002313.99) file will be populated when an application acknowledgment (ACK) message is returned from Austin. - Inactive BPS Pharmacies. Prior to this patch all BPS Pharmacies were transmitted to Austin every night regardless of their status. This caused problems when a site inactived a BPS Pharmacy yet it may have the same NPI or NABP number as an active BPS Pharmacy. With this patch, an inactive BPS Pharmacy will only be sent once to indicate to Austin the BPS Pharmacy is inactive. After which it will not be sent in any future registration messages unless the status is changed back to active (note Remedy Ticket # HD0000000251937). 10. Cleanup of Obsolete Components: - The following files are being removed from the BPS package. They were never utilized within the VA's implementation of ePharmacy. BPS NCPDP FIELD 103 (#9002313.82103) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 305 (#9002313.82305) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 306 (#9002313.82306) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 307 (#9002313.82307) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 308 (#9002313.82308) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 309 (#9002313.82309) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 406 (#9002313.82406) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 408 (#9002313.82408) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 416 (#9002313.82416) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 419 (#9002313.82419) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 420 (#9002313.8242) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 423 (#9002313.82423) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 425 (#9002313.82425) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 429 (#9002313.82429) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 432 (#9002313.82432) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 436 (#9002313.82436) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 439 (#9002313.82439) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 440 (#9002313.8244) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 441 (#9002313.82441) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 461 (#9002313.82461) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 501 (#9002313.82501) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 522 (#9002313.82522) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 528 (#9002313.82528) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 529 (#9002313.82529) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 532 (#9002313.82532) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 533 (#9002313.82533) file BPS NCPDP FIELD 535 (#9002313.82535) file - The following files did not adhere to VA programming standards. Because of so many changes in the following files their entire file definition is being deleted and re-installed through the install process of this patch. BPS NCPDP FIELD DEFS (#9002313.91) file BPS NCPDP FORMATS (#9002313.92) file BPS NCPDP REJECT CODES (#9002313.93) file BPS TRANSACTION (#9002313.59) file BPS CLAIMS (#9002313.02) file BPS RESPONSES (#9002313.03) file BPS PHARMACIES (#9002313.56) file BPS LOG OF TRANSACTIONS (#9002313.57) file BPS SETUP (#9002313.99) file 11. Send Non-Clinical Reject Claims to Outpatient Pharmacy Reject Worklist: The new action Send to Worklist was added to the ECME User Screen, it allows ECME users to send rejected claims to Outpatient Pharmacy Reject Worklist. This option is available only to those users that hold BPS MANAGER key. The Pharmacy site parameters can be configured to allow all reject claims to be sent to the worklist or to impose restrictions on this process by specifying certain reject codes that are only allowed to be sent to the worklist. The new action provides the user with the ability to enter a comment which will be sent to Pharmacy worklist and will be visible for Pharmacy users. 12. Drugs Non Covered functionality The BPSOSQL routine was modified to call IB API to notify Integrated Billing package about rejected claims so IB can update a list of Non Covered Drugs if necessary. The IB report DRUGS NON COVERED REPORT was added to [BPS MENU MAINTENANCE] menu option to provide access to this report for ECME users. 13. NCPDP Claims data - Prescriber Phone Number A code change was made for the field PRESCRIBER PHONE NUMBER (498-PM) to now send the AGENT CASHIER PHONE NUMBER (#2.06) field of the IB SITE PARAMETERS (#350.9) file instead of the Prescriber's Home Number. 14. To avoid daily MailMan messages indicating nothing, the night job has been updated to only send MailMan messages when it has something to report. Every night the nightly job re-registers the site's pharmacies, auto reverses claims on prescriptions that were never released and inpatient claims and purges the BPS Log file. After completion the system sends an MailMan message indicating what claims were reversed. After install of the patch the nightly job will only send the MailMan message if there were claims that were actually reversed instead of indicating nothing was reversed. 15. The format of the "RX not processed" e-mail message has been updated to include specific information about the issue in the text of the messages. 16. The software has been updated to allow the user to resubmit rejected and unstranded Tricare reversals. 17. Non-standard && operators were replaced by & operator in BPSSCRRV routine. 18. A DELAY feature has been added to the testing tool functionality to postpone claims and reversals processing for testing purposes. This patch addresses the following New Service Request (NSR): ------------------------------------------------------------- There is no NSR associated with this patch. This patch addresses the following Remedy Ticket(s): ---------------------------------------------------- HD251937 - ECME Registration Problem HD270155 - BPS RPT CLOSED CLAIMS null data fields Overview of Remedy Ticket(s): ----------------------------- HD251937 - ECME Registration Problem. Issue: When the NPI became mandatory for BPS Pharmacy registration, BPS Pharmacies without a valid NPI were made inactive, but continued to attempt to transmit registration messages to Austin. Without a valid NPI for the invalid BPS Pharmacy a daily MailMan message was generated to the site contact indicating invalid registration data. Resolution: With the install of this patch once a site has been accepted by Austin as inactive, the nightly site registration process will discontinue attempting to transmit the inactive BPS Pharmacy to Austin, thereby stopping daily MailMan messages. HD270155 - BPS RPT CLOSED CLAIMS null data fields Issue: When attempting to close a claim and the user's DUZ could cause FileMan to do a lookup where multiple New Person entries are found the filing of the CLOSED BY (#903) field fails. Resolution: With the install of this patch the user's DUZ is now stuffed into the CLOSED BY (#903) field by use of the 4 //// stuffing. Since the internal value is known there is no reason to do any lookup or data validation, the user who closes the claim will now be stuffed into the field. Components Sent With Patch -------------------------- The following is a list of files included in this patch: UP SEND DATA DATE SEC. COMES SITE RSLV FILE # NAME DD CODE W/FILE DATA PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9002313.02 BPS CLAIMS YES YES NO 9002313.03 BPS RESPONSES YES YES NO 9002313.15 BPS ASLEEP PAYERS YES YES NO 9002313.25 BPS NCPDP CLARIFICATION CODESYES YES YES OVER NO NO 9002313.26 BPS NCPDP PRIOR AUTHORIZATION TYPE CODEYESYESYESOVER NO NO 9002313.32 BPS PAYER RESPONSE OVERRIDES YES NO NO NO Partial DD: subDD: 9002313.32 fld: .07 9002313.56 BPS PHARMACIES YES YES NO 9002313.57 BPS LOG OF TRANSACTIONS YES YES NO 9002313.59 BPS TRANSACTION YES YES NO NO DATA SCREEN: 9002313.77 BPS REQUESTS YES NO NO 9002313.78 BPS INSURER DATA YES YES NO 9002313.91 BPS NCPDP FIELD DEFS YES YES NO 9002313.92 BPS NCPDP FORMATS YES YES NO 9002313.93 BPS NCPDP REJECT CODES YES YES YES REPL NO NO 9002313.99 BPS SETUP YES YES NO The following is a list of files deleted in this patch: FILE # NAME ------------------------------------- 9002313.82103 BPS NCPDP FIELD 103 9002313.82305 BPS NCPDP FIELD 305 9002313.82306 BPS NCPDP FIELD 306 9002313.82307 BPS NCPDP FIELD 307 9002313.82308 BPS NCPDP FIELD 308 9002313.82309 BPS NCPDP FIELD 309 9002313.82406 BPS NCPDP FIELD 406 9002313.82408 BPS NCPDP FIELD 408 9002313.82416 BPS NCPDP FIELD 416 9002313.82419 BPS NCPDP FIELD 419 9002313.8242 BPS NCPDP FIELD 420 9002313.82423 BPS NCPDP FIELD 423 9002313.82425 BPS NCPDP FIELD 425 9002313.82429 BPS NCPDP FIELD 429 9002313.82432 BPS NCPDP FIELD 432 9002313.82436 BPS NCPDP FIELD 436 9002313.82439 BPS NCPDP FIELD 439 9002313.8244 BPS NCPDP FIELD 440 9002313.82441 BPS NCPDP FIELD 441 9002313.82461 BPS NCPDP FIELD 461 9002313.82501 BPS NCPDP FIELD 501 9002313.82522 BPS NCPDP FIELD 522 9002313.82528 BPS NCPDP FIELD 528 9002313.82529 BPS NCPDP FIELD 529 9002313.82532 BPS NCPDP FIELD 532 9002313.82533 BPS NCPDP FIELD 533 9002313.82535 BPS NCPDP FIELD 535 The following is a list of fields included in this patch: Field Name (Number) File Name (Number) Subfile Name (Number) ------------------- ------------------ CERTIFICATION IEN (902.23) BPS TRANSACTIONS (9002313.59) The following is a list of input templates deleted in this patch: Template Name File Name (Number) ------------- ------------------ BPSJ ALT CONTACT ENTER/EDIT FILE #9002313.99 BPSJ CONTACT ENTER/EDIT FILE #9002313.99 BPSJ PHARM ALT CONT ENTER/EDIT FILE #9002313.56 BPSJ PHARM CONTACT ENTER/EDIT FILE #9002313.56 BPSJ PHARMACIST ENTER/EDIT FILE #9002313.56 BPSJ PHARMACY SITE ENTER/EDIT FILE #9002313.56 The following is a list of sort templates deleted in this patch: Template Name File Name (Number) ------------- ------------------ BPS TECH - FILES FILE #1 BPS TECH - OPTIONS FILE #19 The following is a list of input templates included in this patch: Template Name File Name (Number) ------------- ------------------ BPSJ PHARMACY ENTER/EDIT FILE #9002313.56 BPSJ SITE SETUP FILE #9002313.99 The following is a list of options included in this patch: Option Name Distribution ----------- ------------ BPS MENU MAINTENANCE USE AS LINK FOR MENU ITEMS BPS SETUP REGISTER PHARMACY SEND TO SITE IB DRUGS NON COVERED REPORT SEND TO SITE The following is a list of protocols included in this patch: Protocol Name ----------- BPS PRTCL ECME USRSCR BPS PRTCL IBCNR EDIT PLAN BPS PRTCL IBCNR GROUP PLAN MATCH BPS PRTCL IBCNR PLAN MATCH BPS PRTCL RSCH GRPL BPS PRTCL RSCH MENU BPS PRTCL RSCH ON HOLD COPAY BPS PRTCL USRSCR CLOSE BPS PRTCL USRSCR EXIT BPS PRTCL USRSCR HIDDEN ACTIONS BPS PRTCL USRSCR PHARM WRKLST BPS PRTCL USRSCR REOPEN CLOSED CLAIMS Documentation Retrieval: ======================== Sites may retrieve documentation in one of the following ways: 1. The preferred method is to FTP the files from download.vista.med.va.gov, which will transmit the files from the first available FTP server. Use the appropriate FTP capability to retrieve the files and use BINARY format. 2. Sites may also elect to retrieve documentation directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov 3. Documentation can also be retrieved from the VistA Documentation Library (VDL) on the Internet at the following address, http://www.va.gov/vdl. The documentation distribution includes: FILE NAME DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------- bps_1_p7um.pdf ECME User Manual bps_1_p7tm.pdf ECME Technical Manual Test Sites: =========== Heartland-West HCS Louisville, KY Saginaw, MI ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= Install Note: Because of the clean up in #10 above, during the install you will see several messages regarding files being deleted and for each file being deleted the software will pause to allow your system's hardware to catch up and avoid errors. During the pause a message will be displayed "- Deleting file #9002313.93, Waiting for hardware 3 seconds..." The number of seconds may vary based on a system setting, but this delay message is expected. To avoid disruptions, these patches should be installed when users are not on the system and during non-peak hours. Of particular concern would be the items below. 1. Do not install the patch when ECME claims are being generated by the BPS Nightly Background Job option [BPS NIGHTLY BACKGROUND JOB]. Wait for this job to finish or complete the installation before this job starts. 2. Do not install the patch when prescriptions are being transmitted to CMOP. Wait for the CMOP transmission to finish or complete the installation before the transmission starts. Check with Pharmacy Service or your pharmacy Automated Data Processing Application Coordinator (ADPAC) to find out when CMOP transmissions occur. 3. In addition, note that you will be prompted to disable the following options during the installation: Billing Clerk's Menu [IB BILLING CLERK MENU] Billing Supervisor Menu ... [IB BILLING SUPERVISOR MENU] Patient Insurance Menu ... [IBCN INSURANCE MGMT MENU] e-Pharmacy Menu ... [IBCNR E-PHARMACY MENU] ECME Billing Events Report option [IB ECME BILLING EVENTS] ECME [BPSMENU] ECME User Screen [BPS USER SCREEN] Rx (Prescriptions) [PSO RX] ePharmacy Menu [PSO EPHARMACY MENU] Suspense Functions [PSO PND] Install Time - Approximately 30 minutes 1. OBTAIN PATCHES -------------- Patches PSX*2*65 and PSS*1*131 will be sent to your system upon release from the National Patch Module. Obtain the host file BPS_1_7_PSO_IB.KID, which contains the following three patch installs: BPS*1.0*7 PSO*7.0*289 IB*2.0*384 Sites can retrieve VistA software from the following FTP addresses. The preferred method is to FTP the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov This will transmit the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov The BPS_1_7_PSO_IB.KID host file is located in the anonymous.software directory. Use ASCII Mode when downloading the file. 2. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL FOR STAND-ALONE PATCHES --------------------------------------------- For patches PSX*2*65 and PSS*1*131, choose the PackMan message containing each of these patches and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu option [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 4. RUN OPTIONAL INSTALLATION OPTIONS FOR STAND-ALONE PATCHES --------------------------------------------------------- From the Installation menu, you may select to use the following options (when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter each of the stand-alone patches (PSX*2.0*65 and PSS*1.0*131)): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as Database Definitions (DD's) or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 5. INSTALL STAND-ALONE PATCHES --------------------------- This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch. This will need to be run for each of the stand-alone patches (PSX*2*65 and PSS*1*131). a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted for the "Select INSTALL NAME:", enter the patch name. c. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//" answer NO. d. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//" answer NO. e. When prompted, "Device: Home//" respond with the correct device. 6. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL FOR MULTI-BUILD ------------------------------------- After the installation of the stand-alone patches is complete, return to the Installation menu. From the Installation menu, select the Load a Distribution option. When prompted for "Enter a Host File:", enter the full directory path where you saved the host file BPS_1_7_PSO_IB.KID (e.g., SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ANONYMOUS]BPS_1_7_PSO_IB.KID). When prompted for "OK to continue with Load? NO//", enter "YES." The following will display: Loading Distribution... BPS PSO IB BUNDLE 3.0 BPS*1.0*7 PSO*7.0*289 IB*2.0*384 Use INSTALL NAME: BPS PSO IB BUNDLE 3.0 to install this Distribution. 7. RUN OPTIONAL INSTALLATION OPTIONS FOR MULTI-BUILD ------------------------------------------------- From the Installation menu, you may select to use the following options (when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter BPS PSO IB BUNDLE 3.0): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 8. INSTALL MULTI-BUILD ------------------- This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch. This will need to be run for the BPS PSO IB BUNDLE 3.0. a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted for the "Select INSTALL NAME:", enter BPS PSO IB BUNDLE 3.0. c. For the PSO*7*289 patch when prompted "Incoming Mail Groups: Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'PSO REJECTS BACKGROUND MESSAGE':", enter the User ID of the person who will serve as the coordinator for this new mail group. d. For the BPS*1*7 patch, when prompted "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//" enter YES unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. e. For the PSO*7*289 patch, when prompted "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//" enter YES unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. f. For the IB*2*384 patch, when prompted "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//" enter YES unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. g. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//" enter NO. h. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//" enter YES. i. When prompted "Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':" enter the following options: Billing Clerk's Menu [IB BILLING CLERK MENU] Billing Supervisor Menu ... [IB BILLING SUPERVISOR MENU] Patient Insurance Menu ... [IBCN INSURANCE MGMT MENU] e-Pharmacy Menu ... [IBCNR E-PHARMACY MENU] ECME Billing Events Report option [IB ECME BILLING EVENTS] ECME [BPSMENU] ECME User Screen [BPS USER SCREEN] Rx (Prescriptions) [PSO RX] ePharmacy Menu [PSO EPHARMACY MENU] Suspense Functions [PSO PND] j. When prompted "Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':" enter . k. When prompted "Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0//" enter an appropriate number of minutes to delay the installation in order to give users enough time to exit the disabled options before the installation starts. l. When prompted "Device: Home//" respond with the correct device. The BPS post-install routine delivered with BPS*1*7 will do the tasks listed below. This post-install will be tasked and may take several hours to run. The post-install routine BPS01P7 is being left on the system after the install. They will be deleted with a future patch. - Since the Hours of Operation are being removed from the registration process, the data currently stored in the BPS PHARMACIES (#9002313.56) for hours of operation is being removed. - The BPS RESPONSES (#9002313.03) file used to have a field for Sales Tax Paid. This field no longer exists in the new refreshed file; therefore any data in this old field is being removed. - The BPS SETUP (#9002313.99) file used to have a field called '*M Vendor'. This field no longer exists in the new refreshed file; therefore any data that may have been in that field that is not related to the new field's definition is being removed. - Prior to this version of the software there were cases where an external date was stored in the date field DATE REOPENED (#906) in the BPS CLAIMS (#9002313.02) file. The post install will search for external date storage and correct it by converting it to an internal date format. - In the BPS CLAIMS (#9002313.02) file, Medication(s) (#9002313.0201) sub-file, Medication Number (#.03) field there was duplicate data stored that was never used. The post install will remove the duplicate data since the field is no longer being included in the file and the associated, never used, "AC" cross reference removed. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: BPS01P2 Routine Name: BPS01P5 Routine Name: BPS01P5A Routine Name: BPS01P5B Routine Name: BPS01P5C Routine Name: BPS10P7 Before: n/a After: B26269995 **7** Routine Name: BPSBCKJ Before: B46482167 After: B46863482 **1,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSBUTL Before: B49471092 After: B52438241 **1,3,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSECFM Before: B10623995 After: B10863158 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSECMP2 Before: B65371165 After: B65381768 **1,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSECMPS Before: B69380294 After: B75418064 **1,2,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSGRPL Before: n/a After: B2437536 **7** Routine Name: BPSJACK Before: B35592079 After: B36662405 **1,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSJAREG Before: B13096479 After: B11441916 **1,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSJINI1 Routine Name: BPSJINIT Before: B36083922 After: B16011071 **1,3,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSJPREG Before: B18672204 After: B20416052 **1,3,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSJUTL Before: B9622844 After: B9363342 **1,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSJVAL1 Before: B15725764 After: B16799335 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSJVAL2 Before: B28991650 After: B28993477 **1,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSJZQR Before: B2363888 After: B3046471 **1,3,7** Routine Name: BPSJZRP Before: B23528734 After: B12105763 **1,2,7** Routine Name: BPSNCPD1 Before: B70088175 After: B46831868 **1,3,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSNCPD2 Before: B37690318 After: B37810791 **1,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSNCPD3 Before: B16349234 After: B28795294 **1,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSNCPD4 Before: B4013558 After: B40771134 **6,7** Routine Name: BPSNCPD5 Before: n/a After: B64980990 **7** Routine Name: BPSNCPD6 Before: n/a After: B36903046 **7** Routine Name: BPSNCPDP Before: B71265922 After: B54845917 **1,3,4,2,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSOSCD Before: B38448977 After: B38794587 **1,3,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSCE Before: B14464874 After: B13508896 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSIY Before: B54076368 After: B55797518 **1,3,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSOSIZ Before: B12107785 After: B14362353 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSO1 Before: B2720464 After: B2986345 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSOSQ2 Before: B19065204 After: B18999575 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSQ4 Before: B18119106 After: B46598620 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSQA Before: B6788168 After: B8495270 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSQF Before: B8677183 After: B8536069 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSQL Before: B17767813 After: B22164075 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSRB Before: B30030353 After: B38286741 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX Before: B28605769 After: B40176170 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX2 Before: n/a After: B19493151 **7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX3 Before: n/a After: B60624911 **7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX4 Before: n/a After: B38901734 **7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX5 Before: n/a After: B30558901 **7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX6 Before: n/a After: B25462490 **7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX7 Before: n/a After: B26288315 **7** Routine Name: BPSOSRX8 Before: n/a After: B22051341 **7** Routine Name: BPSOSS8 Before: B1373912 After: B1703935 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSU Before: B49057530 After: B40258951 **1,2,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSU1 Before: B17021786 After: B17364253 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSOSU2 Before: B3426741 After: B3696571 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSOSU3 Before: B2603527 After: B2862686 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSOSU4 Before: B24645469 After: B25067052 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSOSU5 Before: B1961538 After: B2226067 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSOSU9 Before: B5894878 After: B6204766 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSOSUC Before: B6143853 After: B6202882 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSOSUE Before: B23210252 After: B23427846 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSREOP1 Before: B27740075 After: B59193506 **3,7** Routine Name: BPSRES Before: B65826768 After: B66886236 **3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPAY Before: B35284657 After: B35245645 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT0 Before: B20527507 After: B22975830 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT1 Before: B48512534 After: B52062138 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT3 Before: B36736728 After: B37506169 **1,3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT4 Before: B66657579 After: B67405446 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT5 Before: B83699658 After: B72711123 **1,3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT6 Before: B58276933 After: B59574231 **1,3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT7 Before: B69704437 After: B77006502 **1,3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSRPT8 Before: B76134264 After: B78632943 **1,3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCR02 Before: B44572484 After: B42664540 **1,3,7** Routine Name: BPSSCR03 Before: B43854425 After: B48894943 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCR05 Before: n/a After: B7623180 **7** Routine Name: BPSSCRCL Before: B76014207 After: B65041094 **1,3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRCU Before: B3767208 After: B9528540 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRCV Before: B47506376 After: B45399490 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRLG Before: B91531978 After: B95335082 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRRS Before: B25558353 After: B34449344 **1,3,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRRV Before: B16310738 After: B37049932 **1,5,6,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRSL Before: B13407810 After: B14489161 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRU3 Before: B34384463 After: B30240821 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSSCRU5 Before: B59880838 After: B61189921 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSTEST Before: B48227959 After: B58349994 **6,7** Routine Name: BPSUSCR Before: B1083418 After: B1332566 **1,7** Routine Name: BPSUSCR1 Before: B20439548 After: B33759524 **1,5,7** Routine Name: BPSUSCR2 Before: n/a After: B9480735 **7** Routine Name: BPSUSCR4 Before: B10854593 After: B12367629 **1,3,7** Routine Name: BPSUTIL2 Before: n/a After: B11085686 **7** Routine Name: BPSWRKLS Before: n/a After: B27286584 **7** ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : ZEIGLER,EDWARD L Date Entered : OCT 25, 2007 Completed By: LYNCH,MARY F. Date Completed: JUL 06, 2009 Released By : BOTTINI,STEVE Date Released : JUL 09, 2009 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included