$TXT Created by NTHONY at DEVVOO.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Friday, 07/22/22 at 09:16 ============================================================================= Run Date: SEP 12, 2022 Designation: DG*5.3*1081 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 5.3 SEQ #943 Status: Released Compliance Date: SEP 15, 2022 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*1064 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1081' (v)DG*5.3*1045 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1081' (v)DG*5.3*1075 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1081' Subject: STANDARDIZE INELIGIBLE REASONS AND EXPANDED MH CARE ELIGIBILITY Category: - Enhancement () - Routine - Data Dictionary Description: ============ ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTE: DG*5.3*1081 is an emergency patch. The national release date is September 12, 2022, with a three-day compliance period. This patch must be installed at all VistA sites by close of business on Thursday, September 15, 2022. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Registration, Eligibility & Enrollment (REE) patch DG*5.3*1081 is being released to support enhancements for the Eligibility and Enrollment (E&E) program. Patch DG*5.3*1081 is also being released in support of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Enrollment System (VES) 6.2 release. Refer to Informational Patch EAS*1*216 (Enrollment Application System) for additional details regarding the VES release. Changes to the IVM Technical Manual for patch DG*5.3*1081 are described in informational patch IVM*2.0*207. Patch DG*5.3*1081 modifies the INELIGIBLE/MISSING DATA, SCREEN <10> screen to set DATA GROUP [1] to UNEDITABLE and removes the TWX Source, TWX City, TWX State and VARO Decision prompts. Patch DG*5.3*1081 modifies the VHA Profile (VHAP) LONG DESCRIPTION of VETERAN RESTRICTED MED BENEFITS, NON VETERAN OTHER RESTRICTED MED BENEFITS, RESTRICTED EXAMINATION ONLY, HUMANITARIAN, APPLICANT IN PROCESS and INELIGIBLE entries in the HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN file (#25.11). Patch DG*5.3*1081 adds a new entry to the VistA MAS ELIGIBILITY CODE file (#8.1). Patch DG*5.3*1081 adds a new entry to the VistA ELIGIBILITY CODE file (#8). Patch DG*5.3*1081 updates the descriptions of the INELIGIBLE DATE (#.152), INELIGIBLE TWX SOURCE (#.1651), INELIGIBLE TWX CITY (#.1653), INELIGIBLE TWX STATE (#.1654), INELIGIBLE VARO DECISION (#.1656) and INELIGIBLE REASON (#.307) fields of the PATIENT file (#2). Patch DG*5.3*1081 removes the 15-INEL REASON UNSPECIFIED inconsistent data element, of the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS file (#38.6), from consistency check processing. Patch DG*5.3*1081 sets the INELIGIBLE DATE (#.152), INELIGIBLE TWX SOURCE (#.1651), INELIGIBLE TWX CITY (#.1653), INELIGIBLE TWX STATE (#.1654), INELIGIBLE VARO DECISION (#.1656) and INELIGIBLE REASON (#.307) fields of the PATIENT file (#2) to UNEDITABLE. Patch DG*5.3*1081 modifies the entry of the Primary Eligibility Code on the ELIGIBILITY STATUS DATA, SCREEN <7> screen. If the INELIGIBLE DATE field (#.152) of the PATIENT file (#2) is populated, then the EXPANDED MH CARE NON-ENROLLEE eligibility code is not valid as the Primary Eligibility Code for the patient. ************************************************************************** SECTION 1: DATA DICTIONARY UPDATES ************************************************************************** 1. The CLINICAL EVALUATION eligibility code is added to the MAS ELIGIBILITY CODE (#8.1) file. This entry is provided in the build file and installed with the patch: NUMBER: 27 NAME: CLINICAL EVALUATION CARD COLOR: RED ABBREVIATION: CE VA CODE NUMBER: 14 TYPE: NON-VETERAN PRINT NAME: CLINICAL EVALUATION SELECT AS ADDITIONAL: YES 2. The CLINICAL EVALUATION eligibility code is added to the ELIGIBILITY CODE (#8) file. This entry is added to the file by the post install Routine POST^DG531081P. NAME: CLINICAL EVALUATION CARD COLOR: RED ABBREVIATION: CE VA CODE NUMBER: 14 TYPE: NON-VETERAN PRINT NAME: CLINICAL EVALUATION SELECT AS ADDITIONAL: YES MAS ELIGIBILITY CODE: CLINICAL EVALUATION ID FORMAT: VA STANDARD AGENCY: VA MAKE RECORD SENSITIVE?: NO 3. The USE FOR Z07 CHECK field (#6) of the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS file (#38.6) for the INEL REASON UNSPECIFIED entry (#15) is set to NO: NUMBER: 15 NAME: INEL REASON UNSPECIFIED TEXT: 'INELIGIBLE REASON' UNSPECIFIED FOR INELIGIBLE APPLICANT KEY REQUIRED: KEY ALWAYS REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency results if an 'INELIGIBLE DATE' is entered but no 'INELIGIBLE REASON' is specified. 4. Two (2) fields are updated in the PATIENT file (#2). The fields are made UNEDITABLE and the DESCRIPTION is updated to indicate these are no longer editable: DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.152 INELIGIBLE DATE .15;2 DATE INPUT TRANSFORM: S %DT="EP",%DT(0)=-DT D ^%DT K %DT S X=Y K :Y<1 X I $D(X) D EK^DGLOCK I $D(X) S DFN=D A D INEL^DGLOCK LAST EDITED: JUN 13, 2022 HELP-PROMPT: The Ineligible Date cannot be prior to the beneficiary Date of Birth. Enter the date this patient was identified as being ineligible for treatment. DESCRIPTION: **DG*5.3*1081 removed the ability to edit this field. All edits must now be made in the VHA Enrollment System.** If this applicant is ineligible for treatment enter the effective date. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. The Ineligible Date cannot be prior to the beneficiary Date of Birth. DELETE TEST: 1,0)= D EK^DGLOCK I '$D(X) WRITE AUTHORITY: ^ GROUP: IPT UNEDITABLE NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER CROSS-REFERENCE: ^^TRIGGER^2^.091 1)= K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$ S($D(^DPT(D0,0)):^(0),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U, 10),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X=DIV S X=DIU_"**INE LIGIBLE**" S DIH=$G(^DPT(DIV(0),0)),DIV=X S $P(^(0),U,10)=DIV,DIH=2,DIG=.091 D ^DICR 2)= K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$ S($D(^DPT(D0,0)):^(0),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U, 10),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X=DIV X ^DD(2,.152,1 ,1,59.2) S X=$P(Y(4),Y(5),Y(6),X) S Y=X,X= Y(3),X=X_Y X ^DD(2,.152,1,1,2.4) 2.4)= S DIH=$G(^DPT(DIV(0),0)),DIV=X S $P( ^(0),U,10)=DIV,DIH=2,DIG=.091 D ^DICR 59.2)= S X=DIU,Y(1)=$G(X) S X="**INELIGIBL E**",Y(2)=$G(X) S X=1,X=$P(Y(1),Y(2),X),Y( 3)=$G(X) S X=DIU,Y(4)=$G(X) S X="**INELIGI BLE**",Y(5)=$G(X) S X=2,Y(6)=$G(X) S X=99 CREATE VALUE)= REMARKS_"**INELIGIBLE**" DELETE VALUE)= $P(REMARKS,"**INELIGIBLE**" ,1)_$P(REMARKS,"**INELIGIBLE**",2,99) FIELD)= REMARKS CROSS-REFERENCE: 2^AENR152^MUMPS 1)= D AUTOUPD^DGENA2(DA) 2)= D AUTOUPD^DGENA2(DA,2) 3)= DO NOT DELETE This cross-reference is used to notify HEC of changes that may affect enrollment. CROSS-REFERENCE: 2^AXR7^MUMPS 1)= Q 2)= S DGXRF=.152 D ^DGDDC Q 2,.307 INELIGIBLE REASON .3;7 FREE TEXT REASON-INELIGIBLE INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>40!($L(X)<1) X I $D(X) D EK^DGLOCK LAST EDITED: JUN 13, 2022 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the reason this patient is considered to be ineligible for treatment NTE 40 characters. DESCRIPTION: **DG*5.3*1081 removed the ability to edit this field. All edits must now be made in the VHA Enrollment System.** If this applicant is ineligible for treatment enter the reason [not to exceed 40 characters]. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file. DELETE TEST: 1,0)= D EK^DGLOCK I '$D(X) WRITE AUTHORITY: ^ GROUP: IPT UNEDITABLE NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER CROSS-REFERENCE: 2^AENR307^MUMPS 1)= D EVENT^IVMPLOG(DA) 2)= D EVENT^IVMPLOG(DA) 3)= DO NOT DELETE This cross-reference is used to notify HEC of changes that may affect enrollment. 5. Four (4) fields are updated in the PATIENT file (#2). The fields are made UNEDITABLE and the DESCRIPTION is updated to indicate these fields are obsolete: DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.1651 INELIGIBLE TWX SOURCE INE;1 SET (Required) TWX SOURCE-INELIGIBLE '1' FOR VAMC; '2' FOR REGIONAL OFFICE; '3' FOR RPC; INPUT TRANSFORM: S DFN=DA D INE^DGLOCK LAST EDITED: JUL 21, 2022 HELP-PROMPT: The source of the TWX which informed you this patient is ineligible for treatment. DESCRIPTION: *The need to collect data in this field is obsolete. DG*5.3*1081 removed the ability to edit this field. The field remains for historical data only.* Choose from the available listing the source of the TWX which informed you that this applicant was ineligible for treatment. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file. DELETE TEST: 1,0)= S DFN=DA D INED^DGLOCK1 I '$D(X) WRITE AUTHORITY: ^ GROUP: IPT UNEDITABLE NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER 2,.1653 INELIGIBLE TWX CITY INE;3 FREE TEXT TWX CITY-INELIGIBLE INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3) X I $D(X) S DFN=DA D INE^DGLOCK LAST EDITED: JUL 21, 2022 HELP-PROMPT: The city from which the TWX informing you of this patients ineligibility originated [3-30 characters]. DESCRIPTION: *The need to collect data in this field is obsolete. DG*5.3*1081 removed the ability to edit this field. The field remains for historical data only.* Enter the city from which the TWX which informed you this applicant was ineligible for treatment originated [3-30 characters]. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file. DELETE TEST: 1,0)= S DFN=DA D INED^DGLOCK1 I '$D(X) WRITE AUTHORITY: ^ GROUP: IPT UNEDITABLE NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER 2,.1654 INELIGIBLE TWX STATE INE;4 POINTER TO STATE FILE (#5) TWX STATE-INELIGIBLE INPUT TRANSFORM: S DFN=DA D INE^DGLOCK LAST EDITED: JUL 21, 2022 HELP-PROMPT: The state from which the TWX informing you of this patients ineligiblity originated. DESCRIPTION: *The need to collect data in this field is obsolete. DG*5.3*1081 removed the ability to edit this field. The field remains for historical data only.* Enter the state from which the TWX which informed you this applicant was ineligible for treatment originated. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file. DELETE TEST: 1,0)= S DFN=DA D INED^DGLOCK1 I '$D(X) WRITE AUTHORITY: ^ GROUP: IPT UNEDITABLE NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER FILES POINTED TO FIELDS STATE (#5) INELIGIBLE TWX STATE (#.1654) 2,.1656 INELIGIBLE VARO DECISION INE;6 FREE TEXT VARO DECISION-INELIGIBLE INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>75!($L(X)<3) X I $D(X) S DFN=DA D INE^DGLOCK LAST EDITED: JUL 21, 2022 HELP-PROMPT: The decision made by the VARO concerning this patient's ineligibility [3-75 characters]. DESCRIPTION: *The need to collect data in this field is obsolete. DG*5.3*1081 removed the ability to edit this field. The field remains for historical data only.* Enter the VARO decision concerning this applicant's ineligibility [between 3-75 characters]. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file. DELETE TEST: 1,0)= S DFN=DA D INED^DGLOCK1 I '$D(X) WRITE AUTHORITY: ^ GROUP: IPT UNEDITABLE NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER CROSS-REFERENCE: 2^AENR1656^MUMPS 1)= D EVENT^IVMPLOG(DA) 2)= D EVENT^IVMPLOG(DA) 3)= DO NOT DELETE This cross-reference is used to notify HEC of changes that may affect enrollment. 6. Six existing VHAPs in the HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN (#25.11) file LONG DESCRIPTION fields are updated: NAME : VETERAN RESTRICTED MED BENEFITS PLAN CODE: 222 COVERAGE CODE: RM01001 SHORT DESCRIPTION: RM LONG DESCRIPTION: Veterans who are not enrolled but can be seen for their Service Connected (SC) conditions only (and/or MST if MST is indicated). Veterans who are eligible to be screened for Military Sexual Trauma and Presumptive Psychosis or other active mental illness. Veterans are exempt from copayments for the screening encounter. Veterans assigned this VHAP meet one of the following conditions: . Cancel/Decline - Receive medical benefits for SC conditions only . Rejected - Receive medical benefits for SC conditions only . Ineligible and SC 0% - Receive medical benefits for SC conditions only . Ineligible and MST - Receive medical benefits for MST conditions only For Eligible Individuals, under Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020 (COMPACT), Section 201, VA will furnish, reimburse, pay for emergent suicide care, make referrals, as appropriate, for care following the period of emergent suicide care. Eligible Individuals are ones who served in the active military service, regardless of length of service, and who were discharged, excluding anyone who received a dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason. NAME : NON VETERAN OTHER RESTRICTED MED BENEFITS PLAN CODE: 223 COVERAGE CODE: OR01001 SHORT DESCRIPTION: ORM LONG DESCRIPTION: Veterans who are eligible to be screened for Military Sexual Trauma and Presumptive Psychosis or other active mental illness. Veterans are exempt from copayments for the screening encounter. Non-Veterans authorized to receive medical benefits limited to a very specific situation Includes any of the following: . MST - Non-Veteran (Active Duty) . Presumptive (38 USC 1702- 38 CFR 17.109) . Former Servicemembers with Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharges who present for certain services. For Eligible Individuals, under Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020 (COMPACT), Section 201, VA will furnish, reimburse, pay for emergent suicide care, make referrals, as appropriate, for care following the period of emergent suicide care. Eligible Individuals are ones who served in the active military service, regardless of length of service, and who were discharged, excluding anyone who received a dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason. NAME : RESTRICTED EXAMINATION ONLY PLAN CODE: 224 COVERAGE CODE: EX01001 SHORT DESCRIPTION: REO LONG DESCRIPTION: Veterans being registered for a Registry exam (i.e., Burn Pit, Agent Orange, etc.) or Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam as requested by the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA). The Veterans are not subject to Copayment Requirements for exam. Includes the following Non-Veterans and Veterans assigned this VHAP meet one of the following conditions: o Enrollment Status is Rejected, Below Enrollment Group Threshold (EGT) o Enrollment Status is Closed Application, for reason Pending Means Test Required o Enrollment Status is Not Eligible; Ineligible Date o Enrollment Status is Not Eligible; Refuse to pay copay o Veterans being registered and enrollment status is Registration Only o Veterans enrolled o Veterans Enrollment Status is Rejected For Eligible Individuals, under Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020 (COMPACT), Section 201, VA will furnish, reimburse, pay for emergent suicide care, make referrals, as appropriate, for care following the period of emergent suicide care. Eligible Individuals are ones who served in the active military service, regardless of length of service, and who were discharged, excluding anyone who received a dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason or while serving in the Armed Forces, was the victim of a physical assault of a sexual nature, a battery of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment. NAME : HUMANITARIAN PLAN CODE: 225 COVERAGE CODE: HM01001 SHORT DESCRIPTION: HM LONG DESCRIPTION: Civilians presenting to VA for care with no VA eligibility qualifications. Note: Non-enrolled Veterans can be under Humanitarian. They would be a Veteran: o Verified in VES but choose NOT to enroll and be in a "Registration Only" status. o Pending; Eligibility Unverified - Veterans who do not have a prior period of enrollment and are still within the 365-day period who have not provided evidence of Veteran status. o Pending; Other - VES cannot determine enrollment status. o Pending; No Eligibility Code - VES cannot determine enrollment status. o Pending - VES cannot determine enrollment status. o Unverified - VES cannot determine enrollment status. o Enrollment Status is Closed Application, for reason Pending Proof of Qualifying Service NAME : APPLICANT IN PROCESS PLAN CODE: 226 COVERAGE CODE: AN01001 SHORT DESCRIPTION: INC LONG DESCRIPTION: Veterans who applied for VA healthcare benefits, but eligibility has not been verified or a final enrollment determination could not be made. . Pending; Means Test Required - Veterans whose Veterans Status has been verified and who have not provided initial Means Test to determine enrollment. . Pending; Purple Heart Unconfirmed - A temporary eligibility for 14 days. For Eligible Individuals, under Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020 (COMPACT), Section 201, VA will furnish, reimburse, pay for emergent suicide care, make referrals, as appropriate, for care following the period of emergent suicide care. Eligible Individuals are ones who served in the active military service, regardless of length of service, and who were discharged, excluding anyone who received a dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason or while serving in the Armed Forces, was the victim of a physical assault of a sexual nature, a battery of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment. NAME : INELIGIBLE PLAN CODE: 290 COVERAGE CODE: IN01001 SHORT DESCRIPTION: Inel LONG DESCRIPTION: Non-Veterans and Non-Service connected Veterans who applied for VA healthcare services, but are not enrolled due to an enrollment decision, or after a one year period the application is administratively closed due to non receipt of information needed to verify Veteran status and/or financial information used to determine enrollment status. Veterans who are eligible to be screened for Military Sexual Trauma and Presumptive Psychosis or other active mental illness. Veterans are exempt from copayments for the screening encounter. Also, Veterans who are eligible based on income but refuse to agree to pay copayment. Non-Veterans and Veterans assigned this VHAP meet one of the following conditions: . Enrollment Status is Rejected, Below Enrollment Group . Threshold (EGT) . Enrollment Status is Closed Application, for reason Pending Means Test Required . Enrollment Status is Not Eligible; Ineligible Date . Enrollment Status is Not Eligible; Refuse to pay copay For Eligible Individuals, under Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020 (COMPACT), Section 201, VA will furnish, reimburse, pay for emergent suicide care, make referrals, as appropriate, for care following the period of emergent suicide care. Eligible Individuals are ones who served in the active military service, regardless of length of service, and who were discharged, excluding anyone who received a dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason or while serving in the Armed Forces, was the victim of a physical assault of a sexual nature, a battery of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment. ************************************************************************** SECTION 2: REGISTRATION SCREEN UPDATES ************************************************************************** 1. The INELIGIBLE/MISSING DATA, SCREEN <10> screen DATA GROUP <1> is UNEDITABLE and displays the Ineligible Date: and Reason: field values. The TWX Source, TWX City, TWX State and VARO Decision prompts are removed: ** BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE ** INELIGIBLE/MISSING DATA, SCREEN <10> DGPATIENT,TEST MMM DD, YYYY 666-##-#### NSC VETERAN ========================================================================== <1> Ineligible Date: FEB 21,2022 Reason: UNANSWERED [2] Missing Date: NOT APPLICABLE TWX Source: NOT APPLICABLE TWX City: NOT APPLICABLE TWX State: NOT APPLICABLE Reason: NOT APPLICABLE to CONTINUE, 2 or ALL to EDIT, ^N for screen N or '^' to QUIT: ** END SCREEN CAPTURE ** 2. The Inconsistency 15 - INEL REASON UNSPECIFIED is no longer checked when inconsistencies are reported and does not prevent transmission of an ORU/ORF Z07 Health Level 7 (HL7) message to VES: ** BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE ** DGpatient,One FEB 29,1992 666-98-7989 NSC VETERAN ========================================================================== 13 - POS UNSPECIFIED+ 14 - ELIG CODE UNSPECIFIED 62 - EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME MISSING 99 - CAN'T PROCESS FURTHER Inconsistencies followed by [+] will prevent a Z07 DO YOU WANT TO UPDATE THESE INCONSISTENCIES NOW? Yes// ** END SCREEN CAPTURE ** 3. The Primary Eligibility Code prompt on the ELIGIBILITY STATUS DATA, SCREEN <7> screen is modified. If the patient's INELIGIBLE DATE field (#.152) of the PATIENT file (#2) is populated, then the EXPANDED MH CARE NON-ENROLLEE eligibility code is not valid as the Primary Eligibility Code for the patient and is not available for selection. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- PATIENT (#2) INELIGIBLE DATE (#.152) Modified INELIGIBLE REASON (#.307) Modified INELIGIBLE TWX SOURCE (#.1651) Modified INELIGIBLE TWX CITY (#.1653) Modified INELIGIBLE TWX STATE (#.1654) Modified INELIGIBLE VARO DECISION (#.1656) Modified ELIGIBILITY CODE (#8) ELIGIBILITY (#.01) Modified Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- N/A Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- -------------------- N/A Additional Information: ----------------------- N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- Problem: -------- Resolution: ----------- Test Sites: ----------- North Florida/South Georgia VA Health Care System (Gainesville, Lake City) Durham VA Medical Center, North Carolina Manchester VA Medical Center, New Hampshire Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released in a PackMan message. Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/. Documentation can also be obtained at https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. Documentation Title File Name -------------------------------------------------------------------- DG*5.3*1081 Release Notes DG_5_3_1081_RN.PDF User Manual Version 5.3 - Registration Menu PIMS_REG_UM.PDF PIMS Version 5.3 Technical Manual PIMS_TM.PDF PIMS V. 5.3 ADT Module User Manual - Supervisor ADT Menu SADT_UM.PDF Changes to the Income Verification Match (IVM) Technical Manual are described in Informational Patch IVM*2.0*207. Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- The post-install routine POST^DG531081P adds the eligibility code CLINICAL EVALUATION to the ELIGIBILITY CODE (#8) file. The post- install routine associates the code to the corresponding code in the MAS ELIGIBILITY CODE (#8.1) file. The routine is automatically deleted once the installation completes. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ This patch may be installed with users on the system although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. It should NOT be installed while the IVM BACKGROUND JOB [IVM BACKGROUND JOB] is running. The IVM BACKGROUND JOB [IVM BACKGROUND JOB] should be unscheduled. Use the Schedule/Unschedule Options [XUTM SCHEDULE] option on the TaskMan Management [XUTM MGR] menu. Note the currently scheduled date/time. The following options should be disabled during installation. Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] Enter a Request/Notification [FBCH ENTER REQUEST] Z07 Build Consistency Check [DG Z07 CONSISTENCY CHECK] Installation Instructions: 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this build. Then select the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option to load the build. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch or build name. (ex. DG*5.3*1081) B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message. You must use this option and specify what to backup; the entire Build or just Routines. The backup message can be used to restore the routines and components of the build to the pre-patch condition. i. At the Installation option menu, select Backup a Transport Global ii. At the Select INSTALL NAME prompt, enter your build DG*5.3*1081 iii. When prompted for the following, enter "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build iv. When prompted "Do you wish to secure this message? NO//", press and take the default response of "NO". v. When prompted with, "Send mail to: Last name, First Name", press to take default recipient. Add any additional recipients. vi. When prompted with "Select basket to send to: IN//", press and take the default IN mailbox or select a different mailbox. C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer NO. ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer NO. iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer YES. a. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', select the following option: Option Name Menu Text ----------- --------- Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] Enter a Request/Notification [FBCH ENTER REQUEST] Z07 Build Consistency Check [DG Z07 CONSISTENCY CHECK] Press the Enter key when you are done selecting options. b. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', press the Enter key. c. When prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//', answer 0. Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- The IVM BACKGROUND JOB [IVM BACKGROUND JOB] should be rescheduled. Use the Schedule/Unschedule Options [XUTM SCHEDULE] option on the TaskMan Management [XUTM MGR] menu and enter the scheduled date/time that was noted in the Pre-Installation instruction section above. Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ In the event a site/patch installer determines that this patch should be backed out, the site/patch installer should submit a YOUR IT Services ticket with the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) for assistance with the procedure. Any issues would need to be evaluated to determine if: a back-out of the software is appropriate; a new patch is needed; or if data requires correction or restoration. During installation, if the option "Backup a Transport Global" was run as directed, then the entire Build or Routines (depending on which option was chosen) will have the ability to be restored from the "backup" MailMan message that was generated. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Registration;**[Patch List]**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 4 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: DG531081P Before: n/a After: B6609973 **1081** Routine Name: DGLOCK1 Before: B26442061 After: B26976134 **121,314,1014,1061,1075,1081** Routine Name: DGRP10 Before: B6095198 After: B5268028 **1081** Routine Name: DGRPC Before: B63105274 After: B63990622 **108,121,314,301,470,489,505, 451,568,585,641,653,688,754, 797,867,903,952,1027,1045,1081** Routine Name: DGRPV Before: B21871961 After: B22201716 **109,114,247,190,327,365,343, 397,415,489,546,545,451,624, 677,672,689,716,688,797,842, 871,887,941,985,997,1014,1064, 1081** Routine list of preceding patches: 1045, 1064, 1075 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : APR 26, 2022 Completed By: Date Completed: SEP 12, 2022 Released By : Date Released : SEP 12, 2022 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT