============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 10, 2013 Designation: HBH*1*26 Package : HBH - HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #22 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 10, 2013 ============================================================================= Subject: INFORMATIONAL - VistA Standardization: HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE Category: - Informational Description: ============ This informational patch is issued as directed in Memorandum: Open Source VistA Deployment (VAIQ #7256522), dated Aug 31, 2012. Refer to this document for specific details. A review of the VistA Standardization routines was completed for: HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE, version 1.0. A baseline list of the nationally released M routines and their official checksums is included below. VistA Standardization Certification represents the matching of the routine checksums, compared in the site's Production account only. The VistA Standardization Team performed an analysis of each site's Production environment. For any site with routine checksum variance, this team worked with the site to remediate any variance from the baseline. After the completion of this process, sites with no variance were identified as VistA Standardization Certified for the package. There is NO additional action required on the part of these sites. For sites which had variance (local modification) and determined it was important to maintain for their Production environment, a waiver was requested. If approved, the waiver allows retention of the local modification to a VistA Standardization routine, as detailed in VA Directive 6402. Each site will be placed on one of the lists below: VistA Standardization Certified Sites Sites with Approved/Pending Waiver Non-Compliant Sites with Pending Remediation The expectation for sites on the Non-Compliant Sites with Pending Remediation list is for their remediation to be completed, by either removing the modification or requesting a waiver. There will NOT be an additional Informational Only patch to move the site to the VistA Standardization Certified Sites list. Please Note: Environment check routines, pre or post installation routines remaining from previously installed patches, compiled routines (e.g. cross-reference), or prior package version routines, will NOT affect your site's standardization compliance. Their existence, or non-existence, at your site, or on the VistA Standardization routines list below, does not impact the VistA Standardization Certification. VistA Standardization Certification for this package applies to the date specified in the Official Checksum heading below. If additional patches, or a newer version for the package, has been released since this date, the checksums for affected routines will be different. For these routines, refer to the patch/version documentation for the most up-to-date checksums. ========================================================================= Note: Site 556 NORTH CHICAGO, IL is exempt from this project objective Sites with Approved/Pending Waiver: ================================== n/a for this package Non-Compliant Sites with Pending Remediation: ============================================ n/a for this package VistA Standardization Certified Sites: ===================================== 358 MANILA OC, PI 402 TOGUS, ME 405 WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT 436 MONTANA HCS 437 FARGO, ND 438 SIOUX FALLS, SD 442 CHEYENNE, WY 459 HONOLULU, HI 460 WILMINGTON, DE 463 ANCHORAGE, AK (OPC) 501 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 502 ALEXANDRIA, LA 503 ALTOONA, PA 504 AMARILLO, TX 506 ANN ARBOR, MI 508 ATLANTA, GA 509 AUGUSTA, GA (C) 512 MARYLAND HCS 515 BATTLE CREEK, MI 516 BAY PINES, FL 517 BECKLEY, WV 518 BEDFORD, MA 519 BIG SPRING, TX 520 BILOXI, MS (C) 521 BIRMINGHAM, AL 523 BOSTON HCS 526 BRONX, NY 528 UPSTATE NEW YORK HCS 529 BUTLER, PA 531 BOISE, ID 534 CHARLESTON, SC 537 CHICAGO HCS 538 CHILLICOTHE, OH 539 CINCINNATI, OH 540 CLARKSBURG, WV 541 CLEVELAND, OH 542 COATESVILLE, PA 544 COLUMBIA, SC 546 MIAMI, FL 548 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 549 NORTH TEXAS HCS 550 ILLIANA HCS 552 DAYTON, OH 553 DETROIT, MI 554 EASTERN COLORADO HCS 557 DUBLIN, GA 558 DURHAM, NC 561 NEW JERSEY HCS 562 ERIE, PA 564 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 565 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 568 BLACK HILLS HCS 570 FRESNO, CA 573 NORTH FLORIDA/SOUTH GEORGIA 575 GRAND JUNCTION, CO 578 HINES, IL 580 HOUSTON, TX 581 HUNTINGTON, WV 583 INDIANAPOLIS, IN (C) 585 IRON MOUNTAIN, MI 586 JACKSON, MS 589 HEARTLAND-WEST HCS 590 HAMPTON, VA 593 LAS VEGAS, NV 595 LEBANON, PA 596 LEXINGTON, KY 598 LITTLE ROCK, AR (C) 600 LONG BEACH, CA 603 LOUISVILLE, KY 605 LOMA LINDA, CA 607 MADISON, WI 608 MANCHESTER, NH 610 NORTHERN INDIANA HCS 612 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HCS 613 MARTINSBURG, WV 614 MEMPHIS, TN 618 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 619 CENTRAL ALABAMA HCS 620 HUDSON VALLEY HCS 621 MOUNTAIN HOME, TN 623 MUSKOGEE, OK 626 TENNESSEE VALLEY HCS 629 NEW ORLEANS, LA 630 NEW YORK HCS 631 NORTHAMPTON, MA 632 NORTHPORT, NY 635 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 636 CENTRAL PLAINS HCS 637 ASHEVILLE, NC 640 PALO ALTO HCS 642 PHILADELPHIA, PA 644 PHOENIX, AZ 646 PITTSBURGH HCS 648 PORTLAND, OR (C) 649 PRESCOTT, AZ 650 PROVIDENCE, RI 652 RICHMOND, VA 653 ROSEBURG, OR 654 RENO, NV 655 SAGINAW, MI 656 ST CLOUD, MN 657 HEARTLAND-EAST HCS 658 SALEM, VA 659 SALISBURY, NC 660 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 662 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 663 PUGET SOUND HCS 664 SAN DIEGO, CA 666 SHERIDAN, WY 667 SHREVEPORT, LA 668 SPOKANE, WA 671 SOUTH TEXAS HCS 672 SAN JUAN, PR 673 TAMPA, FL 674 CENTRAL TEXAS HCS 675 ORLANDO, FL 676 TOMAH, WI 678 TUCSON, AZ 679 TUSCALOOSA, AL 687 WALLA WALLA, WA 688 WASHINGTON, DC 689 CONNECTICUT HCS 691 VA GREATER LOS ANGELES HCS 692 WHITE CITY, OR (DOM) 693 WILKES BARRE, PA 695 MILWAUKEE, WI 740 TEXAS VALLEY COASTAL BEND HCS 756 EL PASO, TX 757 COLUMBUS, OH(OPC) ==================================================================== Routine Information: =================== The checksums below are calculated using new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name Official Checksum as of Mar 13, 2013 ============ ==================================== HBHCADM 21342885 HBHCAPP1 6198575 HBHCAPPT 33611586 HBHCCAN 4726600 HBHCDEM 1728176 HBHCDIS 3678339 HBHCEDSP 92472 HBHCFILE 31778098 HBHCR15A 19451897 HBHCR15B 38715202 HBHCR19A 14539231 HBHCR19B 7557416 HBHCRP10 13089532 HBHCRP11 12366777 HBHCRP12 15692065 HBHCRP14 6413334 HBHCRP16 11198721 HBHCRP17 8130692 HBHCRP18 10520126 HBHCRP1A 19487017 HBHCRP1B 17259643 HBHCRP2 26747023 HBHCRP20 11351418 HBHCRP21 50792838 HBHCRP22 12653102 HBHCRP23 23801554 HBHCRP24 18511341 HBHCRP25 21320242 HBHCRP26 12867389 HBHCRP27 47600450 HBHCRP28 9941580 HBHCRP29 14290829 HBHCRP3 10618701 HBHCRP30 10289231 HBHCRP31 4671214 HBHCRP4 24436870 HBHCRP5 21827854 HBHCRP6 499415 HBHCRP7 20915954 HBHCRP8 8389397 HBHCRP9 129336 HBHCRXMT 12007889 HBHCTXT 3361863 HBHCTXT2 11292144 HBHCUPD 13872578 HBHCUPDM 2618092 HBHCUTL 28029686 HBHCUTL1 27175218 HBHCUTL2 31328937 HBHCUTL3 20865262 HBHCUTL4 7453460 HBHCUTL5 38257790 HBHCWORK 26613450 HBHCXMA 38006559 HBHCXMA1 12692745 HBHCXMC 1504940 HBHCXMD 23836635 HBHCXMD1 14260181 HBHCXMM 18340144 HBHCXMT 18610987 HBHCXMV 19281997 HBHCXMV1 5766233 Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : THOMAS,MARY JANE Date Entered : MAR 05, 2013 Completed By: ALLARD,CHARLES Date Completed: JUL 10, 2013 Released By : COWNIE,KEVIN Date Released : JUL 10, 2013 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included