$TXT Created by COC-CCAD-DEV.AAC.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Tuesday, 07/11/23 at 13:22 ============================================================================= Run Date: OCT 19, 2023 Designation: PRCA*4.5*389 Package : PRCA - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Priority: Mandatory Version : 4.5 SEQ #369 Status: Released Compliance Date: NOV 18, 2023 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRCA*4.5*391<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*389' (v)PRCA*4.5*378<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*389' Subject: CCDSO RPP SUPVR WORKLIST Category: - Routine - Other - Data Dictionary Description: ============ The Office of Finance is requesting system enhancements to the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Integrated Billing (IB) and Accounts Receivable (AR) software modules. The goal of this enhancement is to increase timeliness and collections of billable Non-Veterans Affairs (VA) care services. Enhancements to the existing VistA IB and AR software applications would allow for increased efficiency in workflow processes leading to best practices that would ultimately be reflected in improved customer service to our Veteran population. In order to meet these goals, this patch: 1) Creates a new worklist option, Repayment Plan Worklist [PRCAC RPP WORKLIST], which allows users to review, approve, and update any Repayment Plans that may have grown to have the number of outstanding payments exceeding 36 months. 2) Updates the Repayment Plan Nightly Process to identify Plans that have exceeded 36 months so they appear on the worklist for review. 3) Updates the Repayment Plan Status Report to allow users to specify the maximum number of days in a selected status. 4) Updates the Repayment Plan Status Report to remove the initial statuses selected display when first trying to add status filter to the report. 5) Updates the Repayment Plan Delinquent Letter Report to add the Statement Account Number to the Excel formatted version. 6) Adds a mail group, RC REPAY SUP, so that the Repayment Plan Nightly Process can alert the appropriate Supervisors that the process added bills to an existing plan that need review because they exceeded 36 months. 7) Adds a mail group, RC REPAY TECH, so that the Repayment Plan Supervisor Worklist can notify staff if a Repayment Plan needs further review with the veteran after a Supervisor denies the extension of a Repayment plan beyond 36 months. 8) Updates the Repayment Plan Status Report to use an "^" delimiter for the Excel Version of the Report instead of a ";" 9) Updates the Repayment Plan Nightly Process to add an entry into the Audit Log for a Repayment Plan if a bill was added to the Repayment Plan. 10) Updates the Repayment Plans Summary that displays after a new Repayment Plan is created to display the Auto-Add information for the plan. 11) Updates the Enter a New Repayment Plan Option to remove the ability to escape the listing of the bills still at Cross Servicing, so users may review the list of Bills still at Cross Servicing and determine if there are any bills eligible for recall so they can be added to the repayment plan after recall. 12) Updates the Repayment Plan Status Report to add a Max Days filter, so users can limit the output of the report to a specified range of plans to assist in organizing their workload 13) Adds a new Metric, called # New Plans, to the AR Metrics File, so that the total number of new plans created on a specified day is captured. 14) Updates the Transaction History for a Patient Option [PRCA TRANS HISTORY] to allow the new Repayment Plan Transactions to appear on the report. 15) Updates the Transaction History for a Patient Option to allow the following Transactions to appear on the report: Marshal/Court Cost, Repayment Plan, Comment, CS RE-REFER BILL REQUEST, CS DEBTOR RE-REFER BILL, CS RE-REFER BILL CANCEL, and CS AUTO RECALL BILL <$25 16) Updates the Repayment Plan Default Letter Report to add the Statement Account Number to the Excel formatted version. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- AR REPAYMENT PLAN 36 MONTH REVIEW New (#340.5) AR REPAYMENT PLAN *COMMENT Modified AUDIT (#340.54) COMMENT New AR METRICS (#340.7) NO. PLANS NEW New Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- RC REPAY TECH New RC REPAY SUP New Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- PRCAC REPAYMENT MENU Menu Modified PRCAC RPP WORKLIST Routine New Functions Associated: Function Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- PRCA RPP WL ADD New PRCA RPP WL EDIT New PRCA RPP WL EXPORT New PRCA RPP WL INQ New PRCA RPP WL MENU New PRCA RPP WL PROFILE New PRCA RPP WL REVIEW New PRCA RPP WL VIEW New Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name New/Modified/Deleted ----------------- -------------------- PRCA RPP SUPER NEW PRCA RPP TECH NEW Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- PRCA RPP WORKLIST L AR REPAYMENT PLAN (#340.5) New Additional Information: ----------------------- N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ---------- Edward J Hines VA Hospital (Chicago, IL) - Station 578 CHG Order # CHG0395810 VA Central Plains Health Network - Omaha Division - Station 636 CHG Order # CHG0395810 VA Western New York Healthcare System - Buffalo - Station 528 CHG Order # CHG0396061 Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released in a PackMan message. This release is also available at: /srv/vista/patches/SOFTWARE Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. The documentation can be found in the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Title File Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRCA_4_5_389 Deployment, Installation, PRCA_4_5_P389_DIBR.PDF Back-Out, and Rollback Guide AR User Manual - Clerk's AR Menu - PRCA_4_5_5CLERK1.PDF Part 1 AR Technical/Security Manual PRCA_4_5_P389_TM.pdf Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- N/A Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ This patch may be installed with users on the system although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. Installation Instructions: -------------------------- 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this build. Then select the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option to load the build. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, A. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch PRCA*4.5*389. B. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. For each patch you can specify what to backup; the entire Build or just Routines. When asked to specify what to backup, select Build. It is NOT recommended to use this backup to restore the system as it will NOT restore your system to pre-patch condition. When prompted for a response, select Build Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build C. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. D. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//', answer YES ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer NO iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer NO iv. When prompted 'Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'RC REPAY SUP':, enter the Facility Revenue Manager (FRM) for the facility. v. When prompted 'Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'RC REPAY TECH':, enter the Facility Revenue Manager (FRM) for the facility. Post-Installation Instructions ------------------------------ After installation, work with the FRM to identify the list of Veteran Services Leads and Supervisors to add the RC REPAY PLAN EXTERNAL Mail group. Once identified, enter their Outlook email addresses into the MEMBERS - REMOTE field of the Mail group. To do this, enter FileMan and: Select OPTION: ENTER OR EDIT FILE ENTRIES Input to what File: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE// MAIL GROUP (764 entries) EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// 12 MEMBERS - REMOTE (multiple) EDIT WHICH MEMBERS - REMOTE SUB-FIELD: ALL// THEN EDIT FIELD: Select MAIL GROUP NAME: RC REPAY TECH (or RC REPAY SUP) Select REMOTE MEMBER: // Back-Out Plan: -------------- Please refer to the Deployment, Installation, Back-out, and Rollback document associated with this patch. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**[Patch List]**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 36 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: PRCAAPR Before: B12999899 After: B15802920 **198,221,276,389** Routine Name: PRCAGT Before: B22720551 After: B22733202 **100,162,165,169,219,301,340, 377,381,389** Routine Name: PRCAHIS Before: B26753325 After: B27106443 **110,198,233,315,340,377,381,389** Routine Name: PRCAP389 Before: n/a After: B3153387 **389** Routine Name: PRCAPCL Before: B40644604 After: B40950839 **72,63,143,154,315,342,368,391,389** Routine Name: RCBEPAY2 Before: B27895355 After: B30623029 **153,162,377,389** Routine Name: RCDPBPLI Before: B77858175 After: B80109924 **114,153,301,315,350,372,388,389** Routine Name: RCDPBPLM Before: B65951906 After: B65984224 **114,153,159,241,276,303,301, 315,388,389** Routine Name: RCRPADD Before: B50603247 After: B65095496 **381,388,378,389** Routine Name: RCRPDR Before: B31672060 After: B36253501 **378,389** Routine Name: RCRPENTR Before: B80323087 After: B81613344 **377,381,378,389** Routine Name: RCRPFB Before: B20293809 After: B27755830 **378,389** Routine Name: RCRPINQ Before: B89549537 After: B86858022 **377,381,388,378,389** Routine Name: RCRPNP Before: B77462428 After: B81834831 **378,389** Routine Name: RCRPSTR Before:B109532403 After:B126643724 **381,390,396,378,389** Routine Name: RCRPU Before:B248229480 After:B252180151 **377,381,388,378,389** Routine Name: RCRPU1 Before:B101442517 After:B113030131 **377,381,378,389** Routine Name: RCRPU2 Before: B47283104 After: B69087448 **381,378,389** Routine Name: RCRPU3 Before: n/a After: B2154147 **389** Routine Name: RCRPWL Before: n/a After: B10945372 **389** Routine Name: RCRPWL1 Before: n/a After: B26468945 **389** Routine Name: RCRPWLUT Before: n/a After: B4569206 **389** Routine list of preceding patches: 378, 391 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUL 14, 2021 Completed By: Date Completed: OCT 19, 2023 Released By : Date Released : OCT 19, 2023 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT