$TXT Created by DEVCRN.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Thursday, 06/11/20 at 11:46 ============================================================================= Run Date: OCT 21, 2020 Designation: MPIF*1*75 Package : MPIF - MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA Priority: Mandatory Version : 1 SEQ #71 Status: Released Compliance Date: NOV 21, 2020 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)MPIF*1*44 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MPIF*1*75' (v)MPIF*1*54 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MPIF*1*75' (v)MPIF*1*59 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MPIF*1*75' (v)MPIF*1*68 <<= must be installed BEFORE `MPIF*1*75' Subject: MASTER VETERAN INDEX VISTA ENHANCEMENT - HAC SUPPORT Category: - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Routine Description: ============ NOTE: Master Patient Index (MPI) 'HAC (Health Administration Center) SUPPORT' enhancements are being distributed in three VistA namespaces: DG, MPIF and RG. Patches DG*5.3*1013, MPIF*1.0*75 and RG*1.0*74 can be installed in any order as there are NO dependencies between these patches. (Do NOT install MPIF*1.0*75 or RG*1.0*74 on legacy sites or on the FORUM CLAIMS system) NOTE: Legacy sites and the FORUM CLAIMS system can install just the DG*5.3*1013 patch. The MPIF*1.0*75 and RG*1.0*74 patches should NOT be installed on legacy sites or on the FORUM CLAIMS system. MPIF*1.0*44, MPIF*1.0*54, MPIF*1.0*59 and MPIF*1.0*68 are the required builds for patch MPIF*1.0*75. The following enhancement exported in this patch is needed to support the continued integration of the HAC system with the Veteran Affairs (VA) Master Veteran Index (MVI), by migrating its Class III code to Class I. Enhancement An issue was identified that determined that HAC records were not getting appropriately updated on the MVI, that resulted in critical functionality errors for the Compensation, Pension and Examination (CP&E) and the 'Meds by Mail' applications. After much research analyzing these integration issues between the HAC and MVI it was finally determined that required local software modifications on the HAC system were being overwritten (but Not subsequently restored) upon the release of national patches in the REGISTRATION (DG), MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA (MPIF), and the CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK (RG) package domains. Therefore, it was decided that MVI should integrate these previously documented local HAC software code modifications (Class III) into the national code set (Class I) of the DG, MPIF and RG package namespaces, combining it with additional conditional logic so that these changes will ONLY be executed for Station Number 741 associated with the HAC to prevent this problem from occurring again in the future. Patch Components ================ Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------------- -------------------- N/A Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------------- -------------------- N/A Additional Information: New Service Requests (NSRs) ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs) ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview ------------------------------------------- INC10468133 - Incorrect 741 Health Administrative Center (HAC) Correlation on Record Problem: -------- Local software code modifications to the national code set were provided to the HAC system to successfully integrate with VA MPI, but have been inadvertently over-written by nationally released patches in the REGISTRATION (DG), MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA (MPIF), and the CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK (RG) package domains which is causing several integration issues, resulting in critical functionality errors for the Compensation, Pension and Examination (CP&E) and the 'Meds by Mail' applications. Resolution: ----------- It has been determined that MVI will integrate the previously documented local code modifications for the HAC into the national code set to avoid having the nationally released patch updates from overwriting these changes going forward. In addition, MVI will make a minor enhancement to these local modifications to ensure that they are only executed at Station 741, which is associated with the HAC. Test Sites: ---------- C.W. Bill Young VAMC (Bay Pines, FL) Health Administration Center (Denver, CO) Northern Indiana HCS (Marion, IN) Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released in a PackMan message. Documentation describing the new functionality is not included in this release. Documentation Title File Name ------------------------------------------------------------------ N/A Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ There are no Pre/Post installation routine processes. Pre-Installation Instructions ----------------------------- This patch takes less than a minute to install. This patch may be installed with users on the system, but it is recommended that installation occur during off hours. The following OPTIONs should be disabled during installation: Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Electronic 10-10EZ Processing [EAS EZ 1010EZ PROCESSING] UPDATE BATCH JOB FOR HL7 v2.3 [VAFC BATCH UPDATE] MPI/PD Patient Admin Coordinator Menu [RG ADMIN COORD MENU] Local/Missing ICN Resolution Background Job [MPIF LOC/MIS ICN RES] The HL7 incoming filers should be stopped. Use the Monitor, Start, Stop Filers [HL FILER MONITOR] option on the Filer and Link Management Options [HL MENU FILER LINK MGT] menu on the HL7 Main Menu [HL MAIN MENU]. Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this build. Then select the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option to load the build. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch or build name. (ex. MPIF*1.0*75) B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DDs or templates. C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer NO. ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer NO. iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer YES. a. When prompted 'Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', select the following option: Option Name Menu Text ----------- --------- [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] Load/Edit Patient Data [DG REGISTER PATIENT] Register a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] Preregister a Patient [EAS EZ 1010EZ PROCESSING] Electronic 10-10EZ Processing [VAFC BATCH UPDATE] UPDATE BATCH JOB FOR HL7 v2.3 [RG ADMIN COORD MENU] MPI/PD Patient Admin Coordinator Menu [MPIF LOC/MIS ICN RES] Local/Missing ICN Resolution Background Job Press the Enter key when you are done selecting options. b. When prompted 'Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':', press the Enter key. c. When prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//', answer 0. Post-Installation Instructions ------------------------------ After patch installation has completed, restart the HL7 incoming filers. Use the Monitor, Start, Stop Filers [HL FILER MONITOR] option on the Filer and Link Management Options [HL MENU FILER LINK MGT] menu on the HL7 Main Menu [HL MAIN MENU]. Back-Out Plan ------------- The MPIF patch backout procedure would consist of restoring the original routines using the back-up message created during the patch installation. If assistance is still required to back-out the patch please contact the National Service Desk (NSD) to log a help desk ticket so the development team can assist in the process. Note: This process should only be done with the concurrence and participation of the development team and the appropriate VA Site/Region personnel. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;1.0;MASTER PATIENT INDEX VISTA;**[Patch List]**;30 Apr 99;Build 1 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: MPIFA24 Before: B23156573 After: B23708641 **22,24,27,31,25,41,39,48,52,59,75** Routine Name: MPIFA24B Before: B11791107 After: B12158570 **22,28,31,25,43,44,51,61,68,75** Routine Name: MPIFA28 Before: B5089239 After: B5389922 **22,31,25,35,44,75** Routine Name: MPIFA31B Before: B29876482 After: B30346382 **22,24,27,28,31,25,44,46,54, 59,60,64,68,75** Routine Name: MPIFA43 Before: B27559789 After: B29158903 **22,41,46,54,75** Routine list of preceding patches: 68 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUN 11, 2020 Completed By: Date Completed: OCT 21, 2020 Released By : Date Released : OCT 21, 2020 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT