$TXT Created by RUSSELL,JOEL E at CPRS27.FO-SLC.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Tuesday, 08/03/10 at 13:47 ============================================================================= Run Date: OCT 18, 2010 Designation: OR*3*330 Package : OR - ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #282 Status: Released Compliance Date: NOV 18, 2010 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)OR*3*307 <<= must be installed BEFORE `OR*3*330' Subject: FIX REVIEW/SIGN ORDERS PROBLEM INTRODUCED BY OR*3.0*307 Category: - Routine Description: ============ Note: This patch can only be installed at sites running CPRS. This patch is being issued primarily in response to Patient Safety Alert AL10-09 "Anticoagulation Management Software Allows Release of Unsigned Orders." This patch resolves the following problems: 1. After installing Veteran's Health Information Systems and Technology (VistA) Anticoagulation Management software (referenced as OR*3*307), a problem occurs within the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) in which unsigned orders may be inadvertently released by a nurse, based on the setting of the 'OR UNSIGNED ORDERS ON EXIT' parameter for that user. Prior to exiting the patient's CPRS chart, the system displays the patient's verbal/telephone/policy unsigned, unreleased orders and unsigned, unreleased orders entered by other users such as medical students. The nurse is then unable to uncheck any of the orders and, upon entry of their electronic signature code, releases all of the orders including those orders not intended for release. Orders entered by a medical student and released by a nurse, prior to approval by a physician, may result in the patient receiving care not intended to be given by the physician. This patch will assure that ORELSE key holders are only shown their own unsigned orders on the Review/Sign Changes dialog, regardless of the OR UNSIGNED ON EXIT parameter setting. 2. Additionally, when the nurse (i.e., ORELSE key holder) exits the patient's CPRS chart, the system again displays all unsigned orders and the nurse is unable to exit the patient's CPRS chart, unless either 'Hold Until Signed' is selected or a forced reboot of CPRS is initiated by the CTRL-ALT-DEL keyboard sequence. When the nurse re-enters the patient's CPRS chart, the orders have been released, but the nurse may not realize the orders have been released. The nurse may enter a duplicate verbal/telephone/policy order, which may result in an adverse event (e.g., duplicate x-ray). This latter problem is particularly troublesome in locations where nurses are routinely required to release verbal orders to their respective services. 3. During development of this patch, it was discovered that ORELSE key holders would only be presented with the Review/Sign Changes dialog for their own INR and CBC orders placed through the Anticoagulation Management Tool if they held the PROVIDER key in addition to ORELSE, or if the OR UNSIGNED ORDERS ON EXIT parameter was set to ALL UNSIGNED ORDERS. The intended functionality is for the ORELSE key holder to be allowed the opportunity to release (as verbal/telephone/policy), mark signed on chart, or hold until signed any INR or CBC orders which they had placed using the Anticoagulation Management Tool, upon returning to CPRS and either refreshing patient data, selecting a new patient, or exiting the chart. 4. As noted in Remedy Ticket 394447, notifications for unsigned INR &/or CBC orders placed using the Anticoagulation Management Tool were not being sent, if the user held the ORES key. This has also been corrected. PATIENT SAFETY REFERENCE ======================== 1694, 1701, 1706, 1720 RELATED CQ'S ============ None RELATED Remedy Tickets ====================== 393077 394637 item #2 only 393541 394911 394374 397297 394447 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== This patch should be loaded during non-peak hours to minimize disruption to users. Installation will take less than 1 minute. Users may remain on the system. 1. Use the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE option on the PackMan menu. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation menu. 3. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter OR*3.0*330): a. Backup a Transport Global b. Compare Transport Global to Current System c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global 4. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//' respond NO. 5. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', respond NO. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**[Patch List]**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 2 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: ORAM Before: B73547514 After: B75504293 **307,330** Routine Name: ORWOR Before: B36027702 After: B39244307 **10,85,132,141,163,187,190, 215,243,307,330** Routine list of preceding patches: 307 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : RUSSELL,JOEL Date Entered : APR 15, 2010 Completed By: SERVICE,JOHN Date Completed: SEP 14, 2010 Released By : STOKER,ELAINE Date Released : OCT 18, 2010 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT