============================================================================= Run Date: APR 18, 2017 Designation: GMRC*3*87 Package : GMRC - CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #77 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAY 05, 2017 ============================================================================= Subject: VS GUI v2.0.0.8 Informational Patch Category: - Informational Description: ============ Informational Patch for VS GUI The VistA Scheduling Enhancements (VSE) project provides critical, near-term enhancements to the existing scheduling system in the absence of a new, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) enterprise solution. The purpose of VSE is to provide immediate relief to the scheduling clerks by improving how information is presented. The selected solution will deliver a Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed in C# which will be installed on the user's desktop (thick client) and interface with Legacy VistA. Additionally, the VSE project will deliver a series of enhancements to legacy VistA Scheduling v5.3. Patches SD*5.3*627, SD*5.3*628, SD*5.3*642, SD*5.3*643, SD*5.3*645 and GMRC*3*83 were approved for National Release on 4/29/16 and released on 5/3/2016 with the constraint that patches would not be installed in the Production environment until patches GMRC*3.0*86, SD*5.3*651 and SD*5.3*658 were approved for National Release. At this time, GMRC*3.0*86, SD*5.3*651 and SD*5.3*658 have been approved for National Release. Patches SD*5.3*627, SD*5.3*628, SD*5.3*642, SD*5.3*643, SD*5.3*645, and GMRC*3*83 each have a statement in the patch description instructing sites not to install in production. With the release of patches GMRC*3.0*83, SD*5.3*651, SD*5.3*658 and MBAA*1*4 sites can disregard that message and are now approved to install patches SD*5.3*627, SD*5.3*628, SD*5.3*642, SD*5.3*643, SD*5.3*645, and GMRC*3*83. Patches must be installed in the following order: GMRC*3.0*83 SD*5.3*627 SD*5.3*628 SD*5.3*643 SD*5.3*642 SD*5.3*645 GMRC*3.0*86 SD*5.3*651 SD*5.3*658 MBAA*1*4 Sites may experience extended install times for patches GMRC*3.0*83 and GMRC*3.0*86. The duration depends on several factors including the Operating System (VMS/Linux), Hardware Configuration and the number of records stored in Outpatient Encounter File #409.68. The team collected data from 24 sites and the median install time was 88 minutes. Two sites reported install times over 50 hours however those sites have over 40 million records in File #409.68 and run on VMS. If your site has a high number of records in File #409.68, runs on VMS and/or has a hardware configuration that shares resources with other instances it is recommended that these patches be installed during off-peak hours or over a weekend. During installation it is recommended that consults be disabled; however, it is not required. If your site plans to disable consults during the installation of the GMRC patch, the following checklist and procedures are intended to assist facilities in implementing their contingency plan. Commonly, facility contingency plans are to "use paper". Plan and prepare for the installation. 1. Engage the Clinic Application Coordinator (CAC). 2. Review your facility's contingency plan. 3. Install at night or on a weekend to minimize clinical impact. 4. For large sites, weekend installation is recommended in case of longer than expected installation times. 5. It is important to have your site's CAC on call and/or accessible during the installation. If your CAC doesn't have access to unlock patients' records that have been erroneously locked, you may need a local/regional Office of Information and Technology (OI&T) VistA programmer on call, as well. Communicate, communicate, and communicate. 1. Ensure that entire staff is aware of the installation and what it will entail. 2. Broadcast information about the installation, well in advance of the event. 3. Send an informational email to all staff. a. It should outline what can and cannot be done in Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) during installation of the patch. b. The email should also provide - phone numbers for application support. 4. Send targeted communications to specific groups such as Clinic Staff. 5. Plan to have face-to-face discussions with specific staff such as the Medical Officer of the Day, Emergency Department, and Intensive Care Unit staff. 6. Announce the consult down-time using the overhead speaker system. 7. Notify the Help Desk of the upcoming installation. What happens with clinical care? 1. Disable the CPRS icon for 5-10 minutes in order to alert users that they need to finish what they are working on/doing. This will give your CAC time to temporarily disable consults and avoid having a user in the middle of creating a consult. 2. If a STAT consult is needed, use the telephone. 3. For routine consults, consider entering them after the install. Perhaps the staff member who enters consults can "keep track" of the consults they write so they can be entered electronically after completion of the installation. 4. Consider using paper consults during the installation. Documentation Updates: The VS GUI Install Guide has been updated to reflect the new patch order install as well as removing the comments not to install in Production. As previously stated, the patch descriptions in FORUM for patches SD*5.3*627, SD*5.3*628, SD*5.3*642, SD*5.3*643, SD*5.3*645, and GMRC*3*83 will not be updated and will continue to state "DO NOT INSTALL IN PRODUCTION" That statement should be disregarded as the patches are now approved for installation into the production accounts. Please note that the release includes several patches and the VS GUI client. Instructions for installation are included in the VS GUI Install Guide Version 2.0 and should be reviewed prior to attempting installation. Failure to follow these instructions could result in data corruption. Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: --------------------------------------------------- Software being released as a host file and/or documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch are available. The preferred method is to retrieve files from download.vista.domain.ext. This transmits the files from the first available server. Sites may also elect to retrieve files directly from a specific server. Sites may retrieve the software and/or documentation directly using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Albany: domain.ext Hines: domain.ext Salt Lake City: domain.ext> Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ File Description File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULING User Manual VSE_UG.PDF (binary) SCHEDULING User Manual VSE_UG.DOCX (binary) SCHEDULING Technical Manual VSE_TM.PDF (binary) SCHEDULING Technical Manual VSE_TM_DOCX (binary) SCHEDULING Security Guide VSE_SG.PDF (binary) SCHEDULING Security Guide VSE_SG.DOCX (binary) SCHEDULING Install Guide VSE_Install_Guide.DOCX (binary) Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUN 09, 2016 Completed By: Date Completed: APR 18, 2017 Released By : Date Released : APR 18, 2017 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included