============================================================================= Run Date: JUN 09, 2023 Designation: JLV*3*19 Package : JLV - JOINT LEGACY VIEWER Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #19 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 23, 2023 ============================================================================= Subject: JLV Infrastructure Maintenance Release Category: - Informational Description: ============ ****************************** PLEASE NOTE ******************************* * * * Version of the Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV) was deployed to * * VA Enterprise Cloud (VAEC) Amazon Web Services (AWS) Production on * * Thursday June 8, 2023 at 11pm ET and VA Enterprise Cloud (VAEC) * * Amazon Web Services (AWS) Production B (Backup) at 2pm ET * * * * NOTE: The release was loaded on the National JLV servers. There is * * nothing that local sites can or need to do besides communicate changes * * to users * ************************************************************************** JLV 3.4.1 release focuses on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure improvements. Infrastructure work includes completing Phase 1 of Disaster Recovery Site to establish a JLV failover environment in AWS, creating static maintenance splash page to inform users when JLV becomes unreachable, and updating the Clinical Reminders inclusion list for ensured data completeness. The following **requirements** are included in this release: Issue | Summary ************************************************************************** JP-9480 | NFR: Performance Testing of Session Management Solution(1 of 3) JP-19047 | Deploy a Fortify Scan Code pipeline service JP-18757 | 2022 Application Threat Model JP-20165 | Verify JLV Web Application Auto-Scaling Functionality JP-20419 | JLV Maintenance Prototype Page JP-20931 | JLV-VAEC Health Assessment Findings JP-21333 | NFR: Performance Testing of Session Management Solution(2 of 3) JP-21334 | NFR: Performance Testing of Session Management Solution(3 of 3) JP-21780 | JLV-VAEC FY2023 Updated BIA (Business Impact Analysis) Document JP-21781 | JLV-VAEC FY2023 Updated ISCP (Information System Contingency Plan) Document JP-21787 | Artifacts of Evidence for JLV-VAEC Security and Privacy Controls Assessment JP-22774 | Create DR temporary architecture for JLV JP-23218 | NFR: Create Detailed Blue-Green Deployment Design JP-23363 | Disaster Recovery Site Setup Checklist AZ1 & AZ2 JP-25201 | NFR: Clinical Reminders Inclusion List (06-05-2023) JP-25931 | NFR: Clinical Reminders Inclusion List (06-22-2023) The following **tasks** performed for maintenance purposes: IssueKey | Summary ************************************************************************** JP-6588 | Create JLV Web Health Check JP-6722 | Update individual PATS to use GitHub Service PAT JP-6802 | Blue Green Deployments Investigation JP-8155 | VAEC SSOI Update Web Layer JP-8185 | Review security documentation for completeness and accuracy JP-20951 | Step 1 Setup RDS jlv-dr JP-20952 | Step 2 Setup Application load Balancer ApplicationLB-DRProd JP-20953 | Step 3 Setup ECS Cluster JLV-Prod-DR JP-20955 | Step 5 Modify DR SOP for Operations Team JP-22446 | Update CFT to upgrade RDS to 2019 and deploy in all environments as per schedules JP-22587 | RDS Option Groups, Roles, Subnet Group and Snapshot cleanup JP-23093 | Create SIA and Major Change Form JP-23094 | Apache Tomcat version 10.x TRM Compliance JP-23097 | Spring Boot version 3.0.x TRM Compliance JP-23126 | Create New Specification to Meet BSE Extended Token Functionality JP-23260 | Step 4 Create a CFT for deployment services JP-23369 | Step 1 Setup RDS jlv-dr JP-23370 | Step 2 Modify Application load Balancer ApplicationLB-DRProd JP-23371 | Step 3 Setup ECS Cluster JLV-Prod-DR JP-23372 | Step 5 Performance Test DR Site JP-23373 | Step 6 Modify DR SOP for Operations Team JP-23409 | User Reporting audit update for 200CRNR users JP-23451 | Create Config Spreadsheet to Compare Environments JP-23478 | Shut down EC2 instance used by Deb to connect to Silver RDS JP-23534 | CIDR block prior to ATO submission/ DR AZ1 and AZ2 JP-23576 | Step 5 Deploy new services in cluster JP-23710 | Investigate CW dashboard for missing Service Response time metrics for Prod JP-23784 | Implement automation for restarts of JLV/VDS JP-23909 | Create an access tracking report for Exposure Summary reports JP-23929 | RDS Reboot PPD JP-23930 | RDS Reboot Prod JP-23977 | Develop Cloud Watch Dashboards and validate App D dashboard JP-24033 | Route53 needs to updated SANS in the Certs in Lower Environment JP-24039 | Create CR for Prod-B to RDS connectivity removal JP-24233 | Investigation on the DoD Proxy Service JP-24234 | Investigation on the DoD Proxy Service JP-24269 | Clean up AZ3 presence from PROD VPC JP-24793 | Add config to JLV-web configs JP-25032 | Proxy performance test During DIT, the test team validated the requirements provided in the JIRA JP Project requirements collection using the test scripts and the test Cases in TestRail. Any issue encountered is recorded as a defect in the JIRA JP Project. Documentation Instructions: Sites may retrieve the documentation directly using this website: https://download.vista.domain.ext then select the SOFTWARE directory File Name Contents --------- -------- JLV_3_19_DIBR.PDF JLV Deployment/Install/Backout/Rollback Guide The JLV user guide, resources, and training materials will also be posted and updated on the JLV website: https://dvagov.sharepoint.com/sites/VACOVE2/JLV Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUN 07, 2023 Completed By: Date Completed: JUN 09, 2023 Released By : Date Released : JUN 09, 2023 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included