============================================================================= Run Date: MAR 25, 2022 Designation: PREN*3.1*9 Package : PREN - PHARMACY PRODUCT SYS-NATL Priority: Mandatory Version : 3.1 SEQ #7 Status: Released Compliance Date: APR 25, 2022 ============================================================================= Subject: PPS-N application search and sort defect fix and TRM Compliance Updates. Category: - Informational - Other Description: ============ The Pharmacy Product System - National (PPS-N) is a Web-based application that provides the ability to manage pharmacy-specific data across the VA enterprise ensuring that all facilities are using the same base data for their operations. It allows approved national VA personnel to easily, quickly, and safely manage the VA National Formulary which directs which products (such as medications and supplies) are to be purchased and used by the VA hospital system. The purpose of this informational PPS-N patch is to fix the issue with the search results failing when columns are sorted. It also corrects the problem where a user cannot edit the Hazardous to Dispose field when using Edge or Chrome browsers; users can only edit this field in Internet Explorer (IE). In addition, this patch also addresses TRM (Technology Reference Model) compliance in two areas: (1) Updates for the log4j logging framework (2) Updates required for compatibility with the latest version of WebLogic application server, v2.17.1. JIRA Task Id ----------------- Number: PPSN-906 Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: ------------------------------------------- 1. INC17167076 - PPS-N application search results failed to sort in proper DATE order. 2. INC17167901 - PPS-N application search results failed to sort VA Product Name, Print Name, Generic Name, Str (Strength), Dispense Unit, Dosage Form, CMOP ID and PPS OI Name columns. 3. INC17166646 - PPS-N application failed searching beyond 7th screen of results data. 4. INC19130995 - Cannot edit the Hazardous to Dispose field when using Edge or Chrome. Only IE will allow the user to edit this field. 5. PPSN-1200 - TRM upgraded log4j from v2.13 to the latest TRM approved version, v2.17.1 Problem 1: INC17167076 Problem 2: INC17167901 Problem 3: INC17166646 Problem 4: INC19130995 ----------- PPS-N application search results failed to sort in proper DATE order. PPS-N application search results failed to sort VA Product Name, Print Name, Generic Name, Str (Strength), Dispense Unit, Dosage Form, CMOP ID and PPS OI Name columns. PPS-N application failed searching beyond 7th screen of results data. Cannot edit the Hazardous to Dispose field when using Edge or Chrome browsers. Resolution: ----------- Update the portion of JAVA code to fix the search results sorting issue for identified columns and fix searching beyond 7th screen issue. Also update code to allow user to edit the Hazardous to Dispose field when using Edge or Chrome browsers. Problem 5: PPSN-1200 -------- PPS-N application failed compliance as the applications server infrastructure is subject to upgrades of Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) software to maintain TRM compliance. One of these upgrades requires installing the latest TRM compliant version of the WebLogic application server, v2.17.1. Resolution ----------- PPSN-1200 - This informational patch for PPS-N application addresses TRM compliance in two areas: (1) Updates for the log4j logging framework; (2) Updates required for compatibility with the latest version of WebLogic application server, v2.17.1. Test Sites: ----------- User acceptance testing successfully completed by the Business Office. Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ------------------------------------------------- The PREN*3.1*9 Informational Patch is available on FORUM. PREN*3.1*9 documentation can be found on the VA Documentation Library (VDL) at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Documentation can also be obtained at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE. The documentation includes: Title File Name ------------------------------------------------------ PPS-N v3.1.9 Deployment, Installation, PREN_3_1_P9_DIBR.PDF Backout & Rollback Guide (DIBR) PPS-N v3.1 Troubleshooting Guide PREN_3_1_P9_TG.PDF Installation Instructions: -------------------------- This patch is Informational since this is a Web Application JAVA Build. This is a Centralized Server promotion. No installation is required at local sites. Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : MAY 20, 2021 Completed By: Date Completed: MAR 24, 2022 Released By : Date Released : MAR 25, 2022 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== No routines included