============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 20, 2021 Designation: EDP*2*14 Package : EDP - EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Priority: Mandatory Version : 2 SEQ #9 Status: Released Compliance Date: FEB 20, 2021 ============================================================================= Subject: Disappearing Patients GUI fix Category: - Other - Informational Description: ============ This patch is for the Emergency Department Integration Software (EDIS) Java graphic user interface (GUI). Patch EDP*2.0*14 addresses the following defect: 1. INC15787506 - EDIS v2.2 patient movement issues which caused patient to disappear from EDIS display board. Defect Tracking System Tickets(s) & Overview: ============================================= 1. INC15787506 - EDIS v2.2 patient movement issues which caused patient to disappear from EDIS display board. Problem: -------- When moving a patient between rooms the patient would in some cases disappear from the board. These patient entries when viewed in VistA would display in file #230 (ED LOG) as having a LOC field (3.4) entry of "0". When a patient disappears from the board they are unable to be edited or re-added to the board as the application still considered them as being on the board. Technical Explanation: ---------------------- On the room select boxes used in the popups, on the CPE screen, using the "click" event to capture changes to the selection which works properly if you click directly on the list item you want to change to. If for some reason you miss clicked on the select boxes but did not click on a list item it was still triggering the click event and which was causing the save functionality to run but doing so with the default value, in the case of room bed that is 0 which was the patient ghosting. Resolution: ----------- The click method which updates the room has been changed to no longer default to "0". Additionally the VistA routine EDPQDB will be updated in patch EDP*2*15 to display any existing patients with a LOC field entry of "0" as being on the default room set by the TRACKING AREA File (231.9) field INITIAL ROOM. Test Sites: ----------- Greater Los Angeles Health Care System VA Long Beach Health Care System Installation Instructions: -------------------------- This is a Web Application JAVA Build. This is a Centralized Server promotion. NO installation is required at Local sites. Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ The back-out/roll back would be handled by the central server deployment team. No actions are required of local sites in the event of back-out/roll back. Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : FEB 27, 2020 Completed By: Date Completed: JAN 20, 2021 Released By : Date Released : JAN 20, 2021 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included