$TXT Created by MONGER,GARY at CHEY44.FO-BAYPINES.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Monday, 04/21/08 at 10:00 ============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 03, 2008 Designation: MHV*1*2 Package : MHV - MYHEALTHEVET Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #2 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 03, 2008 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)HL*1.6*126 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MHV*1*2' (v)MHV*1*1 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MHV*1*2' Subject: MHV PHR INFRASTRUCTURE Category: - Routine - Other - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Data Dictionary Description: ============ MHV*1*2 PHR Infrastructure Summary ------- MHV*1*2 delivers infrastructure changes in support of upcoming Personal Health Record (PHR) HL7 interfaces. It also consolidates features common to message receivers and builders, and encapsulates interaction with the HL7 v1.6 package to ease transition to HLO based interfaces should that become necessary. Most routines were modified to take advantage of the logging features released with MHV*1*1. Detailed Description -------------------- MHV*1*2 releases a number of infrastructure changes to improve interface development and support. Processing common to many interfaces such as validating patient identifiers, and common segment builders has been consolidated into centralized functions. Use of HL7 package APIs and variables has been moved from individual interfaces and encapsulated in centralized functions. If a move from HL7 v1.6 to the new HLO engine becomes necessary, the impact will be minimized. All interfaces and extractors have been updated to use the logging utility introduced with MHV*1*1. The message transmitter now provides support for extractors that need to use a local array to hold extracted data. The MHV Rx refill interfaces introduced with MHV 1.0 use original mode acknowledgements, a synchronous call into VistA, and do not require a logical link to respond to the MHV system. The MHV HL7 interface framework also supports enhanced mode acknowledgments, an asynchronous call into VistA. The PHR HL7 interfaces will use enhanced mode acknowledgements, and require a logical link to define the connection to the MHV system. The new link is MHVVA and is distributed with this patch. This link references a new domain, MHV.MED.VA.GOV, but does not require this domain to be entered in the DOMAIN file (#4.2). Event driver and subscriber protocols for the RTB^K13 query response message and the ORP^O10 order response message are being released to support a future change in Rx refill messaging from original mode acknowledgements to enhanced mode acknowledgements. MHV*1*2 updates the MHV REQUEST TYPE file (#2275.3) with entries to support the new PHR interfaces. These entries are disabled by having the BLOCKED field (#.03) set to YES. A new field, ROUTINE BUILDER field (#.06), holds the name of the query specific builder routine used by RTB^K13 types. A new field DESCRIPTION field (#2) provides a brief description of the interface supported by that request type. The MHV RESPONSE MAP file (#2275.4) is new with this release. It is used to map inbound messages to the protocol and routine used to create the response message, and the segment used to break messages on a whole record boundary. PHR HL7 interfaces have the potential to carry very large messages. MHV*1*2 introduces the ability to break those messages into multiple smaller messages for a "bolus" style response. MHV*1*2 fixes a bug where the TX field formatter did not correctly calculate the size of the data put in the field, and thus could not enforce field size constraints. This issue was not encountered in production because existing interfaces do not require such constraints. The TX field formatter was rewritten to use an improved algorithm and fix this bug. MHV*1*2 also fixes a bug where an incorrect ACK code and segment descriptor could be returned on negative acknowledgments triggered by the request manager. This issue was not encountered in production because the conditions required to trigger it have not occurred. These are improper interface configuration, and catastrophic data integrity errors. The pre-init routine PRE^MHV1P2 turns on MHV Application Logging. It will log information about MHV HL7 messages received during the patch install. This is only a precaution as the MHV application is tolerant of messaging failures that might be caused by loading the patch. If a message was received during the patch installation, you will be notified and asked to check the error trap for errors in the MHV namespace. If any are found, you should log a remedy ticket. The post init routine POST^MHV1P2 will update the MHVVA logical link and turn off MHV Application Logging. For test systems, it will remove data from the DNS DOMAIN (#.08), TCP/IP ADDRESS (#400.01), and TCP/IP PORT (#400.02) fields and set AUTOSTART (#4.5) to Disabled. For production systems, it will ensure the correct values are in the DNS DOMAIN (#.08), TCP/IP ADDRESS (#400.01), and TCP/IP PORT (#400.02) fields and set AUTOSTART (#4.5) to Enabled. New Service Request (NSR): -------------------------- There is no NSR associated with this patch. Remedy Ticket(s): ----------------- There are no Remedy tickets associated with this patch. Components Sent With Patch -------------------------- File: MHV REQUEST TYPE (#2275.3) Update DD: YES Send Security Code: YES Date Comes With File: YES Site Data: REPLACE Resolve Pointers: NO MHV RESPONSE MAP (#2275.4) - New file Update DD: YES Send Security Code: YES Date Comes With File: YES Site Data: REPLACE Resolve Pointers: NO Field: BUILDER ROUTINE (#.06) File: MHV REQUEST TYPE (#2275.3) DESCRIPTION (#2) File: MHV REQUEST TYPE (#2275.3) NAME (#.01) File: MHV RESPONSE MAP (#2275.4) RESPONSE PROTOCOL (#.02) File: MHV RESPONSE MAP (#2275.4) BUILDER ROUTINE (#.03) File: MHV RESPONSE MAP (#2275.4) BOUNDARY SEGMENT (#.04) File: MHV RESPONSE MAP (#2275.4) Routine: MHV1P2 MHV7B0 MHV7B1 MHV7B1B MHV7B2 MHV7BU MHV7BUS MHV7R1 MHV7R2 MHV7RU MHV7RUS MHV7T MHV7TB MHV7U MHVRQI MHVU1 MHVU2 MHVUL2 MHVXRX MHVXRXR Protocol: MHV ORP-O10 Event Driver MHV ORP-O10 Subscriber MHV RTB-K13 Event Driver MHV RTB-K13 Subscriber HL Logical Link: MHVVA Documentation Retrieval: ------------------------ The software for this patch is distributed as KIDS build MHV*1.0*2. The My HealtheVet Technical Manual is available through the VistA Documentation Library (VDL) at the following address: http://www.va.gov/vdl/HealtheVet.asp?appID=153 Test Sites: ----------- Detroit Long Beach Washington Boston Richmond ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= The patch is distributed in KIDS format in a PackMan message. This patch requires MHV*1*1 Install time - less than 5 minutes. This patch can be installed with users on the system, and should be installed during off-peak hours. No options need to be disabled to install this patch. Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ The pre-init routine PRE^MHV1P2 turns on MHV Application Logging. It will log information about MHV HL7 messages received during the patch install. This is only a precaution as the MHV application is tolerant of messaging failures that might be caused by loading the patch. If a message was received during the patch installation, you will be notified and asked to check the error trap for errors in the MHV namespace. If any are found, you should log a remedy ticket. The post init routine POST^MHV1P2 will update the MHVVA logical link and turn off MHV Application Logging. For test systems, it will remove data from the DNS DOMAIN (#.08), TCP/IP ADDRESS (#400.01), and TCP/IP PORT (#400.02) fields and set AUTOSTART (#4.5) to Disabled. For production systems, it will ensure the correct values are in the DNS DOMAIN (#.08), TCP/IP ADDRESS (#400.01), and TCP/IP PORT (#400.02) fields and set AUTOSTART (#4.5) to Enabled. 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 3. Select Installation Option: --------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter MHV*1.0*2): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ---------------------------------------------- **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES//' answer NO c. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//' answer NO Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;1.0;My HealtheVet;**[Patch List]**;Aug 23, 2005;Build 22 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: MHV1P2 Before: n/a After: B18970965 **2** Routine Name: MHV7B0 Before: B2839283 After: B3641283 **2** Routine Name: MHV7B1 Before: B10417792 After: B4225319 **2** Routine Name: MHV7B1B Before: B16923322 After: B18220688 **2** Routine Name: MHV7B2 Before: B19305881 After: B7716178 **2** Routine Name: MHV7BU Before: n/a After: B16434586 **2** Routine Name: MHV7BUS Before: n/a After: B8246464 **2** Routine Name: MHV7R1 Before: B39557430 After: B30948091 **1,2** Routine Name: MHV7R2 Before: B43834803 After: B21628890 **1,2** Routine Name: MHV7RU Before: n/a After: B15519323 **2** Routine Name: MHV7RUS Before: n/a After: B5954572 **2** Routine Name: MHV7T Before: B13277198 After: B16119739 **2** Routine Name: MHV7TB Before: n/a After: B12991075 **2** Routine Name: MHV7U Before: B80060951 After: B66469484 **1,2** Routine Name: MHVRQI Before: B5569720 After: B8242102 **2** Routine Name: MHVU1 Before: B3571161 After: B3928615 **2** Routine Name: MHVU2 Before: n/a After: B17646805 **2** Routine Name: MHVUL2 Before: B24353171 After: B25052300 **1,2** Routine Name: MHVXRX Before: B12216271 After: B12040228 **2** Routine Name: MHVXRXR Before: B1479238 After: B1622789 **2** Routine list of preceding patches: 1 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : MONGER,GARY Date Entered : OCT 20, 2006 Completed By: FERGUSON,DAVID Date Completed: JUN 27, 2008 Released By : BLACK,KATHLEEN Date Released : JUL 03, 2008 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT