============================================================================= Run Date: NOV 14, 2018 Designation: PRCA*4.5*326 Package : PRCA - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Priority: Mandatory Version : 4.5 SEQ #299 Status: Released Compliance Date: DEC 14, 2018 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRCA*4.5*315<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*326' (v)PRCA*4.5*321<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*326' Subject: MCCF EDI TAS EPAYMENTS BUILD 4 & 5 Category: - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Routine - Data Dictionary Description: ============ Below is a list of all the applications involved in this patch along with their patch number: APPLICATION/VERSION PATCH --------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (PRCA) V. 4.5 PRCA*4.5*326 INTEGRATED BILLING (IB) V. 2.0 IB*2.0*609 The patches (PRCA*4.5*326 and IB*2.0*609) are being released in the Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) multi-build distribution as PRCA_IB_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_3_0.KID. The purpose of this patch is to meet the requirements of the Medical Care Collection Fund (MCCF) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Transaction Application Suite (TAS) Phase 1 project as related to Accounts Receivable (PRCA). This project ensures the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) compliance with Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) Operating Rules, and enables VA to more effectively use ERA data, resulting in better revenue and cash flow management. It will provide the infrastructure foundation for electronic exchange of claim payment information and promotes an interoperable system. It will reduce the time elapsed between receipt of the EDI 835 Electronic Remittance Advice Transaction and receipt of the Cash Concentration or Disbursement (CCD+) transactions. It will ensure that trace numbers between payments and remittances can be used by VA, reducing the level of open accounts receivable, allow claim denials to be more quickly addressed, and standardizes Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) & ERA enrollment to reduce workload burden on VA staff. This patch contains changes to the ePayments (835 and EFT) program area to ensure compliance. Specifically, enhancements to the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Third Party EDI Lockbox module to increase timely and accurate processing of payments for electronic claims in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Fiscal Accounting policies. The ePayments system is used by Accounts Receivable (AR) staff to process payments from third party payers for both medical and pharmacy claims. Notice: New Integration Agreement (IA) #6851 is used by Integrated billing to get the FMS Status from ePayments. The following features of the PRCA software will be affected by this patch. 1. Unique Electronic Transfer Funds (EFT) Identifiers Prior to this patch all detail lines belonging to an EFT were displayed using the same EFT number. Following this patch, each EFT detail line will be displayed with a unique identifier consisting of the EFT number, followed by a period and the sequence number of the EFT detail line. The following reports and worklists will show the unique EFT identifier: a) EFT Daily Activity Report [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX ACT REPORT] b) EFT Unmatched Aging Report [RCDPE EFT AGING REPORT] c) Unapplied EFT Deposits Report [RCDPE UNAPPLIED EFT DEP REPORT] d) Duplicate EFT Deposits Audit Report [RCDPE EFT AUDIT REPORT] e) EFT Transaction Audit Report [RCDPE EFT TRANSACTION AUD REP] f) Manual Match EFT-ERA [RCDPE MANUAL MATCH EFT-ERA] when looking up an EFT to manual match g) Mark 0-Balance EFT Matched [RCDPE MARK 0-BAL EFT MATCHED] when looking up an EFT to match h) Remove Duplicate Deposits [RCDPE REMOVE DUP DEPOSITS] when displayed for a lookup i) ERA Worklist [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] j) Auto-Post Awaiting Resolution [RCDPE APAR] k) Receipt Profile [RCDP RECEIPT PROCESSING] l) Unmatch an ERA [RCDPE UNMATCH ERA] 2. Filter by Receipt Number on Link Payment Tracking Report [RCDPE SUSPENSE AUDIT REPORT] a) The Link Payment Tracking Report prompts the user for a single receipt number to include on the report. b) If no single receipt number is chosen, the user is prompted for a date range and selected users as per existing report functionality. c) The report will now be available in Excel format and the user will be prompted for this option. 3. ERA/EFT 'matched' date added to the ERA Worklist [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] a) The header on the ERA worklist for payer name and match status will now read "PAYER NAME/MATCH STATUS & DATE". b) The ERA Worklist will display the date an EFT or a check was matched to an ERA. c) The Daily Activity Report [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX ACT REPORT] will show the date an EFT or check was matched to an ERA. 4. EDI Lockbox 3rd Party Exceptions [RCDPE EXCEPTION PROCESSING] The Data Exceptions filter was altered so that: a) The filter will now show results when a user elects to include only pharmacy exceptions. b) The pharmacy flag allocated to a payer via the 'Identify payers' option [RCDPE PAYER IDENTIFY] will be used to determine which entries are pharmacy exceptions. 5. Updated Display Language in the Link Payment Tracking Report [RCDPE SUSPENSE AUDIT REPORT] a) An additional header line will appear on the Link Payment Tracking Report. It will contain the column headers 'REASON' and 'CLAIMS'. b) The Disposition Reason for receipts will be displayed in the 'REASON' column on a second row below the receipt row. c) Receipts with multiple split transactions will display 'Multi-Trans Split' in the 'REASON' column on a second row below the receipt row. d) Each transaction in a multi-transaction split receipt will be displayed on its own line in the 'CLAIMS' column below the 'Multi-Trans Split' reason. 6) Changes to the Auto-Posting logic in the Nightly AR Process [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] a) Check type ERAs that match to EFTs will auto-post during the nightly process. b) Non-payment type ERAs that match to EFTs will auto-post during the nightly process. c) Balance of Payment (BOP) type ERAs that match to EFTs will auto-post during the nightly process. d) The Manual Match EFT-ERA [RCDPE EFT ERA MANUAL MATCH] on the Clerk's AR Menu will allow non-payment type ERAs to be marked for auto-post. e) The Manual Match Option [RCDPE MANUAL MATCH EFT-ERA] in the ERA Worklist will allow balance of payment type ERAs to be marked for auto-post. 7. Allow for Negative Distributions to 'Claim not Found in AR' a) The ERA Worklist Scratchpad Screen action 'Distribute Adj Amts' [protocol RCDPE EOB WORKLIST DIST ADJ] will allow PLB adjustments to be distributed to lines which have no valid claim. 8. Display the user who marked a claim for auto-posting in the ERA Worklist [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] or in the Auto-Post Awaiting Resolution option [RCDPE APAR]. The user who marked the claim for auto-posting will be displayed in the following places: a) List of Receipts Report [RCDP LIST OF RECEIPTS REPORT] b) Receipt Processing [RCDP RECEIPT PROCESSING] c) Auto-Posted Receipts Report [RCDPE AUTO-POST RECEIPT REPORT] d) Third Party Joint Inquiry (TPJI) [IBJ THIRD PARTY JOINT INQUIRY] Within TPJI in the Transaction Profile [RCDP TRANSACTIONS LIST TRANSACTION PROFILE] and Profile of Accounts Receivable [RCDP RECEIPT PROFILE ACCOUNT PROFILE] actions. 9. Auto-Post Report [RCDPE AUTO-POST REPORT] filter and sort modifications a) When running this report, users will have the option of selecting payers to include either by payer name or by payer Tax Identification Number (TIN). b) Users will have the option to sort the report by payer name or payer TIN. c) The report header will reflect the new filter and sort criteria. d) Display of payers in the report will show NAME/TIN when the report is sorted by payer name and TIN/NAME when the report is sorted by payer TIN. 10. ERA Worklist Manual Match Action [RCDPE EFT ERA MANUAL MATCH] a) When running the Manual Match action in the ERA Worklist and selecting an ERA that is ALREADY matched, the error message 'ERA is already matched please select another ERA...' will only appear once. 11. ERA Worklist [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] filter modification a) The ERA Worklist will show an additional prompt for entries to include in the list, based on the auto-post status of the ERA. b) The auto-post status of a worklist entry will be indicated. c) The system will warn the user if they select an invalid combination of ERA Worklist filters. 12. The EDI LOCKBOX Parameters [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX PARAMETERS] modifications a) The EDI LOCKBOX Parameters option was modified to send notifications when Auto-Post and/or Auto-Decrease are turned on or off. b) Additionally, notifications are also sent when the auto-post or auto-decrease payer exclusion list is modified or list of auto-decrease CARCs is modified in any way. c) The existing prompt 'ENABLE AUTO-DECREASE OF MEDICAL CLAIMS' was modified to 'ENABLE AUTO-DECREASE OF MEDICAL CLAIMS WITH PAYMENTS'. d) A new prompt was 'ENABLE AUTO-DECREASE OF MEDICAL CLAIMS NO PAYMENTS' to allow the site to turn auto-decrease on/off for claims with zero-dollar claim lines that are reversals. e) A new prompt 'AUTO-DECREASE NO-PAY MEDICAL CLAIMS FOR THE FOLLOWING CARC/AMOUNTS ONLY:' was added to allow the site to specify a list of CARCs (and their maximum amounts) to be used when auto-decreasing claims with zero-dollar claim lines that are reversals. f) A new prompt 'NUMBER OF DAYS TO WAIT BEFORE NO-PAY AUTO-DECREASE' was added to allow the site to specify when to begin auto-decreasing claim with zero-dollar claim lines that are reversals. g) A new prompt 'MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT TO AUTO-DECREASE PER CLAIM' was added to allow the site to set a maximum per claim auto-decrease amount which is not to exceed 99,999 dollars. If the user enters a maximum dollar amount that is less than ANY of the site defined CARCs for claims with payments OR claims with no payments, a warning message is displayed and the maximum amount for these CARCs will automatically be reduced to the per claim limit. 13. The Exclusion Name/TIN Report [RCDPE PAYER EXCLUSION NAME TIN] was renamed to be the Payer Implementation Report. 14. Third Party Joint Inquiry (TPJI) [IBJ THIRD PARTY JOINT INQUIRY] modifications a) The ERA/835 [IBJT ERA 835 INFORMATION] action was modified to display the claims collected percentage in the CLAIM LEVEL PAY STATUS section. b) The CR/TR numbers and FMS document numbers will be displayed on the Transaction Profile [RCDP TRANSACTIONS LIST TRANSACTION PROFILE] action from the Account Profile [RCDP RECEIPT PROFILE ACCOUNT PROFILE MENU] action. 15. Unmatch an ERA [RCDPE UNMATCH ERA] modification a) When using the Unmatch An ERA option [RCDPE UNMATCH ERA], the user was asked whether they wanted to delete the worklist entry, when it is the scratch pad entry that is actually being deleted. b) The prompt will now read: "THIS ERA ALREADY HAS A SCRATCH PAD ENTRY AND MUST BE DELETED BEFORE IT CAN BE UNMATCHED. DO YOU WANT TO DELETE THE SCRATCH PAD ENTRY FOR THIS ERA NOW?" 16. Changes to the Auto-Decrease logic in the Nightly AR Process [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] a) If the new site parameter 'ENABLE AUTO-DECREASE OF MEDICAL CLAIMS NO PAYMENTS' is set to 'YES', claims with zero-dollar claim lines that are that match site parameter settings are auto-decreased. b) The maximum auto-decrease amount for a claim now cannot exceed the maximum amount per claim entered in the new site parameter prompt. 17. ERA WORKLIST [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] Verify action modification a) The Verify action [RCDPE EOB WORKLIST VERIFY] on the ERA Worklist Scratchpad was modified to allow the printing of a new report of verify discrepancies for ERAs that were auto-posted. 18. Modifications to Unmatched ERAs>30 days, Paper:Matched/Not Posted ERA> 30 days, and the EFT:Matched/Not Posted ERA>30 days bulletins a) The above bulletins generated by the Nightly AR Process [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] were modified to include trace numbers. 19. ERA WORKLIST [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] Administrative Cost Adjustment action modification a) The Admin Cost Adj [RCDPE EOB WORKLIST ADMIN COST ADJ] action on the Research action for the ERA Worklist was modified to adjust the balance AND be recognized on payments in the Auto-Post Awaiting Resolution (APAR) Worklist, the same way it currently works on payments that are not on the APAR worklist. 20. Standardization of EDI Lockbox Report and Worklist filters a) A new 'Medical, Pharmacy, Tricare or All' (M/P/T) filter was added to EDI Lockbox reports. b) The new filter above uses the Medical, Pharmacy, Tricare settings from the Identify Payers [RCDPE PAYER IDENTIFY] option to do the appropriate filtering. c) If a report or worklist already had a filter that was similar to the new M/P/T filter it was replaced by the new M/T/P filter. In addition, if the report had a Payer Name/TIN filter, the M/P/T filter will be asked prior to the Payer Name/TIN filter and the Payer Name/TIN filter will not display any Payer Names/TINs that don't match the M/P/T filter selection. d) Any 'CHAMPVA' existing on reports were removed. e) The following reports and worklists were modified 1) Active Bills With EEOB [RCDPE ACTIVE WITH EEOB REPORT] 2) Auto-Post Awaiting Resolution [RCDPE APAR] 3) Auto-Decrease Adjustment report [RCDPE AUTO-DECREASE REPORT] 4) Auto-Posted Receipt Report [RCDPE AUTO-POST RECEIPT REPORT] 5) Auto-Post Report [RCDPE AUTO-POST REPORT] 6) 835 CARC Data Report [RCDPE CARC CODE PAYER REPORT] 7) EFT Daily Activity Report [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX ACT REPORT] 8) EEOB Move/Copy/Remove Audit Report [RCDPE EEOB MOVE/COPY/RMOVE RPT] 9) EFT Unmatched Aging Report [RCDPE EFT AGING REPORT] 10) Duplicate EFT Deposits Audit Report [RCDPE EFT AUDIT REPORT] 11) EFT/ERA TRENDING Report [RCDPE EFT-ERA TRENDING REPORT] 12) ERA Unmatched Aging Report [RCDPE ERA AGING REPORT] 13) ERA Status Change Audit Report [RCDPE ERA STATUS CHNG AUD REP] 14) ERAs Posted with Paper EOB Audit Report [RCDPE ERA W/PAPER EOB REPORT] 15) EDI Lockbox 3rd Party Exceptions [RCDPE EXCEPTION PROCESSING] 16) Payer Implementation Report [RCDPE PAYER EXCLUSION NAME TIN] 17) Provider Level Adjustments (PLB) Report [RCDPE PROVIDER LVL ADJ REPORT] 18) Remove ERA from Active Worklist Audit Report [RCDPE PROVIDER LVL ADJ REPORT] 19) Unapplied EFT Deposits Report [RCDPE UNAPPLIED EFT DEP REPORT] f) When prompting for the M/P/T filter in any of the above reports, or in the ERA Worklist, a warning message will be given if the user selects pharmacy or Tricare and there are no payers flagged as that type in the identify payers option. g) The AR Nightly process was changed to detect if new Payer Name/TINs are detecting in incoming EFTs. If found, these Payers will be added to the exclusion file (#344.6) and can then be flagged in the Identify Payers [RCDPE PAYER IDENTIFY] OPTION. 21. ERA WORKLIST [RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST] modification a) Security key RCDPEAR was added to the Admin Cost Adj [RCDPE EOB WORKLIST ADMIN COST ADJ] action and this action was moved from the Research [RCDPE EOB WORKLIST RESEARCH MENU] protocol menu to the first page of protocol actions on the ERA Worklist. 22. Duplicate EFT Deposits Audit Report [RCDPE EFT AUDIT REPORT] modification. a) The date range filter was modified such that all the duplicate EFT Deposits for the selected range are displayed (inclusively). Prior to this modification, any duplicate EFT Deposits found on the last day of the date range were not displayed. 23. Auto-Audit processing in the Nightly AR Process [[PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS]] modification a) ERAs with a rate type of 'FEE REIMB INS' are now included in the Auto-Auditing process. 24. Decrease Adjustment [PRCAC TR DECREASE] modification a) A warning will now display if the user attempts to enter a decrease adjustment for an ERA that has pending payments. Patch Components ================ Files & Fields Associated: File Name (#) New/Modified/ Sub-file Name (#) Field Name (Number) Deleted ------------------- ----------------------------- ------------- AR BATCH PAYMENT (#344) MODIFIED ORIGINAL FMS DOCUMENT (#202) NEW EDI THIRD PARTY EFT DETAIL (#344.31) MODIFIED EFT TRANSACTION (#.01) MODIFIED PAYER NAME (#.02) MODIFIED PAYER ID (#.03) MODIFIED TRANSACTION # (#.14) MODIFIED RCDPE AUTO-PAY EXCLUSION (#344.6) MODIFIED PHARMACY PAYER (#.09) MODIFIED TRICARE PAYER (#.1) MODIFIED PAYER ADDED FROM EFT (#.11) NEW ELECTRONIC REMITTANCE ADVICE (#344.4) MODIFIED INSURANCE CO ID (#.03) MODIFIED PAYMENT FROM (#.06) MODIFIED AUT-DECREASE BLOCKED (#.19) NEW MARKED FOR AUTOPOST USER (#4.04) NEW DATE CHECK MATCHED (#5.03) NEW CHECK MATCHED USER (#5.04) NEW ERA DETAIL (#344.41) MODIFIED MARKED FOR AUTOPOST USER (#6.01) MODIFIED RCDPE PARAMETER (#344.61) MODIFIED AUTO-DECREASE MED ENABLED (#.03) MODIFIED AUTO-DECREASE MED DAYS DEFAULT (#.04) MODIFIED AUTO-DECREASE MED AMT DEFAULT (#.05) MODIFIED AUTO-DECREASE MED ZERO ENABLED (#.11) NEW AUTO-DECREASE MED DAYS (ZERO) (#.12) NEW RCDPE CARC-RARC AUTO DEC (#344.62) MODIFIED CARC AUTO DECREASE (#.02) MODIFIED CARC AUTO DECREASE NO-PAY (#.08) NEW DATE ADDED NO-PAY (#.09) NEW UPDATED BY (NO-PAY) (#.1) NEW DATE LAST UPDATED NO-PAY (#.11) NEW CARC DECREASE AMOUNT NO-PAY (#.12) NEW COMMENT NO-PAY (#.13) NEW RCDPE SUSPENSE AUDIT (#344.71) MODIFIED MULTI TRANS SPLIT (#344.711) NEW SEQUENCE (#.01) NEW CLAIM (#.02) NEW AMOUNT (#.03) NEW COMMENT (#.04) NEW Bulletins Associated: New/Modified/ Bulletin Name Deleted ------------- ------------- N/A Dialogs Associated: New/Modified/ Dialog Name Deleted ----------- ------------- N/A Forms Associated: New/Modified/ Form Name File Name (Number) Deleted --------- ------------------ ------------- N/A Functions Associated: New/Modified/ Function Name Deleted ------------- ------------- N/A HL Logical Link: New/Modified/ HL Logical Name Deleted --------------- ------------- N/A HL7 Application Parameters: New/Modified/ HL7 Parameter Name Deleted ------------------ ------------- N/A HLO Application Registry: New/Modified/ HLO Registry Name Deleted ----------------- ------------- N/A Help Frames Associated: New/Modified/ Help Frame Name Deleted --------------- ------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: New/Modified/ Mail Group Name Deleted --------------- ------------- N/A Options Associated: New/Modified/ Option Name Type Deleted ----------- ---- ------------- RCDPE AUTO-POST REPORT RUN ROUTINE SEND TO SITE RCDPE ERA POSTED BY PAPER EOB RUN ROUTINE SEND TO SITE RCDPE PAYER EXCLUSION NAME TIN RUN ROUTINE SEND TO SITE Parameter Definitions: New/Modified/ Parameter Name Deleted -------------- ------------- RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX WORKLIST MODIFIED RCDPE APAR MODIFIED Parameter Template: New/Modified/ Template Name Deleted ------------- ------------- N/A Protocols Associated: New/Modified/ Protocol Name Deleted ------------- ------------- RCDPE EOB AUTO-DECREASE NEW RCDPE EOB WORKLIST DIST ADJ NEW RCDPE EOB WORKLIST RESEARCH MENU MODIFIED RCDPE WORKLIST ERA LIST MENU MODIFIED RCDPE EOB WORKLIST MENU MODIFIED Remote Procedures Associated: New/Modified/ Remote Procedure Name Deleted --------------------- ------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: New/Modified/ Security Key Name Deleted ----------------- ------------- N/A Templates, Input Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type File Name (Number) Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ ------------- N/A Templates, List Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type Deleted ------------- ---- ------------- RCDPE WORKLIST ERA LIST PROTOCOL MODIFIED RCDPE PAYER FLAGS PROTOCOL NEW Templates, Print Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type File Name (Number) Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ ------------- N/A Templates, Sort Associated: New/Modified/ Template Name Type File Name (Number) Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ ------------- N/A Additional Information: N/A New Service Requests (NSRs) ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs) ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview --------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ---------- FRESNO, CA WHITE CITY, OR (DOM) LONG BEACH, CA LAS VEGAS, NV Documentation Retrieval Instructions ------------------------------------ Updated documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to retrieve the files from download.vista.domain.ext/. This transmits the files from the first available server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server. Sites may retrieve the documentation directly using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Hines: domain.ext Salt Lake City: domain.ext Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ Title File Name SFTP Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment, Installation, prca_4_5_326_ig.pdf Binary Back-Out, and Rollback Guide (PRCA*4.5*326) ePayments User Manual epayments_user_manual_r1118.pdf Binary (EDI Lockbox) AR Technical Manual/ prca_4_5_p326_tm.pdf Binary Security Guide (PRCA*4.5*326) Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ Do not install this patch while the "Accounts Receivable Nightly Process Background Job" [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] is running. To avoid disruptions, this patch should be installed during non-peak hours when there is minimal activity on the system and ideally there are no Accounts Receivable users on the system. Pre-Installation Instructions ----------------------------- ****************************************************************** * Do _NOT_ install this patch while the "Account Receivable * * Nightly Process Background Job" [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] is * * running. * * * ****************************************************************** This patch may be installed with users on the system although it is *strongly* recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1. OBTAIN PATCHES -------------- Obtain the host file PRCA_IB_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_3_0.KID which contains the following patches: PRCA*4.5*326 IB*2.0*609 Sites can retrieve VistA software from download.vista.domain.ext. This transmits the file from the first available server. Sites may also elect to retrieve this file directly from a specific server. Sites may retrieve software directly using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) from the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at the following OI Field Offices: Hines domain.ext Salt Lake City domain.ext The PRCA_IB_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_3_0.KID host file is located in the directory. Use the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) Mode when downloading the file. 2. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu option [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: Installation ---- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 3. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL FOR MULTI-BUILD ------------------------------------- From the Installation menu, select the Load a Distribution option. When prompted for "Enter a Host File:", enter the full directory path where you saved the host file PRCA_IB_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_3_0.KID (e.g., SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ANONYMOUS]PRCA_IB_EPAYMENTS_BUNDLE_3_0.KID). When prompted for "OK to continue with Load? NO//", enter "YES." The following will display: Loading Distribution... PRCA IB EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 3.0 PRCA*4.5*326 IB*2.0*609 Use INSTALL NAME: PRCA IB EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 3.0 to install this distribution. 4. RUN INSTALLATION OPTIONS FOR MULTI-BUILD ------------------------------------------------- From the Installation menu, you should select to use the following options (when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter: PRCA IB EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 3.0): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 5. INSTALL MULTI-BUILD ------------------- This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch. This will need to be run for the PRCA IB EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 3.0. a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted 'Select INSTALL NAME:', enter PRCA IB EPAYMENTS BUNDLE 3.0. 6. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', enter NO. 7. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', enter NO. 8. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', enter NO. 9. If prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//', respond 0. 10. When prompted 'Device: HOME//', respond with the correct device. Post-Installation Instructions ------------------------------ The post-install routine POST^RCP326 creates/re-indexes indices on files #344.31 and #344.4. In addition, it populates a default amount of 5000.00 into the AUTO-DECREASE MED AMT DEFAULT field (#344.61, .05) In order to verify the patch post-installation routine was run successfully, please examine the Install File for this patch and report any error messages to Product Support. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**[Patch List]**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 26 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PRCABJ2 Before: B14780114 After: B15862562 **304,321,326** Routine Name: RCBEADJ Before:B100902419 After:B102510722 **169,172,204,173,208,233,298, 301,315,326** Routine Name: RCBEADJ1 Before: n/a After: B18611715 **173,276,321,326** Routine Name: RCBEPAY Before: B26246409 After: B33466454 **153,304,301,326** Routine Name: RCBEUTRA Before: B29640170 After: B30280657 **153,169,204,326** Routine Name: RCDPARC Before:B238304719 After:B191533427 **303,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPARC1 Before: n/a After: B8176922 **326** Routine Name: RCDPAYER Before: B26142929 After: B25164505 **269,276,298,326** Routine Name: RCDPE8NZ Before:B119211699 After:B126399220 **173,212,208,269,276,283,293, 298,317,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAA1 Before:B162348483 After:B152088479 **298,304,317,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAA2 Before:B122312525 After:B156548123 **298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAC Before:B190534875 After:B168209657 **208,269,276,298,303,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAD Before: B86618636 After:B225208697 **298,304,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAD1 Before: B67869816 After: B89886464 **298,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAD2 Before: n/a After: B2447533 **326** Routine Name: RCDPEADP Before:B154275077 After:B143486020 **298,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAP Before:B228321394 After:B211031316 **298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAP1 Before:B105684443 After:B111273424 **298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAPP Before:B217684038 After:B188964958 **298,304,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAPQ Before: n/a After: B57896147 **298,304,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAPS Before: B29098546 After: B32681554 **304,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAR1 Before:B207394984 After:B185349630 **173,269,276,284,293,298,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEAR2 Before:B111529501 After:B118872172 **173,269,276,284,283,293,298, 318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEDA2 Before:B142498917 After:B148982269 **318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEDA3 Before:B113392851 After:B111755243 **318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEDA4 Before: B36841110 After: B37590225 **318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEDAR Before: B81987477 After: B78240638 **173,276,284,283,298,304,318, 321,326** Routine Name: RCDPELA1 Before:B118391123 After:B120642762 **318,326** Routine Name: RCDPELAR Before:B126615293 After:B155712886 **318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM Before: B74838117 After: B75647011 **173,255,269,276,283,298,304, 318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM2 Before:B247276843 After:B136538323 **173,208,276,284,293,298,303, 304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM21 Before: n/a After: B34544967 **173,208,276,284,293,298,303, 304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM3 Before:B177381909 After:B205394257 **276,284,298,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM4 Before:B228006558 After:B215103817 **276,284,298,304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM6 Before: B78693035 After: B92313176 **276,298,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM7 Before:B147289800 After:B161364446 **276,298,303,304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEM9 Before: B45658707 After: B81945399 **276,284,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEMA Before: B29986515 After: B31450000 **298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEMB Before: n/a After: B489577 **326** Routine Name: RCDPENR2 Before:B257719505 After:B255388817 **304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPENR3 Before:B198455458 After:B205654805 **304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPENR4 Before: B69598566 After: B70397699 **304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPENRU Before:B274576776 After:B276717279 **304,326** Routine Name: RCDPEP Before:B147639796 After:B153033159 **321,326** Routine Name: RCDPESP Before:B166335480 After:B156068474 **298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPESP1 Before:B106087451 After:B115604323 **298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPESP2 Before:B176714545 After:B186739461 **298,304,317,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPESP3 Before: B6781847 After: B9104300 **298,326** Routine Name: RCDPESP5 Before:B147639025 After:B246127471 **304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPESP6 Before: n/a After: B44732260 **326** Routine Name: RCDPESP7 Before: n/a After: B23355054 **298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEU1 Before: n/a After:B118506999 **326** Routine Name: RCDPEU2 Before: n/a After: B9466209 **326** Routine Name: RCDPEV0 Before: B24203052 After: B69507034 **208,261,298,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWL Before: B75628654 After: B79960126 **173,208,269,298,317,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWL0 Before:B242411211 After:B210141800 **173,208,252,269,298,317,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWL1 Before: B78442494 After: B82257710 **173,208,222,298,304,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWL4 Before: B62916742 After: B67782893 **173,208,269,298,303,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWL6 Before: B85551309 After: B88977671 **173,208,222,276,298,303,318,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWL7 Before:B123991907 After:B237405649 **208,222,269,276,298,304,318, 321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWL8 Before:B102769103 After:B102929282 **208,269,276,298,304,318,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWLD Before:B101321313 After:B136472540 **252,317,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPEWLZ Before: n/a After: B23932525 **326** Routine Name: RCDPEX1 Before: B19679836 After: B19648805 **173,262,298,304,326** Routine Name: RCDPEX2 Before: B28186252 After: B32725849 **173,269,298,304,326** Routine Name: RCDPLPL4 Before:B239990272 After:B246541574 **304,301,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPLPS2 Before: B48351879 After:B102212504 **304,326** Routine Name: RCDPPLB Before:B197182060 After:B211841359 **303,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPRPL3 Before: B81971704 After: B82192868 **114,148,153,173,301,326** Routine Name: RCDPRPL4 Before: B35834476 After: B36743675 **169,172,173,269,276,326** Routine Name: RCDPRPLM Before: B91367884 After: B92487304 **114,148,149,173,196,220,217, 321,326** Routine Name: RCDPRU Before:B191218781 After:B191751308 **303,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPTAR Before:B194758258 After:B200693399 **303,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPTAR1 Before: B43222900 After: B44014323 **303,326** Routine Name: RCDPUREC Before:B146354431 After:B141629081 **114,148,169,173,208,222,293, 298,321,326** Routine Name: RCDPURET Before: B75859214 After: B76662118 **114,141,169,173,196,221,304, 301,326** Routine Name: RCP326 Before: n/a After: B8513731 **326** Routine list of preceding patches: 315, 321 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : MAY 31, 2017 Completed By: Date Completed: NOV 14, 2018 Released By : Date Released : NOV 14, 2018 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included