Subj: Entered in error patch for ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING [#2410082] 7 Jan 2011 08:44:36 -0500 (EST) 16 lines From: In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A patch has been entered in error for 'ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING'. The patch is 'OR*3*290' and the subject is 'AUDIOCARE RENEWAL'. Use the 'Display Patch' option for more details. Entered in Error Description: The status of OR*3*290 has been changed to "Entered in Error". If you have installed OR*3*290, there is no action required as a result of the patch being updated to "Entered in Error". You do not need to back out the patch. You do not need to stop using the features. A replacment patch OR*3*336 will be nationally released today (January 7, 2011). It will have a standard 30 day compliance for installation. All sites will be expected to install OR*3*336 wihtin the compliance peroid. Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore//