$TXT Created by THOMPSON,TONY at DEVCUR.FO-SLC.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Friday, 05/16/08 at 08:34 ============================================================================= Run Date: JUN 19, 2008 Designation: GMRC*3*60 Package : GMRC - CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #51 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUL 20, 2008 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)GMRC*3*41 <<= must be installed BEFORE `GMRC*3*60' Subject: FY08 UPDATE CONSULTS PERFORMANCE MONITOR Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Data Dictionary - Input Template Description: ============ This patch will update the CONSULTS PERFORMANCE MONITOR REPORT [GMRC RPT PERF MONITOR] to reflect the revised FY08 national performance monitors for consult completion rates. The timely scheduling and completion with results of consults and procedure requests within CPRS is critical to effective communication between the requesting clinician and the specialty care service. The timeliness of this communication also impacts the overall satisfaction of our veteran patients as related to communication of test or consultation results. A delay in the clinical completion and/or communication of consultation and procedure results has a potentially negative impact on the provision of timely and safe healthcare to the veteran patient. In an ongoing effort to improve the processes related to timely transmission and clinical completion of consult results, the monitor of consult/procedure completion has been revised. Final completion rate definitions will be posted here: http://vaww.oqp.med.va.gov/oqp_services/performance_measurement/uploads/we b_performance_measures/2008_perf_meas/Monitors/MonitorsFY2008-FINALreforma tted.doc The FY08 update to the monitor definitions has four areas of measurement: 1. Monitor #1 (Quarterly report until 100%): Implementation of use of Class I Consult-Scheduling Appointment Linkage Software. 2. Monitor #2 (Quarterly report): Percentage of all consults for outpatient procedures and other types of outpatient specialty care services requested since 30 days before beginning of this quarter and until 30 days before the end of this quarter, that have been clinically completed with results within 30 days of request (or within 30 days of the "soonest appropriate date for this service" once CPRS Version 28 has been released to provide for entry of this field associated with each consult request). 3. Monitor #3 (Quarterly report): Percentage of all consults for outpatient procedures and other types of outpatient specialty care services requested since 60 days before beginning of this quarter and until 60 days before the end of this quarter, that have been clinically completed with results within 60 days of request (or within 60 days of the "soonest appropriate date for this service" once CPRS Version 28 has been released to provide for entry of this field associated with each consult request). 4. Monitor # 4 (All quarters): Percentage of unresolved consults requested at any time prior to 60 days before the beginning of the quarter for which reporting. Given the variance of practice across VHA and the flexibility of the Consults/Request Tracking software, it is important to note that the report does not attempt to exclude any procedure requests, requests for Non-VA care, or non-formulary drug requests. Sites will need to make local decisions about which services are appropriate for inclusion in the report and/or further refine the report output prior to submitting data for the national reporting requirement. In addition, this patch only addresses monitors #2-4; monitor #1 is not included in the Consults Performance Monitor. The report will exclude the following types of requests: -Administrative requests as marked via the new fields in files 123 and 123.5 -Requests placed for a test patient -Requests to services flagged as part of the interface between Consults/Request Tracking and Prosthetics -Requests not specifically identified as "OUPATIENT" via the SERVICE RENDERED AS IN OR OUT field of file 123. The report data is built using the "AE" cross-reference of file 123. This is a cross-reference of TO SERVICE, CPRS STATUS, and DATE OF REQUEST. If an entry in file 123 is missing values for any of these fields, that entry will not be present in the index and therefore excluded from the report. TEST SITES ============== UPSTATE NEW YORK HCS NEW JERSEY HCS BRONX PUGET SOUND HCS LITTLE ROCK VAMC DOCUMENTATION ============== The Consults/Request Tracking Technical manual has been updated with this patch and can be obtained from the VDL (http://www.va.gov/vdl) or the following ftp sites: dowload.vista.med.va.gov fo-slc.med.va.gov fo-albany.med.va.gov fo-hines.med.va.gov When retrieving the file via ftp, remember to set the file transfer type to BINARY. For FTP purposes the technical manual filename will be CONSTM.PDF. E3Rs =============== 20168 REMEDY =============== NONE DATA DICTIONARY UPDATES ========================= New Trigger cross reference added to TO SERIVCE 123,1 Whenever the TO SERVICE field is updated, this trigger will set the ADMINISTRATIVE field of the REQUEST/CONSULTATION file (#123) to the value of the ADMINISTRATIVE field in the REQUEST SERVICES file (#123.5). Requests marked as administrative shall be excluded from the Consults Performance Monitor report [GMRC RPT PERF MONITOR]. New field added to Request/Consultation file, 123 123,70 ADMINISTRATIVE 70;1 SET '0' FOR NO; '1' FOR YES; Field is set via a Trigger on TO SERVICE New field added to Request Services file 123.5 123.5,150 ADMINISTRATIVE 30;1 SET '0' FOR NO '1' FOR YES TEMPLATE UPDATES ========================= The input template GMRC SETUP REQUEST SERVICE for file 123.5 has been modified to allow entry of the Administrative field for a given service with the following exceptions: ALL SERVICES and SUICIDE HOTLINE. OPTION UPDATES ========================= The DESCRIPTION field of the following OPTION file entry has been updated: [GMRC RPT PERF MONITOR]. This update facilitates the user requesting extended help for the report via the "???" syntax. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ============================ Users may remain on the system, but installing during periods of low usage is recommended. Installation should take less than 5 minutes. 1. Use the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE option on the Packman menu. [Note: TEXT PRINT/DISPLAY option in the PackMan menu will display the patch text only.] 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation menu. 3. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter GMRC*3.0*60). (a) Backup a Transport Global - this option will create a backup message of any routines exported with the patch. It will NOT backup any other changes such as DDs or templates. (b) Compare Transport Global to Current System - this option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. It compares all components of the patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). (c) Verify Checksums in Transport Global - this option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. (d) Print Transport Global - this option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. 5. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package GMRC*3.0*60. 6. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', respond NO. 7. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', respond NO. 8. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', respond NO. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**[Patch List]**;DEC 27, 1997;Build 9 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: GMRCSTL7 Before: B48976284 After:B102658312 **41,60** Routine Name: GMRCSTL8 Before: B25461061 After:B110654109 **41,60** Routine list of preceding patches: 41 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : THOMPSON,WILLIAM ANTHONY Date Entered : DEC 06, 2007 Completed By: GRAZIANI,ROBERT Date Completed: JUN 19, 2008 Released By : GAWRONSKI,ROXANNE Date Released : JUN 19, 2008 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT