============================================================================= Run Date: NOV 08, 2024 Designation: MAG*3*357 Package : MAG - IMAGING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #259 Status: Released Compliance Date: DEC 10, 2024 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)MAG*3*278 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*357' (v)MAG*3*332 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*357' (v)MAG*3*345 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*357' Subject: IMPORTER ENHANCEMENT FOR CIES Category: - Routine Description: ============ New features to be added to the Image Importer are: Import List: 1) Add capability to filter properties on Service, Modality, Procedure of the importer listing item(s). 2) Add capability for user to save the user specific filter settings in "Save Filter" preferences on each invocation. 3) Add radio buttons to allow user to select "Newer To Older" or "Older To Newer" of the listing date order. 4) Add "From/To" dates range option with the scrolled selection. 5) Add a Maximum "Rows" option box to select the maximum rows to retrieve for each data-pulling action from VistA - "Apply Filter". 6) Add a "Update Service" button to allow user to enter new or change 'Service/Modality/Procedure' association. 7) Add the 'HH' index to improve the loading performance of Import List. 8) Fix limitation on the number of Work Items that can be imported. Create new or edit an existing Radiology Order: (Reconciliation) On 'Change Detail' tab (complete Impression/Report) 1) Add capability to edit "Report Impression" and "Report Text" text fields. 2) Add capability to cut/paste text into the "Report Impression" and "Report Text" fields. 3) If DICOM image study contains Basic Text SR, allow user to load this SR report info into the "Report Impression" and "Report Text" fields. Adaptive Maintenance: --------------------- HDIG Apache Tomcat Upgrade from 9.0.40 to 9.0.72 HDIG Java upgrade from 8u331 to 8u371 Patch Components: ----------------- File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- MAG WORK ITEM (2006.941) TAGS (#11) Modified ("HH" index) MAG WORK ITEM (2006.941) SUBTYPE(2006.9414) Modified ("CommunityCare") MAGV IMPORT SERVICE (2006.9423) New (Service for Modality/Procedure Mapping) Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- ------------------- MAG DICOM VISA RPC Modified (Add new RPCs) Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: --------------------- Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- MAGV GET WORK ITEM MODALITIES New MAGV GET WORK ITEM PROCEDURES New MAGV GET WORK ITEM SOURCES New MAGV UPDATE WORK ITEM SERVICE New MAGV CREATE WORK ITEM Modified MAGV FIND WORK ITEM Modified MAGV RAD STAT COMPLETE Modified (Input parameter RADXSCND is renamed to OTHDIAG to reflect the current usage) Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- -------------------- MAG ALTERNATE DIVISION New Additional Information: ----------------------- N/A Blood Bank Team Coordination: N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): N/A Test Sites: ----------- Ann Arbor Biloxi SNOW Change Order Number: ------------------------- Ann Arbor: CHG0483759 Biloxi: CHG0482064 Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released using a host file. The host file is available at the following location: /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/MAG3_0P357.KID Other Software Files: This release also includes other software files. These files can be obtained by accessing the URL: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE File Title File Name ------------------------------------------------------------------- DICOM Importer III Installation file MAG3_0P357_IMPORTERIII_SETUP.MSI MSI DICOM Importer III Installation file MAG3_0P357_IMPORTERIII_SETUP.EXE EXE HDIG Installation File MAG3_0P357_HDIG_SETUP.MSI VIX UPDATE Zip File MAG3_0P357_VIX_PATCH.ZIP Kernel Installation and MAG3_0P357.KID Distribution System (KIDS) Build for MAG*3.0*357 Documentation Title File Name ------------------- ---------- Patch Description for MAG*3.0*357 MAG3_0P357_PATCH_DESCRIPTION.PDF Deployment, Installation, Back-Out, MAG3_0P357_DIBORG.PDF and Rollback Guide DICOM Importer III User Guide MAG_DICOM_IMPORTER_III _USER_MANUAL.PDF VIX Patch Installation Instructions MAG3_0P357_PATCH_INSTRUCTIONS.TXT (Included in MAG3_0P357_VIX_PATCH.ZIP) Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- The MAG*3.0*357 KIDS package must be installed on the VistA System. This patch must be installed by the patch compliance date. This patch may be installed with users on the system although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. The KIDS package installation should take less than 10 minutes to install. Note: All associated/released VistA Imaging patches must be installed on the VistA system before installing MAG*3.0*357. The updates for MAG*3.0*357 are spread across multiple VistA Imaging components. There are changes in the VistA database, HDIG, VIX and the Importer client. The installation of the KIDS, HDIG and Importer client follow the same normal install methods as described in the associated application installation or user guides. The VIX update is different than a full install. The updated jar files and WebApp are applied to the VIX server via a Windows Powershell script. The installation of MAG*3.0*357 should be done in the following order: 1. Install the MAG*3.0*357 KIDS package on the VistA server 2. Install the MAG*3.0*357 HDIG software using the MAG3_0P357_HDIG_Setup.msi installer package note: All HDIGs at a given site should be upgraded to this version for new HDIG installs order of install: MAG*3.0*345 => MAG*3.0*364 => MAG*3.0*357 3. Install the VIX updates for MAG*3.0*357 using the Windows Powershell script and jar files contained in the MAG3_0P357_VIX_PATCH.ZIP file 4. Install Importer clients using the MAG3_0P357_ImporterIII_SETUP.msi installer package Steps 1, 2 and 3 should be done at the same time. Step 4 can occur any time after steps 1, 2 and 3 are complete. No VistA Imaging services need to be stopped before installing the MAG*3.0*357 KIDS package in VistA. (e.g. DICOM Gateway, VIX, HDIG, etc) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- 1. Use the Load a Distribution option contained on the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu to load the Host file. when prompted to "Enter a Host File:" enter /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/MAG3_0P357.KID 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu: A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch or build name (MAG*3.0*357). B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message. You must use this option and specify what to backup; the entire Build or just Routines. The backup message can be used to restore the routines and components of the build to the pre-patch condition. i. At the Installation option menu, select Backup a Transport Global ii. At the Select INSTALL NAME prompt, enter your build (MAG*3.0*357). iii. When prompted for the following, enter "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build iv. When prompted "Do you wish to secure this message? NO//", press and take the default response of "NO". v. When prompted with, "Send mail to: Last name, First Name", press to take default recipient. Add any additional recipients. vi. When prompted with "Select basket to send to: IN//", press and take the default IN mailbox or select a different mailbox. C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer NO. ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer NO. iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer NO. KIDS Installation Example: -------------------------- Select Installation Option: 1 Load a Distribution Enter a Host File: /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/MAG3_0P357.KID KIDS Distribution saved on Sep 12, 2023@14:21:41 Comment: MAG*3*357 IMPORTER III This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s): MAG*3.0*357 Distribution OK! Want to Continue with Load? YES// Loading Distribution... MAG*3.0*357 Use INSTALL NAME: MAG*3.0*357 to install this Distribution. 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global Select INSTALL NAME: mag*3.0*357 9/13/23@10:00:30 => MAG*3*357 IMPORTER III ;Created on Sep 12, 2023@14:21:41 This Distribution was loaded on Sep 13, 2023@10:00:30 with header of MAG*3*357 IMPORTER III ;Created on Sep 12, 2023@14:21:41 It consisted of the following Install(s): MAG*3.0*357 Want each Routine Listed with Checksums: Yes// YES DEVICE: HOME// PACKAGE: MAG*3.0*357 Sep 13, 2023 10:01 am PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIP357 Calculated 26046319 MAGVIM01 Calculated 215042408 MAGVIM05 Calculated 238450531 MAGVIM09 Calculated 120769362 MAGVIM11 Calculated 4403964 MAGVIM12 Calculated 8901430 MAGVIM13 Calculated 7416635 7 Routines checked, 0 failed. 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: 6 Install Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: MAG*3.0*357 9/13/23@10:00:30 => MAG*3*357 IMPORTER III ;Created on Sep 12, 2023@14:21:41 This Distribution was loaded on Sep 13, 2023@10:00:30 with header of MAG*3*357 IMPORTER III ;Created on Sep 12, 2023@14:21:41 It consisted of the following Install(s): MAG*3.0*357 Checking Install for Package MAG*3.0*357 Install Questions for MAG*3.0*357 Incoming Files: 2006.941 MAG WORK ITEM Note: You already have the 'MAG WORK ITEM' File. 2006.9414 MAG WORK ITEM SUBTYPE (including data) Note: You already have the 'MAG WORK ITEM SUBTYPE' File. I will OVERWRITE your data with mine. 2006.9423 MAGV IMPORT SERVICE Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO// Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages. You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt. Enter a '^' to abort the install. DEVICE: HOME// ;P-OTHER;999 Install Started for MAG*3.0*357 : Sep 13, 2023@10:01:41 Build Distribution Date: Sep 12, 2023 Installing Routines:......... Sep 13, 2023@10:01:41 Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^MAGIP357. Installing Data Dictionaries: .... Sep 13, 2023@10:01:41 Installing Data: Sep 13, 2023@10:01:41 Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: Installing REMOTE PROCEDURE........ Sep 13, 2023@10:01:41 Running Post-Install Routine: POS^MAGIP357. Post Install Mail Message: Sep 13, 2023@10:01:41 Updating Routine file...... Updating KIDS files....... MAG*3.0*357 Installed. Sep 13, 2023@10:01:41 Assigning a Alternative Division: --------------------------------- A new SYS parameter "MAG ALTERNATE DIVISION" is created to accommodate a site that was using the importer but didn't have any Imaging Locations defined in the Primary Division. ** Most sites will not need to set a value for the Parameter. ** Below instruction shows an example where a site set the alternate division to 400. SLC357>D ^XUP Select OPTION NAME: XPAR MENU TOOLS General Parameter Tools LV List Values for a Selected Parameter LE List Values for a Selected Entity LP List Values for a Selected Package LT List Values for a Selected Template EP Edit Parameter Values ET Edit Parameter Values with Template EK Edit Parameter Definition Keyword You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select General Parameter Tools Option: EP Edit Parameter Values --- Edit Parameter Values --- Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: MAG ALTERNATE DIVISION MAG ALTERNATE DIVISION ------ Setting MAG ALTERNATE DIVISION for System: IMGDEM02.DOMAIN.EXT ------ Value: 400 DICOM Importer III Client Installation: --------------------------------------- For installing or updating the Importer III client, refer to the VistA Imaging System DICOM Importer III User Manual. The MAG3_0P357_ImporterIII_SETUP.msi installer package is used for manual or automated installation of the Importer application on Windows workstations. Additional Importer III Installation Information: Any user that will use the Importer III application will need to have have the MAGTP WORKLIST MGR and MAG DICOM VISA Secondary Menu Options assigned to their user profile in VistA. VA FileMan 22.2 Select OPTION: ENTER OR EDIT FILE ENTRIES Input to what File: NEW PERSON// (358 entries) EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS (multiple) EDIT WHICH SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS SUB-FIELD: ALL// .01 SECONDARY MENU OP THEN EDIT SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS SUB-FIELD: THEN EDIT FIELD: Select NEW PERSON NAME: ANY,USER AU PROVIDER Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: MAGTP WORKLIST MGR Telepathology Worklist Are you adding 'MAGTP WORKLIST MGR' as a new SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS (the 19TH for this NEW PERSON)? No// Y (Yes) Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: MAG DICOM VISA DICOM VISA Are you adding 'MAG DICOM VISA' as a new SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS (the 2ND for this NEW PERSON)? No// Y (Yes) Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: Select NEW PERSON NAME: Note: This patch is compatible with the Importer III client version MAG*3.0*346, however, that version will not have the features that are brought in with MAG*3.0*357. Previous versions of the Importer III client were not tested for backward compatibility. Installation Verification: ------------------------------- 1. Open DICOM Importer III via Windows desktop icon or from the Start menu. 2. After logging into a VistA server open the dialog /About. The information about the application should show its version number and compile date, etc. 3. Verify the version number is: 30.8104.357.6 HDIG Installation ----------------- For installing or updating the HDIG, refer to section, Running the HDIG Installer, of the Hybrid DICOM Image Gateway (HDIG) Installation Guide and install the HDIG software as is done with any other HDIG patch. Before installing, we recommend backing up the "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0" and "C:\VixConfig" folders. VIX Installation ---------------- NOTE: The following instructions contain both the automated instructions and the manual instructions. It's recommended to use the automated instructions unless manual instructions are required. Before installing, we recommend backing up the "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0" and "C:\VixConfig" folders. This VIX patch contains a zip file containing the following files, folders and zip files: lib folder DicomImporterWebApp-0.1.zip ROIWebApp-0.1.zip Each folder and zip contains multiple updated files Automated script installation steps: 1. Create a new temporary folder (e.g. C:\temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch) 2. Place the MAG3_0P357_Patch.zip file in the folder created in step #1 3. Extract the contents of MAG3_0P357_Patch.zip into the folder created in step #1 (e.g. C:\temp\p357_JarFiles_Patch) 4. Run the Windows PowerShell as administrator 5. If prompted with "Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?", click Yes 6. Once Powershell launches, type the command: cd C:\temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch Then press [ENTER] to change the working directory to this folder 7. Type the command or run by powershell: .\MAG3_0P357_VIX_Deployer.ps1 And press [ENTER] to execute the automated script. NOTE: If you encounter an error running the script, in Powershell type the command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Press [ENTER] to set the policy to allow scripts to run 8. When prompted with Confirm you want to proceed (Y) or (Q) to Quit answer yes by entering [Y] and press [ENTER]. WARNING: Path for Java location to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_371\lib\ WARNING: Path for Apache Tomcat location to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\lib\ WARNING: Path for Updated Java Jar files from C:\Temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch\lib WARNING: Path for WebApp Importer Update from C:\Temp\P357_JarFiles _Patch\DicomImporterWebApp WARNING: Path for WebApp ROI Update from C:\Temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch\ROIWebApp Must Stop the Apache Tomcat Service before running the Script Ready to run script (Y/N)?:Y . . . NOTE: Starting and stopping Tomcat can take several minutes. Or Manual Update steps: 1. Create two new folders: a. C:\temp\p357_JarFiles_Patch b. C:\temp\p357_JarFiles_Patch\Backup 2. Extract the contents of the MAG3_0P357_Patch.zip file to the folder created in step #1a (e.g. C:\temp\p357_JarFiles_Patch) 3. Stop the Tomcat service (Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9) in Windows Services. Wait for the Tomcat service to stop completely (this may take several minutes and potentially over five minutes). 4. Copy and paste/save (to create a backup of) the following files located in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\lib to the folder created in step #1b (e.g. C:\temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch\Backup): (1) CoreRouter-0.1.jar (2) CoreValueObjects-0.1.jar (3) DicomServicesDataSourceProvider-0.1.jar (4) ImagingDicomDCFUtilities-0.1.jar (5) ImagingDicomRouter-0.1.jar (6) VistaImagingDataSourceProvider-0.1.jar (7) VistaStorage-0.1.jar (8) ImagingVistaRealm-0.1.jar (9) ROICommands-0.1.jar (10) ROICommon-0.1.jar (11) ROIVistaImagingDataSourceProvider-0.1.jar 5. Copy and paste/save (to create a backup of) the files located in folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\DicomImporterWebApp\ to the folder created in step #1b (e.g. C:\temp\MAG3_0P357_Patch\Backup) and do the same for "...\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\ROIWebApp\" 6. Copy the 11 new jar files extracted in step #2 (CoreValueObjects-0.1.jar, CoreRouter-0.1.jar, CoreValueObjects-0.1.jar, DicomServicesDataSourceProvider-0.1.jar, ImagingDicomDCFUtilities-0.1.jar, ImagingDicomRouter-0.1.jar, VistaImagingDataSourceProvider-0.1.jar, and VistaStorage-0.1.jar) into the following path to replace the old files under C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\lib\ 7. Extract the DicomImporterWebApp.zip and ROIWebApp.zip file's contents from C:\Temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch\ into C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\, [Alternatively, extract the DicomImporterWebApp.zip into the folder created in step #2a (C:\temp\p357_JarFiles_Patch) Copy and paste in the folder of the following: from C:\Temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch\DicomImporterWebApp into C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0 \webapps\DicomImporterWebApp. Also, Copy and paste in the folder of the following: from C:\Temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch\ROIWebApp into C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomc 9.0\webapps\ROIWebApp.] 8. Open the file ViXConfig.xml in the folder C:\VixConfig using Notepad or Notepad++ as an administrator and perform the following: a. In ViXConfig.xml, after the line change the number inside the string tags from '30.348.5.8227' or '30.360.1.8151' to '30.357.1.8301'. b. Save ViXConfig.xml after updating. 9. Start the Tomcat service (Apache Tomcat 9.0 - Tomcat9) in Windows Services. Wait for the Tomcat service to start completely (this may take several minutes) Once the VIX updates have been applied (either remotely or using either of the steps above), verify remote patch deployment as follows: 1. Using Windows 'File Explorer' verify the folder C:\temp\P357_JarFiles_Patch exists. 2. Using a browser, go to the VIX homepage: https://{FQDN of VIX server}/ NOTE: FQDN is the fully qualified domain name of the site VIX server 3. In the browser, verify the current VISA version is listed on the web page If the version is listed as 30.357.1.8301, the patch is already installed and no further installation is needed. If the version is listed as 30.348.5.8227 (or any other lesser patch version), the remote deployment did not occur and this patch can be installed on the VIX server Back-Out/Roll Back Plan (DIBORG): ------------------------ Uninstalling the Application: ----------------------------- For uninstalling Importer III, refer to the VistA Imaging System DICOM Importer III User Manual. (I.e.: Win10 - Apps and Features - Uninstall) KIDS Uninstall: --------------- If it is necessary to uninstall the MAG*3.0*357 VistA KIDS, the patch backup must be installed. The Kernel Installation & Distribution System menu option, Backup a Transport Global should have been used to create a patch backup of the build prior to installing the patch. Administrators will need to check MailMan for the backup message sent by the Backup a Transport Global function executed prior to the patch install. The patch backup must first be loaded from the MailMan backup message, by performing the message action Xtract KIDS, followed by the PackMan function INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE. The patch may then be installed using the Install Package(s) option in the KIDS Installation menu. 1. Navigate to the Mailman inbox containing the patch backup message. a. Select the MAG*3.0*357 backup message as shown below: * Backup of MAG*3.0*357 install on b. At the "Enter message action:" prompt, select the Xtract PackMan option. c. At the "Select PackMan function:" prompt, select the Install/Check Message option. d. Enter Yes at the prompt "OK to continue with Load?" 2. Navigate to the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu and select the Installation Menu. From this menu: a. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer NO. ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer NO. iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer NO. NOTE: Routine MAGIP357 is an installation routine that is automatically deleted after the KIDS installation. HDIG Uninstall: --------------- Run the MAG*3.0*345 installer to remove the MAG*3.0*357 HDIG and reinstall the previous version. VIX Uninstall: --------------- Run the MAG*3.0*348 installer to remove the MAG*3.0*357 VIX and reinstall the previous version. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;3.0;IMAGING;**[Patch List]**;Mar 19, 2002;Build 11 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: MAGIP357 Before: n/a After: B26046319 **357** Routine Name: MAGVIM01 Before:B167014405 After:B215042408 **118,138,221,250,283,332,357** Routine Name: MAGVIM05 Before:B173389308 After:B238450531 **118,138,164,166,194,278,357** Routine Name: MAGVIM09 Before: B56578341 After:B120769362 **118,138,332,345,357** Routine Name: MAGVIM11 Before: n/a After: B4403964 **357** Routine Name: MAGVIM12 Before: n/a After: B8901430 **357** Routine Name: MAGVIM13 Before: n/a After: B7416635 **357** Routine list of preceding patches: 278, 345 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : MAY 02, 2023 Completed By: Date Completed: NOV 08, 2024 Released By : Date Released : NOV 08, 2024 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included