============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 31, 2011 Designation: MAG*3*39 Package : MAG - IMAGING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #75 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUL 01, 2011 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)MAG*3*46 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*39' (v)MAG*3*54 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*39' (v)MAG*3*81 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*39' (v)MAG*3*83 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MAG*3*39' Subject: BACKGROUND PROCESSOR ENHANCEMENT II Category: - Data Dictionary - Routine - Other - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ Patch 39 contains several Background Processor maintenance changes to Queue Processing, RAID share organization and purging, security and maintenance of log files, mail messages, auto logon, GUI operations and the MAG Enterprise application. For details on new features in Patch 39, Installation Worksheet and client installation refer to the MAG3_0P39_Patch_Description.pdf distributed with the patch. Distribution of Software ======================== This patch can be downloaded from: ftp.imaging.med.va.gov/Software/Released_Software/Mag3_0P39 Installation instructions are included in this document. NOTE Any late-breaking news about this patch will be found in a readme file. If present, this file will also be located in the MAG3_0P39 directory. Terms of Use ============ FDA regulations require that each Imaging software distribution be documented and tracked by the VistA Imaging project. To receive this patch, sites must have a Site Agreement filed with and approved by the VistA Imaging Group. For information about the status of a Site Agreement, contact the VistA Imaging Distribution Manager (VHAVISiteFeedback@va.gov). Patch Contents ============== Software ======== MAG3_0P39.KID - KIDS (Kernel Installation & Distribution System) package to be installed on the VistA hospital information system. MAG3_0P39_BPSetup.exe - Installation file for BP Queue Processor, Verifier and Purge client software to be installed on a server class machine. Documentation ============= MAG3_0P39_Patch_Description.pdf - Patch description and installation instructions. MAG_BP_User_Manual.pdf - Background Processor User Manual. Note: The Verifier Manual is obsolete. Its content is in the rewritten BP User Manual. MAG_Storage_Utilities_User_Manual.pdf VistA Imaging System Storage Utilities User Manual Note: References to the Verifier Manual have been updated to refer to the Verifier Chapter in teh rewritten BP User Manual. MAG3_0P39_Install_Guide_Changes.pdf VistA Imaging System Installation Guide Change Pages MAG3_0P39_Security_Guide_Changes.pdf VistA Imaging System Security Guide Change Pages MAG3_0P39_Technical Manual_Changes.pdf VistA Imaging System Technical Manual Change Pages Note: Download a locally approved version of Acrobat Reader to view the PDFs. Required Patches ================ Before Patch 39 is installed, the following patch must be installed: MAG*3.0*81 For a list of all released Imaging (MAG) patches, refer to the patch_list.txt file available on the Imaging FTP server (go to ftp://ftp.imaging.med.va.gov, and then navigate to the \Docs\Imaging_Docs_Latest folder). Test Sites ========== The following sites are test sites for this patch: * Atlanta, GA (Large) * Charleston, SC (Large) * Fayetteville, NC (Large) * Lebanon, PA (Medium) * Philadelphia, PA (Large) * Puget Sound, WA (Integrated, Large) * White River Junction, NH (Medium) Remedy Entries ============== 67817 ATG-1203-31258 Vista email groups for emergency and normal problems 67890 ROS-0204-52120 Request assistance to review first Verifier run for Roseburg [Purge will not stop by clicking the "X in the title bar of the Purge] 68156 NHM-0804-10131 Error on background processor [SetFile Time failure] 84646 File 2006.95 (Image Access Log) is missing the "AC" Xref [File 2006.95 (Image Access Log) is missing the "AC cross reference] 140594 Background processor, VHANOLBGP, is down [Auto Write Update OFF. Loss of network connectivity to shares causes this trap ($ZE=CHGSERV+21^MAGQBUT)] 154535 Need assistance with Network Location file cleanup [Network Location entries with duplicate PHYSICAL REFS] 207347 Need help with results from Verifier [Lab Autopsy entries incorrectly reported by Verifier] 208849 Background Processor error [Problems with Background Processor and Broker disconnects] 212371 Connection to VistA Lost: [Problems with Background Processor and Broker disconnects] 237287 Background Processor - error [Problems with Background Processor and Broker disconnects] 246417 Invalid operations pointer [Problems with Background Processor and Broker disconnects] 265026 Background Processor Issue [Problems with Background Processor and Broker disconnects] 302072 Losing Connectivity to VistA [Problems with Background Processor and Broker disconnects] 302691 BGP has stop running several time over the last 2 week [Problems with Background Processor and Broker disconnects] 404647 Purge on RAID not freeing up any space...down to 5.5% 417519 Cannot purge 433867 Queues Not "Zeroed" 454482 Purge log question/issue NSR and Enhancement Request Entries =================================== The following NSR (New Service Request) and enhancement request are addressed in this patch. NSR 20070515: VistA Imaging Storage Remedy 67817: Mail group assignments based on type of error Patch 39 Changes ================ For information on the changes included in this patch refer to the MAG3_0P39_Patch_Description.pdf document distributed with the patch. VistA System KIDS Summary ========================= Patch 39 includes a KIDS package to be installed on the VistA System. Data Dictionaries ================= The following file is being deleted in this patch: JUKEBOX file (#2006.032) has been removed. The NETWORK LOCATION FILE (#2005.2) will be referenced to get jukebox information. The following files are modified in this patch. For details on the changes refer to the MAG3_0P39_Patch_Description.pdf document distributed with the patch. NETWORK LOCATION file (#2005.2) IMAGE ACCESS LOG (#2006.95) IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS (#2006.1) IMAGE BACKGROUND QUEUE POINTER file (#2006.031) The BP WORKSTATIONS file (#2006.8) is renamed during the post installation to BP SERVERS and has new fields. Security Keys ============= There are no new or modified security keys included in this patch. Remote Procedures ================= The following remote procedures are added in this patch: MAG FIELD VALIDATE MAG KEY VALIDATE MAGQ ADD RAID GROUP MAGQ BP UAT MAGQ DEL NLOC MAGQ ELOGR MAGQ FINDC MAGQ QRNGE The following remote procedures are removed in this patch: MAGQ IRP GETNEXT MAGQ JBP MAGQ REA MAGQ REA UPDATE MAGQ SLAD MAGQB PURNUL MAGQBP CHKN The following remote procedures are modified in this patch: MAGQ ALL SERVER MAGQ DFNIQ MAGQ FS CHNGE MAGQ FTYPE MAGQ JBQUE MAGQ JBSCN MAGQ QCNT MAGQB QUEDEL MAGQBP ALL SHARES MAGQBP FREF Menu Options ============ A new menu option, Monitor Background Processor Activity [MAGQ BPMONITOR] has been added. This schedulable menu option is used to monitor BP activities. Recommendation: Schedule this task to run every 10 to 15 minutes (site configurable). The new option will: * Monitor the processing activities on each BP server. This activity can be scheduled using the Schedule/Unschedule Options [XUTM SCHEDULE]. * Handle all the entries that exist in the BP SERVERS file (#2006.8) and the BP queues assigned to each server. If xxx minutes, which is site specific, have transpired since processing the last queue and there is another queue to be processed, then a MailMan message with subject text "VI_BP_Queue_Processor_failure will be sent. The recipients and frequency of the mail message is determined by the parameters in the IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS file (#2006.1) BP MAIL MESSAGE field (#66). Templates ========= There are no new or modified templates included in this patch. Installation ============ This patch is to be installed on the VistA System and on server class machines. The installation of this patch must be coordinated with the VistA Imaging Coordinator. For details on the Installation activities refer to the MAG3_0P39_Patch_Description.pdf document distributed with the patch. Installation Prerequisites ========================== * Before installing this patch, you will need to download the Patch 39 files from the Imaging FTP site to a local storage location. * Review the Pre and Post Installation Activity section to familiarize yourself with the activities that take place during this patch installation. * Verify that the patches listed in the Required Patches section have been installed. Important: Any Background Processor that is running must be stopped (applications are closed) prior to the installation of the KIDS and Client software. Any image capture application (Clinical and DICOM gateway processing) can continue. WARNING: Prior to installation, print out the entries in the NETWORK LOCATION, BP WORKSTATION, and IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS files for review. Patch 39 will modify these files during the pre and post installation activities. See Patch 39 Installation Worksheet section below. It is recommended that the install not be performed during the peak of site activity. Note that an extremely brief update to indexes of the site parameter file could cause a failure on the Text gateways. Check your mail system for DICOM Gateway alerts to this effect after the KIDS install. VistA System (KIDS) Installation ================================ Use the following steps to install the KIDS package, which takes less than three minutes. Installing the KIDS Package =========================== 1 Access the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]. 2 Run the Installation option. 3 Load the KIDS file by performing the following steps: a Run the (1) Load a Distribution [XPD LOAD DISTRIBUTION] option to load the KIDS distribution. b When prompted, enter the path and file name (MAG3_0P39.KID) of the Patch 39 KIDS file that you downloaded from the Imaging FTP server. c When prompted to continue with the load, enter YES. A Distribution OK! message will be displayed when the load is complete. 4 After you load the KIDS file, you may elect to use the following options: Verify Checksums in Transport Global [XPD PRINT CHECKSUM] run this option if you want to ensure the integrity of the routines in the patch. Compare Transport Global to Current System [XPD COMPARE TO SYSTEM] run this option if you want to view all changes that will be made when the patch is installed. All components (routines, options, and so on) in the patch will be compared. Backup a Transport Global [XPD BACKUP] run this option if you want to create a backup message of any routines exported with the patch. It will NOT back up any of the other changes. 5 After performing the load and any optional verification steps, install the KIDS file by performing the following steps: a. Run the Install Package(s) [XPD INSTALL BUILD] option. b. When prompted for the install name, enter MAG*3.0*39. c. Answer NO to the following prompts: Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? No//NO Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? No//NO Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? No//NO Shall I write over your BP WORKSTATIONS File? YES//YES Note: The last prompt 'Shall I write over your BP Workstations File?' will not be displayed on a re-install of this patch. When the installation is finished, an Installed message will be displayed. Sample KIDS Installation ======================== Select Installation Option: 6 Install Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: MAG*3.0*39 Loaded from Distribution 3/9/11@08:09:39 => VistA Imaging V3.0 - Patch 39 - 03/08/2011 15:34PM ;Created o This Distribution was loaded on Mar 09, 2011@08:09:39 with header of VistA Imaging V3.0 - Patch 39 - 03/08/2011 15:34PM ;Created on Mar 0 8, 2011@15:34:05 It consisted of the following Install(s): MAG*3.0*39 Checking Install for Package MAG*3.0*39 Will first run the Environment Check Routine, MAGIP39E Install Questions for MAG*3.0*39 Incoming Files: 2005.2 NETWORK LOCATION (Partial Definition) Note: You already have the 'NETWORK LOCATION' File. 2005.86 IMAGE ACTIONS (Partial Definition) Note: You already have the 'IMAGE ACTIONS' File. 2006.031 IMAGE BACKGROUND QUEUE POINTER (Partial Definition) Note: You already have the 'IMAGE BACKGROUND QUEUE POINTER' File. 2006.1 IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS (Partial Definition) Note: You already have the 'IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS' File. 2006.8 BP SERVERS (Partial Definition) Note: You already have the 'BP SERVERS' File. 2006.95 IMAGE ACCESS LOG (Partial Definition) Note: You already have the 'IMAGE ACCESS LOG' File. Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO// Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO// Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages. You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt. Enter a '^' to abort the install. DEVICE: HOME// HERE Install Started for MAG*3.0*39 : Mar 09, 2011@08:11:01 Build Distribution Date: Mar 08, 2011 Installing Routines:............................... Mar 09, 2011@08:11:01 Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^MAGIP39. Installing Data Dictionaries: ....... Mar 09, 2011@08:11:02 Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: Installing REMOTE PROCEDURE................... Installing OPTION.. Mar 09, 2011@08:11:02 Running Post-Install Routine: POST^MAGIP39B. Updating MAG WINDOWS: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:02 Add Generic Mail Message groups to the Mail Group file: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:02 Add Message Subjects for Mail Management to Site Parameters - with interval: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Add Generic Mail groups to BP Message subfile: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Add Raid Groups to the Network Location file: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Initialize raid groups to group default: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Setting Prime entries on line. Updating Imaging Site Parameter file with prime entries. Add Photo-ID Post Action to the Image Action file: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Set POP/AUTO Purge 'ON' as the default & Purge Factor as '2' & Purge by 'Last Ac cess Date': Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Setup Auto-Verify: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Re-index Site Parameters, BP Servers, Network Location file: Mar 09, 2011@08:11: 03 Setup dummy UAT (Unassigned Tasks) BP Servers: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Setting AC X-reference in file #2006.95. TASK#: 378285 Consolidate redundant shares. TASK#: 378286 Purging completed import queues in file #2006.041. TASK#: 378287 Post Install Mail Message: Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Updating Routine file...... Updating KIDS files....... MAG*3.0*39 Installed. Mar 09, 2011@08:11:03 Installing the Background Processor Client ========================================== Refer to the MAG3_0P39_Patch_Description.pdf document distributed with the patch for a pre-installation checklist and client installation instructions. The installation can be performed while the VistA System is active and is independent of any products running on the BP server. The client installation takes less than two minutes. KIDS Routines ============= New and modified Imaging routines for the VistA System are listed below. For each routine, the second line will contain the following information. Please note that the Before Checksums may differ if any test software has been installed. ;;3.0;IMAGING;**[Patch List]**;MAR 19, 2002;; Build 2010; Mar 8, 2011 Checksums are calculated using the Kernel utility program CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. MAGIP39, MAGIP39E and MAGIP39B are post\pre-install routines and are deleted after the KIDS installation. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: MAGBAPI Before: B74386027 After: B83920568 **1,7,8,20,39** Routine Name: MAGBRTE4 Before: B74476689 After: B72404251 **11,30,51,85,54,39** Routine Name: MAGFILEB Before: B48518635 After: B49779032 **8,48,39** Routine Name: MAGIP39 Before: n/a After: B76334031 **39** Routine Name: MAGIP39B Before: n/a After:B176147737 **39** Routine Name: MAGIP39E Before: n/a After: B19057411 **39** Routine Name: MAGLOG Before: B8117581 After: B12733539 **17,8,20,59,83,39** Routine Name: MAGQBAB Before: B10838980 After: B11090744 **1,8,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBD Before: B7129737 After: B7193200 **20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBGCC Before: B11208984 After: B22620729 **8,48,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBIM Before: B7456958 After: B10106548 **7,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBJB Before: B18032148 After: B17698321 **8,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBJH Before: B24339395 After: B24245362 **8,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBPG1 Before: B76244753 After: B77258360 **7,8,20,81,39** Routine Name: MAGQBPG2 Before: B20522184 After: B21016522 **8,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBPRG Before: B57300845 After: B56526255 **7,3,8,20,81,39** Routine Name: MAGQBTM Before: B79858508 After: B81984703 **1,7,8,20,81,39** Routine Name: MAGQBU6A Before: n/a After:B101156562 **39** Routine Name: MAGQBUT Before: B78801561 After:B143602408 **7,8,48,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQBUT1 Before: B76309021 After:B115897109 **7,8,20,81,39** Routine Name: MAGQBUT2 Before: B55361113 After: B91378529 **7,8,20,81,39** Routine Name: MAGQBUT4 Before: B78049028 After: B92803022 **7,8,48,20,81,39** Routine Name: MAGQBUT5 Before: B15869460 After:B105448474 **20,81,39** Routine Name: MAGQBUT6 Before: n/a After:B144843447 **39** Routine Name: MAGQCBP Before: n/a After:B116132863 **39** Routine Name: MAGQE1 Before: B11840891 After: B12851574 **27,29,30,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQE2 Before: B17337879 After: B15983460 **27,29,20,39** Routine Name: MAGQE5 Before: B54546885 After: B56083407 **27,29,8,30,20,46,39** Routine Name: MAGQE6 Before: B11312577 After: B16298001 **46,39** Routine Name: MAGQE7 Before: n/a After: B48785755 **39** Routine list of preceding patches: 46, 54, 81, 83 ============================================================================= User Information: Hold Date : MAY 27, 2011 Entered By : BARRIOS,LUCILLE Date Entered : JUL 13, 2004 Completed By: TROMBETTA,KATHY Date Completed: APR 27, 2011 Released By : FUGETT,BRENT Date Released : MAY 31, 2011 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included