$TXT Created by at ADM1S1.AAC.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Thursday, 09/23/21 at 14:54 ============================================================================= Run Date: JAN 10, 2022 Designation: QAC*2*25 Package : QAC - PATIENT REPRESENTATIVE Priority: Mandatory Version : 2 SEQ #23 Status: Released Compliance Date: FEB 10, 2022 ============================================================================= Subject: PATIENT REPRESENTATIVE PKG DECOMMISSION Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Input Template - Print Template - Sort Template - Other Description: ============ This patch will retire the Patient Representative (QAC) version 2.0 package. All national components associated with the Patient Representative and Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Patient Advocate Tracking System (PATS) packages will be removed. Every site may not have all the listed components. All scheduled Patient Representative options must be unscheduled before installing this patch. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- CONSUMER CONTACT ALL Deleted (#745.1) CONTACT ISSUE CODE ALL Deleted (#745.2) *QUALITY MATRIX ALL Deleted (#745.3) CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE ALL Deleted (#745.4) CONTACT DISCIPLINES ALL Deleted (#745.5) QAC SERVICE/DISCIPLINE ALL Deleted (#745.55) CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS ALL Deleted (#745.6) Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- QAC PATCHES Deleted Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---------- ------------------- Enter New Contact [QAC NEW] run routine Deleted Edit Contact Record [QAC EDIT] run routine Deleted Open / Close / Delete run routine Deleted Contact Record [QAC STATUS] Ad Hoc Report [QAC ADHOC] run routine Deleted Contact Inquiry [QAC PRT] run routine Deleted Report of Contact [QAC RPT] run routine Deleted Issue Code Enter/Edit run routine Deleted [QAC CODE] Patient Representative Keys run routine Deleted [QAC KEY] Patient Representative menu Deleted Manager Menu [QAC MAIN MENU] Reports Menu [QAC REPORT] menu Deleted Set-up and Maintenance Menu menu Deleted [QAC SETUP MENU] Congressional Contact Enter/ run routine Deleted Edit [QAC CONGRESSIONAL] Site Parameters Edit edit Deleted [QAC PARAMETERS EDIT] Purge Contact Records run routine Deleted [QAC PURGE] Send or Kill an Alert run routine Deleted [QAC ALERT] Archive Report [QAC ARCHIVE] run routine Deleted User Menu [QAC USER] menu Deleted Contacts with No Patient run routine Deleted Identified [QAC NOPATIENT] Spreadsheet Report run routine Deleted [QAC SPREADSHEET RPT] Daily List of Patient Contacts run routine Deleted [QAC DAILY CONTACTS] Responses Due [QAC RESP DUE] run routine Deleted Report by Employee run routine Deleted [QAC EMPLOYEE] List of Open Cases run routine Deleted [QAC OPEN STATUS] Statistical Reports Menu menu Deleted [QAC STATISTICAL RPTS] Employee Contact Totals run routine Deleted [QAC EMP TOTALS] Patient Name with Brief Data run routine Deleted [QAC PATIENT RPT] Issue Totals for All, Male, run routine Deleted or Female [QAC ISSUE TOT] Old Service/Section Contact print Deleted Totals [QAC OLD SERV TOTALS] Old Service/Section Issue run routine Deleted Totals [QAC OLD SERV ISSUE TOT] Discipline Contact Totals run routine Deleted [QAC DISCIPLINE TOTALS] Discipline Issue Totals run routine Deleted [QAC DISC ISSUE TOT] Customer Service Standards run routine Deleted Report [QAC CSS] Add new Service/Discipline run routine Deleted [QAC NEW SERV] Service/Discipline Issue run routine Deleted Totals [QAC SERV/DISC ISSUE TOT] Service/Discipline Contact run routine Deleted Totals [QAC SERV/DISC CONTACT TOT] Location Issue Totals run routine Deleted [QAC LOCATION] Manual Rollup [QAC ROLLUP run routine Deleted (MANUAL)] Check for Data Errors Prior run routine Deleted to Migration [QACI PREMIGRATION ERROR REPORT] Auto-Close Old Open Contacts run routine Deleted (ROCs) [QACI AUTO CLOSE ROCS] Move Data to Staging Area for run routine Deleted Migration [QACI MIGRATION DATA BUILD] Data Migration Reports menu Deleted [QACI REPORT MENU] Reprint Migration/Pre-Migration run routine Deleted Data Errors Report [QACI REPRINT ERRORS REPORT] Reprint All ROCs that were run routine Deleted Auto-Closed [QACI REPORT AUTO-CLOSED ROCS] System Generated Changes to run routine Deleted ROCs for Migration [QACI REPORT ROC CHANGES] Register PATS Data Migration Broker(Client/Server) Deleted RPCs [QACI PATS RPC ACCESS] Register PATS RPCs for Broker(Client/Server) Deleted Employee/Patient Data [QACV PATS RPC ACCESS] Activate/Inactivate Patient run routine Deleted Rep Options [QACI INACTIVATE PAT REP] Activate/Inactivate Options menu Deleted or Tasks [QACI UTILITY MENU] Main Menu for Patient Rep menu Deleted Migration Steps [QACI MAIN PATS MIGRATION MENU] Pending Notifications Report run routine Deleted [QACI REPORT NOTIFICATIONS] Counts of Errors, Ready to run routine Deleted Migrate, Migrated [QACI REPORT MIGR COUNTS] Main Menu for Pre-Migration menu Deleted Data Cleanup [QACI MAIN DATA CLEANUP MENU] Display Migration Status for run routine Deleted a ROC [QACI ROC MIGRATION STATUS] Stop (Kill) Rollup to Austin run routine Deleted [QACI KILL ROLLUP TASK] Reschedule Rollup to Austin run routine Deleted [QACI RESCHEDULE ROLLUP TASK] Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- QAC CONTACT QAC EDIT QACV_SRCU QACV_SIT QACV_NPO QACV_VU QACV_ADUSH QACV_DMGR Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- QAC CONTACT ENTER/EDIT Input CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC RESP DUE Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC EMPLOYEE Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC STATUS Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC SERV RPT Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC EMP TOT Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC DAILY Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC DAILY HEADER Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC PAT BRIEF Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC DISC RPT Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC STATUS HEADER Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC EMP CONTACT HEADER Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC DISC RPT HEADER Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC NOPAT HEADER Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC RESP DUE HEADER Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC DISC SERV RPT HEADER Print CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC SERV RPT Sort CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) QAC SERV/DISC Sort CONSUMER CONTACT Deleted (#745.1) Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- QACI DELETE ALL LISTS Deleted QACI LOAD REFERENCE TABLES Deleted QACI LOAD ROC Deleted QACV PERSON LOOKUP VLH Deleted QACV KEY HOLDERS VLH Deleted QACI NATL INSTITUTION LIST Deleted Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted -------------- -------------------- N/A Routines Associated: Routine Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------ -------------------- QAC202EN Deleted QAC202PT Deleted QAC20PST Deleted QAC3ENV Deleted QAC3PRE Deleted QAC3PRE2 Deleted QAC5PRE Deleted QACADHOC Deleted QACALRT0 Deleted QACALRT1 Deleted QACALRT2 Deleted QACARCH Deleted QACBYLOC Deleted QACCODE Deleted QACCONV0 Deleted QACCSSTD Deleted QACDAILY Deleted QACDELT Deleted QACDISC Deleted QACDISPC Deleted QACDISPS Deleted QACEDIT Deleted QACEMPC Deleted QACEMPE Deleted QACEMPEO Deleted QACENV17 Deleted QACENV18 Deleted QACGEN Deleted QACI0 Deleted QACI1 Deleted QACI1A Deleted QACI2 Deleted QACI20 Deleted QACI2A Deleted QACI2B Deleted QACI2C Deleted QACI2D Deleted QACI2E Deleted QACI3 Deleted QACI4 Deleted QACI5 Deleted QACIENV Deleted QACIN001 Deleted QACIN002 Deleted QACIN003 Deleted QACIN004 Deleted QACIN005 Deleted QACIN006 Deleted QACIN007 Deleted QACIN008 Deleted QACIN009 Deleted QACIN00A Deleted QACIN00B Deleted QACIN00C Deleted QACIN00D Deleted QACIN00E Deleted QACIN00F Deleted QACIN00G Deleted QACIN00H Deleted QACIN00I Deleted QACIN00J Deleted QACIN00K Deleted QACIN00L Deleted QACIN00M Deleted QACIN00N Deleted QACIN00O Deleted QACIN00P Deleted QACIN00Q Deleted QACIN00R Deleted QACIN00S Deleted QACIN00T Deleted QACIN00U Deleted QACIN00V Deleted QACIN00W Deleted QACIN00X Deleted QACIN00Y Deleted QACIN00Z Deleted QACIN010 Deleted QACIN011 Deleted QACIN012 Deleted QACIN013 Deleted QACIN014 Deleted QACIN015 Deleted QACIN016 Deleted QACINIS Deleted QACINIT Deleted QACINIT1 Deleted QACINIT2 Deleted QACINIT3 Deleted QACINIT4 Deleted QACINIT5 Deleted QACINST Deleted QACIPOST Deleted QACIPRE0 Deleted QACIPST1 Deleted QACKEY Deleted QACMAIL0 Deleted QACMAIL1 Deleted QACNEW Deleted QACNEWSV Deleted QACNGRSS Deleted QACNOPTS Deleted QACNTEG Deleted QACOPEN Deleted QACPAT Deleted QACPOST Deleted QACPRE17 Deleted QACPRT Deleted QACPST17 Deleted QACRESP Deleted QACRPT Deleted QACSPRD Deleted QACSPRD1 Deleted QACSPRD2 Deleted QACSPRD3 Deleted QACSRPT Deleted QACSRV Deleted QACSTAT Deleted QACUTIL Deleted QACUTL0 Deleted QACVDEM Deleted QACVEMPX Deleted QACVITO Deleted QACVKHLD Deleted QACVMS Deleted Additional Information: ----------------------- N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: 1. Patient Representative Package Decommission Problem: -------- There has been a request to retire Patient Representative VistA package. Resolution: ----------- The Kernel Installation & Distribution System (KIDS) build will automatically remove the listed Patient Representative and VistA PATS components. A background job will be tasked when the patch is installed to remove the Patient Representative files and data. Upon completion of the job, a MailMan message with the subject 'Patient Representative Package Data & Data Dictionary Removal' is generated showing a list of files that were deleted. If there are routines that begin with QAC that were not removed, then they will be listed in the Message. These routines will need to be reviewed by patch installer to determine if they should be removed. ** PLEASE NOTE: Any remaining Patient Representative components will need to be manually reviewed and removed from each site if they are not covered by the patch. Test Sites: ----------- Chillicothe VAMC Dayton VAMC Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: -------------------------------------------------- N/A Patch Installation: ------------------- Pre/Post Installation Overview: Pre-Installation Instructions: This patch may be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take approximately 10 minutes to install. Please ensure any scheduled QAC options are unscheduled. 1. Run the 'Print Options that are Scheduled to run [XUTM BACKGROUND PRINT]' option first to identify any QAC options that need to be unscheduled. 2. Use the 'Schedule/Unschedule options [XUTM SCHEDULE]' option to unscheduled them. There may be a discrepancy with the 'Before' checksums because some sites may not have all of the listed routines in their systems. After the patch is installed, all listed routines will be deleted. Installation Instructions: 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this build. Then select the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option to load the build. 2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, a. Select the Verify Checksums in Transport Global option to confirm the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME enter the patch name (ex. QAC*2.0*25). b. Select the Backup a Transport Global option to create a backup message. You must use this option and specify what to backup; the entire Build or just Routines. The backup message can be used to restore the routines and components of the build to the pre-patch condition. i. At the Installation option menu, select Backup a Transport Global. ii. At the Select INSTALL NAME prompt, enter your build QAC*2.0*25 iii. When prompted for the following, enter "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build iv. When prompted "Do you wish to secure your build? NO//", press and take the default response of "NO". v. When prompted with, "Send mail to: Last name, First Name", press to take default recipient. Add any additional recipients. vi. When prompted with "Select basket to send to: IN//", press and take the default IN mailbox or select a different mailbox. c. You may also elect to use the following options: i. Print Transport Global - This option will allow you to view the components of the KIDS build. ii. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all of the components of this patch, such as routines, DDs, templates, etc. d. Select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. i. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', answer . ii. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', answer . iii. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', answer . Post-Installation Instructions: You may delete the routine QAC2P25 from your production system after the patch has been successfully verified. A background job will be tasked when the patch is installed to remove the Patient Representative files and data. Upon completion of the job, a MailMan message with the subject 'Patient Representative Package Data & Data Dictionary Removal' is generated showing a list of files that were deleted. If there are routines that begin with QAC that were not removed, then they will be listed in the Message. These routines will need to be reviewed by patch installer to determine if they should be removed. Any remaining Patient Representative components will need to be manually reviewed and removed from each site if they are not covered by the patch. The following steps can be done by OI&T after installation of the patch. These steps are to ensure all QAC namespace Globals, Routines, Options, Remote Procedures, Help Frames, Packages, Sort Templates, Input Templates, Print Templates, Bulletins, Mailbox, Mail Groups, and Security Keys have been removed. 1. Run the 'Update Routine File' [XPD ROUTINE UPDATE] option. For example, >D ^XUP Select OPTION NAME: UPDATE ROUTINE FILE XPD ROUTINE UPDATE Update Routine File Update Routine File Routine Namespace: QAC Routine Namespace: NAMESPACE INCLUDE EXCLUDE ------- ------- QAC OK to continue? YES// Want me to clean up the Routine File before updating? YES// ...HMMM, JUST A MOMENT PLEASE... Routines listed as National will not be deleted! ...Done. 2. Run command %GCHANGE to verify that all Patient Representative components have been removed. For example, >D ^%GCHANGE Output on Device: Right margin: 80 => Global ^DIC(,,"GL" (F) Find, (C) Change every, or (X) Execute code: F=> Find every: 745 Global ^DIC(,,0 (F) Find, (C) Change every, or (X) Execute code: F=> Find every: QAC Global ^XWB(8994, -- NOTE: translation in effect (F) Find, (C) Change every, or (X) Execute code: F=> Find every: QAC Global ^DIBT(,0 (F) Find, (C) Change every, or (X) Execute code: F=> Find every: QAC Global ^DIE(,0 (F) Find, (C) Change every, or (X) Execute code: F=> Find every: QAC Global ^DIPT(,0 (F) Find, (C) Change every, or (X) Execute code: F=> Find every: QAC Global ^XMB(3.6:3.8,,0 -- NOTE: translation in effect (F) Find, (C) Change every, or (X) Execute code: F=> Find every: QAC 3. Review the MailMan message. For example, Subj: Patient Representative Package Data & Data Dictionary Removal [#13165] 09/20/21@11:08 14 lines From: POSTMASTER In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Patient Representative package is being retired and all data and data dictionary entries will be removed from the system. This message shows a list of files that were removed. ^QA(745.1, successfully removed ^QA(745.2, successfully removed ^QA(745.3, successfully removed ^QA(745.4, successfully removed ^QA(745.5, successfully removed ^QA(745.55, successfully removed ^QA(745.6, successfully removed The following routines beginning with QAC were found in the directory. They were not removed with patch QAC*2.0*25 installation. You will need to review these routines and delete them if necessary. QACZZ Start Time: Sep 20, 2021@11:08:30 End Time: Sep 20, 2021@11:08:30 Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// Back-Out/Roll Back Plan: ------------------------ Due to the complexity of this patch, it is not recommended for back-out, and a restore from a backup of the Transport Global should not be attempted. In the event that a site decides to back out this patch, the site should contact the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) to submit a help desk ticket. The development team will need to issue a follow-on patch in order to comprehensively back-out this patch. A rollback is unlikely. If it is determined that QAC needs to be re-installed, please contact the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) for discussions and next steps. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;2.0;Patient Representative;**[Patch List]**;Jul 25, 1995;Build 4 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: QAC202EN Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QAC202PT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QAC20PST Before: B20695310 After: Delete Routine Name: QAC2P25 Before: n/a After: B19028041 **25** Routine Name: QAC3ENV Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QAC3PRE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QAC3PRE2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QAC5PRE Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACADHOC Before: B26451257 After: Delete Routine Name: QACALRT0 Before: B1748600 After: Delete Routine Name: QACALRT1 Before: B26710451 After: Delete Routine Name: QACALRT2 Before: B5816729 After: Delete Routine Name: QACARCH Before: B2312448 After: Delete Routine Name: QACBYLOC Before: B20132612 After: Delete Routine Name: QACCODE Before: B6008785 After: Delete Routine Name: QACCONV0 Before: B15218500 After: Delete Routine Name: QACCSSTD Before: B59372805 After: Delete Routine Name: QACDAILY Before: B809415 After: Delete Routine Name: QACDELT Before: B4683514 After: Delete Routine Name: QACDISC Before: B40483381 After: Delete Routine Name: QACDISPC Before: B917062 After: Delete Routine Name: QACDISPS Before: B877513 After: Delete Routine Name: QACEDIT Before: B9377489 After: Delete Routine Name: QACEMPC Before: B866979 After: Delete Routine Name: QACEMPE Before: B74825901 After: Delete Routine Name: QACEMPEO Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACENV17 Before: B22416430 After: Delete Routine Name: QACENV18 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACGEN Before: B38308137 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI0 Before: B1984508 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI1 Before: B23422676 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI1A Before: B6784447 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI2 Before: B15898410 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI20 Before: B56932032 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI2A Before: B18512192 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI2B Before: B36187753 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI2C Before: B34183381 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI2D Before: B68859293 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI2E Before: B22678389 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI3 Before: B8458772 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI4 Before: B3186113 After: Delete Routine Name: QACI5 Before: B43902138 After: Delete Routine Name: QACIENV Before: B2063143 After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN001 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN002 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN003 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN004 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN005 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN006 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN007 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN008 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN009 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00A Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00B Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00C Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00D Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00E Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00F Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00G Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00H Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00I Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00J Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00K Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00L Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00M Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00N Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00O Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00P Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00Q Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00R Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00S Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00T Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00U Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00V Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00W Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00X Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00Y Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN00Z Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN010 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN011 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN012 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN013 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN014 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN015 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIN016 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINIS Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINIT Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINIT1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINIT2 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINIT3 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINIT4 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINIT5 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACINST Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIPOST Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIPRE0 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACIPST1 Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACKEY Before: B18246891 After: Delete Routine Name: QACMAIL0 Before: B55031843 After: Delete Routine Name: QACMAIL1 Before: B49252722 After: Delete Routine Name: QACNEW Before: B43768001 After: Delete Routine Name: QACNEWSV Before: B1111653 After: Delete Routine Name: QACNGRSS Before: B714482 After: Delete Routine Name: QACNOPTS Before: B1035658 After: Delete Routine Name: QACNTEG Before: B4128050 After: Delete Routine Name: QACOPEN Before: B921889 After: Delete Routine Name: QACPAT Before: B1602217 After: Delete Routine Name: QACPOST Before: B6258582 After: Delete Routine Name: QACPRE17 Before: B23197887 After: Delete Routine Name: QACPRT Before: B7452217 After: Delete Routine Name: QACPST17 Before: B871637 After: Delete Routine Name: QACRESP Before: B878096 After: Delete Routine Name: QACRPT Before: B24419566 After: Delete Routine Name: QACSPRD Before: B9740918 After: Delete Routine Name: QACSPRD1 Before: B26734748 After: Delete Routine Name: QACSPRD2 Before: B31922373 After: Delete Routine Name: QACSPRD3 Before: B39564277 After: Delete Routine Name: QACSRPT Before: B16493277 After: Delete Routine Name: QACSRV Before: B1842762 After: Delete Routine Name: QACSTAT Before: B7953340 After: Delete Routine Name: QACUTIL Before: B7062518 After: Delete Routine Name: QACUTL0 Before: B3776757 After: Delete Routine Name: QACVDEM Before: B35412405 After: Delete Routine Name: QACVEMPX Before: B39562803 After: Delete Routine Name: QACVITO Before: n/a After: Delete Routine Name: QACVKHLD Before: B5032982 After: Delete Routine Name: QACVMS Before: n/a After: Delete ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUN 21, 2021 Completed By: Date Completed: JAN 10, 2022 Released By : Date Released : JAN 10, 2022 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT