$TXT Created by at TAS-EBIL-HFD.AAC.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Thursday, 02/15/24 at 08:47 ============================================================================= Run Date: APR 01, 2024 Designation: IB*2*759 Package : IB - INTEGRATED BILLING Priority: Mandatory Version : 2 SEQ #718 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAY 01, 2024 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)IB*2*702 <<= must be installed BEFORE `IB*2*759' (v)IB*2*742 <<= must be installed BEFORE `IB*2*759' Subject: MCCF-TAS eBilling 22 Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Other - PATCH FOR A PATCH Description: ============ Integrated Billing (IB) is a software module within Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) that provides the ability for billing personnel to submit claims in either a paper or electronic format to third-party payers. The following features of the IB software will be affected by this patch: 837 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Transmission * VistA will update the Other Payer Service Facility Entity ID to always send '77'. In some situations, 'FA' was being sent and that has not been allowed since 5010 was implemented. * Modify VistA to calculate the length of stay for units on a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) claim when creating an INS record with the Research Utilization Groups (RUG)s/Health Insurance Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) code ZZZZZ. MRW - MRA Management WorkList [IBCE MRA MANAGEMENT] * The "!" isn't showing up in all claims on the Medicare Worklist (MRW) with Message Storage Errors (MSE) that are Split. BILL - Enter/Edit Billing Information [IB EDIT BILLING INFO] * VistA billing screens have been enhanced to only allow user input or display a message for the Alt Prim Payer ID only when one is defined. PCR - Printed Claims Report [IB PRINTED CLAIMS REPORT] * eBilling PCR data getBundle errors preventing historical load on claims with no insurance companies. * eBilling Printed claims with no Insurance and Patient responsible not being returned on reports. Moving FSC workarounds to VistA * VistA will perform edits done by RemoveOtherPayerProviderInformation.exe. * VistA will perform edits done by ClearOI14WhenEqualOi23.exe. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------- ------------------- -------------------- IB FORM FIELD CONTENT (#364.7) Screen: I $$INCLUDE^IBY759PR(7,Y) Data only New Service Requests (NSRs): N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: 1. INC27799650 REOCCURING ERROR IN ERROR TRAP Problem: -------- The PCR errors out if there is a claim in the BILL/CLAIMS (#399) file without any insurance companies. UCI/VOL: [ROU:CLER3PSVR] $ZA: 2,4,5,7,6 $ZB: \004 Current $IO: |TCP|1|4000678 Current $ZIO: ##.###.##.###^0^####^|TCP| 1|4000678 $ZE= GET+22^IBCEMSRI *VARRAY() Subscript 2 is "" Last Global Ref: ^%ZOSF("OS") .. S IBINS=$$FINDINS^IBCEF1(IBIEN) I $D(VARRAY("IBULD",IBINS)) Q Resolution: ----------- One site is using the BILL/CLAIMS (#399) file in a creative and non traditional way. The printed claims report was original designed to see how often third party claims were being printed instead of sent electronically. The errors are because there is no insurance company in the claim. The change in this patch will skip those claims instead of erroring out. 2. INC29365183 Problem: -------- A defect was found in patch IB*2.0*742 which prevents the option for adding a procedure description to display when billing unspecified/unlisted/NOC/NOS CPT/HCPCS codes. This fix resolved the issue created in IB*2.0*742. While testing the fix, another defect was identified from the original enhancement made in IB*2.0*516 and was added to the backlog for future development. That defect is not prompting for procedure description when an eligible CPT code is picked from the list associated with the encounter. Resolution: ----------- Newed a variable that was getting overwritten when add/editing a CPT Modifier Sequence which had been "enhanced" on the previous eBilling patch IB*2.0*742. Test Sites: ----------- James E Van Zandt VAMC Altoona, PA VA Boston HCS Boston, MA Louis Stokes VAMC Cleveland, OH Lt. Col. Luke Weathers, Jr. VAMC Memphis, TN Tennessee Valley HCS Nashville, TN Test Sites - SNOW Change Order # James E Van Zandt VAMC CHG0458740 VA Boston HCS CHG0457804 Louis Stokes VAMC CHG0459565 Lt. Col. Luke Weathers, Jr. VAMC CHG0459565 Tennessee Valley HCS CHG0459598 Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released in a PackMan message. Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/. Documentation can also be obtained at https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. Documentation Title File Name --------------------------------------------------------------------- IB*2*759 Deployment, Installation, Back-out, IB_2_0_P759_DIBR.PDF and Rollback Guide EDI Integrated Billing User Guide IB_2_0_P759_EDI_UG.PDF Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre/Post Installation Overview: Pre/post installation routines can be deleted after they run. Pre-install routine, IBY759PR, is used as a filter to determine which file entries are included with the build. The post-install routine, IBY759PO, adds some new error codes to IB ERROR (#350.8) file and resets PCR LAST SEARCH DATE (#8.22) field in IB SITE PARAMETERS (#350.9) file. Pre-Installation Instructions: This patch may be installed with users on the system although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. No menu options to disable. Installation Instructions: 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this build. Then select the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option to load the build. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch or build name. (ex. ) NOTE: Using will not bring up a Multi-Package build even if it was loaded immediately before this step. It will only bring up the last patch in the build. B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message. You must use this option for each patch contained in the Host File. For each patch you can specify what to backup; the entire Build or just Routines. The backup message can be used to restore just the routines or everything that will restore your system to pre-patch condition. i. At the Installation option menu, select Backup a Transport Global ii. At the Select INSTALL NAME prompt, enter your build IB*2.0*759 iii. When prompted for the following, enter "R" for Routines. Select one of the following: B Build (including Routines) R Routines Only Backup Type: B// answer iv. When prompted "Do you wish to secure this message? NO//", press and take the default response of "NO". v. When prompted with, "Send mail to: Last name, First Name", press to take default recipient. Add any additional recipients. vi. When prompted with "Select basket to send to: IN//", press and take the default IN mailbox or select a different mailbox. C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer . ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer . iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer . Post-Installation Instructions: Pre/post installation routines can be deleted after they run. Pre-install routine, IBY759PR, is used as a filter to determine which file entries are included with the build. The post-install routine, IBY759PO, adds some new error codes to IB ERROR (#350.8) file and resets PCR LAST SEARCH DATE (#8.22) field in IB SITE PARAMETERS (#350.9) file. Install Started for IB*2.0*759 : Mar 04, 2024@06:31:51 Build Distribution Date: Feb 15, 2024 Installing Routines: Mar 04, 2024@06:31:51 Running Pre-Install Routine: EN^IBY759PR Installing Data Dictionaries: Mar 04, 2024@06:31:51 Installing Data: Mar 04, 2024@06:31:51 Running Post-Install Routine: EN^IBY759PO IB*2*759 Post-Install... IB*2*759 Post-Install Complete. Updating Routine file... Updating KIDS files... IB*2.0*759 Installed. Mar 04, 2024@06:31:51 Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ The Backout procedure of this patch should be performed only with the concurrence and participation of the appropriate VA site/region personnel. The decision to back out the patch will be a joint decision between VA site/region personnel and other appropriate VA personnel. For more information pertaining to the Backout Procedure, please refer to the "Deployment, Installation, Back-out/Rollback Guide" for this patch. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**[Patch List]**;21-MAR-94;Build 24 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: IBCBB1 Before:B201990890 After:B203398098 **27,52,80,93,106,51,151,148, 153,137,232,280,155,320,343, 349,363,371,395,384,432,447, 488,554,577,592,608,623,641, 665,702,759** Routine Name: IBCE837P Before:B200893703 After:B210265932 **718,727,743,742,759** Routine Name: IBCE837Q Before: B11467448 After: B34448635 **742,759** Routine Name: IBCECOB1 Before:B154514817 After:B159157759 **137,155,288,348,377,417,432, 447,488,516,547,592,727,759** Routine Name: IBCEF22 Before:B113983304 After:B117417457 **51,137,135,155,309,349,389, 432,488,516,577,608,623,641, 727,759** Routine Name: IBCEMSR6 Before: B40067499 After: B40847196 **547,759** Routine Name: IBCEMSRI Before: B42278896 After: B51187923 **727,759** Routine Name: IBCSC10 Before: B9372507 After: B11389821 **432,547,574,592,759** Routine Name: IBCSC102 Before: B47787919 After: B50469635 **432,447,461,547,759** Routine Name: IBCSC10H Before: B81208803 After: B84526827 **432,488,547,592,759** Routine Name: IBCU7C Before: B19447051 After: B20904345 **742,759** Routine Name: IBY759PO Before: n/a After: B3684613 **759** Routine Name: IBY759PR Before: n/a After: B4171064 **759** Routine list of preceding patches: 702, 742 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : HRISTOPHER Date Entered : FEB 01, 2023 Completed By: Date Completed: APR 01, 2024 Released By : Date Released : APR 01, 2024 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT