$TXT Created by G at CHY0017D.FO-BAYPINES.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Monday, 07/10/23 at 17:00 ============================================================================= Run Date: JUL 27, 2023 Designation: SD*5.3*846 Package : SD - SCHEDULING Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #703 Status: Released Compliance Date: AUG 09, 2023 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)SD*5.3*819 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*846' (v)SD*5.3*839 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*846' (v)SD*5.3*845 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*846' Subject: VS GUI VERSION Category: - Routine - Enhancement (Mandatory) - Data Dictionary Description: ============ VistA Scheduling (VS) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Release includes several defect corrections and enhancements including removing the old obsolete SDES CANCEL APPOINTMENT Remote Procedure Call (RPC) which has been replaced by the SDES CANCEL APPOINTMENT 2 RPC. The SDES GET DIVISION LIST RPC was updated to make the INP parameter optional and to return additional data from each division's institution. The new SDES GET APPTS BY IENS2 RPC was created to return an updated JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object that matches the standard format of the other SDES name spaced RPCs. The SDES CREATE APPT REQ RPC was updated to validate the Provider Internal Entry Number (IEN) based on the same validation logic of other SDES RPCs which accept the Provider IEN as an input parameter. The VS GUI was updated to prevent user from being able to schedule appointments outside of the defined availability for the clinic. The SDES CREATE WALKIN APPT RPC was updated to accept the appt type name instead of the appt type IEN. The SDES CREATE LAST SELECTED PAT RPC will store the patient in ^DISV against the user. This will allow the last selected patient by the user to be accessed in the future. The SDES GET LAST SELECTED PAT RPC was created and will return the patient that was last selected by a user. The SDES EDIT CLINIC RPC was updated to use the add and delete Privileged User logic from the SDES ADD PRIV USER and SDES DELETE PRIV USER RPCs. An existing bug with the IEN to use during the updates was also identified and corrected. The SDES846P post install routine will include logic to identify active clinic with Privileged Users that are not properly DINUMed. These entries will be corrected. The Recall request screen in the VS GUI was updated to display "Invalid character(s) detected" message when the comments entered include special or control characters. The VS GUI was updated to correctly calculate the Patient Indicated Date (PID) based on the currently business rules provided by the Business Office. The SDES EDIT APPT REQ RPC was updated to address the issues related to the PRIORITY, REQUESTED BY, COMMENTS, and Appt Request Type. A check was also added to make the PRIORITY (#10) field required. The SDES846P post install was updated to include logic to clean up appointments that were erroneously attached to the wrong request. The SDEC EP DEMOGRAPHICS RPC was updated to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file. The new SDES GET PATIENT CMMTS RPC was created to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file. The VS GUI was updated to display the Patient comments on the Expand Entry screen under the Other category. The following RPCs were updated to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file in their returned JSON objects. The new SDES EDIT APPOINTMENT RPC will allow editing of the note tied to the appointment. The logic supporting the Wait Time calculation was updated based on the latest business rules. The new SDES GET DISPOSITION REASONS RPC will return the list of disposition reasons from the DISPOSITION REASON (#409.853) file. No input parameters are required. Data returned from the call will be in JSON format. The SDES PATIENT SEARCH RPC was updated to return the requested data elements in the returned JSON object. The SDES846P post install routine was updated to include logic to clean up encounters left open after the appointment was closed based on the business rules provided by the Business Owners. The SDES PATIENT SEARCH RPC was updated to operate correctly when the patient's last name is only two letters long. The SD*5.3*846 post install routine will utilize the SD*5.3*627 Compliance Date 5/5/2017 as the start date for the cleanup. It will only run at sites when the data cleanup was not run successfully during the installation of the SD*5.3*842 patch. ************************************************************************** * GUI UPDATE NOTICE * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This patch MUST be installed before the GUI update for release * * of VS is installed. * * * * * * The previous version of the VS GUI will not operate after this * * patch is installed. Therefore, VS GUI V1.7.44.0 and VistA patch * * SD*5.3*846 must be coordinated and installed during the same * * maintenance window. * * * * * ************************************************************************** Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: New/Modified/Deleted -------------------------- -------------------- SDES ERROR CODES New errors being Modified (#409.93) deployed File Name (Number) Field Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ---------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: ----------------- Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: ----------------------- Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: ------------------- Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- SDESRPC Broker Modified Protocols Associated: --------------------- Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: --------------------- Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ----------------------- -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: ----------------------------- Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- SDEC EP DEMOGRAPHICS Modified SDES CANCEL APPOINTMENT Deleted SDES CREATE LAST SELECTED PAT New SDES CREATE WALKIN APPT Modified SDES EDIT APPOINTMENT New SDES GET APPT BY REQ/APPT TYP2 Modified SDES GET APPTS BY CLIN IEN 3 Modified SDES GET APPTS BY CLIN LIST2 Modified SDES GET APPTS BY CLINIEN LIST Modified SDES GET APPTS BY IENS Modified SDES GET APPTS BY IENS2 New SDES GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN3 Modified SDES GET APPTS BY RESOURCE Modified SDES GET DISPOSITION REASONS New SDES GET DIVISION LIST Modified SDES GET LAST SELECTED PAT New SDES GET PATIENT CMMTS New SDES PATIENT SEARCH Modified Parameter Definitions Associated: --------------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- JIRA tasks: =========== 1) VSE-5062: VistA - Retire RPCs 90 days post release of patch 838. Problem: Need to retire SDES CANCEL APPOINTMENT. It is replaced by SDES CANCEL APPOINTMENT 2. Resolution: The SDES CANCEL APPOINTMENT was removed from the REMOTE PROCEDURE (#8994) file and from the related options in the OPTION (#19) file. 2) VSE-5248: VistA - Modify SDES GET DIVISION LIST or create a new RPC. Problem: Acheron would like to modify SDES GET DIVISION LIST to: 1. Make the INP parameter optional: when no search text is given, the RPC should return all divisions at the site. 2. Return additional data from each division's institution. Resolution: The SDES GET DIVISION LIST RPC was updated to make the INP parameter optional and to return additional data from each division's institution. 3) VSE-5370: VistA: Modify SDES GET APPTS BY IENS to normalize response. Problem: Need to create a new RPC to replace SDES GET APPTS BY IENS which will normalize to normalize the returned JSON object to be in-line with the other SDES RPCs. Resolution: The new SDES GET APPTS BY IENS2 was created to return an updated JSON object that matches the standard format of the other SDES name spaced RPCs. 4) VSE-5385: VistA: Modify SDES CREATE APPT REQ to validate Provider IEN. Problem: Need to modify SDES CREATE APPT REQ to validate Provider IEN. Resolution: The SDES CREATE APPT REQ RPC was updated to validate the Provider IEN based on the same validation logic of other SDES RPCs which accept the Provider IEN as an input parameter. 5) VSE-5421: GUI: User can schedule appointment outside of clinic hours. Problem: The VS GUI users can schedule appointments outside of clinic hours (in the gray part of the calendar) by selecting "add appointment" in a time with availability, then changing the time on the resulting Create Appointment window to a time outside of the clinic's hours. (e.g., Clinic Start time is 8 AM-user can change the time to 7 AM). When the user clicks OK, the appointment is scheduled and displays on the calendar in the gray part of the calendar and pending appointments-expand entry shows the user-selected start time, as well. This occurs regardless of the user's overbook key assignments. The site noticed this when they tried to cancel availability for a day that happened to have one of these appointments and were unable to. Note: Date/Time picker is already restricting users from selecting an earlier time; need to add validation to the field so that an invalid time can't be entered. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to prevent user from being able to schedule appointments outside of the defined availability for the clinic. 6) VSE-5424: VistA - Modify SDES CREATE WALKIN APPT. Problem: The SDES CREATE WALKIN APPT currently accepts the appt type IEN, but Acheron would like to be able to send the appt type name instead. Resolution: The SDES CREATE WALKIN APPT RPC was updated to accept the appt type name instead of the appt type IEN. 7) VSE-5434: VistA: Create SDES RPC to Store Last Selected Patient by User. Problem: Need to create a new SDES RPC around patient search to store the last selected patient by user. Resolution: The SDES CREATE LAST SELECTED PAT RPC will store the patient in ^DISV against the user. This will allow the last selected patient by the user to be accessed in the future. 8) VSE-5435: VistA: Create SDES RPC to Return Last Selected Patient by User. Problem: Need to create a SDES RPC around patient search to return the last selected patient by a user. Resolution: The SDES GET LAST SELECTED PAT RPC was created and will return the patient that was last selected by a user. 9) VSE-5436: VistA: SDES EDIT CLINIC Not Updating Privileged Users. Problem: The add or remove logic in the SDES EDIT CLINIC RPC is not working correctly. The delete logic is not deleting the Privileged User. The add logic is not properly DINUMing the entries. Resolution: The SDES EDIT CLINIC RPC was updated to use the add and delete Privileged User logic from the SDES ADD PRIV USER and SDES DELETE PRIV USER RPCs. An existing bug with the IEN to use during the updates was also identified and corrected. 10) VSE-5437: VistA: Clinic Privileged Users not DINUMed correctly. Problem: While researching the VSE-5436 issue it was noted that new Privileged User entries were not being DINUMed correctly. Resolution: The SDES846P post install routine will include logic to identify active clinics with Privileged Users that are not properly DINUMed. These entries will be corrected. 11) VSE-5443: UI - "Invalid character(s) detected" message is not displaying for Recall request. Problem: When entering a Recall request in the VS GUI, the Patient Comments field is not displaying the "Invalid character(s) detected" message when the comments entered include special or control characters. Resolution: The Recall request screen in the VS GUI was updated to display "Invalid character(s) detected" message when the comments entered include special or control characters. 12) VSE-5462: UI: PID Dates are not being calculated correctly when scheduling MRTCs. Problem: PID Dates are not being calculated correctly when scheduling MRTCs and it has been traced down to be occurring on the VS GUI side. When scheduling a new Multiple Return To Clinics (MRTCs) through the system if the Medical Support Assistant (MSA) is scheduling on a date after the first PID on the order than the system is changing the PID on the orders to reflect the first PID of the day you are scheduling and then changes all subsequent orders following. You cannot change the PID in this system at all. So due to this the PID will be incorrect on all the orders scheduled as they will not match the order placed in the system. Example below. But I have an actual order for reference if you would like to review. RTC entered for 3 appt every 7 days, with a PID of 03/15/23 (never been scheduled) First appointment was scheduled on 5/2/23 (PID should be 03/15/23, but system changes it to 04/12/23 because that's the date I made the appointment due to it being past the PID when I made it.) Second appointment was scheduled for 5/12/23 (PID should be 03/22/23, but system changes it to 04/19/23) Third appointment was scheduled for 5/12/23 (PID should be 03/29/23, but system changes it to 04/26/23) Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to correctly calculate the PID based on the currently business rules provided by the Business Office. 13) VSE-5463: VistA: Modify SDES EDIT APPT REQ to resolve issues with PRIORITY, REQUESTED BY, COMMENTS, and Appt Request Type. Problem: There are existing issues in the SDES EDIT APPT REQ RPC related to the PRIORITY, REQUESTED BY, COMMENTS, and Appt Request Type. 1. PRIORITY (field 10) is always deleted, even if a value for "PRIORITY" is given in the RPC call. 2. REQUESTED BY (field 11) is always deleted, even if a value for "REQUESTED BY" is given in the RPC call. 3. COMMENTS (field 25) is never updated when a value is given for "REQUEST COMMENT". 4. The REQUEST("APPOINTMENT TYPE IEN") and REQUEST("APPOINTMENT TYPE NAME") fields are not required (as they are by SDES CREATE APPT REQ), making it possible to remove the appt type when editing an appointment request. Resolution: The SDES EDIT APPT REQ RPC was updated to address the issues listed above. A check was also added to make the PRIORITY (#10) field required. 14) VSE-5495: VistA: Create a post install routine to clean up appointments attached to an incorrect request. Problem: Need to create a post install routine to clean up Appointment Requests and Appointments. 1. Use the appointment information (for patient A) to create a request on the fly for the appointments already made (Patient A) with the wrong requests (Patient B). This would be a lot like what we do for walk-ins. 2. Update the appointment request link (field .22) for Patient A appointment to the new request just created. Resolution: The SDES846P post install was updated to include logic to clean up appointment request and appointments as outlined above. 15) VSE-5532: VistA - Update SDEC EP DEMOGRAPHICS and create a new SDES RPC to return PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file. Problem: Need to create new SDES RPC to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file so that GUI/ISS can display patient comments in the expand entry view of a veteran self-scheduled appointment. Also, update SDEC EP DEMOGRAPHICS to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file. Resolution: The SDEC EP DEMOGRAPHICS RPC was updated to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file. The new SDES GET PATIENT CMMTS RPC was created to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file. 16) VSE-5533: VS GUI - Update GUI to display patient-entered comments in Expand Entry for an appointment. Problem: As a user in VSE GUI, I want to see the patient entered comments in expand entry for an appointment scheduled through veteran self-scheduling through VA Online Scheduling using VistA Scheduling Provider (VSP). * If user expands entry on a directly scheduled appointment, the text in the "patient comments" field in the appointment entry in 409.84 is displayed, along with already existing Expand Entry (EP) data. Should display in the top section of expand entry under Other. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to display the patient comments on the Expand Entry screen under the Other category. 17) VSE-5534: VistA - Return patient entered comments from PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file. Problem: Need to add the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file to the appointment object return. Resolution: The following RPCs were updated to return the PATIENT COMMENTS (#4) field from the SDEC APPOINTMENT (#409.84) file in their returned JSON objects. 18) VSE-5571: VistA - Rewrite SDEC EDITAPPT in the SDES Namespace. Problem: Need to rewrite SDEC EDITAPPT in the SDES Namespace. The only field that should be editable is "Note". Resolution: The new SDES EDIT APPOINTMENT RPC will allow editing of the note tied to the appointment. 19) VSE-5573: VistA - Modify Mission Act Wait Time Standard (WTS) calculation from T+19 and T+27 to then equal 20/28 days. Problem: Please review the Community Care (CC) Wait Time calculation listed below. Integrated Veteran Care (IVC) Optimization has received approval to make the CC Wait Time calculation change from Dr. Lapuz - IVC AUSH. 1. File Entry Date(FED) to PID should be calculated from T+19 and T+27 to then equal 20/28 days. 2. FED to VA appt date should be calculated from T+19 and T+27 to then equal 20/28 days. Resolution: The logic supporting the Wait Time calculation was updated based on the latest business rules. 20) VSE-5592: VistA - Create a new SDES RPC to return the 409.853 SDEC DISPOSITION REASONS. Problem: Need to create a new SDES RPC to return the Disposition Reasons from the SDEC DISPOSITION REASON (#409.853) file. Resolution: The new SDES GET DISPOSITION REASON RPC will return the list of disposition reasons from the SDEC DISPOSITION REASON (#409.853) file. No input parameters are required. Data returned from the call will be in JSON format. 21) VSE-5603: VistA - Modify SDES PATIENT SEARCH to Return Additional Fields. Problem: Need to modify the SDES PATIENT SEARCH RPC to return these additional items: 1. Last four digits of the patient's SSN. 2. The rated disabilities from the PATIENT (#2) file. Resolution: The SDES PATIENT SEARCH RPC was updated to return the requested data elements in the returned JSON object. 22) VSE-5640: VistA - Write a post install routine to clean up encounters left open after Appointment was closed. Problem: Need to write a post install routine to clean up encounters left open after Appointment was closed. Resolution: The SDES846P post install routine was updated to include logic to clean up encounters left open after the appointment was closed based on the business rules provided by the Business Owners. 23) VSE-5643: VistA - Modify SDES PATIENT SEARCH RPC to find patients when first name included with 2 character last name. Problem: Need to modify SDES PATIENT SEARCH RPC to find patients when the first name is included when patient has a 2 character last name. Resolution: The SDES PATIENT SEARCH RPC was updated to operate correctly when the patient's last name is only two letters long. 24) VSE-5664: VistA - Modify patch 842 post install routine to address issue with SD*5.3*627 not being installed. Problem: Some sites reported that the SD*5.3*842 post install didn't run at their sites due to having multiple records in the INSTALL (#9.7) file for the SD*5.3*627 patch. Resolution: The SD*5.3*846 post install routine will utilize the SD*5.3*627 Compliance Date 5/5/2017 as the start date for the cleanup. It will only run at sites when the data cleanup was not run successfully during the installation of the SD*5.3*842 patch. Test Sites: ----------- Altoona, PA (ALT) Bay Pines, FL (BAY) Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- Software is distributed by PackMan message and MSI software. NOTE: There are two installation files. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_44_0_P.MSI is the production VS GUI installation file. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_44_0_T.MSI is the preproduction VS GUI file. Other Software Files: This release also includes documentation and other software files. They can be obtained at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE/ Documentation Title File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS GUI R1.7.44.0 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_44_0_P.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.44.0 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_44_0_T.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.44.0 VDD VS_GUI_1_7_44_0 VDD Binary VS GUI R1.7.44.0 DIBR VS_GUI_1_7_44_0 DIBR Binary VS GUI R1.7.44.0 Release Notes VS_GUI_1_7_44_0 RN Binary VS GUI R1.7.44.0 Technical Manual VS_GUI_1_7_44_0 TM Binary VS GUI R1.7.44.0 User Guide Addendum VS_GUI_1_7_44_0_UG_ADD Binary PIMS Technical Manual PIMS_TM Binary Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Patch Installation: ------------------- GUI Installation Instructions: ------------------------- Sites that employ the VistA Consolidated Server (VACS) installation process will be alerted to the new GUI via an action item from Office of Information and Technology (OIT) Information Technology Operations and Services (ITOPS). Follow the detailed instructions in the Action Item email for VistA Consolidated Server (VACS) installation. The Information Operations (IO) HBMC Field Operations (FO) Application Division will lead and coordinate deployment activities with EUO, Client Technology, Citrix Back Office, and Area Managers, and other OIT and business partners as required. The released software package is available at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE Release Manager Point of Contact: Name: Stevens Jack Phone: 772-646-2303 Email: jack.stevens1@domain.ext Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- Routine SDES846P will update SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) file. Routine will run at the end of patch installation process. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ N/A Setup/Configuration Instructions: --------------------------------- This patch may be installed with users on the system, although it is highly recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. 2. Choose the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. From the KIDS Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*846. a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any components exported with this patch. You are prompted to select "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. For this patch, backing up the "B"uild is suggested. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. From the Installation Menu, select the Install Package(s) option and when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*846. 5. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//' respond NO. 6. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" respond NO. 7. If prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" respond NO. 8. If prompted "Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//" respond 0. Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- Post install routine SDES846P will automatically run at the end of the installation process. After the post install has finished running, sites can delete the SDES846P routine using the Delete Routines [XTRDEL] if they wish. Back-Out Plan/Roll Back Plan: ----------------------------- 1. Load the Backup MailMan Message a. Go into MailMan and find the backup message created in step 3a of the installation process and read that message. b. At the "Type to continue or '^' to exit:" prompt enter ^ to get to the command prompt. c. At the command prompt enter X for eXtract and press enter. d. At the "Select PackMan function:" prompt enter 6 for INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE and press enter. e. At the "OK to Continue with Load? NO//" prompt, type YES and press enter. f. At the "Want to Continue with Load? YES//" prompt, press enter. g. Exit MailMan. 2. Go Into the Kernel Installation & Distribution System (KIDS) and load and install the backup like you would a regular patch. a. Enter D ^XUP at the command prompt. b. At the "Select OPTION NAME:" prompt, enter Kernel Installation & Distribution System" and press enter. c. From the main KIDS menu, select the Installation ... option. d. From the Installation ... option, select 6 Install Package(s). e. At the "Select INSTALL NAME:" prompt enter SD*5.3*844b. f. If prompted for "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" take the default by pressing enter. g. If prompted for "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" take the default by pressing enter. h. At the DEVICE: prompt, enter the output device of your choice. i. Verify that the SD*5.3*846b backup installs without any issues. The VS GUI NATIONAL and VS GUI LOCAL entries in the SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) file needs to be reverted to 1.7.43. If VS GUI was installed, it will need to be reverted to VS GUI Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Scheduling;**[Patch List]**;Aug 13 1993;Build 12 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: SDECEPT Before:B160175661 After:B166905478 **669,671,694,794,809,813,823,846** Routine Name: SDES846P Before: n/a After:B162031511 **846** Routine Name: SDES846PENC Before: n/a After: B34332444 **846** Routine Name: SDES846PRE Before: n/a After: B24678783 **846** Routine Name: SDESAPPTDATA Before: B74689168 After: B76519558 **788,814,815,820,823,827,837, 838,839,846** Routine Name: SDESCLINICSET2 Before:B101522309 After: B98214015 **799,813,827,828,846** Routine Name: SDESCREATEAPPREQ Before:B188140342 After:B190031421 **823,826,833,835,837,843,844,846** Routine Name: SDESCREATEAPPT Before: B82464554 After: B80936922 **814,823,826,827,828,842,843,846** Routine Name: SDESCRTWALKIN Before: B46827401 After: B48197639 **823,846** Routine Name: SDESEDITAPPT Before: n/a After: B4538215 **846** Routine Name: SDESEDITAPPTREQ Before:B193404610 After:B190162283 **823,826,837,845,846** Routine Name: SDESGETAPPTSIEN2 Before: n/a After: B3855752 **846** Routine Name: SDESGETDISPREASN Before: n/a After: B1567185 **846** Routine Name: SDESGETDIVISION Before: B2555915 After: B17511548 **819,846** Routine Name: SDESGETSTOREDPAT Before: n/a After: B1815341 **846** Routine Name: SDESMISSIONELG Before:B147043364 After:B146604194 **814,815,818,820,826,835,842, 844,845,846** Routine Name: SDESPATCOMMTS Before: n/a After: B3486495 **846** Routine Name: SDESPATSEARCH Before: B65038410 After: B88046808 **833,838,842,843,844,846** Routine Name: SDESSTOREPATIENT Before: n/a After: B2116011 **846** Routine list of preceding patches: 819, 839, 845 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : APR 03, 2023 Completed By: Date Completed: JUL 27, 2023 Released By : Date Released : JUL 27, 2023 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT