$TXT Created by MNTVBB.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Monday, 08/03/20 at 10:50 ============================================================================= Run Date: AUG 31, 2020 Designation: PRCA*4.5*369 Package : PRCA - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Priority: Mandatory Version : 4.5 SEQ #323 Status: Released Compliance Date: SEP 30, 2020 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRCA*4.5*140<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*369' (v)PRCA*4.5*360<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*369' (v)PRCA*4.5*366<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*369' Subject: STATEMENT PROBLEM FOR PATIENT WITH TWO MIDDLE NAMES;CS BATCH RUN AUTO RECALL TX Category: - Routine Description: ============ Patch, PRCA*4.5*369, will address two issues: 1. Patients with two middle names does not appear correctly on a patient statement printed at Consolidated Co-payment Processing Center (CCPC). 2. The weekly Cross-Service (CS) batch run does not create a proper text transaction for auto recall bills less than $25. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: Form Name File #New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- N/A Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- -------------------- N/A Additional Information: Blood Bank Team Coordination: ----------------------------- N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- 1. INC9608562 - CCPC has issue with how VistA handles two middle names Problem: -------- CCPC reported that all patients with two middle names (LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME MIDNAME1 MIDNAME2) will appear on the printed statement as FIRSTNAME MIDNAME1 LASTNAME MIDNAME2. Resolution: ----------- Routine RCCPCFN has been modified to process the compiled statement detail in VistA, to mail messages that will be sent to the CCPC statement printer. The name will appear as FIRSTNAME MIDNAME1 MIDNAME2 LASTNAME. Also, if the 2nd middle name was Jr, Sr, etc., the statement will appear correctly as FIRSTNAME MIDNAME1 MIDNAME2 LASTNAME Sr. Routines: RCCPCFN 2. INC10494252 - Auto recalls in CS batch run not showing in profile as reason Problem: -------- Site reported that when the CS weekly batch run identifies CS bills less than $25 and does an auto recall of the bill, it fails to file the correct text transaction showing this batch as an auto recall. Resolution: ----------- Routine PRCA369P has been created and routines RCTCSP2 and RCTCSPD5 have been modified to create a unique auto recall text transaction that differentiates a user recall from an auto recall that is done during the CS batch run. The new CS batch recall text description on the transaction will be 'CS AUTO RECALL BILL <$25'. The new transaction code has been added to ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TRANS.TYPE (#430.3) file. The routine PRCABJV has been modified to include the new transaction code in the TRANST table. Routines: RCTCSP2, RCTCSPD5,PRCABJV Pre-install: PRCA369P Test Sites: ----------- VA Northern Indiana HCS Wilkes-Barre VAMC Erie VAMC Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- N/A Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- N/A Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ This patch may be installed with users on the system although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. Installation Instructions: -------------------------- 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. Then select the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch or build name PRCA*4.5*369 B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DDs or templates. C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install: i. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer . ii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer . Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- You may delete the routine PRCA369P from your production system after the patch has been successfully verified. Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ Prior to installing the updated KIDS package, the site/region should have saved a backup of the routines in a mail message using the Backup a Transport Global [XPD BACKUP] menu option. The message containing the backed up routines can be loaded with the "Xtract PackMan" function at the Message Action prompt. The PackMan function INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE is then used to install the backed-up routines onto the VistA system. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**[Patch List]**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 15 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PRCA369P Before: n/a After: B3192466 **369** Routine Name: PRCABJV Before: B56218047 After: B56503907 **1,48,63,114,141,170,176,173, 192,220,296,310,315,338,350, 360,369** Routine Name: RCCPCFN Before: B7777309 After: B9064314 **34,104,140,369** Routine Name: RCTCSP2 Before:B135224269 After:B136318281 **301,315,339,340,344,350,369** Routine Name: RCTCSPD5 Before: B20462237 After: B27048103 **315,339,366,369** Routine list of preceding patches: 140, 360, 366 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : MAR 17, 2020 Completed By: Date Completed: AUG 31, 2020 Released By : Date Released : AUG 31, 2020 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT