$TXT Created by at DEVESR.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Monday, 04/02/18 at 17:53 ============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 24, 2018 Designation: PRCA*4.5*315 Package : PRCA - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Priority: Mandatory Version : 4.5 SEQ #293 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 24, 2018 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRCA*4.5*147<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*186<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*254<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*271<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*274<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*295<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*307<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*310<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*318<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*322<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*327<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' (v)PRCA*4.5*331<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*315' Subject: HAPE FY16 REVENUE ENHANCEMENTS Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Data Dictionary Description: ============ IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTE: ---------------------------- There are three patches associated with this project - PRCA*4.5*315, IB*2.0*568 and PSO*7.0*463. All three patches are to be installed as PackMan files. There is no bundle. The three patches for this project MUST be installed in this order: 1. PRCA*4.5*315 2. IB*2.0*568 3. PSO*7.0*463 Description ----------- The Chief Business Office (CBO) is requesting system enhancements to The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Accounts Receivable (AR), Integrated Billing (IB), and Outpatient Pharmacy (PSO) software modules. The mission of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Information & Technology (OI&T), is to provide benefits and services to veterans of the United States Armed Forces. In meeting these goals, OI&T strives to provide high quality, effective, and efficient Information Technology (IT) services to those responsible for providing care to the veterans at the point-of-care, as well as throughout all the points of the veterans' health care. The VA depends on Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) systems to meet mission goals. The overall FY16 Health Administration Product Enhancements (HAPE) Revenue Enhancement project encompasses three New Service Requests (NSR): NSR #20150506 The Revenue Eligibility Enhancements Project effort for the Chief Business Office (CBO), bundles several NSRs with similar business needs into a single requirements document. Successfully addressing the requirements contained within this document will enable the VA to appropriately bill certain subsets of billable events by correcting, automating, or enhancing current VistA systems. NSR #20150507 The Revenue Operations Enhancements Project combines several NSRs, as well. This effort enables the VA to improve revenue operation functionality related to repayment plans, late charge capture, bill suspension reasons, the billing of deactivated providers, and the display of appeal rights and responsibilities on the Veterans Beneficiary Travel Bill of Collections form. Implementation of the proposed enhancements will make a significant positive impact on stakeholders and target users. NSR #20150505 The Revenue Reporting Enhancements Project will enable the VA to improve tracking and reporting of revenue, and will support revenue reporting business rules and guidelines. PRCA*4.5*315 patch enhancements, pertinent to the above NSRs, include: 1.) By means of the new Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, the user will create the Repayment Plan by debtor. Note: The 'Enter / Edit Repayment Plan' menu option name will replace the 'Set up Repayment Plan' menu option name. 2.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, if the AR Debtor has Active bills, the system will now display a selectable list of bills for the debtor. 3.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, when displaying a list of Active bills for the Debtor, the system will display steps to the user to set up the Repayment Plan. 4.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, once a Repayment Plan has been created or modified, the summary of the Repayment Plan is displayed. 5.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, the system checks to see if a Repayment Plan has already been created for the Veteran. 6.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, when choosing to Edit the Repayment Plan, all Active bills for the debtor will be displayed allowing the user to add new Active bills to the Repayment Plan as well as change the due date of first payment and/or the repayment amount due on the Repayment Plan. 7.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, if the Debtor does not have new Active bills that can be added to the Repayment Plan, the user will proceed to identify the repayment amount due and/or repayment amount due date on the Repayment Plan. 8.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, a designated identifier will signify when an Active bill is part of a Repayment Plan. 9.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, the system will display previously made payments to the Repayment Plan. 10.) On the Enter / Edit Repayment Plan option, the User has the option to enter Debtor Comments during the setup process. 11.) The AR Clerk will be able to select Suspended Type from the menu to display in the Status Listing For Bills [PRCAL STATUS LIST] report. 12.) Status Listing For Bills [PRCAL STATUS LIST] report shall be modified to incorporate reason for suspension. 13.) Provide the ability to lock the option to update late payment charges (Interest/Admin/Penalty Rates [PRCAF U ADMIN.RATE]) with a new security key. 14.) The system will allow the user to identify if the Bill of Collections letter applies to Veterans Beneficiary Travel (Form 1114). 15.) The system will print the Notice of Rights and Responsibilities when the Bill of Collections pertains to Veterans Beneficiary Travel. 16.) Currently, when non-healthcare debt of $25 or greater is in a delinquent status for 180 days, VistA transmits this debt to Treasury Offset Program (TOP) (via Austin Information Technology Center (AITC) and Debt Management Center (DMC)) for initiation of the standard collection process. To maintain compliance with The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act) the 180-day date parameter shall be changed to 120 days. 17.) A new audit trail is needed for detailing events or transactions that have occurred on healthcare debts referred for debt collection, to effectively support Veterans and reconcile accounts. 18.) VistA shall provide enhanced reporting capability, usability features, and additional data elements for managing healthcare debts referred for debt collection to improve VHA's ability to provide support to Veterans and manage accounts. 19.) Create report to track stop/reactivate debts. VistA shall provide a Stop/Reactivate report to identify healthcare debts that are placed in the corresponding status. 20.) Improve automation in management of debt collection. VistA shall utilize existing functionality, such as List Manager, and other automation capabilities to improve debt collection management. 21.) The existing Medication Co-Pay Exemption Report [PRCAX CO-PAY EXEMPTION REPORT] shall be modified with the following field changes: Change PT ID from full Social Security Number (SSN) to LastN + 4SSN Add Rx# Add Drug Name (first 10 to 12 characters) Add Fill/Refill Date Add Effective Date of Exemption 22.) A new Third Party Accounts Receivable category called 'EMERGENCY/HUMANITARIAN REIMB.' shall be created in Accounts Receivables with the insurer as the responsible party. 23.) A new Third Party Accounts Receivable category called 'INELIGIBLE HOSP. REIMB.' shall be created in Accounts Receivables with the insurer as the responsible party. 24.) A one-character "Type" field shall be added to the Claims Matching Report that will indicate the third-party claim care-type ("I" for Inpatient, "O" for Outpatient, "P" for Prosthetics, and "R" for Prescription [Rx]) on the report of third-party bills. 25.) When a user generates a Claims Matching Report for a patient, all records for that patient are currently produced on the report. At times, users need to generate information regarding only certain types of care for a patient. The system shall allow the user to choose between producing a Claims Matching Report containing (1) all records for a patient, or (2) only records of a certain care type ("I" for Inpatient, "O" for Outpatient, "P" for Prosthetics, or "R" for Prescription [Rx]). 26.) The Claims Matching Report, when exported, shall be in a line format so that information on the report may be easily exported to Microsoft Excel. Concurrent Development / Dependencies: -------------------------------------- IB*2.0*568 HAPE REVENUE ENHANCEMENTS PSO*7.0*463 HAPE REVENUE ENHANCEMENTS Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (#) New/Modified/ Sub-file Name (#) Field Name (Number) Deleted ------------------- --------------------------------- ------------- AR FORM LETTER (#343) Modified ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (#430) Modified ORIGINAL DATE REFERRED TO TCSP New (#156) RETURNED DATE (#301) Modified REMOVED FROM RECONCILATION? (#309) New REC ORIGINAL TCSP AMOUNT (#310) New REC CURRENT TCSP AMOUNT (#311) New REC TCSP RECALL EFF. DATE (#312) New CS ADJ TRANS NUMBER sub-file (#430.0171) Modified CS ADJ TRANS NUMBER (#.01) Modified ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TRANS.TYPE (#430.3) Modified Bulletins Associated: New/Modified/ Bulletin Name Deleted ------------- ------------- N/A Dialogs Associated: New/Modified/ Dialog Name Deleted ----------- ------------- N/A Forms Associated: New/Modified/ Form Name File Name (Number) Deleted --------- ------------------ ------------- N/A Functions Associated: New/Modified/ Function Name Deleted ------------- ------------- N/A HL Logical Link: New/Modified/ HL Logical Name Deleted --------------- ------------- N/A HL7 Application Parameters: New/Modified/ HL7 Parameter Name Deleted ------------------ ------------- N/A HLO Application Registry: New/Modified/ HLO Registry Name Deleted ----------------- ------------- N/A Help Frames Associated: New/Modified/ Help Frame Name Deleted --------------- ------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: New/Modified/ Mail Group Name Deleted --------------- ------------- N/A Options Associated: New/Modified/ Option Name Type Deleted ----------- ---- ------------- PRCAC ENTER EDIT action New REPAYMENT PRCAF U ADMIN.RATE action Modified RCDP TCSP FLAG CONTROL run routine Modified RCTCSP BILL REPORT run routine Modified RCTCSP IAI ERROR CODES run routine Modified LIST RCTCSP IAI REPORT run routine New RCTCSP MENU menu Modified RCTCSP RECALL REPORT run routine Modified RCTCSP RECALLB run routine Modified RCTCSP RECALLD run routine Modified RCTCSP RECONCIL REPORT run routine Modified RCTCSP RECONCILIATION run routine New WORKLIST RCTCSP REJECT REPORT run routine Modified RCTCSP REPORT run routine Modified RCTCSP STOP run routine Modified RCTCSP STOP REACTIVATE run routine New REPORT Parameter Definitions: New/Modified/ Parameter Name Deleted -------------- ------------- N/A Parameter Template: New/Modified/ Template Name Deleted ------------- ------------- N/A Protocols Associated: New/Modified/ Protocol Name Deleted ------------- ------------- PRCA TCSP ACCOUNT PROFILE MENU New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST ACCOUNT PROFILE New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST CANCEL/EDIT/ADD New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST EXPAND New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST EXPAND MENU PROTOCOL New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST INSURANCE New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST MENU New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST PRINT STATEMENT New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST REMOVE New PRCA TCSP WORKLIST VIEW PATIENT New RCDP ACCOUNT PROFILE BILL PROFILE Modified RCDP ACCOUNT PROFILE BILL TRANSACTIONS Modified RCDP ACCOUNT PROFILE SELECT NEW ACCOUNT Modified RCDP ACCOUNT PROFILE SELECT STATUS Modified RCDP ACCT PROFILE DECREASE TRANS New RCDP ACCT PROFILE INCREASE TRANS New RCDP ACCT PROFILE RE-ESTABLISH New RCDP ACCT PROFILE RECALL BILL New RCDP ACCT PROFILE RECALL DEBTOR New RCDP ACCT PROFILE STOP New RCDP ACCT PROFILE SUSPEND New RCDP ACCT PROFILE TERM FISCAL New RCDP FAST EXIT Modified VALM BLANK 5 Modified VALM BLANK 6 Modified Remote Procedures Associated: New/Modified/ Remote Procedure Name Deleted --------------------- ------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: New/Modified/ Security Key Name Deleted ----------------- ------------- PRCAF LATE CHARGES New Templates, Input Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type File Name (Number) Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ ------------- PRCAE ADMIN Input AR TRANSACTION (#433) Modified Templates, List Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type Deleted ------------- ---- ------------- PRCA TCSP ACCOUNT List New PROFILE RCDP ACCOUNT List Modified PROFILE RCTCSP WORKLIST List New RCTCSP WORKLIST List New EXPAND Templates, Print Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type File Name (Number) Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ ------------- N/A Templates, Sort Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type File Name (Number) Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ ------------- N/A Nationally Controlled File Entries ---------------------------------- ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CATEGORY file (#430.2): NUMBER: 46 CATEGORY: EMERGENCY/HUMANITARIAN REIMB. ABB: HR NUMBER: 47 CATEGORY: INELIGIBLE HOSP. REIMB. ABB: IR REVENUE SOURCE CODE file (#347.3): SOURCE CODE: 8VZZ NAME: HUMAN 3RD-PRTY OUTPATIENT SOURCE CODE: 8UZZ NAME: HUMAN 3RD-PRTY INPATIENT SOURCE CODE: 841Z NAME: INELI 3RD-PARTY INPATIENT SOURCE CODE: 842Z NAME: INELI 3RD-PARTY OUTPATIENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TRANS.TYPE (#430.3): STATUS NUMBER: 31 ABBREVIATION: DP NAME: DEL REPAY PLAN STATUS NUMBER: 33 ABBREVIATION: CP NAME: CS STOP PLACED STATUS NUMBER: 34 ABBREVIATION: CR NAME: CS BILL RECALL STATUS NUMBER: 35 ABBREVIATION: CE NAME: CS DEBTOR RECALL STATUS NUMBER: 36 ABBREVIATION: CD NAME: CS STOP DELETED STATUS NUMBER: 37 ABBREVIATION: CF NAME: CS DEL BILL RECALL STATUS NUMBER: 38 ABBREVIATION: CL NAME: CS DEL DEBTOR RECALL STATUS NUMBER: 39 ABBREVIATION: CK NAME: CS DEBTOR NEW BILL STATUS NUMBER: 40 ABBREVIATION: CA NAME: CS DECR ADJ NOT APP STATUS NUMBER: 41 ABBREVIATION: CU NAME: CS UPDATE DEBT STATUS NUMBER: 45 ABBREVIATION: CO NAME: CS CASE RECALL STATUS NUMBER: 46 ABBREVIATION: CG NAME: CS DEL CASE RECALL STATUS NUMBER: 47 ABBREVIATION: CZ NAME: CS ADD CASE INFO STATUS NUMBER: 48 ABBREVIATION: CH NAME: CS NEW DBTR NEW BILL STATUS NUMBER: 49 ABBREVIATION: CY NAME: CS DECREASE ADJ STATUS NUMBER: 50 ABBREVIATION: CV NAME: CS RECON WORKED STATUS NUMBER: 51 ABBREVIATION: AI NAME: CS INCREASE ADJ STATUS NUMBER: 52 ABBREVIATION: AE NAME: CS ADMIN.COST CHARGE STATUS NUMBER: 53 ABBREVIATION: AN NAME: CS ADMIN ADJ TR REV?Y STATUS NUMBER: 54 ABBREVIATION: AO NAME: CS ADMIN ADJ TR REV?N STATUS NUMBER: 57 ABBREVIATION: AS NAME: CS INC ADJ TR REV?Y STATUS NUMBER: 58 ABBREVIATION: AT NAME: CS INC ADJ TR REV?N STATUS NUMBER: 61 ABBREVIATION: RK NAME: CS PEND RECON STATUS NUMBER: 62 ABBREVIATION: CQ NAME: CS RECALL PLACED New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- 20150505 - Revenue Reporting Enhancements 20150506 - Revenue Eligibility Enhancements 20150507 - Revenue Operations Enhancements Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ------------------------------ N/A Remedy Ticket(s) & Overviews: ----------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ---------- Durham VAMC Central Alabama Veterans Healthcare System Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- Software is being released as a PackMan message. Documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to retrieve files from download.vista.domain.ext. This transmits the files from the first available server. Sites may also elect to retrieve files directly from a specific server. Sites may retrieve the documentation directly using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Hines: domain.ext Salt Lake City: domain.ext The documentation will be in the form of Adobe Acrobat files. Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Title File Name FTP Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AR User Manual - Cross Servicing PRCA_4_5_P315_AR_CS_UM.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Agent Cashier PRCA_4_5_P315_1AGENTCA.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Accounts Receivable PRCA_4_5_P315_2ACC_REC.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Billing Menu PRCA_4_5_P315_4BILLING.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Clerk's AR Menu Part 1 PRCA_4_5_P315_5CLERK1.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Clerk's AR Menu Part 2 PRCA_4_5_P315_5CLERK2.PDF Binary AR User Manual - Supervisor's AR Menu PRCA_4_5_P315_6SUPVISR.PDF Binary AR Technical Manual/Security Guide PRCA_4_5_P315_TM.PDF Binary Deployment, Installation, Back-Out, and Rollback Guide (PRCA*4.5*315) PRCA_4_5_P315_IG.PDF Binary Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- There are no special tasks to perform after this patch installation. The post installation routine, PRCA315P, is not automatically deleted as part of the installation process. This routine may be deleted after the patch post-install background job has completed and the two emails have been received. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ N/A Installation Instructions: -------------------------- This process will install new and updated routines and other components listed above. There is a post-install routine that will add entries to a number of files. The patch will be released in conjunction with an Integrated Billing patch, IB*2.0*568, and an Outpatient Pharmacy patch, PSO*7.0*463. ************************ NOTE ************************ IF A USER IS ON THE SYSTEM AND USING THESE PROGRAMS AN EDITED ERROR WILL OCCUR. ****************************************************** Installation will take less than 15 minutes. Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. 2. Choose the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. From the Kernel Installation & Distribution System menu, select the Installation menu. 4. From this menu, you may select to use the following options (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter PRCA*4.5*315): a. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. b. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KID build. c. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). d. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. 5. When prompted "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//" respond YES 6. When prompted "Want KID to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" respond NO 7. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" respond NO Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- There is a post-install routine in this patch. It performs the following functions: Adds 2 new AR Category entries to file #430.2 EMERGENCY/HUMANITARIAN REIMB. INELIGIBLE HOSP. REIMB. Adds new REVENUE SOURCE CODE entries to file #347.3 Updates [PRCAC REPAYMENT MENU] Updates [RCTCSP MENU] The post-install routine also starts a background job that performs the following functions: Populates two new indices in the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE file (#430) Field #172 Field #301 Produces a report that lists CS Stops placed before this patch Populates field #156 of file #430, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE file Creates an email with the CS Stop Report Creates an email with the results of the background job The post-install routine, PRCA315P, is not deleted by the installation process. You may delete it after the background job is complete and the two emails have been received. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**[Patch List]**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 67 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PRCA315P Before: n/a After: B51110458 **315** Routine Name: PRCAAPR1 Before: B45827636 After: B49707336 **34,45,108,143,141,206,192, 218,276,275,284,303,301,315** Routine Name: PRCAATR Before: B22771269 After: B25331554 **36,104,172,138,233,276,303, 301,315** Routine Name: PRCABD Before: B16869095 After: B17322985 **29,57,104,109,154,233,315** Routine Name: PRCABIL1 Before: B25296320 After: B39821270 **57,64,109,147,220,276,315** Routine Name: PRCABJV Before: B30343584 After: B39357110 **1,48,63,114,141,170,176,173, 192,220,296,310,315** Routine Name: PRCACM Before: B23241294 After: B24617130 **8,67,125,169,254,315** Routine Name: PRCACPV Before: B14494379 After: B16867430 **1,48,90,119,204,192,235,295,315** Routine Name: PRCAEXM Before: B14988614 After: B13816393 **67,103,196,301,318,315** Routine Name: PRCAFUT Before: B40349439 After: B42447114 **5,39,64,92,104,169,188,194, 220,231,315** Routine Name: PRCAHIS Before: B25570251 After: B26002669 **110,198,233,315** Routine Name: PRCAPCL Before: B25378502 After: B41751936 **72,63,143,154,315** Routine Name: PRCARPM Before: n/a After: B37026153 **315** Routine Name: PRCARPS Before: B14665305 After: B15642186 **104,315** Routine Name: PRCARPU Before: n/a After:B188846893 **315** Routine Name: PRCASVC Before: B9776542 After: B11763521 **1,21,48,90,136,138,249,274,315** Routine Name: PRCASVC1 Before: B1372764 After: B1372959 **1,68,48,84,157,295,315** Routine Name: PRCAWO1 Before: B16518505 After: B20819477 **67,68,153,315** Routine Name: PRCAWREA Before: B10933866 After: B21495612 **16,49,153,315** Routine Name: PRCAXP Before: B12869783 After: B23941725 **315** Routine Name: RCBEADJ Before: B77125147 After:B100902419 **169,172,204,173,208,233,298, 301,315** Routine Name: RCBEPAYF Before: B49142931 After: B49206897 **153,301,322,315** Routine Name: RCBEUTR1 Before: B36268452 After: B37772593 **153,169,192,226,270,276,301,315** Routine Name: RCDPAPL1 Before: B3375537 After:B132684346 **114,315** Routine Name: RCDPAPLI Before: B46722534 After: B53951998 **114,141,241,303,301,315** Routine Name: RCDPBPLI Before: B57251656 After: B60001669 **114,153,301,315** Routine Name: RCDPBPLM Before: B61916200 After: B62436978 **114,153,159,241,276,303,301,315** Routine Name: RCDPBTLM Before: B49476140 After: B52280967 **114,148,153,168,169,198,247, 271,276,315** Routine Name: RCDPRTEX Before: n/a After: B59632459 **315** Routine Name: RCDPRTP Before: B8305080 After: B13526370 **151,186,315** Routine Name: RCDPRTP0 Before: B10254954 After: B47346688 **151,315** Routine Name: RCDPRTP1 Before: B33480590 After: B49619894 **151,169,276,284,315** Routine Name: RCDPRTP2 Before: B15639829 After: B20782087 **151,276,303,315** Routine Name: RCMSITE Before: B8419776 After: B10360113 **173,236,253,298,315** Routine Name: RCRJRBD Before: B74247917 After: B76289018 **101,139,170,193,203,215,220, 138,239,273,282,310,315** Routine Name: RCTCSJR Before:B113325699 After:B123788872 **301,315** Routine Name: RCTCSP1 Before:B174226266 After:B168089833 **301,331,315** Routine Name: RCTCSP1A Before: n/a After: B44615567 **315** Routine Name: RCTCSP2 Before: B87861761 After:B136461756 **301,315** Routine Name: RCTCSP3 Before: B79802534 After: B80430487 **301,315** Routine Name: RCTCSP4 Before: n/a After:B223432725 **315** Routine Name: RCTCSP5 Before: n/a After: B97137563 **315** Routine Name: RCTCSP7 Before: B5112376 After: B5563240 **327,315** Routine Name: RCTCSPD Before:B153936257 After:B159825609 **301,327,315** Routine Name: RCTCSPD4 Before: n/a After: B88942969 **315** Routine Name: RCTCSPD5 Before: n/a After: B19971041 **315** Routine Name: RCTCSPRS Before: B53928265 After: B66612792 **301,315** Routine Name: RCTCSPU Before: B55616924 After: B79474233 **301,315** Routine Name: RCTCSWL Before: n/a After:B155347163 **315** Routine Name: RCTCSWL1 Before: n/a After: B54202527 **315** Routine Name: RCTCSWL2 Before: n/a After: B22529907 **315** Routine Name: RCTOPD Before: B70123756 After: B71556644 **141,187,224,236,229,301,315** Routine Name: RCTRAN Before: B16626175 After: B16424066 **104,154,315** Routine Name: RCWROFF Before: B40151788 After: B45523800 **168,204,309,301,307,315** Routine Name: RCXFMSPR Before: B27613579 After: B37660808 **90,96,101,156,170,203,273,310,315** Routine Name: RCXFMSUF Before: B37450700 After: B38763717 **90,101,135,157,160,165,170, 203,207,173,211,192,220,235, 273,310,315** Routine Name: RCXFMSUR Before: B60950863 After: B63503809 **90,101,170,203,173,220,231, 273,310,315** Routine Name: RCXFMSUV Before: B13868854 After: B15839120 **90,119,98,165,192,220,315** Routine list of preceding patches: 186, 254, 274, 295, 307, 310, 318, 322 327, 331 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUN 17, 2016 Completed By: Date Completed: MAY 23, 2018 Released By : Date Released : MAY 24, 2018 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT