============================================================================= Run Date: MAR 28, 2009 Designation: DG*5.3*688 Package : DG - REGISTRATION Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 5.3 SEQ #702 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 29, 2009 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)DG*5.3*33 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*45 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*122 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*147 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*182 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*232 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*311 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*454 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*456 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*487 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*498 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*514 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*518 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*527 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*560 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*564 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*579 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*614 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)HL*1.6*120 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*624 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*628 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*631 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*653 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)XU*8*378 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*657 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*672 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*673 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*689 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*703 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*708 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*716 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*717 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*730 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*735 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*737 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*742 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' (v)DG*5.3*789 <<= must be installed BEFORE `DG*5.3*688' Subject: EVC R2 - ENROLLMENT VISTA CHANGES TO SUPPORT ESR (RELEASE 2) Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement () - Input Template - Other Description: ============ ***************************** A T T E N T I O N ***************************** NOTE: The implementation of EVC Release 2 at all sites is an emergency release 24-hour compliance and scheduled for installation on Saturday March 28, 2009. Therefore, the compliance date to have this patch installed at all sites is no later than Sunday March 29, 2009 by 8 am EST. Failure to install this within this timeframe may result in corrupting data or missing data at the facilities. ***************************************************************************** KNOWN ISSUES: ============= Issue #1: SAC Violation XT*7.3*110 released October 22, 2008, made changes to the routine XINDEX to comply with the latest revision of the SAC standards. That document can be viewed at the following link: http://vista.med.va.gov/sacc/docs/SACC_2008.pdf The EVC R2 project was to be released to the field October 18, 2008; however, due to necessary delays in the parent project (ESR 3.0), this release was delayed. Product Support conducted a review the EVC R2 project in November 2008 which resulted in the newly revised version of XINDEX reporting violations of the current SAC standard in certain routines associated with this project. Each instance resulted in the "Lock missing Timeout" error being reported. As the EVC R2 project did not create or modify the locks where the violations are reported, a waiver was sought from the SAC committee. The SAC committee recognized: (1) the issue with the locks was not detected due to circumstances beyond the control of the EVC R2 project team, and (2) the code has been in production for several years. While the SAC committee supported the EVC R2 request for the management waiver, as a technical body it was unable to grant a technical exemption / waiver for the standard. The decision to release rather than to remediate was an approved Management Decision supported by the SAC committee. Remedy Ticket # 305037 was logged and referred to the maintenance development team requesting remediation of the SAC violations. The following errors should be ignored for this patch installation: DGMTU2 * * 166 Lines, 7915 Bytes, Checksum: B46628572 ADDIN+9 S - Lock missing Timeout. ADDIR+7 S - Lock missing Timeout. DGRPEIS1 * * 90 Lines, 4890 Bytes, Checksum: B27428084 NEWIP+9 S - Lock missing Timeout. DIC+16 S - Lock missing Timeout. Issue # 2 - XINDEX error in build review: XINDEX misreports a length of greater than 245 characters when evaluating data dictionary nodes containing executable code when the length of those nodes is exactly 245 characters. A space is appended to the ^UTILITY global data node which causes an error to be reported even though the actual global node length is exactly 245 characters. Remedy ticket # 307959 has been opened and referred to tier 3 for remediation of this problem. The following error is reported when running XINDEX against the DG*5.3*688 build; however, these error may be ignored: |dd2 * * 291 Lines, 18467 Bytes, Checksum: .32102XRF1S+1S - Line is longer than 245 bytes. .32102XRF3S+1S - Line is longer than 245 bytes. Issue # 3: Remediation of a second line error. When running the Compare Transport Global to Current System [XPD COMPARE TO SYSTEM] option against the DG*5.3*688 build, the following error will be reported: Routine: DGMTSC11 ;;5.3;Registration;**25,45,688**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 29 ;;5.3;Registration;**45**;Aug 13, 1993 *** WARNING, you are missing one or more Patches *** This issue was the result of an oversight of patch DG*5.3*45 not including patch DG*5.3*25 in the second line. This patch correct the second line of the routine DGMTSC11 to include patch DG*5.3*25 in the second line. ***************************************************************************** The Enrollment VistA Changes (EVC) project is being undertaken to support technology and business changes that are occurring with the implementation of the Health Eligibility Center (HEC) Enrollment System Redesign (ESR) project. Some modified and new business functionality is being included in the new system, and corresponding changes are necessary in VistA for preliminary determination of the veteran's Enrollment and Eligibility status. The EVC project will be released in two phases. This release represents EVC Release 2. This patch is being released along with EAS*1.0*70 (Enrollment Application System), and IVM*2.0*115 (Income Verification Match) in host file: DG_53_P688.KID The installation order for all EVC R2 patches are as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------- DG host file DG_53_P688.KID (DG*5.3*688, IVM*2*115 & EAS*1*70) SD host file SD_53_P441.KID (SD*5.3*441, DG*5.3*664 & PX*1*168) Radiology (RA*5*70) Laboratory (LR*5*352) -------------------------------------------------------------- Features of this project are as follows: 1. Changes to Agent Orange Exposure Processing - The Agent Orange Exposure Location field (#.3213) in the Patient file (#2) is being modified to add a location of OTHER to the set of codes. - A change is being made to the Enrollment priority algorithm. Only veterans with an Agent Orange Exposure Location of Vietnam will be eligible for priority group 6. 2. Add Permanent and Totally (P&T) Disabled Effective Date - A new field, P&T Effective Date (#.3013), will be added to the Patient file (#2). This field will be edited and displayed on Screen 7 of the following options: (1) Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT], OR (2) Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA]. - Once the patient's eligibility has been verified by HEC, the P&T indicator and the P&T Effective Date will no longer be editable. 3. Locking of SSN Once Verified - A new field, SSN Verification Status (#.0907), will be added to the Patient file (#.02). A new field, SSN Verification Status (#.11), will be added to the Income Person file (#408.13). - Once the Health Eligibility Center (HEC) verifies the SSN data and shares the verification status with VAMC facilities via the ORU/ORF Z10 transmission, the SSN will be locked down for the patient and any associated dependents. It will no longer be editable by facility staff. - Only the Identity Management Data Quality Team are able to change a beneficiary's (veteran/non veteran) SSN. If an Invalid per SSA status is received for the SSN, then an "INVALID" will appear next to the invalid SSN of the individual. Facilities should make every effort to obtain the accurate SSN from the individual for any invalid or pseudo SSN entry. Even if the facility obtains the correct SSN from the patient and/or dependent and enters the data, the INVALID indicator will remain on file until the HEC re-verifies the newer SSN data with SSA. 4. Address Sharing Functionality - Support for foreign addresses in patient Permanent, Temporary and Confidential address will be added. - New fields will be added to the Patient File (#2). They are: Province (#.1171) Postal Code (#.1172) Country (#.1173) Temporary Address Province (#.1221) Temporary Address Postal Code (#.1222) Temporary Address Country (#.1223) Confidential Addr Province (#.14114) Confidential Addr Postal Code (#.14115) Confidential Addr Country (#.14116) - Demographic registration consistency checks have been modified to check for patient's permanent address country. - The following Registration, Enrollment and Patient Inquiry Screens have been modified to prompt and/or display country, postal code and province for foreign countries. For United States, the country field has been added. The other address fields are unchanged. Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] View Patient Address [EAS VIEW PATIENT ADDRESS] View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] Patient Inquiry [DG PATIENT INQUIRY] - The following functionality has been modified to support foreign address: Report - All Address Changes [DG All Address Change Report] Report - All Address Change with Rx [DG All Address Change with RX] - The API ADD^VADPT has been modified Integration Agreement, DBIA 10061, may be affected by this change. The new nodes for the address array (VAPA()) are as follows. VAPA(23) - permanent or temporary Province (if temp address is current and active, it's temp) VAPA(24) - permanent or temporary Postal Code (if temp address is current and active, it's temp) VAPA(25) - permanent or temporary Country (if temp address is current and active, it's temp) VAPA(26) - confidential Province VAPA(27) - confidential Postal Code VAPA(28) - confidential Country - A country will be required when the patient permanent, temporary, or confidential address is edited. Pre-existing addresses will NOT have the country code populated automatically by this patch installation. 5. Share Inactivation Date for Spouse and Dependent according to the following table: ___________________________________________________________________________ | ACTIVE | ASSOCIATED | | | | | | | WITH MT | ZDP-9 | ZDP-11 | ZIC | ZIR | |___________________________________________________________________________| | Y | Y | EFFECTIVE | NULL (NO ZDP | INCLUDED | INCLUDED | | | | DATE | 11 INCLUDED | | | | | | | WHEN | | | | | | | ASSOICATED | | | | | | | WITH MT | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| | Y | N | BY DESIGN - NO ZDP SEGMENTS ON Z07 WHERE ACTIVE = Y | | | | AND NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE MT | |___________________________________________________________________________| | N | Y | EFFECTIVE | NULL (NO ZDP | INCLUDED | INCLUDED | | | | DATE | 11 INCLUDED | | | | | | | WHEN | | | | | | | ASSOICATED | | | | | | | WITH MT | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| | N | N | EFFECTIVE | MOST CURRENT |NOT INCLUDED|NOT INCLUDED| | | | DATE | EFFECTIVE | WHEN NOT | WHEN NOT | | | | | DATE WITH | ASSOICATED | ASSOICATED | | | | | ACTIVE = NO | WITH MT | WITH MT | |___________________________________________________________________________| 6. Share Non-Veteran Information - The Agency/Allied Country field (#.309) of the Patient file (#2) for Patient Types Allied Veteran and Non-Veteran Other will be shared with the HEC. Additionally, The Service Connected field (#.301) of the Patient file (#2) will no longer be changed when VistA receives an ORF/ORU~Z11 (Eligibility/ Enrollment) transmission from ESR. 7. Modify Means Test Data Collection - Means Test data collection in VistA will be aligned with the February 2005 1010EZ form. - A Means Test Version field (#2.11) will be created in the Annual Means Test file (#408.31) in order to support the display and collection of Means Test information for both the 1010EZ form prior to Feb. 2005 and the 1010EZ form from Feb. 2005. The changes outlined for this patch regard those that support the Feb 2005 form. Means Test information collected prior to installation of this patch will continue to be collected, printed, and displayed in the pre Feb 2005 format. - The Means Test Version indicator will be evaluated in the following VistA options: Load/Edit Patient [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Add a New Means Test [DG MEANS TEST ADD] Complete a Required Means Test [DG MEANS TEST COMPLETE] Edit an Existing Means Test [DG MEANS TEST EDIT] View a Past Means Test [DG MEANS TEST VIEW TEST] Purge Duplicate Income Tests [DG CLEANUP INCOME TEST DUPES] Add a Copay Exemption Test [DG CO-PAY TEST ADD] Edit an Existing Copay Exemption Test [DG CO-PAY TEST EDIT] View a Past Copay Test [DG CO-PAY TEST VIEW TEST] - Income Available Response collected for Dependent Child(ren) will now support collection of children Net Worth Dollar Amounts (for Feb 2005 form). Children Net Worth Dollar amounts will be collected with the new form. - A limit of 19 dependent children will be collected for a Means test. This limit applies to those dependents with relationships of son, daughter, step-son, and step-daughter. - The collection of Previous Calendar Year Gross Annual Income with Feb 2005 Data Format will be changed to collect the following 3 data elements rather than the 10 data elements collected with the pre Feb. 2005 format: - Employment Income - Employment Inc. (Sp) - Employment Inc. (Ch+) - Means Test data collection will collect the Gross Medical Expenses dollar amount, within Deductible Expenses, labeled as "Total Non-Reimbursed Medical Expenses". - February 2005 1010EZ form Means Test data collection will no longer require a spouse or dependent child (associated with the Means Test) to collect Funeral and Burial expenses. - The collection of Previous Calendar Year Net Worth with Feb 2005 Data Format will be changed to collect the following 3 data elements rather than the 5 data elements collected with the pre Feb. 2005 format: - Land/Bldgs - Land/Bldgs. (Sp.) - Land/Bldgs. (Ch+) - The system will continue to display the summary Income, Net Worth, and Deductible Expenses amounts in the Feb 2005 Data Collection Format as was displayed with the pre Feb 2005 data collection format. The system will continue to calculate the summary Income, Net Worth, and Deductible Expense amounts in the Feb 2005 Data Collection Format with the same formulas as with the Existing Data Collection format. - Entry of means test information in the Feb 2005 Data Collection format will produce the same means test status that results when the means test information is entered with the Existing Data Collection format. - The "Copy Data" function will be removed from the Means Test user interface for both Feb 2005 form and pre Feb 2005 form. The "Copy Data" function will still be performed by the Means Test system when done automatically. For example if the Primary Eligibility Code changes from Non-Service Connected to Service Connected, a Pharmacy Copay test will automatically be created. When this "automatic" copy occurs, the Annual Income information will be checked for the data collection form. If that data is in the pre Feb 2005 form, it will converted to the Feb 2005 form to match the newly created Pharmacy Copay Test. 8. PROJ 112/ SHAD information - The API SVC^VADPT has been modified to return PROJ 112/ SHAD information Integration Agreement, DBIA 10061, may be affected by this change. The new nodes for the service array (VASV()) are as follows. VASV(14) - If the PROJ 112/ SHAD field is populated, a "1" will be returned; otherwise a "0" will be returned (e.g., 0) VASV(14,1) If the PROJ 112/SHAD field is populated, PROJ 112/SHAD in internal^external format.(e.g., 1^YES) DATA DICTIONARIES: ================== The following new fields will be added: PATIENT (2) =========== SSN VERIFICATION STATUS (#.0907) - Set of Codes '4' For VERIFIED '2' For INVALID PROVINCE (#.1171) - Free Text POSTAL CODE (#.1172) - Free Text COUNTRY (#.1173) - Pointer to COUNTRY CODE File #779.004 TEMPORARY ADDRESS PROVINCE (#.1221) - Free Text TEMPORARY ADDRESS POSTAL CODE (#.1222) - Free Text TEMPORARY ADDRESS COUNTRY (#.1223) - Pointer to COUNTRY CODE File #779.004 CONFIDENTIAL ADDR PROVINCE (#.14114) - Free Text CONFIDENTIAL ADDR POSTAL CODE (#.14115) - Free Text CONFIDENTIAL ADDR COUNTRY (#.14116) - Pointer to COUNTRY CODE File #779.004 P&T EFFECTIVE DATE (#.3013) - Date POW STATUS VERIFIED (#.529) - Date PATIENT ENROLLMENT (27.11) =========================== AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE LOCATION (#50.22) - Set of Codes 'K' For KOREAN DMZ 'V' For VIETNAM 'O' For OTHER INCOME PERSON (408.13) ====================== SSN VERIFICATION STATUS (#.11) - Set of Codes '4' For VERIFIED '2' For INVALID ANNUAL MEANS TEST (408.31) =========================== MEANS TEST VERSION (#2.11) - Set of Codes '0' For BEFORE FEB 2005 FORMAT '1' For FEB 2005 The following existing fields will be modified: PATIENT (2) =========== SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (#.09) - The 'AENR09' cross reference was removed. STATE (#.115) - The input transform has been modified to require the user to select a valid STATE if the COUNTRY field (#.1173) from the PATIENT file (#2) is United States. BAD ADDRESS INDICATOR (#.121) - A new value of '4 for ADDRESS NOT FOUND' has been added to the Set of Codes. Screen code was also added to prevent VistA users from entering the new value of '4 for ADDRESS NOT FOUND'. TEMPORARY ADDRESS CHANGE DT/TM (#.12113) - A trigger cross-reference was added to update the TEMPORARY ADDR CHANGE SITE field (#.12114) once this field changes. TEMPORARY STATE (#.1215) - The input transform has been modified to require the user to select a valid TEMPORARY STATE if the TEMPORARY ADDRESS COUNTRY field (#.12111) from the PATIENT file (#2) is United States. An additional modification was made to the input transform requiring the TEMPORARY ADDRESS ACTIVE? field (#.12105) be answered "Yes" in order to enter/edit the TEMPORARY STATE field. EMAIL ADDRESS (#.133) - Additional Help Text was added. AGENT ORANGE EXPOS. INDICATED? (#.32102) - The Help Text has been modified. AGENT ORANGE REGISTRATION DATE (#.32107) - The Help Text has been modified. AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE LOCATION (#.3213) - A new value of 'O for OTHER' has been added to the Set of Codes. POW STATUS INDICATED? (#.525) - The Field Description has been modified. The input transform has been modified to restrict VistA users from editing this field once it has been verified by the HEC. P&T (#.304) - The Field Description has been modified. The input transform has been modified to restrict VistA users from editing this field once it has been verified by the HEC. A trigger cross reference has been added to delete the P&T Effective Date field (#.3103) if this field is not set to YES. ADDRESS CHANGE SOURCE (#.119) - A new value of 'LACS for LACS' (Locatable Address Conversion System) has been added to the Set of Codes. A Prompt Message has been added. PATIENT RELATION (408.12) ========================= RELATIONSHIP (#.02) - The Screen Code has been modified to only allow 19 child dependents per Veteran. The Description has been modified. INCOME PERSON (408.13) ====================== SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (#.09) - The Prompt Message, Description & Tech Description fields have been modified. A Mumps cross reference has been added to notify HEC of changes that may affect enrollment. INCOME RELATION (408.22) ======================== CHILD HAD INCOME (#.11) - The Promp Message & Description fields have been replaced with Executable Help. INCOME AVAILABLE TO YOU (#.12) - The Promp Message & Description fields have been replaced with Executable Help. ANNUAL MEANS TEST (408.31) =========================== INCOME (#.04) - The Tech Description field has been modified. NET WORTH (#.05) - The Description & Tech Description fields have been modified. INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL INCOME (408.21) ================================== SOCIAL SECURITY (NOT SSI) (#.08) - The Executable Help field has been modified to include help for other income amounts when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). U.S. CIVIL SERVICE (#.09) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). U.S. RAILROAD RETIREMENT (#.1) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). MILITARY RETIREMENT (#.11) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION (#.12) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). OTHER RETIREMENT (#.13) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). TOTAL INCOME FROM EMPLOYMENT (#.14) - The Executable Help field has been modified to include help for other income amounts when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). INTEREST, DIVIDEND, OR ANNUITY (#.15) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). WORKERS COMP. OR BLACK LUNG (#.16) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). ALL OTHER INCOME (#.17) - The Executable Help field has been modified to include help for other income amounts when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). ADJUSTED MEDICAL EXPENSES (#1.01) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). FUNERAL AND BURIAL EXPENSES (#1.02) - The Input Transform has been modified to only allow this field be populated if the Veteran was married or had dependent children for the previous income year. The Executable Help field has been modified to include help for other income amounts when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). GROSS MEDICAL EXPENSES (#1.12) - The Executable Help field has been modified to include help when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). CASH, AMOUNTS IN BANK ACCOUNTS (#2.01) - The Executable Help field has been modified to include help when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). STOCKS AND BONDS (#2.02) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). REAL PROPERTY (#2.03) - The Executable Help field has been modified to include help when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). OTHER PROPERTY OR ASSETS (#2.04) - The Executable Help field has been modified to include help when the type of Means Test is not a LTC CO-PAY TEST. The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). DEBTS (#2.05) - The Tech Description field has been modified to explain the field use depending on the value of the Means Test Version field (#2.11). OTHER FEDERAL AGENCY (35) ================================== ABBREVIATION (#1) - The 'C' cross reference has been added to allow look-ups on the abbreviation field. The following existing fields will be renamed: PATIENT (#2) =========== Field # Current New ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .322013 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS? SOUTHWEST ASIA CONDITIONS? .322014 ENVIR. CONT. REGISTRATION DATE SW ASIA COND REGISTRATION DATE .322015 ENVIR. CONT. EXAM DATE SW ASIA COND EXAM DATE PATIENT ENROLLMENT (#27.11) =========================== Field # Current New ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 50.13 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS SOUTHWEST ASIA CONDITIONS INPUT TEMPLATES: ================ The following Input Templates will be added: DGMT V1 ENTER/EDIT ANNUAL INC FILE #408.21 DGMT V1 ENTER/EDIT DEPENDENTS FILE #408.22 DGMT V1 ENTER/EDIT EXPENSES FILE #408.21 DGMT V1 ENTER/EDIT NET WORTH FILE #408.21 DGRP V1 ENTER/EDIT ANNUAL INC FILE #408.21 The following Input Templates will be modified: DG LOAD EDIT SCREEN 7 FILE #2 DGRP ENTER/EDIT ANNUAL INCOME FILE #408.21 PROTOCOLS: ========== The following Protocols will be deleted: DGMT MEANS TEST DEPENDENT COPY PRE-INSTALL AND POST-INSTALL CHANGES: ===================================== A MailMan message will be sent to HEC with the Subject 'EVC I2 Install'. This message will set a flag in the HEC system to indicate that the installation of EVC Release 2 has been completed at this site. This patch addresses the following Remedy tickets: ================================================== HD0000000165753 HD0000000195688 HD0000000254441 Overview of Remedy Ticket(s): ----------------------------- HD0000000165753 HD0000000195688 Problem: Purple Heart is populated and confirmed by HEC. It displays on registration screen 6, field 8, Purple Heart = yes; PH status = confirmed. States patient's primary eligibility reflect purple heart, but patient's enrollment priority factors do not display purple heart data. Solution: Changes have been made to the PHEART^DGENL1 api to return Purple Heart data when present. HD0000000254441 Problem: A patient was originally entered into VistA as a veteran and a Z07 transmission was sent to HEC. The patient was later determined to be Active Duty, so the site changed the eligibility and patient type to reflect the correct information in VistA. When a Z11 message was received from HEC and uploaded, the patient's veteran indicator was changed from NO to YES and the patient type was changed to NSC. Solution: The patient type is not sent from HEC in the Z11 and needs to be derived in VistA. A change was made to the Z11 upload routine, DGENUPL3. The veteran indicator will be checked, and if it's NO, the non-veteran patient type will be derived based on the algorithm in the table in system requirement SR-381 from the Enrollment VistA Changes Release 2 Software Requirements Specification. SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION AND RETRIEVAL: ===================================== The user documentation is available on the Office of Information Field Office (OIFO) ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directories listed below: OIFO FTP address Directory Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov anonymous.software Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov anonymous.software Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov anonymous.software VistA download site download.vista.med.va.gov anonymous.software The user documentation files listed below may be obtained via FTP. The preferred method is to download the files from: download.vista.med.va.gov This method transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also select to retrieve documentation from a specific server as shown in the above table. The following fields should be downloaded in the binary FTP mode. Filename Description -------- ----------- DG_5_3_P688_REG_UM.PDF Revised PIMS V. 5.3 Registration Menu User Manual DG_5_3_P688_MTS_UM.PDF Revised PIMS V. 5.3 Means Test Supervisor Menu User Manual DG_5_3_P688_ADTBE_UM.PDF Revised PIMS V. 5.3 Menus, Intro, Orientation User Manual DG_5_3_P688_TM.PDF PIMS Technical Manual EAS_1_P70_UM.PDF Revised Enrollment Application System User Manual EAS_1_P70_TM.PDF Revised Enrollment Application System Technical Manual IVM_2_P115_UM.PDF Revised IVM V. 2.0 User Manual IVM_2_P115_TM.PDF Revised IVM V. 2.0 Technical Manual The software for this patch is being distributed in a host file. The host file will contain three KIDS files. Host File Name: DG_53_P688.KID Builds: DG*5.3*688 IVM*2.0*115 EAS*1.0*70 Sites may retrieve the software directly using FTP from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Albany: ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines: ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City: ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov First available download: download.vista.med.va.gov Note: Use ASCII mode when transferring the .KID file. Use Binary mode when transferring the .PDF file(s). The .PDF files can be read on a PC using the Adobe Acrobat Reader program. The VistA Documentation Library [VDL] contains all end-user manuals. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== This patch should NOT be installed while the IVM BACKGROUND JOB [IVM BACKGROUND JOB] is running. If installed during the normal workday, it is recommended the following menu options be disabled to prevent possible conflicts while running the KIDS Install. Other VISTA users will not be affected. [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Preregister a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Register a Patient [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG MEANS TEST USER MENU] Means Test User Menu [DG MEANS TEST SUPERVISOR MENU] Means Test Supervisor Menu [EAS VIEW PATIENT ADDRESS] View Patient Address [EAS MT 0 DAY LETTER PRINT] Zero Day Letters Print [EAS MT 30 DAY LETTER PRINT] Thirty Day Letters Print [EAS MT 60 DAY LETTER PRINT] Sixty Day Letters Print Install Time - less than 5 minutes 1. Retrieve the KIDS host file per software retrieval directions above. 2. Place the host file into a directory that is accessible from the account into which you are installing. 3. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: 1 Load a Distribution Enter a Host File: DG_53_P688.KID Select Installation Option: 4. Select Installation Option: -------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter DG*5.3*688): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 5. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ---------------- **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. Enter DG*5.3*688 when prompted for a build name. b. When prompted Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of the Install? YES// answer NO c. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated). d. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//' answer YES (unless otherwise indicated). e. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':' Enter the following options: [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Preregister a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Register a Patient [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG MEANS TEST USER MENU] Means Test User Menu [DG MEANS TEST SUPERVISOR MENU] Means Test Supervisor Menu [EAS VIEW PATIENT ADDRESS] View Patient Address [EAS MT 0 DAY LETTER PRINT] Zero Day Letters Print [EAS MT 30 DAY LETTER PRINT] Thirty Day Letters Print [EAS MT 60 DAY LETTER PRINT] Sixty Day Letters Print g. If prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0//' answer "0" (unless otherwise indicated). 6. The following pre/post install routine(s) may be deleted after the installation is complete: DG53688P EAS1070P Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: DG53558 Before: B82762269 After: B51112654 **558,579,688** Routine Name: DG53558M Before: B64120227 After: B64818419 **558,579,688** Routine Name: DG53558N Before: n/a After: B9470625 **688** Routine Name: DG53688A Before: n/a After: B7357677 **688** Routine Name: DG53688B Before: n/a After: B1690075 **688** Routine Name: DG53688P Before: n/a After: B80418911 **688** Routine Name: DGADDUT2 Before: n/a After: B2578124 **688** Routine Name: DGADDUTL Before: B43351815 After: B56565800 **658,695,730,688** Routine Name: DGCLEAR Before: B1141198 After: B6866608 **653,688** Routine Name: DGCNTRY Before: n/a After: B3718332 **688** Routine Name: DGDDDTTM Before: B4161602 After: B4416608 **665,653,688** Routine Name: DGDEP Before: B8119915 After: B8540114 **45,688** Routine Name: DGDEP0 Before: B12397379 After: B13570758 **45,60,395,624,653,688** Routine Name: DGDEP1 Before: B26014891 After: B33356998 **45,60,624,653,688** Routine Name: DGDEP2 Before: B20373879 After: B20918784 **45,60,395,624,688** Routine Name: DGDEP3 Before: B24479543 After: B29628067 **45,624,653,688** Routine Name: DGDEP4 Before: B15388877 After: B15620254 **45,688** Routine Name: DGENA Before: B19072068 After: B20066908 **121,122,147,232,314,564,672, 659,653,688** Routine Name: DGENA1A Before: B13695008 After: B14794142 **121,147,232,314,564,672,659, 653,688** Routine Name: DGENA5 Before: B31314958 After: B31534116 **232,688** Routine Name: DGENEGT1 Before: B61320915 After: B61377172 **232,417,454,491,513,451,564, 672,717,688** Routine Name: DGENELA Before: B26371073 After: B26888074 **121,147,232,314,451,564,631, 672,659,583,653,688** Routine Name: DGENELA1 Before: B76546694 After: B77796991 **147,327,314,367,497,451,564, 631,672,659,583,746,653,688** Routine Name: DGENELA2 Before: B1092438 After: B2750986 **147,688** Routine Name: DGENELA4 Before: B44980796 After: B45731799 **232,275,306,327,314,367,417, 437,456,491,451,564,672,659, 653,688** Routine Name: DGENL1 Before: B65028374 After: B67982069 **121,147,232,266,343,564,672, 659,653,688** Routine Name: DGENPTA Before: B37601368 After: B39002320 **121,122,147,688** Routine Name: DGENPTA1 Before: B18612546 After: B20787602 **121,147,314,677,659,653,688** Routine Name: DGENU Before: B38090905 After: B39450626 **121,122,147,232,314,564,624, 672,659,653,688** Routine Name: DGENUPL Before: B28511656 After: B44426570 **147,222,232,363,472,497,564, 677,672,688** Routine Name: DGENUPL1 Before: B34423336 After: B36244583 **147,222,232,314,397,379,407, 363,673,653,688** Routine Name: DGENUPL2 Before: B72501035 After: B70882830 **147,222,232,310,314,367,397, 677,631,675,672,673,716,653, 688** Routine Name: DGENUPL3 Before: B39755070 After: B56076045 **147,230,232,377,404,451,653,688** Routine Name: DGENUPL4 Before: B69012473 After: B64586357 **147,177,232,253,327,367,377, 514,451,625,673,708,688** Routine Name: DGENUPL7 Before: B32019142 After: B32315527 **232,367,397,417,379,431,513, 628,673,653,742,688** Routine Name: DGENUPL8 Before: B13059264 After: B13177328 **232,266,327,314,365,417,514,688** Routine Name: DGENUPL9 Before: B7448388 After: B7773065 **232,378,451,564,628,688** Routine Name: DGENUPLA Before: B55510983 After: B62008132 **397,379,497,451,564,672,659, 583,653,688** Routine Name: DGLOCK Before: B28314268 After: B32786252 **108,161,247,485,672,673,688** Routine Name: DGLOCK3 Before: B6610555 After: B6374544 **489,527,688** Routine Name: DGMTA Before: B35275824 After: B40373601 **33,45,137,166,177,182,290, 344,332,433,458,535,612,564, 688** Routine Name: DGMTDD1 Before: B10762436 After: B11336332 **180,313,345,401,653,688** Routine Name: DGMTDD2 Before: B27411825 After: B29539151 **33,45,518,688** Routine Name: DGMTDD3 Before: B15120042 After: B17870431 **688** Routine Name: DGMTDD4 Before: n/a After: B70665086 **688** Routine Name: DGMTDD5 Before: n/a After: B43767578 **688** Routine Name: DGMTHLP Before: n/a After: B15434271 **688** Routine Name: DGMTR Before: B52342818 After: B58184426 **45,93,114,137,141,147,177, 182,146,305,326,314,344,402, 426,456,495,672,688** Routine Name: DGMTR1 Before: B29713005 After: B31559684 **182,344,433,456,564,688** Routine Name: DGMTSC11 Before: B527501 After: B1785752 **25,45,688** Routine Name: DGMTSC2 Before: B11795619 After: B12084906 **45,688** Routine Name: DGMTSC2V Before: n/a After: B6811393 **688** Routine Name: DGMTSC31 Before: B8633802 After: B8816776 **45,688** Routine Name: DGMTSC3V Before: n/a After: B5377303 **688** Routine Name: DGMTSC4V Before: n/a After: B18024527 **688** Routine Name: DGMTSCR Before: B14516559 After: B14443251 **45,688** Routine Name: DGMTSCU Before: B9873054 After: B13382727 **456,688** Routine Name: DGMTSCU3 Before: B7145928 After: B8099876 **45,688** Routine Name: DGMTU11 Before: B15515335 After: B23774730 **33,45,182,311,688** Routine Name: DGMTU2 Before: B4689297 After: B46628572 **33,688** Routine Name: DGMTU21 Before: B2943600 After: B9783744 **33,45,182,688** Routine Name: DGMTU22 Before: B16752051 After: B2167797 **33,45,624,688** Routine Name: DGMTUTL Before: B12977090 After: B32802544 **3,31,166,182,454,688** Routine Name: DGMTUTL3 Before: n/a After: B13743942 **688** Routine Name: DGREGAED Before: B17873671 After: B40294783 **522,560,658,730,688** Routine Name: DGREGARP Before: B83832281 After: B87862676 **522,560,688** Routine Name: DGREGTE2 Before: n/a After: B21750712 **688** Routine Name: DGREGTED Before: n/a After: B23110608 **688** Routine Name: DGRP1 Before: B28795198 After: B34627316 **109,161,506,244,546,570,629, 638,649,700,653,688** Routine Name: DGRP6EF Before: B16559019 After: B17483122 **689,659,737,688** Routine Name: DGRP7 Before: B16119751 After: B17215942 **528,653,688** Routine Name: DGRP9 Before: B24427361 After: B59126798 **45,108,487,688** Routine Name: DGRPC Before: B24943025 After: B26505581 **108,121,314,301,470,489,505, 451,568,585,641,653,688** Routine Name: DGRPC1 Before: B12680132 After: B13110554 **314,342,451,564,688** Routine Name: DGRPC2 Before: B65148755 After: B64408428 **45,69,108,121,205,218,342, 387,470,467,489,505,507,528, 451,564,570,657,688** Routine Name: DGRPC3 Before: B20051384 After: B23485665 **451,632,673,657,688** Routine Name: DGRPCADD Before: B9636895 After: B13015027 **489,624,688** Routine Name: DGRPCE1 Before: B60025284 After: B59700884 **108,226,470,454,489,505,522, 451,632,689,657,688** Routine Name: DGRPD Before: B65212310 After: B62562309 **109,124,121,57,161,149,286, 358,436,445,489,498,506,513, 518,550,545,568,585,677,703, 688** Routine Name: DGRPD1 Before: B5267286 After: B8127087 **703,730,688** Routine Name: DGRPE Before: B61249824 After: B60707997 **32,114,139,169,175,247,190, 343,397,342,454,415,489,506, 244,547,522,528,555,508,451, 626,638,624,677,672,702,689, 735,688** Routine Name: DGRPE1 Before: B8637355 After: B9042647 **114,327,451,631,688** Routine Name: DGRPECE Before: B62016325 After: B66239213 **638,682,700,720,653,688** Routine Name: DGRPEIS Before: B41614327 After: B44253668 **10,45,108,624,653,688** Routine Name: DGRPEIS1 Before: B25496202 After: B27428084 **10,45,108,624,688** Routine Name: DGRPEIS2 Before: B15374909 After: B19531893 **10,45,122,653,688** Routine Name: DGRPEIS3 Before: B78209595 After: B88249878 **45,624,659,653,688** Routine Name: DGRPLE Before: B20956933 After: B21407706 **314,343,377,431,653,688** Routine Name: DGRPMS Before: B49590588 After: B49653378 **451,626,646,673,689,688** Routine Name: DGRPP Before: B23860016 After: B18355225 **92,147,343,404,397,489,689,688** Routine Name: DGRPU Before: B61935480 After: B81808598 **33,114,489,624,672,689,688** Routine Name: DGRPV Before: B16930489 After: B17609021 **109,114,247,190,327,365,343, 397,415,489,546,545,451,624, 677,672,689,716,688** Routine Name: VADPT Before: B16792533 After: B16796333 **193,343,389,415,489,498,688** Routine Name: VADPT0 Before: B12664497 After: B13477759 **343,342,415,489,498,528,689, 789,688** Routine Name: VADPT1 Before: B36674787 After: B42511929 **415,489,516,614,688** Routine Name: VADPT4 Before: B33593643 After: B35665898 **343,342,528,689,688** Routine Name: VAFHLZBT Before: B9733765 After: B11379827 **122,688** Routine Name: VAFHLZDP Before: B5724563 After: B6500029 **33,653,688** Routine Name: VAFHLZPD Before: B55095720 After: B57162988 **94,122,160,220,247,545,564, 568,677,653,688** Routine Name: VAFHLZTA Before: B6091122 After: B11281178 **68,653,688** Routine list of preceding patches: 311, 487, 527, 579, 614, 657, 708, 717 730, 735, 737, 742, 789 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : DESMOND,LINDA Date Entered : NOV 09, 2005 Completed By: MOORE,TERRY D Date Completed: MAR 18, 2009 Released By : GROOMS,ANTHONY E Date Released : MAR 28, 2009 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included