============================================================================= Run Date: MAR 08, 2017 Designation: LR*5.2*481 Package : LR - LAB SERVICE Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.2 SEQ #384 Status: Released Compliance Date: APR 08, 2017 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)LR*5.2*468 <<= must be installed BEFORE `LR*5.2*481' Subject: INFORMATIONAL UPDATE PATCH FOR NTRT Category: - Informational Description: ============ This is an INFORMATIONAL patch that is a follow on to patch LR*5.2*468. This patch includes instructions to manually change field #.1 SEND NTRT MESSAGES in the LAB MLTF MANAGED ITEMS File (66.4) from N to Y. This patch should not be exercised until the content of the MASTER LABORATORY TEST file (#66.3) has been deployed. When the content of the MASTER LABORATORY TEST file (#66.3) has been deployed the NTRT group sends a message to the NTRT_NOTIFICATION-L listserv. The LIM for the facility shall subscribe to this list using the following web site: http://vaww.listserv.domain.ext/scripts/wa.exe. The NTRT group does not own the List Serve application. The List Serve is a VA service. The LIM will need to create an account using a username and password that does NOT synchronize with the LIM's VA network account. ***************** DO NOT CHANGE ANY VALUES EXCEPT FOR field #.1 SEND NTRT MESSAGES ***************** CHANGE INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== Systems Installer (OI&T): Verify that the MASTER LABORATORY TEST file (#66.3) has been populated with data. The pre content deployment 66.3 will contain 23 entries. Navigate to the LIM NDS MENU option. Select MIE Managed Items Edit from the menu. Enter your facilities Institution or '?' if you are not sure. Press for the following prompts and accept the default values. INSTITUTION POINTER: CHEYENNE VAMC// NTRT SEND METHOD: MAILMAN// AUTO REMINDERS PARAMETER: 30// AUDIT PURGE DAYS: 220// ISAAC ACTIVE: NO// SUBSCRIPT FOR NTRT: CH// LAST AUTO TEST ID: // At the prompt SEND NTRT MESSAGES: NO// enter 'Y' to change the value from NO to YES. This will allow request messages to be sent when a new Lab Site/Specimen is created and has not been associated to the MASTER LABORATORY TEST File #66.3 (MLTF). Press for the following prompts and accept the default values. DEFAULT NTRT MAIL GROUP: G.LABORATORY NTRT@FORUM.DOMAIN.EXT DEFAULT SITE LAB MAIL GROUP: G.LMI@CHEYENNE.DOMAIN.EXT ISAAC WEB ADDRESS: vaauscttweb80.aac.domain.ext ISAAC PORT NUMBER: 8080// ISAAC NTRT PATH: isaac-rest~rest~1~request~termRequest ISAAC SCHEMA NAME: MASTER-NTRT-RECEIVE_1.XSD ISAAC SCHEMA PATH: Press to return to the LIM NDS MENU You may exit the LIM NDS MENU at this time. Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JAN 12, 2017 Completed By: Date Completed: MAR 03, 2017 Released By : Date Released : MAR 08, 2017 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included