============================================================================= Run Date: APR 16, 2024 Designation: DG*5.3*1111 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 5.3 SEQ #976 Status: Released Compliance Date: APR 17, 2024 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*620 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1111' (v)DG*5.3*1090 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1111' (v)DG*5.3*1093 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1111' (v)DG*5.3*1102 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1111' (v)DG*5.3*1109 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*1111' Subject: CHANGE REJECTED LABEL TO DEFERRED, CONSISTENCY CHECKS, REG FIELDS Category: - Enhancement (Emergency) - Routine - Data Dictionary - PATCH FOR A PATCH Description: ============ ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the ServiceNow Ticket INC31532264, an emergency defect fix is included in the IVM*2.0*214 patch. DG*5.3*1111 is also being released as an emergency patch. This defect impacts Registration (DG) options and causes the Z05 and Z07 ORU/ORF HL7 message transmission to error. Please read the Pre- and Post-Installation Instructions carefully since this is not a regular DG and Income Verification Match (IVM) patch. Z05 messages will increase after this patch is installed until FATHER'S NAME and MOTHER'S NAME are in sync between VistA and VES. See the IVM*2.0*214 patch description for details. The national release date is April 16, 2024, with a one-day compliance period. This patch must be installed at all VistA sites by close of business on Tuesday, April 17, 2024. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Registration, Eligibility & Enrollment (REE) patch DG*5.3*1111 is being released to support enhancements for the Eligibility and Enrollment (E&E) program. Patch DG*5.3*1111 is also being released in support of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Enrollment System (VES) 6.9 release. DG*5.3*1111 is being released with IVM*2.0*214 in Host File DG_53_P1111.KID. The enrollment status of REJECTED is being replaced with DEFERRED within VistA. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies the NAME (#.01) field in the ENROLLMENT STATUS (#27.15) file to replace any instances of REJECTED with DEFERRED. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies all references in the code/routines to enrollment status of REJECTED to DEFERRED. All patient records with "**REJECTED**" in the REMARKS (#.091) field of the PATIENT (#2) file have that text replaced with "**DEFERRED**". Refer to the Pre/Post Installation Overview section for details on this process. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies the Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] option to no longer prompt for the PREFIX (#20,4) field and the DEGREE (#20,6) field of the NAME COMPONENTS (#20) file. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies the Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] option to no longer prompt for the PLACE OF BIRTH [CITY] (#.092) and PLACE OF BIRTH [STATE] (#.093) fields of the PATIENT (#2) file. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies the PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> screen to no longer prompt for the PREFIX (#20,4) field of the NAME COMPONENTS (#20) file in the 'Name, SS, DOB, Birth Sex' DATA GROUP [1]. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies the PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> screen to no longer prompt for the DEGREE (#20,6) field of the NAME COMPONENTS (#20) file in the 'Name, SS, DOB, Birth Sex' DATA GROUP [1]. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> screen DATA GROUP [4] to not display the Pager #: label if the value of the PAGER NUMBER field (Field #.135) in the PATIENT (#2) file is NULL. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> screen DATA GROUP [4] to not display UNANSWERED on the Pager #: label if the value of the PAGER NUMBER (#.135) field of the PATIENT (#2) file is NULL. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> screen DATA GROUP [4] to only display the Pager #: label if the PAGER NUMBER (#.135) field of the PATIENT (#2) file is not NULL. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> screen DATA GROUP [4] to not prompt for the PAGER NUMBER (#.135) field of the PATIENT (#2) file if the field is NULL. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies PATIENT DATA, SCREEN <2> screen DATA GROUP [1] to no longer prompt for the FATHER'S NAME (#2,.2401) field of the PATIENT (#2) file. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies PATIENT DATA, SCREEN <2> screen DATA GROUP [1] to no longer prompt for the MOTHER'S NAME (#2,.2402) field of the PATIENT (#2) file. Patch DG*5.3*1111 modifies the Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] option to: - No longer prompt for the DEGREE (#20,6) field of the NAME COMPONENTS (#20) file. - No longer display the "Select Admitting Area:" prompt. - No longer display the "Is the patient currently being followed in a clinic for the same condition?" prompt. - No longer display the "Is the patient to be examined in the medical center today?" prompt. - No longer display the TYPE OF BENEFIT APPLIED FOR (#2.101,2) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. - No longer display the TYPE OF CARE APPLIED FOR (#2.101,2.1) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. - No longer display the NEED RELATED TO OCCUPATION (#2.101,20) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. - No longer display the NEED RELATED TO AN ACCIDENT (#2.101,23) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. DG*5.3*1111 modifies ten entries in the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS file (#38.6). Listing of Updates: =================== This patch makes the following enhancements to VistA REE: ************************************************************************ SECTION 1: DATA DICTIONARY UPDATES ************************************************************************ 1. The ENROLLMENT STATUS (#27.15) file is updated to replace the field values containing 'REJECTED' in the NAME (#.01) field with 'DEFERRED'. This rename occurs via a post-install routine. Refer to the Pre/Post Installation Overview section for details on this process. NEW NAME PREVIOUS NAME -------- ------------- DEFERRED REJECTED DEFERRED; FISCAL YEAR REJECTED; FISCAL YEAR DEFERRED; MID-CYCLE REJECTED; MID-CYCLE DEFERRED; STOP NEW ENROLLMENTS REJECTED; STOP NEW ENROLLMENTS DEFERRED; INITIAL APPLICATION REJECTED; INITIAL APPLICATION BY VAMC BY VAMC DEFERRED; BELOW ENROLLMENT GROUP REJECTED; BELOW ENROLLMENT GROUP THRESHOLD THRESHOLD 2. Field (#5) CHECK/DON'T CHECK and Field (#6) USE FOR Z07 CHECK in the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS File (#38.6) will be verified to be 'DON'T CHECK' and 'NO' respectively. If not, they will be reset to those values. The entries are listed here after being reset: NUMBER: 6 NAME: RELIGION UNSPECIFIED TEXT: 'RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE' IS UNSPECIFIED KEY REQUIRED: NO KEY REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency results if the 'RELIGION' prompt is unanswered. NUMBER: 52 NAME: INSURANCE PROMPT UNANSWERED TEXT: 'COVERED BY HEALTH INSURANCE?' PROMPT NOT ANSWERED KEY REQUIRED: NO KEY REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency occurs if there is no response to the 'Covered by Health Insurance?' prompt on registration screen 5. This prompt must contain either 'YES' or 'NO' or 'UNKNOWN'. NUMBER: 53 NAME: EMPLOYMENT STATUS UNANSWERED TEXT: 'EMPLOYMENT STATUS' PROMPT UNANSWERED KEY REQUIRED: NO KEY REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency occurs if there is no response to the 'Employment Status' prompt on registration screen 4. NUMBER: 62 NAME: EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME MISSING TEXT: EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME MISSING KEY REQUIRED: NO KEY REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency results if the emergency contact name is not entered. NUMBER: 65 NAME: MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME MISSING TEXT: MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME MISSING KEY REQUIRED: NO KEY REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency results if the Mother's Maiden Name is not entered. NUMBER: 83 NAME: BOS REQUIRES DATE W/IN WWII TEXT: MERCH SEA OR FILIPINO VET BOS REQUIRES SERVICE DATES DURING WWII KEY REQUIRED: SERVICE VERIFIED CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency results when the Branch of Service is MERCHANT SEAMAN or one of the Filipino Veteran branches of service (F.COMMONWEALTH, F.GUERILLA, F.SCOUTS NEW, F.SCOUTS OLD) but neither the Military Service Start Date nor the Service End Date is within World War II (12/7/1941 - 8/15/1945) NUMBER: 85 NAME: FILIPINO VET SHOULD BE VET='Y' TEXT: VERIFIED FILIPINO VETERAN SHOULD HAVE A VETERAN STATUS OF 'YES' KEY REQUIRED: SERVICE VERIFIED CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency results if a veteran has a Filipino Veteran branch of service (F.COMMONWEALTH, F.GUERILLA, F.SCOUTS NEW, or F.SCOUTS OLD), military service dates during World War II, proof of F.Vet eligibility (for the first three BOS only), but the Veteran Status is not 'YES'. NUMBER: 86 NAME: INEL FIL VET SHOULD BE VET='N' TEXT: INELIGIBLE FILIPINO VETERAN SHOULD HAVE A VETERAN STATUS OF 'NO' KEY REQUIRED: SERVICE VERIFIED CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency results if a veteran has a Filipino Veteran branch of service (F.COMMONWEALTH, F.GUERILLA, F.SCOUTS NEW, or F.SCOUTS OLD), but is ineligible because of no World War II military service dates or no proof of F.Vet eligibility (for the first three BOS only), and the Veteran Status is set to 'YES'. NUMBER: 301 NAME: PERSON LASTNAME REQUIRED TEXT: PERSON MUST HAVE A LAST NAME KEY REQUIRED: NO KEY REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: The last name of the name components is not present. This applies to patient, spouse and dependents. NUMBER: 303 NAME: GENDER REQUIRED TEXT: GENDER MUST BE ENTERED KEY REQUIRED: NO KEY REQUIRED SET ELIG DR STRING: NO CHECK/DON'T CHECK: DON'T CHECK USE FOR Z07 CHECK: NO DESCRIPTION: The person's gender value is missing. This applies to patient, spouse and dependents. ************************************************************************ SECTION 2: REGISTRATION SCREEN UPDATES ************************************************************************ 1. The Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] option Enterprise search prompt sequence modified to: a. No longer prompt for the PREFIX (#20,4) and the DEGREE (#20,6) fields of the NAME COMPONENTS (#20) file. b. No longer prompt for the PLACE OF BIRTH [CITY] (#.092) and PLACE OF BIRTH [STATE] (#.093) fields of the PATIENT (#2) file. ** BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE ** Select PATIENT NAME: DGPATIENT,ONE Do you want to do an Enterprise Search? Y (Yes) Patient name components-- FAMILY (LAST) NAME: DGPATIENT// GIVEN (FIRST) NAME: ONE// MIDDLE NAME: SUFFIX: Patient identifiers-- SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ######### DATE OF BIRTH: 02291980 (FEB 29, 1980) SEX: FEMALE PATIENT TYPE: NSC VETERAN PATIENT VETERAN (Y/N)?: YES YES PATIENT SERVICE CONNECTED?: N NO MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: DGPATIENT MULTIPLE BIRTH INDICATOR: PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE]: ** END SCREEN CAPTURE ** 2. DATA GROUP [1] on the PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> is modified to: a. No longer prompt for the PREFIX (#20,4) field of the NAME COMPONENTS (#20) file when a user selects to enter/edit data in DATA GROUP [1]. b. No longer prompt for the DEGREE (#20,6) field of the NAME COMPONENTS (#20) file when a user selects to enter/edit data in DATA GROUP [1]. c. Not display in DATA GROUP [4] the Pager #: label if the value of the PAGER NUMBER (#.135) field in the PATIENT (#2) file is NULL. d. No longer prompts for the PAGER NUMBER (#.135) field in the PATIENT (#2) file when DATA GROUP [4] is selected if the field is NULL. e. Not display in DATA GROUP [4] the value UNANSWERED in the Pager #: label if the value of the PAGER NUMBER (#.135) field in the PATIENT (#2) file is NULL. ** BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE ** PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> DGPATIENT,ONE FEB 29,1980 ###-##-#### NSC VETERAN ========================================================================== [1] Name: DGPATIENT,ONE [6] Preferred Name: Not Answered DOB: FEB 29,1980 SS: ###-##-#### Family: DGPATIENT Birth Sex: FEMALE MBI: UNANSWERED Given: ONE [2] Alias: Middle: Prefix: Suffix: Degree: Self-Identified Gender Identity: UNANSWERED [3] Remarks: NO REMARKS ENTERED FOR THIS PATIENT [4] Cell Phone: UNANSWERED Email Address: UNANSWERED [5] Pref Lang: UNANSWERED Date/Time: UNANSWERED to CONTINUE, 1-6 or ALL to EDIT, ^N for screen N or '^' to QUIT: 1 FAMILY (LAST) NAME: DGPATIENT// GIVEN (FIRST) NAME: ONE// MIDDLE NAME: SUFFIX: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: #########// ######### DATE OF BIRTH: 02/29/1980// BIRTH SEX: FEMALE// FEMALE SELF-IDENTIFIED GENDER IDENTITY: ** END SCREEN CAPTURE ** ** BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE ** PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, SCREEN <1> DGPATIENT,ONE FEB 29,1980 ###-##-#### NSC VETERAN ========================================================================== [1] Name: DGPATIENT,ONE [6] Preferred Name: Not Answered DOB: FEB 29,1980 SS: ###-##-#### Family: DGPATIENT Birth Sex: FEMALE MBI: UNANSWERED Given: ONE [2] Alias: Middle: Prefix: Suffix: Degree: Self-Identified Gender Identity: UNANSWERED [3] Remarks: NO REMARKS ENTERED FOR THIS PATIENT [4] Cell Phone: UNANSWERED Email Address: UNANSWERED [5] Pref Lang: ENGLISH Date/Time: DEC 19,2022@10:33:06 to CONTINUE, 1-6 or ALL to EDIT, ^N for screen N or '^' to QUIT: 4 PHONE NUMBER [CELLULAR]: DOES THE PATIENT HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS? Y/N? N (No) ** END SCREEN CAPTURE ** 3. The Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] option is modified to no longer prompt the user to "Select Admitting Area": ** BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE ** DGPATIENT,ONE; ###-##-#### FEB 29,1980 ========================================================================== VHA Profiles Currently Assigned to Veteran: None Financial query sent ... Do you want to enter Patient Data? Yes// (Yes) ** END SCREEN CAPTURE ** 4. The completion prompts of the REGISTER A PATIENT [DG REGISTER PATIENT] option are modified to: a. No longer display the "Is the patient currently being followed in a clinic for the same condition?" prompt. b. No longer display the "Is the patient to be examined in the medical center today?" prompt. c. No longer display the TYPE OF BENEFIT APPLIED FOR: (#2.101,2) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. d. No longer display the TYPE OF CARE APPLIED FOR (#2.101,2.1) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. e. No longer display the NEED RELATED TO OCCUPATION (#2.101,20) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. f. No longer display the NEED RELATED TO AN ACCIDENT (#2.101,23) field prompt of the DISPOSITION LOG-IN DATE/TIME (#2.101) file. ** BEGIN SCREEN CAPTURE ** SPONSOR DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION, SCREEN <15> DGPATIENT,ONE FEB 29,1980 ###-##-#### NSC VETERAN ========================================================================== [1] Sponsor Information: No Sponsor Information available. *** Team Information *** -- No team assignment information found -- to CONTINUE, 1-6 or ALL to EDIT, ^N for screen N or '^' to QUIT: ^ Checking data for consistency... ===> No inconsistencies found in 0 seconds... Registration login date/time: NOW// (DEC 26,2023@11:06) REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY CODE: NSC// 5 5 VETERAN Updating eligibility status for this registration... ** END SCREEN CAPTURE ** Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- N/A Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- -------------------- N/A Additional Information: ----------------------- N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- INC31532264 Hot Springs reported on 2/21/2024 that the Catastrophic Disability data did not transmit to the Health Eligibility Center (HEC). Further analysis and investigation found that the ZPD segment of the Z05 and Z07 HL7 messages had the FATHER'S NAME and MOTHER'S NAME in the wrong format. The following line in routine IVMPREC8 was accidentally removed in a previous patch release (DG*5.3*1085 and IVM*2.0*210, nationally released 2/27/2023): I IVMXREF["ZPD06"!(IVMXREF["ZPD07") S IVMFLD=$$FMNAME^HLFNC(IVMFLD) This line calls Application Program Interface (API) FMNAME^HLFNC to convert the name component from the Z05 HL7 message in the HL7 format that has the "~" delimiter to FileMan format with the "," and space delimiter. The missing line of code caused the name component of the Father's and Mother's name to be filed in the HL7 format in the FATHER'S NAME field (#.2401) and MOTHER'S NAME field (#.2402) of the Patient file (#2). Example screen capture of wrong format in the PATIENT File (#2): FATHER'S NAME: DOE~JOE~N~~~~~~~ MOTHER'S NAME: DOE~JANE~MARY~REEVES~~~REEVES~~~REEVES Correct FileMan DHCP format should be: FATHER'S NAME: DOE, JOSEPH N MOTHER'S NAME: DOE, JANE MARY REEVES Z07 from VistA should be in FileMan format with "," and " " delimiter: ZPD^1^^^^^TEST,FATHER MIDDLE SUFFIX^TEST,MOTHER MIDDLE SUFFIX^""^""^^0^""^""^^^^""^^0^^^^^^^^^^^X^""^""^""^""^""^^^^^""^""^""^""^ ""^"" Z07 from VistA that is in the incorrect HL7 format with the "~" delimiter: ZPD^1^^^^^TEST~FATHER~MIDDLE^SUFFIX~~^TEST~MOTHER~MIDDLE~SUFFIX~~^""^""^^0 ^""^""^^^^""^^0^^^^^^^^^^^X^""^""^""^""^""^^^^^""^""^""^""^""^" Options Impacted: Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] Enter a Request/Notification [FBCH ENTER REQUEST] Sample screen capture that displays the Father's Name and Mother's Name: PATIENT DATA, SCREEN <2> RHHQHT,ZDJELHA I #### ##,#### NON-VETERAN (OTHER) ========================================================================== [1] Marital: MARRIED POB: CHARLSTON, SOUTH CAROLINA Religion: UNKNOWN/NO PREFERENCE Father: DOE~JOHN~N~~~~~~~ SCI: NOT APPLICABLE Mother: DOE~JANE~SMITH~REEVES~ Mom's Maiden: MPIMMW, Any user entering data in any of the options that triggers a Z07 HL7 message would be impacted if there are values in the Father's and Mother's Name fields. Since the format of the names are wrong in the outgoing Z07 HL7 message, this causes issues in VES. If the VES Z05 HL7 message builder looks for the delimiter of a ",", it would keep concatenating a "~" after the name since no comma "," is found. In some cases, this caused an exceeding character limit error. This caused an infinite loop between Z07/Z05 messaging due to the wrong format being filed and stored from the Z05 HL7 message and the wrong name format to be sent in the outgoing Z07 message. The API OPD^VADPT, a supported API, was impacted since this returned the other patient information. Screen capture sample: >D OPD^VADPT >ZW VAPD VAPD(1)="CHARLSTON" VAPD(2)="45^SOUTH CAROLINA" VAPD(3)="DOE~JOHN~N~~~~~~~" VAPD(4)="DOE~JANE~MARY~REEVES~~~REEVES~~~REEVES" The fix in IVM*2.0*214 is to restore the missing line of code and add a minor change to retrieve the first four pieces of the name component: LAST NAME~FIRST NAME~MIDDLE^SUFFIX for the conversion. Once the patches DG*5.3*1111 and IVM*2.0*214 are installed and compliant at all 130 facilities on 4/16/2024, VES will execute a script that will generate Z05 HL7 messages to do a mass cleanup of the values in the FATHER'S NAME field (#.2401) and MOTHER'S NAME field (#.2402) in the Patient file (#2) for all 130 facilities. Test Sites: ----------- VA Tennessee Valley Health Care System (Nashville, Murfreesboro) Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital Hines, IL Boise VA Medical Center, ID Test Sites - SNOW Change Order #: --------------------------------- VA Tennessee Valley Health Care System: CHG0469954 Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital: CHG0469775 Boise VA Medical Center: CHG0470193 Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released using a host file. The host file is available at the following location: /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/DG_53_P1111.KID Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/. Documentation can also be obtained at https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE Documentation Title File Name --------------------------------------------------------------------- DG_53_P1111.KID Release Notes DG_5_3_P1111_RN.PDF PIMS Version 5.3 User Manual - Registration Menu PIMS_REG_UM.PDF PIMS Version 5.3 Technical Manual PIMS_TM.PDF Changes to the Income Verification Match (IVM) Technical and User Manuals are described in Patch IVM*2.0*214. Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- The post-install routine POST^DG531111P performs the following actions: 1. Renames any entries in ENROLLMENT STATUS file (#27.15) with the name containing REJECTED to DEFERRED. 2. Queues off a background job to replace all instances of "**REJECTED** in the REMARKS (#.091) field in the PATIENT (#2) file with "**DEFERRED**". - Upon successful completion of the job, a MailMan message is sent to the Patch installer. This message contains statistics of the job, including start and end times. - The statistics as well as the list of DFNs of the records that were modified is captured in the ^XTMP("DG531111P" global. The MailMan message will include information on where to view that list. See an example of the message in the 'Post-Installation Instructions' section. The data in the ^XTMP("DG531111P" global will be purged after 60 days. Should this patch be re-installed, these post-install steps will not be run and the ^XTMP("DG531111P" global from the original installation will not be removed. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ 1. Before VES data clean-up, print a listing of patients that have a tilde symbol,"~", in the FATHER'S NAME or MOTHER'S NAME using the SEARCH FILE ENTRIES of FileMan. See the example below: >D P^DI VA FileMan 22.2 Select OPTION: SEARCH FILE ENTRIES Output from what File: PATIENT// (126251 entries) -A- SEARCH FOR PATIENT FIELD: FATHER'S NAME 1 FATHER'S NAME 2 FATHER'S NAME COMPONENTS CHOOSE 1-2: 1 FATHER'S NAME -A- CONDITION: CONTAINS -A- CONTAINS: ~ -B- SEARCH FOR PATIENT FIELD: MOTHER'S NAME 1 MOTHER'S NAME 2 MOTHER'S NAME COMPONENTS CHOOSE 1-2: 1 MOTHER'S NAME -B- CONDITION: CONTAINS -B- CONTAINS: ~ -C- SEARCH FOR PATIENT FIELD: IF: A FATHER'S NAME CONTAINS "~" OR: B Or MOTHER'S NAME CONTAINS "~" OR: STORE RESULTS OF SEARCH IN TEMPLATE: Sort by: NAME// FULL ICN 1 FULL ICN 2 FULL ICN HISTORY (multiple) CHOOSE 1-2: 1 FULL ICN Start with FULL ICN: FIRST// Within FULL ICN, Sort by: First Print FIELD: FULL ICN 1 FULL ICN 2 FULL ICN HISTORY (multiple) CHOOSE 1-2: 1 FULL ICN Then Print FIELD: Heading (S/C): PATIENT Search// DEVICE: HOME Right Margin: 80// PATIENT Search APR 01, 2024@14:00 PAGE 1 FULL ICN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Listing of ICNs will be here) ## MATCHES FOUND. 2. Save the Print Listing in a Word document with the file name with your facility name_preinstallation_Parents_Name_Print_Listing.docx. 3. The HL7 incoming/outgoing filers should be stopped. Stop All Messaging Background Processes by using the [HL STOP ALL] option on the Filer and Link Management Options [HL MENU FILER LINK MGT] menu on the HL7 Main Menu [HL MAIN MENU]. This patch may be installed with users on the system, although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. The following options should be disabled during installation: Option Name Menu Text ----------- --------- Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] Enter a Request/Notification [FBCH ENTER REQUEST] Installation Instructions: 1. Use the Load a Distribution option contained on the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu to load the Host file. When prompted to "Enter a Host File:", enter /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/DG_53_P1111.KID 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter the patch or build name. (ex. ) NOTE: Using will not bring up a Multi-Package build even if it was loaded immediately before this step. It will only bring up the last patch in the build. B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message. You must use this option and specify what to backup; the entire Build or just Routines. The backup message can be used to restore the routines and components of the build to the pre-patch condition. i. At the Installation option menu, select Backup a Transport Global. ii. At the Select INSTALL NAME prompt, enter your build . iii. At the Subject prompt after the subject name, press Enter to accept the default. iv. When prompted for the following, enter "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. Select one of the following: B Build (including Routines) R Routines Only Backup Type: B// Press Enter to select Build v. When prompted for Enter a Host File:, enter the path and name for the host file backup file. If you don't specify a directory, the default directory of HFS Primary Directory will be used. C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer NO. ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer NO. iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer YES. a. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', select the following option: Option Name Menu Text ----------- --------- Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] Eligibility Verification [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] Enter a Request/Notification [FBCH ENTER REQUEST] Press the Enter key when you are done selecting options. b. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', press the Enter key. c. When prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//', answer 0. Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not do the following steps until you have received the MailMan messages indicating the successful completion of the DG531111P and IVM20214P post-installation background jobs. A sample of the DG531111P message is shown below. Refer to the Post-Installation Instructions section in the IVM*2.0*214 patch description for a sample of the IVM20214P message. 1. The HL7 incoming filers should be restarted. Use the Restart/Start All Links and Filers [HL TASK RESTART] option on the Filer and Link Management Options [HL MENU FILER LINK MGT] menu on the HL7 Main Menu [HL MAIN MENU]. 2. The post-installation routine DG531111P should be manually deleted from your system using the KERNEL option Delete Routines [XTRDEL]. 3. The post-installation routine IVM20214P from patch IVM*2.0*214 should be manually deleted from your system using the KERNEL option Delete Routines [XTRDEL]. Below is a sample of the MailMan message sent upon the completion of the post-installation job, which is sent to the patch installer. Subj: DG*5.3*1111 PATIENT REMARKS DATA CLEANUP JOB RESULTS [#508060] 01/09/24@13:07 16 lines From: POSTMASTER In 'IN' basket. Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DG*5.3*1111 process has completed. This process ran through the PATIENT file (#2) and for each patient record, if the REMARKS field (#.091) contained the text **REJECTED** it was replaced with **DEFERRED** The process statistics: Job Start Date/Time: JAN 09, 2024@13:07:05 Job End Date/Time: JAN 09, 2024@13:07:05 Total records with REMARKS text replaced: 8 Errors encountered: 0 If a list of records that had the REMARKS text replaced is needed, you may view global ^XTMP("DG531111P",2583014,"IA" NOTE: The global ^XTMP("DG531111P") will be purged after 60 days. Post VES Data Cleanup: ---------------------- 1. Upon national patch installation compliance, VES will execute a cleanup with Z05 HL7 messages. Once the cleanup job is complete, the developer will send a message to G.PATCH that the VES data clean up job started on 4/16/24 and has completed for patch DG*5.3*1111 and IVM*2.0*214 on 4/##/2024. Please run the SEARCH FILE ENTRIES option of FileMan again from the Pre-Installation steps to ensure there are no more Father's Names and Mother's Names that contain the "~" in the listing. Mock Example Message below: Subj: DG*5.3*1111 and IVM*2.0*214 VES Cleanup Status [#119574445] 04/30/24@10:17 6 lines From: DEVELOPER LAST NAME,DEVELOPER FIRST NAME In 'IN' basket. Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- VES CLEANUP STATUS: Cleanup Started: 4/16/2024@6pm Cleanup Completed: 4/30/2024@6pm Please Refer to DG*5.3*1111 POST VES Data Cleanup Instructions for the necessary steps to check on the records left from the cleanup. Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// 2. FileMan Steps to run the SEARCH FILE ENTRIES is below: >D P^DI VA FileMan 22.2 Select OPTION: SEARCH FILE ENTRIES Output from what File: PATIENT// (126251 entries) -A- SEARCH FOR PATIENT FIELD: FATHER'S NAME 1 FATHER'S NAME 2 FATHER'S NAME COMPONENTS CHOOSE 1-2: 1 FATHER'S NAME -A- CONDITION: CONTAINS -A- CONTAINS: ~ -B- SEARCH FOR PATIENT FIELD: MOTHER'S NAME 1 MOTHER'S NAME 2 MOTHER'S NAME COMPONENTS CHOOSE 1-2: 1 MOTHER'S NAME -B- CONDITION: CONTAINS -B- CONTAINS: ~ -C- SEARCH FOR PATIENT FIELD: IF: A FATHER'S NAME CONTAINS "~" OR: B Or MOTHER'S NAME CONTAINS "~" OR: STORE RESULTS OF SEARCH IN TEMPLATE: Sort by: NAME// FULL ICN 1 FULL ICN 2 FULL ICN HISTORY (multiple) CHOOSE 1-2: 1 FULL ICN Start with FULL ICN: FIRST// Within FULL ICN, Sort by: First Print FIELD: FULL ICN 1 FULL ICN 2 FULL ICN HISTORY (multiple) CHOOSE 1-2: 1 FULL ICN Then Print FIELD: Heading (S/C): PATIENT Search// DEVICE: HOME Right Margin: 80// PATIENT Search APR 01, 2024@14:00 Page 1 FULL ICN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Save the Print Listing in a Word document with the file name with your facility name_post_cleanup_Parents_Name_Print_Listing.docx. Note: The copies of the print listing can serve as historical documentation that the cleanup ran to completion and all data are cleaned up. In the event that there are data still containing "~" symbols after cleanup, please enter a YOUR IT ticket and attach your saved Word attachments of the pre-installation and post-cleanup print listings. The VistA REE and VES development teams will review the cleanup status and determine if a subsequent patch is needed, or address each site individually to resolve the issue. Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ In the event a site/patch installer determines that this patch should be backed out, the site/patch installer should submit a YOUR IT Services ticket with the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) for assistance with the procedure. Any issues would need to be evaluated to determine if: a back-out of the software is appropriate; a new patch is needed; or if data requires correction or restoration. During installation, if the option Backup a Transport Global [XPD BACKUP] was run as directed, either the entire build or routines will be available for restoration should the need arise. If only the routines were backed up, they will be available in a MailMan message with a subject similar to the following: "Subject: Backup of DG*5.3*1111, on Jan 27, 2024." For multi-builds, if the full build was backed up, the backup will be available in the Host File specified during the backup process. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Registration;**[Patch List]**;Jan 26 2022;Build 11 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: DG531111P Before: n/a After: B52595103 **1111** Routine Name: DGENA2 Before: B80385720 After: B82282561 **121,122,147,232,327,469,491, 779,788,824,982,993,1015,1045, 1111** Routine Name: DGENA3 Before: B50039888 After: B51464369 **232,306,327,367,417,454,456, 491,514,451,808,993,1027,1111** Routine Name: DGENA6 Before: B33383746 After: B34898776 **232,327,417,491,513,672,940, 993,1014,1045,1111** Routine Name: DGENDD Before: B10478261 After: B10609854 **121,351,503,733,754,1015,1111** Routine Name: DGENEGT1 Before: B77678996 After: B77881249 **232,417,454,491,513,451,564, 672,717,688,803,754,1018,1090, 1111** Routine Name: DGENUPL4 Before:B100642647 After:B104148624 **147,177,232,253,327,367,377, 514,451,625,673,708,688,841, 842,972,952,1111** Routine Name: DGENUPL7 Before:B106173343 After:B108334457 **232,367,397,417,379,431,513, 628,673,653,742,688,797,871, 972,952,977,993,1014,1027,1045, 1082,1090,1111** Routine Name: DGENUPL8 Before: B73379386 After: B74648220 **232,266,327,314,365,417,514, 688,940,952,993,1111** Routine Name: DGREG Before:B204133177 After:B189362698 **1,32,108,147,149,182,245,250, 513,425,533,574,563,624,658, 864,886,915,926,1024,993,1040, 1027,1045,1067,1075,1102,1111** Routine Name: DGREG0 Before: B14385234 After: B14442070 **108,121,91,149,326,624,1111** Routine Name: DGRP1 Before: B38863352 After: B39257079 **109,161,506,244,546,570,629, 638,649,700,653,688,750,851, 907,925,941,985,1014,1033,1056, 1111** Routine Name: DGRPC Before: B63963472 After: B64599286 **108,121,314,301,470,489,505, 451,568,585,641,653,688,754, 797,867,903,952,1027,1045,1081, 1098,1111** Routine Name: DGRPC3 Before: B60811295 After: B60880967 **451,632,673,657,688,754,797, 867,903,952,1098,1109,1111** Routine Name: DGRPE Before:B141854375 After:B133713162 **32,114,139,169,175,247,190, 343,397,342,454,415,489,506, 244,547,522,528,555,508,451, 626,638,624,677,672,702,689, 735,688,797,842,865,871,887, 941,985,997,1014,1040,1044,1056, 1067,1064,1085,1111** Routine Name: DGRPE1 Before: B14922549 After: B26101808 **114,327,451,631,688,808,804, 909,952,1085,1093,1111** Routine Name: DPTLK7 Before:B241003687 After:B244039472 **915,919,926,967,981,1000,1024, 1111** Routine Name: DPTNAME Before: B13781209 After: B16174133 **244,620,1111** Routine list of preceding patches: 620, 1090, 1093, 1102, 1109 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : SEP 25, 2023 Completed By: Date Completed: APR 16, 2024 Released By : Date Released : APR 16, 2024 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included