============================================================================= Run Date: APR 06, 2012 Designation: MD*1*23 Package : MD - CLINICAL PROCEDURES Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #19 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAY 07, 2012 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)MD*1*12 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MD*1*23' (v)MD*1*16 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MD*1*23' Subject: CLINICALFLOW SHEET CLIO V2 Category: - Other - Routine - Data Dictionary Description: ============ Patch MD*1.0*23 fixes 3 remedy tickets and thirteen defects found during the development of MD*1.0*16. These defects were outlined in the Known Anomalies list for MD*1.0*16 and are outlined below. Remedy Tickets =============== HD0000000496628 HD0000000525716 HD0000000554645 E3R === N/A NSR === N/A Clear Quest Number ================== CQ579 CQ580 CQ638 CQ680 CQ681 CQ695 CQ705 CQ708 CQ711 CQ712 CQ714 CQ715 CQ720 Remedy Tickets ========================================================================== HD0000000496628 - The unit conversion for some observations do not convert equally due to a non-existent measurement that is needed for the conversion. This causes an error in the flowsheet reporting mechanism. This patch shall remove the unit from the observation. HD0000000554645 - There are four default qualifiers that the end user can optionally populate when adding a supplemental or optional view to a patient flowsheet under MD*1.0*16: method, position, location, and product. A design flaw was reported where the qualifiers selected for an optional or supplemental view were not displayed in the header of the view, only in the report generated by that view. This prevents the user from seeing the context of the observations. This patch adds the selected qualifiers to the header of supplemental views, and removes the ability to select qualifiers from optional views, as optional views do not maintain that context. HD0000000525716 (CQ 715) - The totalling subsystem in the flowsheet GUI filters all observations in supplemental views to prevent them from being added to other totals. This filtering was not occurring when reports were generated. This lead to inaccurate totals being pushed into TIU. ClearQuest Deficiencies ========================================================================== The CP Flowsheet Enhancements patch MD*1.0*23 shall resolve thirteen known anomalies with the Flowsheet patch MD*1.0*16. Patch MD*1*16 was released with the following known anomalies: 1. CQ579 The hospital location does not get passed to Text Integration Utility (TIU) and does not get displayed in Computerized Patient Record (CPRS). The user will not be able to change the hospital location of the patient in Flowsheet so the inpatient location will always be used to create the note. 2. CQ580 The general comment given when entering Flowsheet data (shown on same line as location) does not appear on any reports. The field will be removed. 3. CQ638 Add the ability to show comments for observations as a hint. 4. CQ680 Use the ACL (Access Control List) functionality already built into CP Console for use at the Flowsheet/View level to control access to CP Console functionality at the folder level. The HL7 tab will be visible on an ongoing basis. However, the buttons to match a message to either a device or a patient will be disabled unless the user has the CP HL7 MANAGER key. 5. CQ681 Auto Refresh is not working. 6. CQ695 Simple update to Flowsheet report to add a space between title and date. 7. CQ705 Not all of the column headings match up with the selections in the Add Data screen of Flowsheets view. 8. CQ708 Ability to see Supplemental page once it is change to Optional. 9. CQ711 The ability for CP Console to save the note title in the Procedure and Flowsheet screens. 10. CQ712 Spell out Juice and Water qualifiers on TIU note. 11. CQ714 In CP Console, allow copying of Procedures and Instruments. 12. CQ715 Remedy 525716. Supplemental views, duplicate values. The report tab in CP Flowsheets is not correctly filtering observations that were entered via a supplemental view. 13. CQ720 Marking Inactive Terms in the drop-down list of the View Term Editor when adding terms to a view. NEW FUNCITONALITY ========================================================================== Nihon-Koden medical device terminology mapping enhancement will be released with this patch. The ability to accept data from multiple approved medical devices concurrently will be included in this patch. A miscellaneous change is to make a supplemental view that was started the default view upon final steps of opening process. Ability for clinicians to re-transmit ADT feed to the medical devices in an outpatient setting without having to manually enter patient info on the device. TEST SITES ========== Denver (Large Integrated) St.Louis (Large Integrated) Temple (Large Integrated) Huntington (Medium) SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL: ==================================== The software can be retrieved in the following steps: The following files can be retrieved in BINARY format by File Transfer Protocol (FTP): CPFLOWSHEETS.EXE (CP Flowsheet executable) CPCONSOLE.EXE (CP Console executable) MD_1_P23_IMPG.pdf (MD*1.0*23 Implementation Guide) MD_1_P23_RN.pdf (MD*1.0*23 Release Notes) MD_1_P23_UM.pdf (MD*1.0*23 User Manual) Retrieve MD1_0P23.KID (the MD*1.0*23 KIDS build) in ASCII format. The preferred method is to FTP the files from download.vista.med.va.gov which will transmit the files from the first available FTP server. The files may also be downloaded directly from a particular FTP location at the following locations. Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov Files are available in the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory. NIHON-KODEN TERMINOLOGY MAPPING TABLE RETRIEVAL =============================================== 1) Go to the Clinical procedure web site: http://vista.med.va.gov/ClinicalSpecialties/MD/Default.asp?PageName=OVERVIEW 2) Select Procedures,Devices,Interfaces button on the left hand side tree view. 3) Find Nihon-Koden from the vendor list in the window on the right. 4) The web page will request the user to login. If you have access to the Clinical Procedures web page, login. If you do not, request for access. Once you have receive Username/Password access through Microsoft Exhcange electronic mail, you can go back to the web site and login. 5) Click to select Nihon-Koden. 6) When Nihon-Koden Information is displayed, click on Download Importable XML on the Term Mapping field. 7) Save the XML file on your local workstation directory. 8) Import the XML file using CP Console application. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================= Users may remain on the system but this patch should be installed at non-peak hours due to the high volume use of the routines included. Installation should take less than 3 minutes. 1. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation menu. 2. Select Installation Option: 1 Load a Distribution Enter a Host File: USER$:[YOUR DIRECTORY]MD1_0P23.KID (note: the format of the directory name of your user account may be different if your VistA system is Linux or Windows based). KIDS Distribution saved on Mar 06, 2012@11:42:35 Comment: TRANSPORTED 6 MARCH 2012 This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s): MD*1.0*23 Distribution OK! Want to Continue with Load? YES// Loading Distribution... MD*1.0*23 Use INSTALL NAME: MD*1.0*23 to install this Distribution. 3. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter MD*1.0*23): a. Backup a Transport Global b. Compare Transport Global to Current System c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global 4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the patch MD*1.0*23. 5. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//", respond NO. 6. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//", respond NO 7. When prompted 'DEVICE: HOME //', respond with or a device. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: MDCEVN Before: B5482617 After: B5755928 **16,12,23** Routine Name: MDCPHL7C Before: n/a After: B17515651 **23** Routine Name: MDCPMESQ Before: B5560920 After: B6673059 **12,23** Routine Name: MDCPV1 Before: B2107795 After: B2302768 **16,23** Routine Name: MDCPVDEF Before: B62382929 After: B63231026 **16,12,23** Routine Name: MDCSPV1 Before: B11770150 After: B12680068 **16,23** Routine Name: MDCUTL Before: B28631093 After: B28602296 **16,12,23** Routine Name: MDPOST23 Before: n/a After: B2677958 **23** Routine Name: MDPRE23 Before: n/a After: B1777867 **23** Routine Name: MDTERM Before: B23534371 After: B53324995 **16,23** Routine list of preceding patches: 12 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : ACKERMAN,NIEN-CHIN Date Entered : NOV 02, 2009 Completed By: SERVICE,JOHN Date Completed: MAR 15, 2012 Released By : BLACK,KATHLEEN Date Released : APR 06, 2012 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included