============================================================================= Run Date: JUN 12, 2008 Designation: MD*1*6 Package : MD - CLINICAL PROCEDURES Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #9 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUL 13, 2008 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)MD*1*4 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MD*1*6' Subject: HEMODIALYSIS Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Other Description: ============ This is a support patch for the Hemodialysis Application. It contains the necessary software routines, data dictionaries, and remote procedure calls for Clinical Procedures (CP) Version 1.0 so the Hemodialysis application can interface and use CP to integrate with the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS). ASSOCIATED NOIS/REMEDY TICKET ============================= NONE ASSOCIATED E3R ============== NONE 508 Compliance ============== The Clinical Procedures Hemodialysis Software is exempt from coverage under the Section 508 standards. The definition of "electronic and information technology" in the Section 508 standards specifically excludes "medical equipment where information technology is integral to its operation." 36 C.F.R. Section 1194.4. VHA's use of the Clinical Procedures Hemodialysis Software also does not violate Section 508 because it will not affect access to the data or information provided by that software. 29 U.S.C. Section 794d(a). The data or information collected by the software is immediately made available through the CPRS system, which is accessible to people with disabilities. FILES ADDED =========== 702.001 CP_TRANSACTION_TIU_HISTORY 704.201 HEMODIALYSIS ACCESS POINTS 704.202 HEMODIALYSIS STUDY 704.209 HEMODIALYSIS SETTINGS DATA DICTIONARY CHANGE ====================== 1) A new field will be added called PROCESSING APPLICATION field (#.06) in the CP DEFINITION file (#702.01). 702.01,.06 PROCESSING APPLICATION 0;6 SET Processing Application '1' FOR DEFAULT; '2' FOR HEMODIALYSIS; LAST EDITED: JUL 19, 2005 DESCRIPTION: This field is used to indicate if this is a Hemodialysis procedure or not. The field is a set of codes, 1=DEFAULT so it will be processed by Clinical Procedures or 2=HEMODIALYSIS and the procedure will be processed by the Hemodialysis application. 2) The VISIT field has been added in the CP Transaction file (#702) to support the billing section of the Hemodialysis software. 702,.13 VISIT 1;1 POINTER TO VISIT FILE (#9000010) Visit LAST EDITED: JUN 30, 2004 HELP-PROMPT: Enter a Visit number. DESCRIPTION: This is the Visit number returned from PCE. It is the pointer to the Visit file (#9000010). (Reference IA# 1902) UNEDITABLE CROSS-REFERENCE: 702^AVISIT 1)= S ^MDD(702,"AVISIT",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^MDD(702,"AVISIT",$E(X,1,30),DA) 3)= Do Not Delete. This cross reference is used to make sure that a Visit file entry is not deleted as long as there is an entry. CROSS-REFERENCE: 702^AUPNV^MUMPS 1)= D ADD^AUPNVSIT 2)= D SUB^AUPNVSIT 3)= Do Not Delete. This cross reference tells Visit Tracking how many file entries are using (point to) a Visit file entry. 3) The STUDY REFERENCE NUMBER field (#.05) in the CP RESULT REPORT file (#703.1) was changed from FREE TEXT to POINTER to the CP TRANSACTION file (#702). A new cross reference "ASTUDYID" was added. 703.1,.05 STUDY REFERENCE NUMBER 0;5 POINTER TO CP TRANSACTION FILE (#702) LAST EDITED: AUG 23, 2006 DESCRIPTION: This field serves as a reference to the transaction. CROSS-REFERENCE: 703.1^ASTUDYID 1)= S ^MDD(703.1,"ASTUDYID",$E(X,1,30),DA)="" 2)= K ^MDD(703.1,"ASTUDYID",$E(X,1,30),DA) This cross reference provide a quick look up by the study reference ID. 4) Entries exported with CP Instrument file (#702.09): Device name ------------- BRAUN BRAUN (Bi-Directional) Gambro Exalis Gambro Exalis (Bi-Directional) Fresenius Fresenius (Bi-directional) NEW OPTIONS: MD HEMODIALYSIS USER (Note: The option needs to be assigned to the users who will be using the Hemodialysis application. If you do not have this option, you will not be able to launch the Hemodialysis application.) MD STUDIES LIST REMOTE PROCEDURES: ================== MD TMDCIDC MD TMDENCOUNTER MD TMDLEX MD TMDNOTE MD TMDSUBMITU MD TMDWIDGET MDK GET/SET RENAL DATA MDK GET VISTA DATA MDK UTILITY PARAMETER DEFINITION: ===================== MD APPOINT START DATE MD APPOINT END DATE MD COMPL PROC DISPLAY DAYS MD DAYS TO RETAIN COM STUDY MDK APPLICATION INSTALL MDK GUI VERSION The users can edit the parameters using the Edit Parameter Values option, [XPAR EDIT PARAMETER]. The following are screen captures of the parameter usage: ================= BEGIN EXAMPLE ================= D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 Select OPTION NAME: XPAR EDIT PARAMETER Edit Parameter Values Edit Parameter Values --- Edit Parameter Values --- Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: MD APPOINT START DATE Start Date for Encounter Appointments --- Setting MD APPOINT START DATE for System: DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV --- Days: ? Enter a number from 0 to 365. Days: ?? Enter a number from 0 to 365 for the number of days that will be used to subtract from today as the start date range of the Encounter Appointments. If no value is entered, the default value used will be 200. Days: 365 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: MD APPOINT END DATE End Date for Encounter Appointments ---- Setting MD APPOINT END DATE for System: DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV ---- Days: ? Enter a number from 0 to 365. Days: ?? Enter a number from 0 to 365 for the number of days that will be used to add to today as the end date range of the Encounter Appointments. If no value is entered, the default value used will be 0. Days: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: MD COMPL PROC DISPLAY DAYS Completed Proc Display Days Setting MD COMPL PROC DISPLAY DAYS for System: DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV Days: ? Enter the number of days from 1 to 365. Days: ?? The number of days the completed procedure requests will be displayed in the CP Check-in screen. Days: 365 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: MD DAYS TO RETAIN COM STUDY Days to Retain Completed Study Setting MD DAYS TO RETAIN COM STUDY for System: DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV Days: ? Enter the number of days from 1 to 365. Days: ?? The number of days after check-in date/time to display the study that has been completed in the CPUser application. Studies that have procedures with multiple or cumulative results are NOT included. Cumulative and multiple results studies will have a default value of 365. Days: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: MDK APPLICATION INSTALL MDK Application I nstall -- Setting MDK APPLICATION INSTALL for System: DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV -- Select Installation Distribution Info: ?? This parameter is used to store the Hemodialysis application distribution information. The information includes the following: 1) Date/Time when application first launched. 2) User Name 3) System Option Loaded (Y/N) 4) Workstation of where the application was launched. Select Installation Distribution Info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: MDK GUI VERSION Hemodialysis Version Comp atibility ------ Setting MDK GUI VERSION for System: DEV.DEV.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV ------ Select Application:Version: ?? This parameter is used to store the application:versions that are compatible with the current server version of Hemodialysis. Instance format of APPLICATION:VERSION (example: HEMODIALYSIS.EXE: Select Application:Version: Select PARAMETER DEFINITION NAME: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== END EXAMPLE =============== SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL: ==================================== The software is in the MD1_0P6.zip file. The following files are in the zip file: MD1_0P6.KID (KIDS build for patch 6) CPManager.exe (CPManager executable) CPGateway.exe (CPGateway executable) Hemodialysis.exe (CPHemodialysis executable) Software and the supporting documentation can be retrieved in the following steps: The following files can be retrieved in BINARY format by File Transfer Protocol (FTP): MD1_0P6.zip (MD1_0P6.kid, CPManager.exe, CPGateway.exe, Hemodialysis.exe) MD_1_P6_IMPG.PDF (Implementation Guide - change pages) CLINPROC1_IMPG.PDF (Implementation Guide - whole manual) MD_1_P6_IG.PDF (Installation Guide) MD_1_P6_UM.PDF (User Manual) CLINPROC1_TM.PDF (Technical Manual- whole manual) CPMANAGER.cnt (CPMANAGER help file) CPMANAGER.hlp (CPMANAGER help file) There is no separate file created for the change pages in the Technical Manual. Please use the whole manual CLINPROC1_TM.PDF. The preferred method is to FTP the files from download.vista.med.va.gov which will transmit the files from the first available FTP server. The files may also be downloaded directly from a particular FTP location at the following locations. Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov Files are available in the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory. TEST SITES: ========== Hampton (Medium) Loma Linda (Large) Pittsburgh (Large Integrated) Richmond (Large) Tampa (Large) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================= Mumps Installation: ------------------ Users may remain on the system but this patch should be installed at non-peak hours due to the high volume use of the routines included. Installation should take less than 3 minutes. 1. Use the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE option on the PackMan menu. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation menu. 3. Select Load a Distribution and enter the directory of the host file and the host file name,SYS$USER:[XXX]MD1_0P6.KID, at the "Enter a Host File:" prompt. 4. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter MD*1.0*6): a. Backup a Transport Global b. Compare Transport Global to Current System c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global 5. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the patch MD*1.0*6. 6. When prompted "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//", take the default. 7. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//", take the default. 8. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//", take the default. 9. When prompted 'DEVICE: HOME //', respond with or a device. GUI Installation: ---------------- Client GUI applications (CP Manager.exe and CP Gateway) should replace the existing application files of the current system. You MUST shutdown the CP Gateway by selecting the Shutdown Gateway from the "File" pull down menu during non-peak hours. Replace the CPGateway.exe. The default location of the CP applications is in the following pathway: C:\Program Files\VistA\Clinical Procedures\ By replacing the existing application (.exe) files on your system, the shortcuts on your desktop along with their command line switches will remain set correctly. If you accidentally delete your CP shortcuts, you must reset the command line switches to be as they were when CP was first installed. Refer to the CP Implementation Guide, Appendix A - CP Application Startup Options and Command Line Switches for information on resetting the command line switches on your shortcuts. The help files CPMANAGER.hlp and CPMANAGER.cnt should replace the existing CP Manager help files. The default location of the help files is in the following pathway: C:\Program Files\VistA\Clinical Procedures\Help If the CP application was placed elsewhere, the pathway to the application and help files will be within that location. POST-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION: ============================= RE-START the CP Gateway and install CPHemodialysis.exe after the KIDS installation. Routine Information: ==================== The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: MDAPI Before: B39106259 After: B63383064 **6** Routine Name: MDHL7A Before: B40079774 After: B47556007 **6** Routine Name: MDHL7D Before: n/a After: B590368 **6** Routine Name: MDHL7MCA Before: B13615202 After: B13657775 **6** Routine Name: MDHL7U3 Before: B550271 After: B59275593 **6** Routine Name: MDHL7X Before: B3333344 After: B3369221 **6** Routine Name: MDKRPC1 Before: n/a After: B71764954 **6** Routine Name: MDKRPC2 Before: n/a After: B73066686 **6** Routine Name: MDKUTLR Before: n/a After: B5318285 **6** Routine Name: MDPCE1 Before: n/a After: B5009420 **6** Routine Name: MDPCE2 Before: n/a After: B23364191 **6** Routine Name: MDPOST06 Before: n/a After: B2550231 **6** Routine Name: MDPOST6A Before: n/a After: B4565720 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCNT Before: n/a After: B6941804 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCNT1 Before: n/a After: B40746099 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCOG Before: B21809669 After: B23343248 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCOP Before: B77003719 After: B73541480 **4,6** Routine Name: MDRPCOP1 Before: n/a After: B7884851 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCOT Before: B62244057 After: B75811389 **5,6** Routine Name: MDRPCOT2 Before: n/a After: B41546824 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCOW Before: n/a After: B27925312 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCW Before: n/a After: B62805042 **6** Routine Name: MDRPCW1 Before: n/a After: B47358389 **6** Routine Name: MDSTUDL Before: n/a After: B24274878 **6** Routine Name: MDUXML Before: n/a After: B2156762 **6** Routine Name: MDUXMLM Before: n/a After: B10255428 **6** Routine Name: MDUXMLOX Before: n/a After: B2576985 **6** Routine Name: MDUXMLU1 Before: n/a After: B11032081 **6** Routine Name: MDXMLFM Before: n/a After: B58557768 **6** Routine Name: MDXMLFM1 Before: n/a After: B54613432 **6** Routine list of preceding patches: 4, 5 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : ACKERMAN,WILLIAM Date Entered : APR 22, 2004 Completed By: REZNIK,CHARMAINE Date Completed: JUN 04, 2008 Released By : HOLZMANN,ROBERT Date Released : JUN 12, 2008 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included