Subj: PATCH MAG*3*166 UPDATE - IMPORTANT [#2600781] 10 Oct 2017 10:26:43 -0400 (EDT) 179 lines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** IMPORTANT ** =============== A Health Level 7 (HL7) version compatibility issue was discovered in MAG*3.0* 166 that may cause the wrong Date of Birth (DOB) to be displayed in the Modality Worklist (MWL) for a patient. If a site is running an incompatible version of HL7, the old version of the MAG7RS routine backed up during the install of MAG*3.0*166 should be loaded immediately after the install of MAG* 3.0*166. Note: It is not advisable to upgrade the version of HL7 because of this issue. This solution is a temporary fix until MAG*3.0*183 is released. MAG7RS.RTN will be eliminated in that patch. PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW - ----------------------------- 1. Run FileMan Print from #101 Protocol file (steps shown below). 2. Review FileMan output to determine if site is running an incompatible version of HL7 (output examples shown below). 3. If site is presently at HL7 v2.4 NO FURTHER ACTION IS REQUIRED. 4. AFTER THE INSTALLATION OF MAG*3.0*166, if site HL7 version is presently 2. 1 or 2.3, install MAG*3.0*166 MAG7RS routine BACKUP (steps shown below). Note - If MAG7RS routine was not backed up during installation of MAG*3.0*166 please enter a ticket for assistance by contacting the National Service Desk at 1-855-673-4357. 5. Confirm Checksum version of MAG7RS routine (steps shown below). * DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS * - #1 - STEPS TO DETERMINE PRESENT HL7 VERSION =========================================== Select VA FileMan Option: Print File Entries ------------------ Output from what File: PROTOCOL -------- Sort by: NAME// SUBSCRIBERS ----------- SUBSCRIBERS SUB-FIELD: SUBSCRIBERS="MAGD SEND ORM" --------------------------- Within SUBSCRIBERS="MAGD SEND ORM", Sort by: -------- First Print FIELD: NAME ---- Then Print FIELD: -------- Heading (S/C): PROTOCOL List// START at PAGE: 1// DEVICE: Right Margin: 80// #2 - REVIEW FILEMAN OUTPUT ========================== If output equals the listing shown below NO FURTHER ACTION IS REQUIRED. PROTOCOL List NAME ------------------ RA REG 2.4 RA EXAMINED 2.4 RA CANCEL 2.4 If output contains one or both of the lists, proceed with install of backup MAG7RS routine. PROTOCOL List NAME RA REG RA CANCEL RA EXAMINED RA REG 2.3 RA CANCEL 2.3 RA EXAMINED 2.3 #4 - INSTALL MAG7RS BACKUP ========================== Administrators will need to use the PackMan function INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE. Check your MailMan messages for the backup message sent by the 'Backup a Transport Global' function. 1. Select the message shown below: Backup of MAG*3.0*166 install on 2. Select the Xtract PackMan option. 3. Select the Install/Check Message option. 4. Enter 'Yes' at the prompt. 5. Enter 'Yes' at the backup prompt. Example - Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// Xtract PackMan Select PackMan function: ? Answer with PackMan function NUMBER, or NAME Choose from: 1 ROUTINE LOAD 2 GLOBAL LOAD 3 PACKAGE LOAD 4 SUMMARIZE MESSAGE 5 PRINT MESSAGE 6 INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE 7 INSTALL SELECTED ROUTINE(S) <<<---------------- 8 TEXT PRINT/DISPLAY 9 COMPARE MESSAGE Select PackMan function: Select PackMan function: 7 INSTALL SELECTED ROUTINE(S) Warning: Installing this message will cause a permanent update of globals and routines. Do you really want to do this? NO// y YES ROUTINE(S): MAG7RS <<<---------------- ROUTINE(S): Routines are the only parts that are backed up. NO other parts are backed up, not even globals. You may use the 'Summarize Message' option of PackMan to see what parts the message contains. Those parts that are not routines should be backed up separately if they need to be preserved. Shall I preserve the routines on disk in a separate back-up message? YES// < return> Subject: MAG7RS backup Send mail to: Select basket to send to: BACKUP// And Send to: Building PackMan backup message with subject MAG7RS backup PackMan backup message [642068] sent. Line 2 Message #640074 Unloading Routine MAG7RS (PACKMAN_BACKUP) Select PackMan function: #5 - VERIFY MAG7RS BACKUP INSTALL - MAG7RS value = 54519012 ================================= >D CHECK1^XTSUMBLD New CheckSum CHECK1^XTSUMBLD: This option determines the current checksum of selected routine(s). The Checksum of the routine is determined as follows: 1. Any comment line with a single semi-colon is presumed to be followed by comments and only the line tag will be included. 2. Line 2 will be excluded from the count. 3. The total value of the routine is determined (excluding exceptions noted above) by multiplying the ASCII value of each character by its position on the line and position of the line in the routine being checked. Select one of the following: P Package B Build Build from: P Package All Routines? No => No Routine: MAG7RS Routine: 1 routine MAG7RS value = 54519012 done