This informational patch, PRPF*4*2, describes the purpose and contents ============================================================================= Run Date: FEB 28, 2011 Designation: PRPF*4*2 Package : PRPF - INTEGRATED PATIENT FUNDS Priority: Mandatory Version : 4 SEQ #2 Status: Released Compliance Date: MAR 31, 2011 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (c)PRPF*4*2 install with patch `PRPF*4*2' Subject: VPFS MAINTENANCE PACKAGE VPFS-PKG- Category: - Informational Description: ============ Description: This informational patch, PRPF*4*2, describes the purpose and contents of VPFS maintenance package Since this HealtheVet application is a centralized application and there are no changes to VistA patches, it is important to note that NO software will need to be installed at VistA facilities. package contains the VPFS application ear file (VPFS-app-, which includes upgrade for the following two dependency components: " Standard Data Services (SDS)v13.0 " Kernel Authentication and Authorization for Java (2) Enterprise Edition (KAAJEE)v1.0.1.003 Note: VPFS currently uses version 9.9 of SDS and of KAAJEE. With the release of this new VPFS Package (, SDS is upgraded to 13 and KAAJEE is upgraded to Features: SDS Upgrade has two major overall objectives. " Upgrade SDS java API to version 13: " Upgrade SDS database structure to version 18: KAAJEE provides the following high-level features and functionality: " KAAJEE Login Page-Removal of Refresh Button. " Enhanced Login Functionality: " Added JavaScript code for client-side sorting of Institutions. " Provided Access code; Verify code capability in one line. " Added support for parameter passing of Default Institution and Institution sorting preferences. This addresses the issues of persistent cookies when using Thin Clients and Terminal Servers. " Made the KAAJEE Login Web page more Section 508 friendlier. " Added Sample Web Application-Provide KAAJEE Sample Web Application. " Updated Software Version Support: " Compiled and tested KAAJEE against SDS 13.0. " Compiled and tested KAAJEE against VistALink Note: VPFS application has been internally tested successfully with the Microsoft browser Internet Explorer version 7.0. Additional Information: Additional SDS documentation is available on the SDS website: s.aspx For Additional information about Kaajee, follow the below links: The following sites participated in the testing of the VPFS*PKG- software. Test Sites: " Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center " VA West Los Angeles HCS " VA Blk Hills HCS Documentation Updates: Following are the documentation changes that were made to the VPFS application guides: User Guide v 1.1.2 Section 2.1 ---Modified EVS to EPS, New VPFS KAAJEE login screen, Added a note about Access/Verify code. Install Guide v 1.1.2 Section 2.3 -- Dependency services upgrade Systems Management Guide v 1.1.2 Page 5 - Modified EVS to EPS. Page 9, 14 -- Updated SDS, VLJ and KAAJEE versions. Page 16 - Updated Data Base version. Section 4.6 - Replaced PATS with VPFS. Note: Organizational names and acronyms were updated to be current with recent organizational name changes. An updated VPFS User Guide version 1.1.2, Systems Management guide version 1.1.2 and Install guide version 1.1.2 can be obtained via FTP from the following ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directories: OI Field Office FTP Address --------------- ------------------------ Albany Hines Salt Lake City File Name and Description ------------------------- VPFS_1.1.2_USERGUIDE.PDF VPFS application Users guide version 1.1.2 in PDF format. VPFS_1.1.2_USERGUIDE.DOC VPFS application Users guide version 1.1.2 in Microsoft Word format. VPFS_1.1.2_SYSTEMSMANAGEMENTGUIDE.PDF VPFS application Systems Management guide version 1.1.2 in PDF format. VPFS_1.1.2_ SYSTEMSMANAGEMENTGUIDE.DOC VPFS application Systems Management guide version 1.1.2 in Microsoft Word format. VPFS_1.1.2_INSTALLGUIDE.PDF VPFS application Install guide version 1.1.2 in PDF format. VPFS_1.1.2_ INSTALLGUIDE.DOC VPFS application Install guide version 1.1.2 in Microsoft Word format. Routine Information: ==================== No routines included. ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : GADE,RAM Date Entered : OCT 01, 2009 Completed By: ZALLAR,KERRY Date Completed: JAN 05, 2011 Released By : STRICKLAND,JOAN C Date Released : FEB 28, 2011 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: =====================