============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 23, 2024 Designation: OR*3*615 Package : OR - ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #513 Status: Released Compliance Date: JAN 30, 2024 ============================================================================= Subject: UPDATES TO RELEASE NOTES AND PATCH DESCRIPTIONS Category: - Informational Description: ============ The purpose of this informational-only patch is to address items that were missing from the patch descriptions for CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539), CPRS v32b (OR*3.0*405), and CPRS v32c (OR*3.0*588). Recently, it was discovered some patient safety issues and New Service Request (NSR) descriptions were left out of both the patch descriptions and the release notes. When a patient safety issue was resolved by a NSR, the NSR is listed for reference, as well as listing the patient safety in the appropriate section. Updated release notes will also be published. NSR 20080342 was released in CPRS v32b (OR*3.0*405). However that information was inadvertently left out of the Release Notes and the patch description. NSR 20080342: Allow user to clear own patient locks in CPRS. Although the original request was to allows a user to clear locks, the final requirements were to enhance the lock message. The previous lock message contained only the text: " is editing orders for this patient." The new lock message details which user has locked the patient record along with the date/time the lock was placed on the record. This lock message will display when CPRS is unable to lock the patient record because a lock in already in place. This change fixes patient safety item HITPS-393. NSR 20060710 The Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) and Strategic Health Care Group, is requesting a method within CPRS GUI that would notify a provider of a real-time allergy data entry. The desired functionality would notify the provider if they select a drug ingredient as the reactant. They would then be alerted that there is a potential for missed cross-interaction order checks and give them the opportunity to either confirm their selection or choose from a different source file that would be able to appropriately generate the order check. This request is in response to a patient safety issue whereby order checks did not perform based on allergy information that is coded with a DRUG INGREDIENT and does not have drug class information available for cross-checking. As a part of NSR 20060710, a pop-up was added to the entry of the allergy reactant. If that reactant is an ingredient that may not have all the information necessary to perform the allergy order checking. This was in response to HITPS-196. This change was released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). NSR 20071216 Requesting enhancements to the surrogate setting screen within CPRS GUI to take advantage of the new functionality introduced by a recent Kernel patch so that a provider can independently set up multiple/sequential surrogates in CPRS GUI just as they are able to do in VistA roll and scroll. NSR 20071216 modified the behavior of the surrogate setting screen in CPRS to allow the setup of multiple, sequential surrogates which would address HITPS-1131. This change was released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). NSR 20140211 Staff incorrectly select the wrong provider when entering orders and identifying additional signers/cosigners on notes. This action impacts patient safety since orders and notes are not being signed/read timely by the correct provider. Impacts patient privacy, staff who have no business seeing this patient info, are seeing it. Increases the number of work hours of multiple staff devoted to fixing the problem. As a part of NSR 20140211, the addition of the similar names lookup for providers addresses HITPS-1711. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). While an interim solution to HITPS-2367 was released in CPRS v31b, a more permanent resolution was released with CPRS v32b. This solution was a part of the VistA Immunizations (VIMM) project that was part of CPRS v32b. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- N/A Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- -------------------- N/A Additional Information: ----------------------- N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- NSR 20080342 - Allow user to clear own patient locks in CPRS. Released in CPRS v32b (OR*3.0*405). NSR 20060710 - potentially missed order checks for ingredient. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). NSR 20071216 - surrogate settings. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). NSR 20140211 - similar provider lookup improvements. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- HITPS-393 Patient records being locked prevents providers from being able to process requests on that patient and prevents pharmacy from filling RX. Released in CPRS v32b (OR*3.0*405). HITPS-196 Allergy ingredient order checks not triggering. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). HITPS-1131 Limitations in GUI CPRS setting multiple Surrogate Notifications. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). HITPS-7499 CPRS RTC orders rejected due to TODAY text in order rather than the actual date. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). HITPS-1711 Providers receiving incorrect notifications since there is more than one with the same last name. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). HITPS-799 Discontinued Non-VA meds can cause duplicate therapy. Released in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). HITPS-2376 PPD Skin Test Reading Issue Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- 1. INC25144966 - Email links not opening Outlook for some users. Problem: -------- GUI templates may contain mailto links. It was reported in CPRS v32b that, for some users, mailto links are no longer opening in Outlook. For some users, the mailto link will first open Edge browser, and then open a new Outlook message. For other users, the mailto link will only open Edge, a new Outlook message is never opened. Resolution: ----------- Modified tool that was being used to honor the mailto link. According to Microsoft, the function we were previously using might be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions of the operating system or product. Note: this was corrected in CPRS v32c (OR*3.0*588) 2. INC25242144 - Template Editor up and down arrows can be hidden. Problem: -------- After the installation of CPRS v32b, the up and down arrow button in the template editor is grayed out when the font is set to 10. Resolution: ----------- Modified the template editor in the CPRS GUI to properly display so that the arrows were visible upon changing fonts. Note: this was corrected in CPRS v32c (OR*3.0*588) 3. INC13521395 CPRS RTC orders rejected due to TODAY text in order rather than the actual date. HITPS-7499 Note: this was corrected in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). Problem: -------- When a user selects lower case "t" in the date field of the Return to Clinic order, and pop up box displays indicating that the entered text is not viable and the order is immediately rejected. Resolution: ----------- The RTC form now converts dates of TODAY or t to T (uppercase t). 4. Write Orders Menu doesn't always display (Documentation) for Non-VA Meds Note: this was corrected in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539). Problem: -------- The menu display wasn't properly defaulting the text to the order dialog item display text if one existed and the menu did not have a value already. Resolution: ----------- Corrected display issue. Note: this was corrected in CPRS v32a (OR*3.0*539) 5. Unable to Park supply orders on the Orders tab. Problem: -------- Even with Park enabled, users were unable to park supply orders when working on the Orders tab. Resolution: ----------- Updated functionality on the Orders tab to allow supply orders to be parked. Released in 32c. Note: this was corrected in CPRS v32c (OR*3.0*588) Test Sites: ----------- N/A Informational-only. Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- There is no software for this patch. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/. Documentation can also be obtained at https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. Documentation Title File Name --------------------------------------------------------------------- Computerized Patient Record System GUI v32a Release Notes OR_3_0_539_RN.DOCX OR_3_0_539_RN.PDF Computerized Patient Record System GUI v32b Release Notes OR_3_0_405_RN.DOCX OR_3_0_405_RN.PDF Computerized Patient Record System GUI v32c Release Notes OR_3_0_588_RN.DOCX OR_3_0_588_RN.PDF Patch Installation: ------------------- There is no installation required for this informational only patch. Pre/Post Installation Overview: N/A Pre-Installation Instructions: N/A Installation Instructions: N/A Post-Installation Instructions: N/A Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: Nothing is being installed, so no back-out/roll back is required. Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : NOV 24, 2023 Completed By: Date Completed: JAN 22, 2024 Released By : Date Released : JAN 23, 2024 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included