$TXT Created by at CHY0017D.FO-BAYPINES.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Friday, 08/20/21 at 10:34 ============================================================================= Run Date: SEP 07, 2021 Designation: SD*5.3*792 Package : SD - SCHEDULING Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #644 Status: Released Compliance Date: SEP 20, 2021 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)SD*5.3*775 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*792' (v)SD*5.3*790 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*792' Subject: VSE ENHANCEMENTS VS GUI RELEASE Category: - Routine Description: ============ VistA Scheduling (VS) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Release and SD*5.3*792 include various enhancements and defect fixes, including fixes for: comments and provider information not correctly being carried over from a canceled/no-showed recall appointment to the new appointment request, the appointment type displaying incorrectly when viewing a new appointment request from a cancelled/no-showed recall appointment, an issue with Contact Attempt (CA) coloring on appointment requests created from cancelled/no-showed recall appointments, and an issue where the user would need to manually refresh the GUI after undoing 'no-show' to get the appointment back to 'scheduled'. Additional defects resolved include column order not being kept in the User Preferences, and an error in the Create Video Visit window where the required field Patient Integration Control Number (ICN) was missing in pre-production environments. Enhancements in this release include updates to the code to reopen an appointment request only when certain cancellation reasons are used, open an appointment request when a recall appointment is no-showed, disable the 'Create video visit' button when a Video Visit Service (VVS) appointment already exists, disable the edit button when a VVS appointment does not exist, add 'Failure to Respond' as a disposition reason for SDEC requests, and display most recent CheckIn step status in the pending appointments list and time slot viewer in VS GUI. Patch SD*5.3*792 contains a post-install routine to correct Recall appointments with the incorrect provider, and updates Scheduling code so that appointments cannot be created without a resource. ************************************************************************** * GUI UPDATE NOTICE * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This patch MUST be installed before the GUI update for release * * of VS is installed. * * * * * * * * * * The previous version of the VS GUI will not operate after this * * patch is installed. Therefore, VS GUI v1.7.10.1 and VistA patch * * SD*5.3*792 must be coordinated and installed during the same * * maintenance window. * * * * * ************************************************************************** Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: -------------------------- File Name (Number) Field Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ---------- -------------------- SDEC APPT REQUEST DISPOSITION (#21) Modified (#409.85) SDEC DISPOSITION REASON ENTIRE FILE New (#409.853) SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) CURRENT GUI VERSION (#2) Modified GUI VERSION EFFECTIVE DATE (#3) Modified Forms Associated: Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: ----------------------- Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: ------------------- Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- SDECRPC Broker (Client/Server) Modified Protocols Associated: --------------------- Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: ------------------------- Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: --------------------- Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ----------------------- -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: ----------------------------- Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- SDES CLINIC RSC SEARCH JSON Modified SDES EDIT CHECK-IN STEP Modified SDES GET APPT Modified SDES GET APPT CHECK-IN STEP Modified SDES GET APPT CHECK-IN STEPS Modified SDES GET APPTS BY CLINIC Modified SDES GET APPTS BY PATIENT Modified SDES GET APPTS BY RESOURCE Modified SDES GET CHECK-IN STEP Modified SDES GET CHECK-IN STEPS Modified SDES GET INSURANCE VERIFY REQ New SDES SET APPT CHECK-IN STEP Modified SDES SET CHECK-IN STEP Modified Parameter Definitions Associated: --------------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- JIRA tasks: ----------- 1) VSE-834: .NET: VVS - Create video visit button is enabled on Edit appointment screen after creating a VVC appointment. Problem: "Create Video Visit" button on the Edit appointment screen after creating a VVC appointment. Resolution: The "Create Video Visit" button on the Edit appointment screen is disabled, after creating a VVC appointment. 2) VSE-1094: VistA: Correct code to prevent appts with no resource. Problem: The current code will not return a resource Internal Entry Number (IEN) if the resource is flagged as Inactive. Resolution: The change will be to force the resource to be returned even if it is inactive. 3) VSE-1111: Create Video Visit window - Error - Missing Required Field: Patient Integration Control Number (ICN). Problem: Missing Patient ICN error is displaying on the Create Video Visit window even when patient has ICN. Resolution: Debug codes blocks were added to allow test/debug systems to access Patient ICN. 4) VSE-1112: VistA: Update so that appointment requests are only reopened for certain cancellation reasons. Problem: The VS GUI currently re-opens appointment requests for all cancellation reasons and it shouldn't for the following cancellation reasons: APPOINTMENT NO LONGER REQUIRED PATIENT DEATH PATIENT NOT ELIGIBLE TRANSFER OPT CARE TO OTHER VA Resolution: Routines SDECAR and SDECRECREQ were updated to not re-open the appointment request for the four cancellation reasons noted above. 5) VSE-1123: VistA: Update Code to show last selected Provider used. Problem: When SPACEBAR + ENTER is pressed in Provider Search, it is showing the last Provider in the list of Provider Search instead of last selected Provider. Resolution: GETSPACEBARPRO tag in SDECVVS routine is modified to retrieve Provider IEN from ^DISV global and return to client. When Provider is selected, Provider IEN is stored in ^DISV global. 6) VSE-1199: .NET: Add Failure to Respond as disposition reason for Scheduling Appointment requests. Problem: Add a new disposition reason of FR: Failure to Respond for all Scheduling Appointment requests so that schedulers can indicate a patient has not responded to contact attempts. Resolution: Added a new disposition reason of Failure to Respond for Scheduling Appointment requests. 7) VSE-1207: Display most recent CheckIn step status. Problem: Display most recent CheckIn step status in pending Appointments list and time slot viewer in VS GUI. Resolution: The pending Appointments list and time slot viewer displays the CheckIn step status. 8) VSE-1211: Update the code to open Appointment request when Patient Centered Scheduling (PtCSch) appointment is no-showed. Problem: Currently, no-showing PtCSch appointment does not reopen an Appointment request. Code needs to be updated to open an APPT request if a PtCSch appointment is no-showed, as was done for PtCSch cancellation. Resolution: Code was updated to open Appointment request when PtCSch appointment is no showed. 9) VSE-1214: Update the code so that Appointment requests are only reopened for certain cancellation reasons. Problem: Update .NET code so that requests are NOT reopened when an appointment is cancelled for the following cancellation reasons: APPOINTMENT NO LONGER REQUIRED PATIENT DEATH PATIENT NOT ELIGIBLE TRANSFER OPT CARE TO OTHER VA And ensure that appointment requests ARE reopened when an appointment is cancelled for the following cancellation reasons: CLINIC CANCELLED CLINIC STAFFING DEATH IN FAMILY INPATIENT STATUS OTHER PANDEMIC SCHEDULING CONFLICT/ERROR TRAVEL DIFFICULTY UNABLE TO KEEP APPOINTMENT WEATHER Resolution: Code was updated so that Appointment requests are only reopened for certain cancellation reasons. 10) VSE-1218: VistA: Recall comments are not being carried over to Appointment request created on cancellation. Problem: Recall comments are not being carried over to Appointment request created on cancellation - update code so that recall comments are included in the Appointment request created when a recall appointment is cancelled or no showed. Resolution: To accommodate the MULTIPLE lines of comments that are stored in the WORD PROCESSING defined #26 COMMENT field, and which requires moving this text to the FREETEXT defined #25 COMMENT field, #25 now has imbedded between the line breaks a " | " delimiter and #25 is maxed out at 80 characters of display. If the concatenated strings exceed 80 characters, then this free text field is truncated to 77 characters followed by an ellipsis set of dots ("..."). 11) VSE-1219: VistA: Update Code to Open Appointment Request when Patient Center Scheduling (PtCSch) Appointment is No-Showed. Problem: Currently, no showing a PtCSch appointment does not reopen an Appointment request. Code needs to be updated to open an Appointment request if a PtCSch appointment is no-showed, as was done for PtCSch cancellation. Resolution: The functionality requested has been finalized on the VistA side, whereby the NOSHOW now replaces the Request in the RM Grid. 12) VSE-1220: VistA: Add Failure to Respond as disposition reason for Scheduling Appointment requests. Problem: The VS GUI needs to be updated to add a new disposition reason of FR: Failure to Respond for all Scheduling Appointment requests so that schedulers can indicate a patient has not responded to contact attempts. Resolution: The DISPOSITION (#21) field in the SDEC APPT REQUEST (#409.85) file was defined as a Set of Codes. A Set of Codes field is limited to 10 entries and we were at the limit. The DISPOSITION (#21) field was changed from a Set of Codes to a Pointer to a File definition. The new SDEC DISPOSITION REASON (#409.853) file was created and was populated with the 10 existing Dispositions and the Failure to Respond disposition was added as entry number 11. The SDEC792P post install has logic to job off a task to convert all existing entries in the SDEC APPT REQUEST (#409.85) file which have a Disposition from the existing Set of Codes value to the corresponding pointer value to the new SDEC DISPOSITION REASON (#409.853) file. 13) VSE-1271: User Preferences - Column order is not being kept. Problem: The User Preference column order isn't being kept when returning to the Request Management (RM) Grid. Resolution: The columns are displayed in the order that was selected. 14) VSE-1284: The Appointment Type selected on the new Request window is not displaying correctly on View/Edit request. Problem: The Appointment type selected on the new Request window is not displaying correctly on View/Edit request. Resolution: The Appointment type selected on the new Request window will be displayed on View/Edit request. 15) VSE-1294: RECALL - After selecting "Undo No Show" there is no GUI refresh. Problem: When selecting "Undo No Show", there is no immediate refresh, and a user needs to manually refresh patient data. Resolution: The GUI was updated to refresh the screen after selecting "Undo No Show" and the appointment is now reset to scheduled. 16) VSE-1301: Convert Contact Attempt Warning for Disposition to VistA Scheduling Enhancements (VSE) Testable Standard. Problem: When dispositioning an appointment as Failure To Respond, there is a message box that is displayed when certain requirements are not met. This needs to be converted into a testable VSE standard popup. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to display a message in the new popup format indicating that the parent of a Multiple Return To Clinic (MRTC) cannot be closed with that disposition. 17) VSE-1305: VistA: Contact Attempts displaying as green when they are not current for Appointments created based on PtCSch. Problem: The Contact Attempts entries come back with value TRUE to the CURRENT field and improperly displays as GREEN. Resolution: Upon Cancellation of an original RECALL REQUEST scheduled appointment, the Contact Attempts entries need to be valued as FALSE to the CURRENT field and thus becomes displayed as BEIGE/TAN. 18) VSE-1326: VistA VS GUI: Display most recent checkin step status. Problem: The VS GUI needs to display most recent checkin step status in pending appts list and time slot viewer in VS GUI. Resolution: The SDEC FAPPGET Remote Procedure Call (RPC) was updated to return the last Check-In Step Status. Test Sites: ----------- Hines, IL Tomah, WI Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- Software is distributed by PackMan message and MSI software. NOTE: There are two installation files. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_10_1_P.MSI is the production VS GUI installation file. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_10_1_T.MSI is the preproduction VS GUI file. Other Software Files: This release also includes documentation and other software files. They can be obtained at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE/ Documentation Title File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS GUI R1.7.10.1 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_10_1_P.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.10.1 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_10_1_T.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.10.1 VDD VS_GUI_1_7_10_1 VDD Binary VS GUI R1.7.10.1 DIBR VS_GUI_1_7_10_1 DIBR Binary VS GUI R1.7.10.1 Release Notes VS_GUI_1_7_10_1 RN Binary VS GUI R1.7.10.1 Technical Manual VS_GUI_1_7_10_1 TM Binary VS GUI R1.7.10.1 User Guide Addendum VS_GUI_1_7_10_1_UG_ADD Binary PIMS Technical Manual PIMS_TM Binary Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Patch Installation: ------------------- GUI Installation Instructions: ------------------------- Sites using the System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) push process for installations can find the build documents in the following locations: - CMCB Build Document (Production): https://vaww.eie.domain.ext/SysDesign/CS/DTStatus/SitePages/Build%20Documents. aspx?pid=216 - CMCB Build Document (Test): https://vaww.eie.domain.ext/SysDesign/CS/DTStatus/SitePages/Build%20Documents. aspx?pid=228 Sites that employ the VistA Consolidated Server (VACS) installation process will be alerted to the new GUI via an action item from Office of Information and Technology (OIT) Information Technology Operations and Services (ITOPS). Follow the detailed instructions in the Action Item email for VACS installation. The IO HBMC FO Application Division will lead and coordinate deployment activities with EUO, Client Technology, Citrix Back Office, and Area Managers, and other OIT and business partners as required. The released software package is available at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE Implementation Manager Point of Contact: Name: Yoojin Lee Phone: 206-277-4608 Email: Yoojin.Lee@domain.ext Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- Routine SDEC792P will update SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) FILE. Routine will run at the end of patch installation process. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ N/A Setup/Configuration Instructions: --------------------------------- This patch may be installed with users on the system, although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. It is not recommended that this patch be queued. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. 2. Choose the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. From the KIDS Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*792. a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any components exported with this patch. You are prompted to select "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. For this patch, backing up the "B"uild is suggested. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. From the Installation Menu, select the Install Package(s) option and when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*792. 5. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//' respond NO. 6. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" respond NO. 7. If prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" respond NO. 8. If prompted "Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//" respond 0. 9. When prompted to job off the post install routine into the background process, press enter to accept the NOW default. SD*5.3*792 Post-Install to re-map the DISPOSITION (#21) field in the SDEC APPT REQUEST (#409.85) file is being jobbed off to run as a remote process. Requested Start Time: NOW// press >>>Task 633704 has been queued. <- Task info will be displayed here Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- Post install routine SDEC792P will automatically run at the end of the installation process. After the post install has finished running, sites can delete the SDEC792P routine using the Delete Routines [XTRDEL] if they wish. Back-Out Plan/Roll Back Plan: ----------------------------- Install the backup message created during the installation of SD*5.3*792. The VS GUI NATIONAL and VS GUI LOCAL entries in the SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) file needs to be reverted to 1.7.9. If VS GUI was installed, it will need to be reverted to VS GUI 1.7.9. See Deployment, Installation, Back Out and Rollback Guide (DIBR) https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE/VS_GUI_1_7_10_1_ DIBR.pdf. Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Scheduling;**[Patch List]**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 9 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: SDEC08 Before:B180017805 After:B180017805 **627,651,658,665,722,740,744, 694,745,756,774,781,785,790, 792** Routine Name: SDEC28 Before:B119593503 After:B119551077 **627,642,658,679,785,792** Routine Name: SDEC31 Before: B35513469 After: B36578315 **627,683,717,740,694,792** Routine Name: SDEC50 Before:B190831177 After:B190829933 **627,658,665,672,722,723,737, 694,745,790,792** Routine Name: SDEC792P Before: n/a After: B8119650 **792** Routine Name: SDECAR Before: B92361326 After: B91790925 **627,642,671,745,792** Routine Name: SDECRECREQ Before: B8673461 After: B8670325 **790,792** Routine Name: SDECVVS Before: B36137041 After: B37426884 **781,784,785,788,790,792** Routine Name: SDES Before: B3148087 After: B2374991 **788,790,792** Routine Name: SDESCKNSTEP Before: B44239090 After: B46242804 **788,790,792** Routine Name: SDESPATRPC Before: n/a After: B6226119 **792** Routine Name: SDM1A Before:B138919634 After:B138927205 **26,94,155,206,168,223,241, 263,327,478,446,544,621,622, 627,658,665,650,704,694,775, 792** Routine list of preceding patches: 775, 790 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : JUL 12, 2021 Completed By: Date Completed: SEP 07, 2021 Released By : Date Released : SEP 07, 2021 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT