Subj: Entered in error patch for CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES [#53425825] 12/20/10@11:41 21 lines From: BERRY,LINDA - SQA ANALYST 4 of 4 responses read. In 'IN' basket. Page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A patch has been entered in error for 'CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES'. The patch is 'ROR*1.5*11' and the subject is 'NON-VA MEDS; PANELS ADDED TO REPO RTS; 508 COMPLIANCE'. Use the 'Display Patch' option for more details. Entered in Error Description: It has come to our attention that sites were getting the following message after installation of this patch due to the National Patch Module adding a sequence number to the patch which was not revealed during testing. "SERVER VERSION (1.5.1 SEQ #11) DOES NOT MEET THE MINIMUM VERSION (1.5.11) REQUIRED BY THE CLIENT." Functionality included in ROR*1.5*11 will be released as ROR*1.5*13. If ROR*1.5*11 has been installed on your system, users may click OK through the error message. The error does not affect functionality installed with this patch, ROR*15.*11.