Subj: Release of Pharmacy Reengineering (PRE) MOCHA v2.0 24 Mar 2014 15:54:08 -0400 (EDT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: March 24, 2014 To: G.IRM CHIEFS (NATIONAL) & STAFF G.SITEMANAGERSNATIONAL G.PATCH G.SSA G.PROVIDER SYSTEMS G.PHARMACY ADPACS G.CS STAFF From: Product Support, Clinical 1 Team Subject: Release of Pharmacy Reengineering (PRE) Medication Order Checks for Healthcare Application (MOCHA) v2.0 RELEASE INFORMATION: We are pleased to announce that the phased deployment of the MOCHA v2.0 Dosing Check software will officially begin on March 24, 2014. MOCHA v2.0 will introduce a Maximum Single Dose order check to Outpatient Pharmacy, Inpatient Medications, and Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS), and will be released in five phases called "waves". Instructions for installation are included in the VistA to MOCHA Interface Document and the MOCHA v2.0 Combined Build Installation Guide. MOCHA v2.0 major features include: Implements Maximum Single Dose Order Check for simple and complex orders in Outpatient Pharmacy and Inpatient Medications applications and CPRS. Provides error messages with reasons at the order level when a Maximum Single Dose Order Check cannot be performed for Pharmacy users. Provides a generic error message at the order level when a Maximum Single Dose Order Check cannot be performed for CPRS users. Supports the ability to exclude a schedule from all Dosing Order Checks. Creates a new PDM option called Lookup Dosing Check Info for Drug [PSS DRUG DOSING LOOKUP] so that a user can view all data that can affect Dosing Order Checks for a drug. Creates and auto enables a new DOSING_INFO web service. Provides an option to enable/disable Dosing Order Checks called Enable/Disable Dosing Order Checks [PSS DOSING ORDER CHECKS], which also includes generation of a notification and an audit trail. Links: A Share Point site for VA Sites is available at: M2_Deploy_Trng/SitePages/Home.aspx This site includes managerial and training documents such as the Site Readiness Checklist and the Deployment Schedule for each wave. Deployment Support: If you have any questions about this message, please address them to the Outlook mail group OIT PD PRE MOCHA v2.0 Deploy Questions. During your Kick Off meeting you will be given additional support resources. The MOCHA Implementation Team will provide a series of conference calls within each Wave to support sites through the installation. To see current status and target dates for sites please refer to the following site: M2_Deploy_Trng/SitePages/Home.aspx The rollout of MOCHA v2.0 will include modifications to the software functionality within the Pharmacy Data Management V1.0 Application, Inpatient Medications V5.0, Outpatient Pharmacy V7.0, and Computerized Patient Record System V29 (CPRS). The PRE MOCHA Project Team would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the many individuals who contributed to the development and testing of this project. The following test sites provided outstanding dedication and invaluable input to the project: Boise, ID Charleston, SC Kansas City, MO Northern California HCS, CA Palo Alto HCS, CA Tuscaloosa, AL SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION The Namespaces to be installed are GMRA, OR, PSJ, PSO, and PSS. Install order will be: 1)PSS*1*160 2)PSS*1*173 3)Combined Build "MOCHA 2.0 Combined Build 1.0", containing these patches: OR*3*345 PSJ*5*252 PSO*7*372 4)Combined Build "MOCHA 2.0 FOLLOW UP Combined Build 1.0", containing these patches: GMRA*4*47 OR*3*311 PSJ*5*257 PSO*7*416 5)OR*3*381 6)Combined Build "MOCHA 2.0 FAST TRACK BUILDS 1.0", containing these patches: PSJ*5*299 PSO*7*431 SOFTWARE RETRIEVAL: Sites will be provided with instructions on software retrieval by the MOCHA Implementation Team following their Wave Kick-Off call. DOCUMENTATION: Documentation in Microsoft Word (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) may be retrieved from a locked directory as instructed by the MOCHA Implementation Team. MOCHA v2.0 Release Notes File name: PSS_1_PSO_7_PSJ_5_RN_R0314.PDF VistA to MOCHA Interface Document File name: PSS_1_VistA_to_MOCHA_ID.PDF MOCHA v2.0 Combined Build Installation Guide File name: PSS_1_P160_MOCHA_CB_IG.PDF Revisions were also made to the User and Technical Manuals for the Outpatient Pharmacy, Inpatient Medications, and Pharmacy Data Management packages. Documentation may also be retrieved from the VistA Documentation Library (VDL) at the following address:, under Clinical. MANDATE: Sites are required to install all patches as scheduled by the MOCHA Implementation Team. COMPLIANCE DATE: As designated for each Wave. National compliance: July 31, 2014 INSTALLATION: The installation instructions are included in the Installation Guides. If your site is experiencing problems associated with this installation please send a message to the "OIT PD PRE MOCHA v2.0 Deploy Questions" mail group on Outlook: or file a Remedy Ticket or call the National Help Desk (NHD) at 1-888-596-HELP (4357). Issues may also be discussed on the scheduled Wave support calls. Any changes/impacts to this package will be reported on the FORUM release message.