$TXT Created by WINTERTON,STEVEN B at MNTVBB.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV (KIDS) on Thursday, 07/03/08 at 13:17 ============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 23, 2008 Designation: PRCA*4.5*253 Package : PRCA - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Priority: Mandatory Version : 4.5 SEQ #232 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 23, 2008 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)PRCA*4.5*229<<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*253' (v)DG*5.3*763 <<= must be installed BEFORE `PRCA*4.5*253' Subject: Hold Debt to DMC Category: - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Routine - Data Dictionary Description: ============ This patch is being implemented in support of the "Hold Debt to DMC" project. This is being implemented to avoid inappropriate debt referrals to Debt Management Center (DMC) for veterans who are either Service Connected (SC) 50% to 100% or in receipt of a VA pension. This patch will modify the existing VistA AR application to do the following: a. Enhance the existing VistA software logic to exclude DMC eligible debts associated with veterans who are SC 50% to 100% or in receipt of VA pension from being referred to the DMC. b. Introduce a new "DMC Debt Valid" field in the Accounts Receivable application. c. Create a new report option in AR for Veterans who are SC 50% to 100% or in receipt of a VA pension. d. Create a new report option in AR to assist the AR Supervisors in reviewing the processing of the bills for Veterans who are SC 50% to 100% or in receipt of VA pension. e. Create a new report option in AR to assist users in focusing on reviewing the legitimacy of bills where the veteran has a Rated Disability change during a given time period and is neither SC 50% to 100% nor in receipt of VA Pension. Additional documentation on this project can be found in the project notebook for "Hold debt to DMC" which is in the VA Health IT (VHIT) Project Repository (TSPR). The link is: http://tspr.vista.med.va.gov/warboard/anotebk.asp?proj=1228 This patch addresses the following New Service Request (NSR): ------------------------------------------------------------- New Service Request 20070211, Hold Debt to DMC This patch addresses the following Remedy Ticket(s): ---------------------------------------------------- N/A Overview of Remedy Ticket(s): ----------------------------- N/A Components Sent With Patch -------------------------- The following is a list of new fields included in this patch: Field Name (Number) File Name (Number) ------------------------------------ ------------------ # OF DAYS FOR RD ELIG CHG RPT (#8.01) AR SITE PARAMETER (#342) NUMBER OF DAYS FOR DMC REPORTS (#8.02) AR SITE PARAMETER (#342) DMC Debt Valid (#125) Accounts Receivable (#430) DMC Debt Valid Edited By (#126) Accounts Receivable (#430) DMC Debt Valid Edited Date (#127) Accounts Receivable (#430) The following is a list of options included in this patch: New/ Option Name Type Modified ------------------------------------------------- ------- -------- DMC Debt Validity Report Routine New [RCDMCR1 DEBT VALIDITY REPORT] DMC Debt Validity Report - Scheduled Task Routine New [RCDMCR1 DEBT VALIDITY TASK RPT] DMC Debt Validity Management Rpt - Scheduled Task Routine New [RCDMCR2 DEBT VALID MGMT TASK] DMC Debt Validity Management Report Routine New [RCDMCR2 DEBT VALIDITY MGMT RPT] Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report Routine New [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE REPORT] Rated Disability Elig Change Rpt - Scheduled Task Routine New [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE TASK] Enter/Edit RD Number of Days Report Parameter Routine New [RCDMC EDIT RD # OF DAYS PARAME] Enter/Edit DMC Debt Validation Routine New [RCDMCEDT ENTER/EDIT DMC DEBT] Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care Routine New [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] DMC Referral Menu Menu Modified [PRCA RCDMC REFERRAL MENU] 90 Day DMC Report Routine No Change [PRCA RCDMC 90 DAY REPORT] Remove Debtor From DMC Routine No Change [PRCA RCDMC CANCEL] Enter Lesser DMC Withholding Amount Routine No Change [PRCA RCDMC LESSER WITHHOLDING] DMC Referred Report Print RPT Routine No Change [PRCA RCDMC REFERRED RPT] Total number of options: 14 Total number of new options: 9 Total number of updated options: 1 Total number of "ATTACH TO MENU" options: 4 Detailed descriptions of the above new options: Enter/Edit RD Number of Days Report Parameter [RCDMC EDIT RD # OF DAYS PARAME] This option allows users to enter/edit the "# OF DAYS FOR RD ELIG CHG RPT" site parameter in the AR Site Parameter (#342) file. This will allow the user to select how many days in the past Rated Disability Changes will be checked for the Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report if it is scheduled by IRM to be run on a recurring basis. Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] This option allows users to enter/edit the "NUMBER OF DAYS FOR DMC REPORTS" site parameter in the AR Site Parameter (#342) file. This will allow the user to select how many days in the past bills for episodes of care will be included on the following reports when they are scheduled by IRM to be run on a recurring basis: DMC Debt Validity Report DMC Debt Validity Management Report Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report The minimum value for this site parameter is 365 days (1 year) and the maximum value is 3650 days (10 years). If no value is added for this site parameter the default value will be 365 days. Enter/Edit DMC Debt Validation [RCDMCEDT ENTER/EDIT DMC DEBT] This Accounts Receivable option allows the user to enter/edit the DMC Debt Valid field in the Accounts Receivable (#430) file. The user will be prompted to select a specific bill, by bill number or Patient, and then be issued a prompt for the DMC Debt Valid field for corresponding bill with a Current Status of Active, Open, or Suspended. If the prompt is answered 'Yes', then the associated receivables will be included into the DMC eligible debt determination process for the Accounts Receivable Nightly Process Background Job and if it meets all DMC referral criteria be referred to DMC. If the Debt is determined to be inappropriate (the DMC Debt Valid field set to 'NO'), staff will cancel the bill using the existing functionality DMC Debt Validity Report [RCDMCR1 DEBT VALIDITY REPORT] This Accounts Receivable option is to assist users in focusing on reviewing the legitimacy of first party bills for veterans who are SC 50% to 100% or in receipt of VA Pension benefits. The report contains information on veterans who meet the above criteria and have bills for episodes of care within the previous 365 days (or older selected date) and for which the Current Status is Active, Open or Suspended. Authorized billing staff can run the report to ensure that all bills meeting the above criteria are reviewed and if necessary the appropriate action is taken as follows: Bill is appropriate - Update the Debt Validity Status field to 'YES' in order that the bill is referred to DMC via the automated process if all other DMC criteria is met Bill is inappropriate - Update the Debt Validity Status Field to 'NO' and staff will cancel the bill using Existing functionality Inappropriate bill sent to DMC - Staff to initiate action to cancel DMC collection or refund payments using existing functionality The report allows for the user to select the date from which to include bills for episodes of care on the report and to select if they want the report printed in a Detailed Format or in an Excel Delimited Format. It is recommended that the user queues this report to a device that is 132 characters wide. The report will include the following data elements: Data Elements From File # ------------------------------- ------------------------------ Veteran's Name #2 (Patient File) SSN (Last 4 digits) #2 Claim Number(CXXXXXXXX) #2 Claim Location(Station Number) #2 Eligibility/Effective Date #2 Bill Number #430 (Accounts Receivable) RX Fill/Re-Fill Date File #52 pointed to by File #350 Outpatient Visit Date File #409.68 pointed to by file #350 Discharge Date File #405 pointed to by file #350 AR Status(Open/Active/Suspended) #430 DMC Referral Date #430 DMC Debt Valid (Null/PENDING) #430 Summary at bottom of report: Total Number of Bills Referred Total Number of unique veterans referred Total AR Dollars referred Total Number of Bills Total Number of unique veterans Total AR Dollars Note: When the veteran is not Service Connected 50% to 100% and is not Receiving a VA Pension the new software will also include the functionality to consider a veteran as Receiving a VA Pension if he/she is receiving A&A or Housebound Benefits. DMC Debt Validity Report - Scheduled Task [RCDMCR1 DEBT VALIDITY TASK RPT] This Accounts Receivable option is used to schedule the DMC Debt Validity Report to run on a recurring basis without user intervention. The report is used to assist users in focusing on reviewing the legitimacy of first party bills for veterans who are SC 50% to 100% or in receipt of VA Pension benefits. The report contains information on veterans who meet the above criteria and have bills for episodes of care within the previous X days with a DMC Debt Valid field not flagged as 'YES' or 'NO' and for which the Current Status is Active, Open or Suspended. X will be the value entered in the "NUMBER OF DAYS FOR DMC REPORTS" (#8.02) field of the AR SITE PARAMETER (#342) file. If this value isn't entered the report will default to bills from episodes of care for the past 365 days. This parameter can be edited using the Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] option. Authorized billing staff can use the report to ensure that all bills meeting the above criteria are reviewed and if necessary the appropriate action is taken as follows: Bill is appropriate - Update the Debt Validity Status field to 'YES' in order that the bill is referred to DMC via the automated process if all other DMC criteria is met Bill is inappropriate - Update the Debt Validity Status Field to 'NO' and staff will cancel the bill using Existing functionality Inappropriate bill sent to DMC - Staff to initiate action to cancel DMC collection or refund payments using existing functionality The scheduled report can only be printed in the detailed format and it should be sent to a device that is 132 characters wide. The report will include the following data elements: Data Elements From File # ------------------------------- ------------------------------ Veteran's Name #2 (Patient File) SSN (Last 4 digits) #2 Claim Number(CXXXXXXXX) #2 Claim Location(Station Number) #2 Eligibility/Effective Date #2 Bill Number #430 (Accounts Receivable) RX Fill/Re-Fill Date File #52 pointed to by File #350 Outpatient Visit Date File #409.68 pointed to by file #350 Discharge Date File #405 pointed to by file #350 AR Status(Open/Active/Suspended) #430 DMC Referral Date #430 DMC Debt Valid (Null/PENDING) #430 Summary at bottom of report: Total Number of Bills Referred Total Number of unique veterans referred Total AR Dollars referred Total Number of Bills Total Number of unique veterans Total AR Dollars Note: When the veteran is not Service Connected 50% to 100% and is not Receiving a VA Pension the new software will also include the functionality to consider a veteran as Receiving a VA Pension if he/she is receiving A&A or Housebound Benefits. DMC Debt Validity Management Rpt - Scheduled Task [RCDMCR2 DEBT VALID MGMT TASK] This Accounts Receivable option is used to schedule the DMC Debt Validity Management Report to run on a recurring basis without user intervention. It is used to assist management/supervisors to review processing of the bills listed in the "Debt Validity Report" for veterans who are SC 50% to 100% or in receipt of VA Pension benefits and have bills for episodes of care within the previous X days with the current bill Status of Open, Active, Suspended, Cancellation, Refund Review or Refunded. X will be the value entered in the "NUMBER OF DAYS FOR DMC REPORTS" (#8.02) field of the AR SITE PARAMETER (#342) file. If this value isn't entered the report will default to bills from episodes of care for the past 365 days. This parameter can be edited using the Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] option. The report will print all "DMC Debt Valid" statuses to facilitate Supervisors to identify the bills that are either processed or yet to be processed. The scheduled report can only be printed in the detailed format and it should be sent to a device that is 132 characters wide. The report will include the following data elements: Data Elements From File # ------------------------------- ------------------------------ Veteran's Name #2 (Patient File) SSN (Last 4 digits) #2 Claim Number(CXXXXXXXX) #2 Claim Location(Station Number) #2 Principal Balance #430 (Account Receivable) AR Status(Open/Active/Suspended/ Cancellation/Refund Review/ Refunded) #430 DMC Debt Valid Edited By #430 DMC Debt Valid Edited Date #430 Summary at bottom of report Total Number of Bills Total Number of unique Veterans Total AR Receivable Amount (Principle Balance) Total Number of unique Active AR Status Total Number of unique Open AR Status Total Number of unique Suspended AR Status Total Number of unique Cancellation AR Status Total Number of unique Refund Review AR Status Total Number of unique Refunded AR Status There will be a summary for each DMC Debt Valid field value as well as a summary total for all values combined. Note: When the veteran is not Service Connected 50% to 100% and is not Receiving a VA Pension the new software will also include the functionality to consider a veteran as Receiving a VA Pension if he/she is receiving A&A or Housebound Benefits. DMC Debt Validity Management Report [RCDMCR2 DEBT VALIDITY MGMT RPT] This Accounts Receivable option is to assist management/supervisors to review processing of the bills listed in the "Debt Validity Report" for veterans who are SC 50% to 100% or in receipt of VA Pension benefits and have bills for episodes of care within the previous 365 days (or older selected date) with the current bill Status of Open, Active, Suspended, Cancellation, Refund Review or Refunded. The report allows for the user to select the date from which to include bills for episodes of care on the report; to select if they want the report printed in a Detailed Format, a Summary Format, or in an Excel Delimited Format; and to select based on the "DMC Debt Valid" status to facilitate Supervisors to identify the bills that are either processed or yet to be processed. It is recommended that the user Queues this report to a device that is 132 characters wide. The report will include the following data elements: Data Elements From File # --------------------------- --------------------------------- Veteran's Name #2 (Patient File) SSN (Last 4 digits) #2 Claim Number(CXXXXXXXX) #2 Claim Location(Station Number) #2 Principal Balance #430 (Account Receivable) AR Status(Open/Active/Suspended/ Cancellation/Refund Review/ Refunded) #430 DMC Debt Valid Edited By #430 DMC Debt Valid Edited Date #430 Summary at bottom of report Total Number of Bills Total Number of unique Veterans Total AR Receivable Amount (Principle Balance) Total Number of unique Active AR Status Total Number of unique Open AR Status Total Number of unique Suspended AR Status Total Number of unique Cancellation AR Status Total Number of unique Refund Review AR Status Total Number of unique Refunded AR Status If the user chooses to print the report for all DMC Debt Valid field values then there will be a summary for each value as well as a summary total for all values combined. Note: When the veteran is not Service Connected 50% to 100% and is not Receiving a VA Pension the new software will also include the functionality to consider a veteran as Receiving a VA Pension if he/she is receiving A&A or Housebound Benefits. Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE REPORT] This Accounts Receivable option is to assist users in focusing on reviewing the legitimacy of first party bills where the veteran is neither SC 50% to 100% nor in receipt of VA Pension benefits (Veterans not included on the "DMC Debt Validity Report"). The report would contain information on veterans who have bills for episodes of care within the previous 365 days (or older selected date) and who have a new Rated Disability during a user selected time period. Authorized billing staff can run the report to ensure that all bills meeting the above criteria are reviewed and if necessary the appropriate action is taken as follows: Bill is appropriate - There shall be no action taken. Bill is inappropriate - AR staff shall cancel the bill using existing functionality. Inappropriate bill sent to DMC - AR staff shall cancel/refund using existing functionality. The report allows for the user to select the time period for Rated Disabilities, to select the date from which to include bills for episodes of care on the report, and to select if they want the report printed in a Detailed Format or in an Excel Delimited Format. It is recommended that the user queues this report to a device that is 132 characters wide. The report will include the following data elements: Data Elements From File # ------------------------------- ----------------------------- Veteran's Name #2 (Patient File) SSN (Last 4 digits) #2 Claim Number(CXXXXXXXX) #2 Claim Location(Station Number) #2 Eligibility Change Date #390 (ENROLLMENT RATED DISABILITY UPLOAD AUDIT FILE) New Rated Disability Name #390 Extremity Affected #390 Original Effective Date #390 Bill Number #430 (Accounts Receivable) RX Fill/Re-Fill Date File #52 pointed to by File #350 Outpatient Visit Date File #409.68 pointed to by file #350 Discharge Date File #405 pointed to by file #350 AR Status(Open/Active/Suspended) #430 Summary at bottom of report: Total Number of Bills Total Number of Rated Disabilities Total Number of unique veterans Rated Disability Elig Change Rpt - Scheduled Task [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE TASK] This Accounts Receivable option is used to schedule the Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report to run on a recurring basis without user intervention. It is used to assist users in focusing on reviewing the legitimacy of first party bills where the veteran is neither SC 50% to 100% nor in receipt of VA Pension benefits (Veterans not included on the "DMC Debt Validity Report"). The report will contain information on veterans who have bills for episodes of care within the previous X1 days and who have a new Rated Disability during the last X2 days. X1 will be the value entered in the "NUMBER OF DAYS FOR DMC REPORTS" (#8.02) field of the AR SITE PARAMETER (#342) file. If this value isn't entered the report will default to bills from episodes of care for the past 365 days. This parameter can be edited using the Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] option. X2 will be the value entered in the "# OF DAYS FOR RD ELIG CHG RPT" (#8.01) field of the AR SITE PARAMETER (#342) file. If this value isn't entered or is zero, the report will default to RD data for the last 31 days. This parameter can be edited using the Enter/Edit RD Number of Days Report Parameter [RCDMC EDIT RD # OF DAYS PARAME] option. Authorized billing staff can use the report to ensure that all bills meeting the above criteria are reviewed and if necessary the appropriate action is taken as follows: Bill is appropriate - There shall be no action taken. Bill is inappropriate - AR staff shall cancel the bill using existing functionality. Inappropriate bill sent to DMC - AR staff shall cancel/refund using existing functionality. The scheduled report can only be printed in the detailed format and it should be sent to a device that is 132 characters wide. The report will include the following data elements: Data Elements From File # ------------------------------- ----------------------------- Veteran's Name #2 (Patient File) SSN (Last 4 digits) #2 Claim Number(CXXXXXXXX) #2 Claim Location(Station Number) #2 Eligibility Change Date #390 (ENROLLMENT RATED DISABILITY UPLOAD AUDIT FILE) New Rated Disability Name #390 Extremity Affected #390 Original Effective Date #390 Bill Number #430 (Accounts Receivable) RX Fill/Re-Fill Date File #52 pointed to by File #350 Outpatient Visit Date File #409.68 pointed to by file #350 Discharge Date File #405 pointed to by file #350 AR Status(Open/Active/Suspended) #430 Summary at bottom of report: Total Number of Bills Total Number of Rated Disabilities Total Number of unique veterans The DMC Referral Menu [PRCA RCDMC REFERRAL MENU] is an existing menu option that will be updated to include the new user options being implemented by this patch. It does not include the options implemented for Taskman Scheduling. This menu is placed on the Supervisor's AR Menu. It is composed of various options dealing with Debt Management Center (DMC) referral. The following new options are added to this existing menu option: Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] Enter/Edit RD Number of Days Report Parameter [RCDMC EDIT RD # OF DAYS PARAME] Enter/Edit DMC Debt Validation [RCDMCEDT ENTER/EDIT DMC DEBT] DMC Debt Validity Report [RCDMCR1 DEBT VALIDITY REPORT] DMC Debt Validity Management Report [RCDMCR2 DEBT VALIDITY MGMT RPT] Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE REPORT] Test Sites: ----------- Altoona - James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center Central Texas Veterans Healthcare System Fayetteville VAMC Lexington VAMC SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION RETRIEVAL ------------------------------------ The documentation for this patch can be found in the following [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE] directories: Preferred Address ------------------------- First available FTP server download.vista.med.va.gov Specific Field Office FTP Address --------------------- ------------------------ Albany ftp.fo-albany.med.va.gov Hines ftp.fo-hines.med.va.gov Salt Lake City ftp.fo-slc.med.va.gov File Name Description Format FTP Protocol -------------- ------------- ------- ------------ PRCA_4_5_253_RN.PDF Release Notes PDF Binary ================INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ================= If installed during the normal workday, it is recommended that the following selection(s) in the OPTION (#19) file, and all of their descendants be disabled to prevent possible conflicts while running the KIDS Install. Other VISTA users will not be affected. None Install Time - less than 5 minutes ************** PRE-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ************** If the Accounts Receivable Nightly Process Background Job [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] Option is scheduled, please unschedule this prior to installing the patch. Please review the DMC Referral Menu [PRCA RCDMC REFERRAL MENU] option. It should have the following options listed as Menu Items: 90 Day DMC Report [PRCA RCDMC 90 DAY REPORT] Remove Debtor From DMC [PRCA RCDMC CANCEL] Enter Lesser DMC Withholding Amount [PRCA RCDMC LESSER WITHHOLDING DMC] Referred Report Print RPT [PRCA RCDMC REFERRED RPT] New options are being added and each option will be updated with a Synonym and Display Order. Old options will remain at the top of the menu display. Please note any additional options that your site may have attached. After you install this patch you will need to re-attach locally added options back to this menu option. *********************************************************** 1. LOAD TRANSPORT GLOBAL --------------------- Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 2. START UP KIDS ------------- Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu [XPD MAIN]: Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INStallation --- Load a Distribution Print Transport Global Compare Transport Global to Current System Verify Checksums in Transport Global Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Backup a Transport Global Select Installation Option: 3. Select Installation Option: --------------------------- NOTE: The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter PRCA*4.5*253): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) ------------------ **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch: a. Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install. b. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//' Answer YES unless your system does this in a nightly TaskMan process. c. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated) d. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated) ************** POST-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ************** If the Accounts Receivable Nightly Process Background Job [PRCA NIGHTLY PROCESS] Option was unscheduled, please re-scheduled this option. Determine if the follows options are required to be scheduled by your Account Receivable Staff: DMC Debt Validity Report - Scheduled Task [RCDMCR1 DEBT VALIDITY TASK RPT] DMC Debt Validity Management Rpt - Scheduled Task [RCDMCR2 DEBT VALID MGMT TASK] Rated Disability Elig Change Rpt - Scheduled Task [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE TASK] If options are to be scheduled you will need to determine the frequency for which to schedule these reports to be run. The jobs should not be scheduled more frequently than once per day. These options generate reports that are 132 characters wide. You will need to determine the output device (printer) where they will be sent to print. All three tasked report options allows for the site to determine how many days in the past bills for episodes of care will be included on the reports. The default value is 365 day. If the Account Receivable staff would like to allow data further in the past use the Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] Option which will allow the site to specify a time frame greater than 365 day up to 3650 days (10 years). The Rated Disability Elig Change Rpt - Scheduled Task [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE TASK] option allows for the site to determine the number of days in the past for which to get Rated Disability Eligibility changes. The Account Receivable staff will need to determine the date period to be used at the site. The default period will be for the last 31 days if the site hasn't entered a value in the "# OF DAYS FOR RD ELIG CHG RPT" site parameter in the AR Site Parameter (#342) file using the Enter/Edit RD Number of Days Report Parameter [RCDMC EDIT RD # OF DAYS PARAME] option. The DMC Referral Menu [PRCA RCDMC REFERRAL MENU] menu option was updated to include the following new options: DMC Debt Validity Report [RCDMCR1 DEBT VALIDITY REPORT] DMC Debt Validity Management Report [RCDMCR2 DEBT VALIDITY MGMT RPT] Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report [RCDMCR3 RD ELIG CHANGE REPORT] Enter/Edit DMC Debt Validation [RCDMCEDT ENTER/EDIT DMC DEBT] Enter/Edit RD Number of Days Report Parameter [RCDMC EDIT RD # OF DAYS PARAME] Enter/Edit DMC Report # Days for Episodes of Care [RCDMC EDIT DMC REPORT # OF DAY] These new options can be added to site developed menu options or as secondary options for specific users as necessitated by the facility. These new options do not require any security keys and use of them is dependent on a user's menu/option assignment/access. Please re-add any locally added menu item(s) which were removed by this patch back to the DMC Referral Menu [PRCA RCDMC REFERRAL MENU] menu option. *********************************************************** Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**[Patch List]**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 9 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: RCDMC90 Before: B59298165 After: B61870555 **45,108,133,121,163,190,192, 236,237,229,253** Routine Name: RCDMCEDT Before: n/a After: B14822529 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCR1A Before: n/a After: B46172778 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCR1B Before: n/a After: B21112106 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCR2A Before: n/a After: B75794635 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCR2B Before: n/a After: B23878757 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCR3A Before: n/a After: B55386013 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCR3B Before: n/a After: B17826627 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCUT1 Before: n/a After: B42349665 **253** Routine Name: RCDMCUT2 Before: n/a After: B38071706 **253** Routine Name: RCMSITE Before: B5713156 After: B7163985 **173,236,253** Routine list of preceding patches: 173, 229 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : WINTERTON,STEVEN Date Entered : JUN 20, 2007 Completed By: LYNCH,MARY F. Date Completed: JUL 22, 2008 Released By : MURRAY,JOHN J Date Released : JUL 23, 2008 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT