============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 18, 2011 Designation: MAG*3*98 Package : MAG - IMAGING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #72 Status: Released Compliance Date: FEB 18, 2011 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)MAG*3*81 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*98' Subject: STORAGE SITE UTILITIES Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Other Description: ============ Patch 98 Overview: ================== This document describes Patch 98, the MAG*3.0*98 Storage Utilities patch, and provides the following new maintenance utilities: * MagUtility used for various maintenance tasks related to the RAID, database, and jukebox * MagDexter used to provide jukebox data reports for use with the new MagKat utility * MagKat, a database maintenance tool used to backfill specific fields in the IMAGE file (#2005) For detailed information about each of these utilities, refer to the chapter Patch 98 Changes. This patch also applies updates to the Device file (#3.5) and Terminal file (#3.2) settings to eliminate the "Can t open device error in viewing reports in Clinical Display. For detailed information, see section VistA System Changes. Distribution of Software: ========================= This patch can be downloaded from: ================================== ftp.imaging.med.va.gov/Software/Released_Software/Mag3_0P98 Installation instructions are included in this document. NOTE Any late-breaking news about this patch will be found in a readme file. If present, this file will also be located in the MAG3_0P98 directory. Patch Contents: =============== Software: ========= MAG3_0P98.KID KIDS (Kernel Installation & Distribution System) package to be installed on the VistA System. MagDexerSetup.msi Installation file for MagDexter. MagKatInstall.exe Installation file for MagKat. MagUtilityInstall.exe Installation file for MagUtility. Documents: ========== MAG3_0P98_Patch_Desc.pdf Patch 98 Description MAG3_0P98_InstallGuide_ChangePages.pdf MAG3_0P98_SecurityGuide_ChangePages.pdf MAG3_0P98_TechnicalManual_ChangePages.pdf MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf containing the setup and operation instructions for MagDexter, MagKat, and MagUtility Associated Patches: =================== Before Patch 98 is installed, the following patch must be installed: MAG*3.0*81 For a list of all released Imaging (MAG) patches, refer to the patch_list.txt file available on the Imaging FTP server (go to ftp://ftp.imaging.med.va.gov, and then navigate to the \Docs\Imaging_Docs_Latest folder). Test Sites: =========== The following are test sites for this patch: ============================================ El Paso, TX - Medium Fayetteville, NC - Large Portland, OR - Large Puget Sound, WA - Integrated VISN 2 - Integrated Washington, DC - Large Remedy Calls: ============= The following Remedy help desk calls are addressed in this patch: ================================================================= 148079 Fayetteville NC - Site receiving file writing errors (Has 10.3 formatted files on RAID) 154046 Phoenix AZ - Verifier Message - You have multiple, on-line Jukebox shares with the same physical reference. (Duplicate RAID and jukebox shares some are ONLINE.) 154535 Providence, RI Need assistance with Network Location cleanup 183382 VA HC Network Upstate NY - FUT 49 not working as expected 184323 Little Rock, AR Share Folder Improperly assigned (Has 10.3 formatted files on RAID) 208404 Providence, RI file does not exit (Need to migrate files from jukebox to RAID) 223728 North Texas, TX Issue with repairing an old file for migration (Has unhashed files on RAID/jukebox) 310183 Roseburg HCS - Unable to access Vista Imaging files 413820 Asheville VAMC - Prefetch Utility 418092 Cincinnati VAMC - Restoring some images from his jukebox to his RAID NSR and Enhancement Request Entries: ==================================== No NSRs (New Service Requests) are addressed in this patch. No E3R (Electronic Error and Enhancement Reporting package) entries are addressed in this patch. Patch 98 Changes: ================= Patch 98 introduces three new VistA Imaging maintenance utilities, and includes minor changes to the VistA Imaging portion of the VistA System. MagUtility: =========== MagUtility is a GUI (Graphical User Interface)-based program that can be used to: * Identify orphan files (both text and image) on the Imaging shares/RAID,and optionally resolve IMAGE file (#2005) references to those files and/or remove un-resolvable files. Note Back up the target share before using the Orphan Files process. * Delete unused and/or erroneous RAID- and jukebox-related entries from the NETWORK LOCATION file (#2005.2). * Update the OFFLINE IMAGES file (#2006.033) to reflect the removal or return of specific jukebox platters. * Copy and/or transfer images and text files from one physical storage location to another storage location (earlier versions of this feature were available in FUT (Field Unit Test) 49). Note The MagUtility storage copy process should NOT be used as a migration tool. Note When files are copied to a destination physical location, the storage structure will be hashed, and then converted into acceptable formats (8.3 or 14.3) if necessary. Most MagUtility processes can be run concurrently and/or from multiple instances of MagUtility on multiple servers. However, extra care should be taken when running the Orphan Files and Storage Copy processes. Recommendation Do not run the Orphan Files and Storage Copy processes concurrently. If you need to run these processes at the same time on the same shares, contact the Imaging Group for guidance before proceeding. MagUtility is intended for Imaging Coordinator use only. The VistA account used to run MagUtility must be assigned the MAG UTILITY secondary menu option. Note If any MagUtility processes will be used, they should be run before executing MagDexter and MagKat (described below). Note To eliminate any potential performance issues, do not run MagUtility concurrently with MagKat (described below). For detailed information about MagUtility, see the MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf included in this patch. MagDexter: ========== Important: 1) If any MagUtility processes (described above) will be used, they should be run before executing MagDexter. 2) If MagDexter is used, platter compaction must be disabled on the jukebox before running MagDexter, and compaction must remain disabled until MagKat (see below) processing is complete. MagDexter is a GUI-based utility used to generate reports of all files and platters on a DiskXtender-managed jukebox. The MagKat utility uses these reports (described below) for jukebox processing. Note If MagDexter is used, it must be installed on the DiskXtender server (version 4.x or 5.x). While MagDexter should work with later versions of DiskXtender, it is certified for use with version 4.x or 5.x only at this time. Users installing and running MagDexter must have Windows Administrator privileges on the DiskXtender server. VistA credentials are not needed. After MagDexter has been installed, it must be executed at all sites that use DiskXtender version 4.x or 5.x jukebox management software. For detailed information about MagDexter, see the MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf included in this patch. MagKat: ======= Important If any MagUtility processes (described above) will be used, they should be run before executing MagKat. MagKat is used to backfill specific fields in the IMAGE file (#2005) using data from images associated text files. * MagKat must be run by sites that intend to share images with the Department of Defense. (VA/DoD image sharing is implemented in MAG*3.0*83.) Recommendation All sites should run MagKat in any case, since the expectation is that all VA sites will be sharing data with DoD in the near future. * Sites that also use VistARad may want to use MagKat to take advantage of improved date reporting for pre-patch MAG*3.0*54 exams in VistARad s exam lists. MagKat is run in two steps: =========================== 1) For images on the RAID (short-term image storage) 2) If possible, for images on the jukebox (archive). For the jukebox only, MagKat requires the reports produced by the new MagDexter utility (described above). The VistA account used to run MagKat must have the MAG DOD FIX security key and the [MAGKAT] secondary menu option. After MagKat is installed, it must be executed at all sites. For detailed information about MagKat, see the MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf included in this patch. VistA System Changes: ===================== The KIDS portion of this patch modifies the VistA host to support the new MagUtility and MagKat applications described above. Installing the KIDS will also update entries in the Device (#3.5) and Terminal Type (#3.2) files to ensure that newly installed sites do not encounter the "Can t open device IMAGING WORKSTATION error reported by some sites in the past. The entries in question are shown below; the altered portions of the entries are indicated in underline. Terminal Type: ============== NAME: P-IMAGING SELECTABLE AT SIGN-ON: NO RIGHT MARGIN: 80 FORM FEED: # PAGE LENGTH: 64 BACK SPACE: $C(8) CLOSE EXECUTE: D CLOSE^MAGGTU5 X "C IO:""D""" K IO __________________________________________________ Device: ======= NAME: IMAGING WORKSTATION $I: WS.DAT ASK DEVICE: NO ASK PARAMETERS: NO LOCATION OF TERMINAL: BROKER OPEN PARAMETERS: "NWS" PRE-OPEN EXECUTE: S IO=$P(IO,".")_$J_"."_$P(IO,".",2) _____________________________________________________ Data Dictionaries: ================== DICOM GATEWAY PARAMETER file (#2006.563) contains the following two new fields for MagKat in this patch: * LAST IMAGE SCANNED BY MAGKAT field (#200) DESCRIPTION: This is the last image scanned by the MAGKAT utility. The MagKat utility will update this field as it processes images. * MAGKAT SCAN DIRECTION field (#201) DESCRIPTION: This field controls the scanning direction used by the MagKat utility. Negative 1 (-1) will scan in reverse order and (positive) 1 will scan for the next image using the value for the LAST IMAGE SCANNED BY MAGKAT field (#200). The MagKat utility will update the MAGKAT SCAN DIRECTION field (#201), as well as the LAST IMAGE SCANNED BY MAGKAT field (#200). Security Keys: ============== The following security key is included in this patch: MAG DOD FIX - This key gives the holder permission to run the MagKat utility. Remote Procedures: ================== The following remote procedures are included in this patch: MAG FIND IMAGE TEXT FILE - New. Used by MagKat to find an image entry based on the full path of the IMAGE file. Used while processing jukebox platters. MAG SCAN IMAGE TEXT FILES - New. Used by MagKat to return information about the current scan status, to return the file name for the next (or previous) image text file to scan, and optionally to reset internal counters so that the next scan will re-scan the whole database. MAG STORAGE FETCH New. Used by the Storage Copy process to copy files from one RAID or Jukebox share to another. MAG STORAGE FETCH SET New. Used by the Storage Copy process to update IMAGE file (#2005) references for files that have been moved from one RAID or Jukebox share to another. MAG STORE TEXT FILE DETAILS - New. Used by MagKat to check/update certain fields in the IMAGE file (#2005) based on data in image headers. MAG UTIL BKONLJB - New. Updates entries in the OFFLINE IMAGES file (#2006.033) to indicate that a jukebox platter with image files has been put back online. MAG UTIL CLNLOC - New. Used by the Network Location Cleanup process to remove a user-specified NETWORK LOCATION file (#2005.2) entry after verifying that the entry is not referenced by any IMAGE file (#2005) entries. MAG UTIL DT2IEN - New. Used by the Storage Copy and HEC 10-10 processes to locate the first IMAGE file (#2005) IENs for a user-supplied date. MAG UTIL GETNETLOC - New. Used by the Network Location Cleanup process to retrieve the current list of Network Locations from VistA. MAG UTIL JBOFFLN - New. Used to mark multiple platters offline in the OFFLINE IMAGES file (#2006.033). MAG UTIL LSTOFLJB - New. Used to retrieve a list of offline jukebox platters from the OFFLINE IMAGES file (#2006.033). Menu Options: ============= The following menu options are included in this patch: TRACK OFFLINE JUKEBOX IMAGES [MAG JB OFFLINE] Modified. This option adds options to list offline jukebox platters and to mark multiple platters offline. These options duplicate functions in the MagUtility program. SET CONTEXT FOR MAGKAT RPCS [MAGKAT] New. This option grants access to RPCs used by MagKat and must be assigned to the account used to run the MagKat utility. SET CONTEXT FOR MAGUTILITY RPCS [MAG UTILITY] New. This option grants access to RPCs used by MagUtility and must be assigned to the account used to run MagUtility. Templates: ========== There are no new or modified templates included in this patch. Installation: ============= The KIDS portion of this patch is to be installed on the VistA System. Installation locations for the client portions of this patch vary; see the client-specific installation section for details. NOTE All sites running VistA Imaging must install the KIDS portion of this patch. NOTE All sites using Disk Xtender 4.x or 5.x must install and execute MagDexter. NOTE All sites must also install and use MagKat to process images stored on the RAID and jukebox. Installation and use of MagUtility is recommended but not required. This patch may be loaded while VistA Imaging System is active. Installation for each component of this patch will take less than one minute per component. Installation Prerequisites: =========================== Before installing this patch, you will need to download the Patch 98 files from the Imaging FTP server to a local storage location. Verify that the patches listed in the Associated Patches section have been installed. Important: If there is no VA Kernel RPC Broker installed beforehand on your workstation/server, be sure to install the VA Kernel RPC Broker. For the procedure, see the section VistA RPC Broker Installation in the VistA Imaging System Installation Guide. VistA System (KIDS) Installation: ================================= Installing the KIDS Package 1. Access the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]. 2. Run the Installation option [XPD INSTALLATION MENU]. 3. Load the KIDS file by performing the following steps: a) Run the Load a Distribution option [XPD LOAD DISTRIBUTION] to load the KIDS distribution. b) When prompted, enter the path and file name (MAG3_0P98.KID) of the Patch 98 KIDS file that you downloaded from the Imaging FTP server. c) When prompted to continue with the load, enter YES. A Distribution OK! message will be displayed when the load is complete. 4. After loading the KIDS file, use the following options to verify the contents of the patch and back up any affected routines. * Verify Checksums in Transport Global [XPD PRINT CHECKSUM] Run this option if you want to ensure the integrity of the routines in the patch. * Compare Transport Global to Current System [XPD COMPARE TO SYSTEM] Run this option if you want to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. All components (routines, options, and so on) in the patch will be compared. * Backup a Transport Global [XPD BACKUP] Run this option if you want to create a backup message of any routines exported with the patch. It will NOT back up any of the other changes. 5. After performing the load and any optional verification steps, install the KIDS file by performing the following steps: a) Run the Install Package(s) [XPD INSTALL BUILD] option. b) When prompted for the install name, enter MAG*3.0*98. c) Answer NO to the following prompts: Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? No//NO Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? No//NO Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? No//NO 6. When the installation is finished, an Install Complete message will be displayed. KIDS Installation Example: ========================== Select Installation Option: INStall Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: MAG*3.0*98 Loaded from Distribution 9/22/10@14:27:15 => VistA Imaging V3.0 - Patch 98 - 09/22/2010 14:04PM ;Created o This Distribution was loaded on Sep 22, 2010@14:27:15 with header of VistA Imaging V3.0 - Patch 98 - 09/22/2010 14:04PM ;Created on Sep 2 2, 2010@14:04:44 It consisted of the following Install(s): MAG*3.0*98 Checking Install for Package MAG*3.0*98 Install Questions for MAG*3.0*98 Incoming Files: 2006.563 DICOM GATEWAY PARAMETER (Partial Definition) Note: You already have the 'DICOM GATEWAY PARAMETER' File. Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO// Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO// Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages. You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt. Enter a '^' to abort the install. DEVICE: HOME// ;;9999 HERE MAG*3.0*98 Installing REMOTE PROCEDURE Installing OPTION Sep 22, 2010@14:42:18 Running Post-Install Routine: POST^MAGIPS98 I will check the 'P-IMAGING' entry in the Terminal Type file. I will check an 'Imaging Workstation' entry in the Device file. Updating Routine file... Updating KIDS files... MAG*3.0*98 Installed. Sep 22, 2010@14:42:18 Install Message sent #32414 Install Completed For Sites with VistA Running on a Cachi/Linux Platform: ======================================================= For Sites with VistA Running on a Cachi/Linux Platform Important: Sites that recently converted to Cachi on Linux reported a problem viewing reports in the VistA Imaging Clinical Display and VistARad applications. If your site is using Cachi with a Linux operating system, be sure to follow these instructions after the KIDS installation. This problem does not occur at sites that have Cachi on VMS or Cachi on Windows. The P-IMAGING entry in the VistA TERMINAL TYPE file (#3.2) that was updated during the KIDS Post Install process can be modified using FileMan to work at any Cachi site. It is imperative that Cachi/Linux sites perform the following one-time update but it can be done at all sites. VAH>D P^DI VA FileMan 22.0 Select OPTION: ENTER OR EDIT FILE ENTRIES INPUT TO WHAT FILE: TERMINAL TYPE EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// CLOSE EXECUTE THEN EDIT FIELD: Select TERMINAL TYPE NAME: P-IMAGING CLOSE EXECUTE: D CLOSE^MAGGTU5 X "C IO:""D""" K IO Replace END With (1,IO) Replace <-Press the Enter key here. D CLOSE^MAGGTU5 X "C IO:""D""" K IO(1,IO) [The following prompt is displayed after you press Enter.] Select TERMINAL TYPE NAME: MagUtility Installation: ======================== MagUtility can be installed on any Windows server that has full read/write access to Imaging shares. To accommodate the maximum number of log files, it is recommended that the server have at least 600 MB of available disk space and at least 2 GB system memory. Note Installation on a server class machine is recommended (not recommended for workstations). Installation typically takes less than 30 seconds. For the installation steps, see the MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf included in this patch. MagKat Installation: ==================== MagKat can be installed on any server that has read access to Imaging shares and ten GB of available space. (MagKat log files can be very large, and the Dexter reports used by MagKat may be up to 4 MB in size, with one report generated for each side of each platter scanned.) Note For sites that store more than one site s files on their equipment, send a copy of the report to all of the sites that have files stored at the one site. Installation typically takes less than 30 seconds. For the installation steps, see the MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf included in this patch. MagDexter Installation: ======================= MagDexter must be installed on the server hosting the EMC DiskXtender version 4.x or 5.x software to function properly. .NET 2.0 must also be present. The application and log files require less than 5 MB of disk space. Installation typically takes less than 30 seconds. For the installation steps, see the MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf included in this patch. Routines: ========= New and modified routines for the VistA System are listed below. For each routine, the second line will contain the following information. Please note that the "before checksum may differ if any test software has been installed. ;;3.0;IMAGING;**[patch list]**;Mar 19, 2002;Build 1849;Sep 22, 2010 Checksums are calculated using the Kernel utility program CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. * Note MAGIPS98 is a post install routine and is deleted after the KIDS install. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: MAGDOD01 Before: n/a After: B50553020 **98** Routine Name: MAGGDEV Before: B10702116 After: B10186131 **98** Routine Name: MAGIPS98 Before: n/a After: B3955404 **98** Routine Name: MAGSDEL5 Before: n/a After: B35873021 **98** Routine Name: MAGSDOFL Before: B20838310 After: B58680175 **18,98** Routine Name: MAGSFTCH Before: n/a After:B159297363 **98** Routine Name: MAGSHEC Before: n/a After: B11280563 **98** Routine Name: MAGUF Before: n/a After: B12071947 **98** Routine list of preceding patches: 18 ============================================================================= User Information: Hold Date : DEC 09, 2010 Entered By : TROMBETTA,KATHY Date Entered : AUG 05, 2008 Completed By: CASUGAY,ELSIE G Date Completed: NOV 09, 2010 Released By : ANDKHOIE,MOSA Date Released : JAN 18, 2011 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included