============================================================================= Run Date: MAR 14, 2023 Designation: OR*3*598 Package : OR - ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING Priority: EMERGENCY Version : 3 SEQ #504 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 29, 2023 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)OR*3*405 <<= must be installed BEFORE `OR*3*598' Subject: CPRS v32.221.1 EMERGENCY GUI Category: - Other - Routine Description: ============ This patch is part of the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) updates. Below is a list of the application(s) involved in this project along with their patch numbers: APPLICATION/VERSION PATCH --------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING v3.0 OR*3.0*598 During the wave deployment of CPRS GUI v32b (OR*3.0*405), several issues were identified important enough to warrant an emergency release of CPRS. This release will address these issues which are described in the Defect section below. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A New File Entries Associated: File Name (Number) Field (Number) Value ------------------ --------------- ----- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- OR CPRS GUI CHART Broker Modified Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Definition Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------------- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Remote Procedure Calls Associated: Remote Procedure Call Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Additional Information: N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- 1. Decision Dialogs Appearing Off Screen Problem: -------- Many users have multiple monitors where the monitors are oriented vertically, and the primary monitor is below the secondary. These users have reported CPRS GUI "freezing" when taking various actions that require an OK or Cancel input, such as opening a sensitive or deceased patient's chart, or deleting a progress note. CPRS appears to freeze due to the information window being displayed outside of a monitor's viewable area. Solution: --------- This issue has been corrected such that these types of windows will display on the same monitor from which CPRS GUI was launched. 2. INC24977902 After CPRS V32B update Provider experiencing encounter looping INC25000539, INC24971654, INC25207705, INC25206593 (duplicate) Problem: -------- Many changes were made in CPRS GUI v32b and how it interacts with the Patient Care Encounter (PCE) package. Encounter data is now reloaded in real time upon note signature. One of the many parameters that influence behavior of CPRS and PCE interactions is ORWPCE ASK ENCOUNTER UPDATE. When working in a setting where that parameter is set to ALWAYS, many users have found that, upon updating encounter data after signing a note, they become stuck in an apparent loop of repeatedly being prompted with "Do you want to update the encounter?" Yes/No. Solution: --------- In this scenario, and when ORWPCE ASK ENCOUNTER UPDATE is set to ALWAYS, CPRS GUI has been corrected to only prompt for the encounter update once. 3. INC25183966 - CPRS issues - unable to save chart notes: document linking error: specified visit does not have a service category of daily hospitalization Problem: -------- Upon finishing a reminder dialog for an inpatient at an ancillary service clinic location, users receive an error: "The specified visit does not have a service category of daily hospitalization." Solution: --------- CPRS GUI and VistA OE/RR were updated to not attempt creating a secondary visit entry for the note in the TIU DOCUMENT file (#8925) when the location is an ancillary service for current inpatient. 4. Duration Cannot Exceed 90 Days for One Line Complex Med Orders Problem: -------- When entering one line complex medication orders via CPRS GUI, the duration is erroneously limited to 90 days. Quick orders are not affected by this 90 day limit on the duration. Solution: --------- In CPRS GUI, the 90 day limit on duration has been removed when entering one line complex medication orders. 5. INC25146294 - CPRS 32b Jaws Not Properly Reading Some Templates INC25115463 (duplicate) Problem: -------- When editing a progress note, and activating a template with checkboxes and other fields, the JAWS screen reader is not always reading the template text correctly. Specifically: Text associated with a checkbox isn't being read. JAWS says only "Checkbox". Text from checkboxes is being combined with following text blocks. Text blocks aren't being read. The various controls (checkboxes, radio buttons, text boxes, etc.) on a template are created dynamically when the template is created. As such, these controls do not have a name assigned to them. Solution: --------- The various controls (checkboxes, radio buttons, text boxes, etc.) on a template are created dynamically when the template is created. As such, these controls do not have a name assigned to them. CPRS GUI was updated to better handle these controls so that contents are readable by JAWS. 6. CPRS Tabs Disappear and All Tabs Become Disabled. Problem: -------- Some users have reported issues where the tabs of CPRS will disappear and/or become disabled. With some new docking stations, Windows is recreating the window handles in CPRS on an intermittent basis. When this happens, the tabs can disappear and/or become disabled. Solution: --------- CPRS GUI code for handling and redrawing windows was modified to prevent the tabs from disappearing and/or becoming disabled. 7. INC22875017 - CPRS application custom content being purged when the screen size/resolution changes from monitor to laptop screen. Problem: ------- When a note is displayed on the Notes tab of CPRS, and the laptop running CPRS is undocked from its docking station, then redocked to another docking station, the note display "freezes". Clicking on other notes in the list doesn't display the selected note. This also happens when the user changes the Windows Display Settings for the monitor CPRS is running on when a note is selected. This happens because custom data stored in the treeview list of notes is lost when the undocking/redocking or the updated display settings cause Delphi to "recreate" the treeview. Resolution: ---------- The custom treeview information is saved prior to the Delphi recreate, and restored after. 8. Issue with reason for discontinue Problem: ------- When trying to discontinue both signed and unsigned delayed orders at the same time, if an unsigned order is last in the list, users are not allowed to select a reason for discontinue. Upon pressing the OK button, CPRS will display an error that a reason for discontinue has not been selected. Resolution: ---------- The discontinue logic in CPRS GUI has been updated to account for this scenario. Users will be able to see and choose a reason from the Reason for Discontinue section of the Discontinue/Cancel Orders screen. 9. VBECS type and screen orders not allowing future lab collects Problem: ------- On the VBECS order dialog, when entering non-delayed, type and screen orders where the Collection Type is Lab Collect, valid future date values are not being accepted. Example error message text states: T+3@10:00 is not a routine lab collection time (TYPE_SCREEN) Resolution: ---------- VBECS order dialog logic was corrected to allow valid future date/times when entering non-delayed, Lab Collect orders. 10. INC25246350 Administration history removed from Orders Tab Problem: ------- On the Orders Tab of CPRS GUI, the administration history for clinic medications and clinic infusions was inadvertently removed in CPRS v32b. The history is still viewable on the Meds Tab. Resolution: ---------- The administration history for clinic medications and clinic infusions has been restored to the Orders Tab. 11. Treeview of Notes not fully accessible using JAWS in CPRS GUI Problem: ------- When navigating a treeview of items, such as notes on the Notes tab,JAWS will read the selected/highlighted note as "2 of 64". This is not descriptive enough to allow JAWS users to quickly and accurately navigate the application and make efficient/correct choices. Resolution: ---------- When navigating treeviews or lists, CPRS GUI has been updated to make the text of the selected item available to JAWS. In the example of a treeview note entry, JAWS will now read the date, title, and author. Test Sites: ----------- Providence, RI Northport, NY Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released using a host file. This emergency release of CPRS is NOT following a wave deployment. The host file is available at the following location: /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE/OR_30_598.KID Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Other Software Files: This release also includes other software files. Other software files can be obtained by accessing the URL: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE File Name Contents Retrieval Format --------- -------- ---------------- OR_30_598.ZIP CPRSChart.exe BINARY RoboEx32.dll borlndmm.dll CPRSChart.map CRC.TXT YS_MHA_A_XE10.dll HELP Directory OR_30_598_SRC.ZIP CPRS 32.221.1 Source BINARY OR_30_598.KID CPRS Version Update ASCII Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/. Documentation can also be obtained at https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. Title File Name ----------------------------------------------------------------- CPRS v32.221.1 EMERGENCY GUI(OR*3.0*598) OR_3_0_598_DIBR.DOCX Deployement, Installation, Back-Out, and OR_3_0_598_DIBR.PDF Rollback Guide Installation Instructions: -------------------------- ***Installation of this build must NOT be queued.*** Please refer to the "CPRS v32.221.1 EMERGENCY GUI (OR*3.0*598) Deployment, Installation, Back Out, and Rollback Guide" for installation and set-up information. This document is exported as OR_3_0_598_DIBR.PDF and OR_3_0_598_DIBR.DOCX. Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- Please refer to the "CPRS v32.221.1 EMERGENCY GUI (OR*3.0*598) Deployment, Installation, Back Out, and Rollback Guide" for installation and partial set-up information. Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ Please refer to the "CPRS v32.221.1 EMERGENCY GUI (OR*3.0*598) Deployment, Installation, Back Out, and Rollback Guide" for back-out and rollback information, along with risks and criteria for back-out. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**[Patch List]**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 5 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: ORWPCE1 Before: B26217249 After: B28138521 **10,85,116,132,148,187,190, 215,243,280,306,361,501,559, 405,598** Routine Name: ORWPCE3 Before:B127855652 After:B137207920 **10,85,116,190,280,306,371, 361,385,377,498,405,598** Routine Name: ORY598 Before: n/a After: B638093 **598** Routine list of preceding patches: 405 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : DEC 07, 2022 Completed By: Date Completed: MAR 14, 2023 Released By : Date Released : MAR 14, 2023 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included