$TXT Created by G at CHY0034.FO-BAYPINES.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Friday, 05/10/24 at 15:16 ============================================================================= Run Date: MAY 29, 2024 Designation: SD*5.3*877 Package : SD - SCHEDULING Priority: Mandatory Version : 5.3 SEQ #727 Status: Released Compliance Date: JUN 12, 2024 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)SD*5.3*588 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*877' (v)SD*5.3*603 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*877' (v)SD*5.3*813 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*877' (v)SD*5.3*875 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SD*5.3*877' Subject: VS GUI VERSION Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ VistA Scheduling (VS) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Release and patch SD*5.3*877 includes several defect corrections and enhancements including: The SDMHPRO1 routine was updated to only use the first 30 characters of the patient name to properly set the "B" x-ref in the PATIENT file (#2). The INCREMENTAVAIL2^SDESUTIL routine was updated to handle appointments that fall outside of the defined schedule which will prevent undefined errors. The SCMCMHTC API was updated to return a 0 when the patient Data File Number (DFN) is passed in but contains a zero, thus preventing downstream undefined errors. The new SDES2 UNBLOCK PBSP SLOTS Remote Procedure Call (RPC) will unblock slots that are associated with a Provider Based Scheduling Profile (PBSP). The VS GUI was updated to keep the Clinically Indicated Date/Patient Indicated Date (CID/PID) in synch with the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) when the patient cancels the appointment and when the provider cancels the consult, changes the CID and resubmits the request. The SDES2 INACTIVATE CLINIC and the SDES2 REACTIVATE CLINIC RPCs were updated to allow the changing of the Inactivate date and the Reactivate date respectively. The new SD PID/CID UPDATE OR Protocol was created and with these changes implemented, when CPRS edits a PID/CID associated with a consult, the new protocol will capture that action and allow the VSE team to track these changes to PID/CID's so that we can maintain symmetry across the two systems. Also, for VistA Scheduling Enhancements (VSE), the functionality to allow editing of PID/CID's across SDEC, SDES, and SDES2 has been implemented. The RPCs supporting the Get Appointment Requests, Get Consults and Get Recalls were updated to call the newer versions of this code in the SDES2 namespace. The SDES2 CREATE SPEC NEEDS PREFS and SDES2 EDIT SPEC NEEDS RPCs were updated to allow remarks for each preference. The SDES CANCEL CLIN PRECAN LIST RPC was updated to accept a start and end date range and will return all the appointments within those dates. The VS GUI was updated to send the Patient Integration Control Number (ICN) instead of the Provider Internal Entry Number (IEN) when attempting to Resend Video Visit Notifications. Scheduling subscribed to the Kernel Integration Control Registration (ICR) 4129 so that we could save the User DUZ in the VISIT file (#9000010). The SDES2 GET PATIENT EP RPC was updated to return the Last Disch./Lodger Date, radiation exposure, AO EXP/Loc, and Proj 112 SHAD fields in its JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object. The SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT RPC was updated to store the correct user when a request is dispositioned. The logic supporting the SDES2 CREATE VET REQ AND APPT RPC was updated to correctly store just a date in the DATE DISPOSITIONED field (#19) in the SDEC APPT REQUEST file (#409.85). The SDES2 UNDO CHECKOUT RPC was added to the SDESRPC menu option. The SDES2 CREATE APPT REQ RPC was updated to return the error message "Provider is inactive" for inactive users and inactive providers. SDES SEARCH PROVIDERS was updated to filter out inactive users. The VS GUI was updated to remove a second call to SDEC APPADD RPC after the VVC appointment is created, this will remove the VVC from the Rm Grid. The SDEC RECPRGET and SDES SEARCH RECALL RPCs were updated to use $$ACTIVE^XUSER(USERIEN) to verify that a provider is active. The SDES2UTIL utility routine was updated to recognize that there may be times when there is an inactive stop code associated with the same AMIS code as an active stop code. The SDES2 QUERY APPT REQUESTS RPC was updated to accept a SubType for APPT appointment request types and to return the sensitive patient flag in the JSON object. The SDES2 CANCEL APPOINTMENT RPC was updated so that when a patient scheduled appointment is cancelled it returns to the RM grid as a PtCSch appointment request. When the PtCsch appointment is rescheduled the requesting user is stored in the database. The SDEC07, SDES2CREATEAPPT and SDESCREATEAPPT routines were updated to store a Date and Time in the DATE APPT MADE field (#.09) in the SDEC APPOINTMENT file (#409.84). The following RPCs were updated to return the patients home phone. SDES2 GET APPT REQ BY DFN SDES2 GET APPT REQ BY IEN SDES2 GET APPT REQ LIST BY DFN SDES2 GET CONSULT BY IEN SDES2 GET CONSULTS BY DFN SDES2 GET RECALL BY IEN SDES2 GET RECALLS BY DFN SDES2 GET REQUESTS BY INST SDES2 QUERY APPT REQUESTS The SDES2 CREATE LAST SELECTED PAT RPC was updated to audit the record if the patient is classified as a Sensitive Record patient. The SDES CREATE APPOINTMENTS and the SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT RPCs were updated to properly update the STATUS field (#5) in the ORDER file (#100). The SDES2 GET PAT DEMOGRAPHICS and SDES2 EDIT PAT DEMOGRAPHICS RPCs were created to return or edit patient demographic data. The SDES GET PATIENT RPC was updated to only return the last 4 digits of the patient's SSN in its JSON object. The following RPCs were updated their return JSON object: SDES2 GET APPT BY APPT IEN SDES2 GET APPTS BY APPT IENS SDES2 GET APPTS BY CLINIC IEN SDES2 GET APPTS BY CLN RES IEN SDES2 GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN The SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT RPC was updated to call the original availability update logic which is being used via the GUI. The SDES2BLDAPPT44, SDES2CREATEAPPT and the SDESCREATEAPPT44 routines were updated to store both the Date and Time in the APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME subfield (#.01) of the APPOINTMENT multiple (#1900) of the HOSTPITAL LOCATION file (#44). The new SDES2 GET RECALL APPT TYPES RPC will return a list of the Recall Reminder appointment types from the RECALL REMINDERS APPT TYPE file (#403.51). The Clinic IEN will not be passed to GET40984INFO^SDES2BLDAPPTOBJ so that the clinic locality can be used to correctly return the time. ************************************************************************** * GUI UPDATE NOTICE * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This patch MUST be installed before the GUI update for release * * of VS is installed. * * * * * * The previous version of the VS GUI will not operate after this * * patch is installed. Therefore, VS GUI V1.7.55.0 and VistA patch * * SD*5.3*877 must be coordinated and installed during the same * * maintenance window. * * * * * ************************************************************************** Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: New/Modified/Deleted -------------------------- -------------------- SDES ERROR CODES New errors being Modified (#409.93) deployed File Name (Number) Field Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ---------- -------------------- Forms Associated: ----------------- Form Name File Number New/Modified/Deleted --------- ----------- -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: ----------------------- Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: ------------------- Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- SDESRPC Broker Modified Protocols Associated: --------------------- Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- GMRC EVSEND OR Modified SD PID/CID UPDATE OR New Security Keys Associated: ------------------------- Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: --------------------- Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ----------------------- -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: ----------------------------- Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------- -------------------- SDES CANCEL CLIN PRECAN LIST Modified SDES CREATE APPOINTMENTS Modified SDES GET PATIENT INQUIRY Modified SDES SEARCH PROVIDERS Modified SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT Modified SDES2 CREATE SPEC NEEDS PREFS Modified SDES2 EDIT PAT DEMOGRAPHICS New SDES2 EDIT SPEC NEEDS PREFS Modified SDES2 GET APPT BY APPT IEN Modified SDES2 GET APPT REQ BY DFN Modified SDES2 GET APPT REQ BY IEN Modified SDES2 GET APPT REQ LIST BY DFN Modified SDES2 GET APPTS BY APPT IENS Modified SDES2 GET APPTS BY CLINIC IEN Modified SDES2 GET APPTS BY CLN RES IEN Modified SDES2 GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN Modified SDES2 GET CONSULT BY IEN Modified SDES2 GET CONSULTS BY DFN Modified SDES2 GET DEMOGRAPHICS New SDES2 GET PAT DEMOGRAPHICS New SDES2 GET PATIENT EP Modified SDES2 GET RECALL APPT TYPES New SDES2 GET RECALL BY IEN Modified SDES2 GET RECALLS BY DFN Modified SDES2 GET REQUESTS BY INST Modified SDES2 GET SPEC NEEDS PREFS Modified SDES2 QUERY APPT REQUESTS Modified SDES2 UNBLOCK PBSP SLOTS New SDES2 UNDO CHECKOUT New Parameter Definitions Associated: --------------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- JIRA tasks: =========== 1) VSE-6642: VistA: EN+17^SDMHPRO1 at Connecticut/West-Haven(689) Problem: We need a coding change to address the patient name being too long (longer than allowed by the cross reference and the file setup). Resolution: The SDMHPRO1 routine was updated to only use the first 30 characters of the patient name to properly find its respective DFN via the "B" x-ref in the PATIENT file (#2). 2) VSE-6810: VistA: Modify logic within SDESUTIL. Problem: Need to modify logic within SDESUTIL (SDES UTILITY routine). INCREMENTAVAIL2 needs to handle appointments that fall outside of the schedule. Current logic doesn't always assign NEWSCHEDULE, but tries to use it. Resolution: The INCREMENTAVAIL2^SDESUTIL routine was updated to handle appointments that fall outside of the defined schedule which will prevent undefined errors. 3) VSE-6995: VistA: SCMCMHTC routine needs to be remediated. Problem: In support of remediating coding flaws in the ORWTP1 routine, a coding deficiency was discovered in the SCMCMHTC routine, which is being used as an API routine. During the review of a VistA error trap , we learned that DFN value (0) can currently be passed into the ORWPT1 routine which can then be passed into the SCMCMHTC API. However, the SCMCMHTC API coding will fail to return a DFN value when DFN=0. Resolution: The SCMCMHTC API was updated to return a 0 when the patient DFN is passed in but contains a zero, thus preventing downstream undefined errors. 4) VSE-7171: VistA: Create a new RPC to unblock PBSP clinic availability. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to create a new Remote Procedure Call (RPC) that will be used to unblock PBSP clinics availability when cancelling a booked appointment in a Provider Based Scheduling Profile (PBSP) clinic. Resolution: The new SDES2 UNBLOCK PBSP SLOTS Remote Procedure Call (RPC) will unblock slots that are associated with a Provider Based Scheduling Profile (PBSP). 5) VSE-7358: VS GUI: Keep the CID/PID in synch with CPRS. Problem: The VS GUI needs to keep the Clinically Indicated Date/Patient Indicated Date (CID/PID) in synch with CPRS when: . The patient cancels the appointment . When the provider cancels the consult, changes the CID and resubmits the request. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to keep the Clinically Indicated Date/Patient Indicated Date (CID/PID) in synch with the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) when the patient cancels the appointment and when the provider cancels the consult, changes the CID and resubmits the request. 6) VSE-7362: VistA: Modify SDES2 INACTIVATE CLINIC RPC and SDES2 REACTIVATE RPC to allow the user to modify the date that the clinic is set to be inactivated, even if the clinic date is already set to be inactivated. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to Modify SDES2 INACTIVATE CLINIC RPC to allow the user to modify the date that the clinic is set to be inactivated, even if the clinic date is already set to be inactivated. The update need to allow the following: . Inactivate a clinic and change the date to an earlier date but not earlier than today's date. . Inactivate a clinic and change the date to a later date provided it is not later than any existing Reactivation date. . Reactivate a clinic and change the date to an earlier date, provided it is not less than today's date. . Reactivate a clinic and change the date to a later date provided it is not earlier than any existing Inactivation date. Resolution: The SDES2 INACTIVATE CLINIC and the SDES2 REACTIVATE CLINIC RPCs were updated to allow the changing of the Inactivate date and the Reactivate date respectively. 7) VSE-7389: VistA: Update CID when provider changes the CID in CPRS. Problem: As a scheduler I want to be able to change the CID/PID for a consult or procedure request received from CPRS when the appointment is cancelled by patient, staff marks the patient as a No Show, or the provider cancels a consult, changes the CID and resubmits the consult so that the patient's preferred date and wait time are accurately captured. Resolution: The new SD PID/CID UPDATE OR Protocol was created and with these changes implemented, when CPRS edits a PID/CID associated with a consult, the new protocol will capture that action and allow the VSE team to track these changes to PID/CID's so that we can maintain symmetry across the two systems. Also, for VSE, the functionality to allow editing of PID/CID's across SDEC, SDES, and SDES2 has been implemented. 8) VSE-7447: VistA: Identify and change the SDES2 routines that are calling GETREQUEST^SDESGETAPPTREQ, and 2 others to call the new SDES2 versions of these routines. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to identify and change the SDES2 routines that are calling GETREQUEST^SDESGETAPPTREQ, GETCONSULT^SDESGETCONSULTS, and GETRECALL^SDESGETRECAL to call the new SDES2 versions of these routines. Resolution: The RPCs supporting the Get Appointment Requests, Get Consults and Get Recalls were updated to call the newer versions of this code in the SDES2 namespace. 9) VSE-7469: VistA: Modify SDES2 CREATE SPEC NEEDS PREFS and SDES2 EDIT SPEC NEEDS to allow remarks for each preference. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify SDES2 CREATE SPEC NEEDS PREFS and SDES2 EDIT SPEC NEEDS PREFS to allow remarks for each preference. Current logic was created to mimic GUI logic that only had one remark. The new logic will store each remark separately. Resolution: The SDES2 CREATE SPEC NEEDS PREFS and SDES2 EDIT SPEC NEEDS RPCs were updated to allow remarks for each preference. 10) VSE-7514: VistA: Modify SDES CANCEL CLIN PRECAN LIST RPC to work during a date range and return all the appointments within it. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to modify SDES CANCEL CLIN PRECAN LIST RPC to work during a date range and return all the appointments within it. Resolution: The SDES CANCEL CLIN PRECAN LIST RPC was updated to accept a start and end date range and will return all the appointments within those dates. 11) VSE-7518: VS GUI: Resend Video Visit Notifications is sending Provider IEN instead of Patient ICN. Problem: With the recent logging of webservice calls, when attempting to Resend Video Visit Notifications within VS GUI we can see the GUI is sending the Provider IEN instead of the Patient ICN, thus creating an error and not allowing the resending of Video Visit Notification. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to send the Patient Integration Control Number (ICN) instead of the Provider Internal Entry Number (IEN) when attempting to Resend Video Visit Notifications. 12) VSE-7594: VistA: Update User DUZ in file 409.68 and the VISIT file. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to save the User DUZ to file 409.68 and the VISIT files and get a SACC exception so that the audit log is correct. Resolution: Scheduling subscribed to the Kernel Integration Control Registration (ICR) 4129 so that we could save the User DUZ in the VISIT file (#9000010). 13) VSE-7595: VistA: Modify SDES2 GET PATIENT EP to return the Last Disch./Lodger Date. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to modify SDES2 GET PATIENT EP RPC to return the Last Disch./Lodger Date, radiation exposure, AO EXP/Loc, and Proj 112 SHAD fields so that it displays in expanded Entry. Resolution: The SDES2 GET PATIENT EP RPC was updated to return the Last Disch./Lodger Date, radiation exposure, AO EXP/Loc, and Proj 112 SHAD fields in its JSON object. 14) VSE-7601: VistA: Modify SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT to correct the user being stored when the request is being dispositioned. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to modify SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT RPC to correct the user being stored when the request is being dispositioned. Resolution: The SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT RPC was updated to store the correct user when a request is dispositioned. 15) VSE-7626: VistA: Modify SDES2 CREATE VET REQ AND APPT RPC to return a date instead of a date/time. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to Modify SDES2 CREATE VET REQ AND APPT RPC so that the disposition date that is set on the appointment request returns a date instead of a date/time. Resolution: The logic supporting the SDES2 CREATE VET REQ AND APPT RPC was updated to correctly store just a date in the DATE DISPOSITIONED field (#19) in the SDEC APPT REQUEST file (#409.85). 16) VSE-7630: VistA: Add SDES2 UNDO CHECKOUT to the SDESRPC menu option. Problem: As a MUMPs developer I want to add SDES2 UNDO CHECKOUT to the SDESRPC menu option. Also only allow undo checkout on the same day as the appointment. Resolution: The SDES2 UNDO CHECKOUT RPC was added to the SDESRPC menu option. 17) VSE-7649: VistA: Modify SDES2 CREATE APPT REQ error message so that it says "Provider is inactive". Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify the SDES2 CREATE APPT REQ error message so that it says "Provider is inactive" for inactive users. I also want to pass the "Provider is inactive" error message for users who are inactive providers. I also want to modify SDES SEARCH PROVIDERS to screen out providers who are not active users or have been "DISUSERED". Resolution: The SDES2 CREATE APPT REQ RPC was updated to return the error message "Provider is inactive" for inactive users and inactive providers. SDES SEARCH PROVIDERS was updated to filter out inactive users. 18) VSE-7652: VS GUI: RTC VVCs remaining in the RM grid with the create appointment dialog still open, but it will be scheduled in the pending appointments. Problem: Some RTC VVC will remain in the RM grid with the create appointment dialog still open, but it will be scheduled in the pending appointments. Review of the trace log shows the RPC APPADD called a second time after the web service call to schedule the VVC with VCM. Resolution: The VS GUI was updated to remove a second call to SDEC APPADD RPC after the VVC appointment is created, this will remove the VVC from the Rm Grid. 19) VSE-7657: VistA: Discovery/Fix issue with Recall provider list not including all providers. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to look at an issue reported by SQA while testing ISS where the PtCSch provider list is not including all providers. Resolution: The SDEC RECPRGET and SDES SEARCH RECALL RPCs were updated to use $$ACTIVE^XUSER(USERIEN) to verify that a provider is active. 20) VSE-7664: VistA: Modify SDES2UTIL to recognize that there may be times when there are both active and inactive AMIS stop codes. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify AMIS stop code logic to recognize that there may be times when there is an inactive stop code associated with the same AMIS code as an active stop code. This affects SDES2UTIL. I want to identify all the calling routines and the test scenarios. 1.) The direct calls to AMISTOSTOPCODE 2.) the calls to $$VALIDATEAMIS, $$PRIMARYAMIS, and $$SECONDARYAMIS all call into $$AMISTOSTOPCODE. Resolution: The SDES2UTIL utility routine was updated to recognize that there may be times when there is an inactive stop code associated with the same AMIS code as an active stop code. 21) VSE-7665: VistA: Modify SDES2 QUERY APPT REQUESTS to accept a SubType for APPT appointment request types. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify SDES2 QUERY APPT REQUESTS to accept a SubType for APPT appointment request types. Resolution: The SDES2 QUERY APPT REQUESTS RPC was updated to accept a SubType for APPT appointment request types and to return the sensitive patient flag in the JSON object. 22) VSE-7682 VistA: Modify SDES2 CANCEL APPOINTMENT to ensure the requesting user is stored in the database. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify SDES2 CANCEL APPOINTMENT to ensure when a PtCSch appointment is cancelled and returned to the grid as a PtCSCh and when the appointment is rebooked, the requesting user is saved in the database instead of the proxy user. Resolution: The SDES2 CANCEL APPOINTMENT RPC was updated so that when a patient scheduled appointment is cancelled it returns to the RM grid as a PtCSch appointment request. When the PtCSch appointment is rescheduled the requesting user is stored in the database. appointment is cancelled. 23) VSE-7684: VistA: Discovery and Code 409.84 field .09 should store Date and Time. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify file 409.84 field .09 DATE APPT MADE to include both Date and Time when the appointment was made. Currently SDES, SDES2, and roll and scroll only store Date but the business has requested Date and Time. Resolution: The SDEC07, SDES2CREATEAPPT and SDESCREATEAPPT routines were updated to store a Date and Time in the DATE APPT MADE field (#.09) in the SDEC APPOINTMENT file (#409.84). 24) VSE-7690: VistA: Modify all SDES2 GET REQ RPCs to return the telephone number. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify all SDES2 GET REQ RPCs to return the telephone number so that it is available to the schedulers. Resolution: The following RPCs were updated to return the patients home phone. SDES2 GET APPT REQ BY DFN SDES2 GET APPT REQ BY IEN SDES2 GET APPT REQ LIST BY DFN SDES2 GET CONSULT BY IEN SDES2 GET CONSULTS BY DFN SDES2 GET RECALL BY IEN SDES2 GET RECALLS BY DFN SDES2 GET REQUESTS BY INST SDES2 QUERY APPT REQUESTS 25) VSE-7699: VistA: Modify SDES2 CREATE LAST SELECTED PAT. Problem: Modify SDES2 CREATE LAST SELECTED PAT to see if a patient selected is a Sensitive Record patient. If patient is sensitive then audit - current logic uses PTSEC^DGSEC4. Resolution: The SDES2 CREATE LAST SELECTED PAT RPC was updated to audit the record if the patient is classified as a Sensitive Record patient. 26) VSE-7700: The order file is not being populated correctly when an appointment is being created Using an RTC Request. Problem: When an user creates an RTC appointment by SDES2 RPC via ISS, the ORDER file (#100) STATUS field (#5) is not being populated with correct data. Resolution: The SDES CREATE APPOINTMENTS and the SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT RPCs were updated to properly update the STATUS field (#5) in the ORDER file (#100). 27) VSE-7701: VistA: Create a new SDES2 RPC to read demographics data. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to create a new SDES2 RPC to read the following Demographics data from the VistA database: Race Ethnicity Marital Status Religion Resolution: The SDES2 GET PAT DEMOGRAPHICS and SDES2 EDIT PAT DEMOGRAPHICS RPCs were created to return or edit patient demographic data. 28) VSE-7711: VistA: SDES GET PATIENT INQUIRY is returning full SSN. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to fix an issue where SDES GET PATIENT INQUIRY is receiving the full SSN from CPRS. Resolution: The SDES GET PATIENT RPC was updated to only return the last 4 digits of the patient's SSN in its JSON object. 29) VSE-7713: VistA: Add sensitive patient flag to SDES2 GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to add a sensitive record flag to the return of SDES2 GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN so that ISS can mask the SSN and DOB on the calendar flyover. Other Appointment RPC may need to be updated also. Resolution: The following RPCs were updated to include the sensitive record flag in their return JSON object: SDES2 GET APPT BY APPT IEN SDES2 GET APPTS BY APPT IENS SDES2 GET APPTS BY CLINIC IEN SDES2 GET APPTS BY CLN RES IEN SDES2 GET APPTS BY PATIENT DFN 30) VSE-7732: SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT does not count after hours slot correctly. Problem: When appointments are created outside of the clinic's defined availability, the overbook slots are not being updated. Resolution: The SDES2 CREATE APPOINTMENT RPC was updated to call the original availability update logic which is being used via the GUI. 31) VSE-7789: VistA: Code file 44 APPOINTMENT (field 1900) multiple sub file 44.003 - field 8 to store the date and time for when the appointment was made. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to Code file 44 APPOINTMENT (field 1900) multiple sub file 44.003 - field 8 so that SDES, SDES2, and roll and scroll store Date and time for when the appointment was made. Resolution: The SDES2BLDAPPT44, SDES2CREATEAPPT and the SDESCREATEAPPT44 routines were updated to store both the Date and Time in the APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME subfield (#.01) of the APPOINTMENT multiple (#1900) of the HOSTPITAL LOCATION file (#44). 32) VSE-7823: VistA: Rewrite SDEC RECAPGET in the SDES2 namespace. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to rewrite SDEC RECAPGET in the SDES2 namespace so that I can pull the RECALL REMINDERS TYPE NAME from the sites VistA instance. Resolution: The new SDES2 GET RECALL APPT TYPES RPC will return a list of the Recall Reminder appointment types from the RECALL REMINDERS APPT TYPE file (#403.51). 33) VSE-7853: VistA: Correct an issue with time zone in expanded entry. Problem: As a MUMPS developer I want to modify the routine GET40984INFO^SDES2BLDAPPTOBJ to passing the Clinic IEN so that the correct time based on the locality of the clinic. Resolution: The Clinic IEN will not be passed to GET40984INFO^SDES2BLDAPPTOBJ so that the clinic locality can be used to correctly return the time. Test Sites: ----------- Amarillo, TX (AMA) Lebanon, PA (LEB) Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- Software is distributed by PackMan message and MSI software. NOTE: There are two installation files. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_55_0_P.MSI is the production VS GUI installation file. The file titled VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_55_0_T.MSI is the preproduction VS GUI file. Other Software Files: This release also includes documentation and other software files. They can be obtained at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE/ Documentation Title File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS GUI R1.7.55.0 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_55_0_P.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.55.0 INSTALLER VISTASCHEDULINGGUIINSTALLER_1_7_55_0_T.MSI Binary VS GUI R1.7.55.0 VDD VS_GUI_1_7_55_0 VDD Binary VS GUI R1.7.55.0 DIBR VS_GUI_1_7_55_0 DIBR Binary VS GUI R1.7.55.0 Release Notes VS_GUI_1_7_55_0 RN Binary VS GUI R1.7.55.0 Technical Manual VS_GUI_1_7_55_0 TM Binary VS GUI R1.7.55.0 User Guide Addendum VS_GUI_1_7_55_0_UG_ADD Binary PIMS Technical Manual PIMS_TM Binary Documentation describing the new functionality is included in this release. Documentation can be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: https://www.domain.ext/vdl/ Patch Installation: ------------------- GUI Installation Instructions: ------------------------- Sites that employ the VistA Consolidated Server (VACS) installation process will be alerted to the new GUI via an action item from Office of Information and Technology (OIT) Software Product Management (SPM) Services. Follow the detailed instructions in the Action Item email for VistA Consolidated Server (VACS) installation. The Information Operations (IO) HBMC Field Operations (FO) Application Division will lead and coordinate deployment activities with EUO, Client Technology, Citrix Back Office, and Area Managers, and other OIT and business partners as required. The released software package is available at: https://download.vista.domain.ext/index.html/SOFTWARE Release Manager Point of Contact: Name: Stevens Jack Email: jack.stevens1@domain.ext Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- Routine SDES877P will update SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) file. Routine will run at the end of patch installation process. Pre-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ N/A Setup/Configuration Instructions: --------------------------------- This patch may be installed with users on the system, although it is recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize potential disruption to users. This patch should take less than 5 minutes to install. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. 2. Choose the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. From the KIDS Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options. When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*877. a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any components exported with this patch. You are prompted to select "R" for Routines or "B" for Build. For this patch, backing up the "B"uild is suggested. Select one of the following: B Build R Routines Enter response: Build b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DDs, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. From the Installation Menu, select the Install Package(s) option and when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter SD*5.3*877. 5. If prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//' respond NO. 6. When prompted "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" respond NO. 7. If prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" respond NO. 8. If prompted "Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//" respond 0. Post-Installation Instructions: ------------------------------- Post install routine SDES877P will automatically run at the end of the installation process. After the post install has finished running, sites can delete the SDES877P routine using the Delete Routines [XTRDEL] if they wish. Back-Out Plan/Roll Back Plan: ----------------------------- 1. Load the Backup MailMan Message a. Go into MailMan and find the backup message created in step 3a of the installation process and read that message. b. At the "Type to continue or '^' to exit:" prompt enter ^ to get to the command prompt. c. At the command prompt enter X for eXtract and press enter. d. At the "Select PackMan function:" prompt enter 6 for INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE and press enter. e. At the "OK to Continue with Load? NO//" prompt, type YES and press enter. f. At the "Want to Continue with Load? YES//" prompt, press enter. g. Exit MailMan. 2. Go Into the Kernel Installation & Distribution System (KIDS) and load and install the backup like you would a regular patch. a. Enter D ^XUP at the command prompt. b. At the "Select OPTION NAME:" prompt, enter Kernel Installation & Distribution System" and press enter. c. From the main KIDS menu, select the Installation ... option. d. From the Installation ... option, select 6 Install Package(s). e. At the "Select INSTALL NAME:" prompt enter SD*5.3*877b. f. If prompted for "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//" take the default by pressing enter. g. If prompted for "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//" take the default by pressing enter. h. At the DEVICE: prompt, enter the output device of your choice. i. Verify that the SD*5.3*877b backup installs without any issues. The VS GUI NATIONAL and VS GUI LOCAL entries in the SDEC SETTINGS (#409.98) file needs to be reverted to 1.7.54. If VS GUI was installed, it will need to be reverted to VS GUI Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;5.3;Scheduling;**[Patch List]**;AUG 13, 1993;Build 14 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: SCMCMHTC Before: B10680608 After: B11022604 **575,603,877** Routine Name: SDEC07 Before:B187883405 After:B178283632 **627,642,651,658,665,669,671, 672,701,686,740,694,785,788, 790,799,801,805,816,819,842, 843,847,851,869,875,877** Routine Name: SDEC08 Before:B212908316 After:B216665784 **627,651,658,665,722,740,744, 694,745,756,774,781,785,790, 792,796,797,799,801,805,819, 842,832,851,873,875,877** Routine Name: SDEC52B Before: B22309978 After: B22205872 **627,796,797,827,877** Routine Name: SDECCONSJSON Before: B41924440 After: B41924440 **784,785,788,805,807,813,877** Routine Name: SDES2APPTUTIL Before: B93657737 After:B119908973 **866,871,875,877** Routine Name: SDES2BLDAPPT2 Before: B34519186 After: B36337878 **871,877** Routine Name: SDES2BLDAPPT44 Before: B31718157 After: B29300628 **871,877** Routine Name: SDES2BLDAPPTOBJ Before: B45622479 After: B45595682 **871,877** Routine Name: SDES2CANCELAPPT Before:B198358760 After:B201603339 **869,871,873,875,877** Routine Name: SDES2CREATEAPPT Before:B132970064 After:B139596292 **866,869,873,875,877** Routine Name: SDES2CREATESNAPS Before: B18093264 After: B18190433 **864,877** Routine Name: SDES2CRTAPREQ Before:B206135771 After:B210288903 **869,871,875,877** Routine Name: SDES2CRTVETAPPT Before: B47366908 After: B47453616 **867,869,877** Routine Name: SDES2EDITPATDEMO Before: n/a After: B11704942 **877** Routine Name: SDES2EDITSNAPS Before: B12723453 After: B13980817 **864,877** Routine Name: SDES2EPT Before: B21009205 After: B31425756 **861,867,877** Routine Name: SDES2GETAPPTREQ Before:B153397503 After:B154793981 **873,877** Routine Name: SDES2GETAPPTRPCS Before: B36650370 After: B40184324 **871,873,875,877** Routine Name: SDES2GETCONSULTS Before: B61572850 After: B67385284 **873,877** Routine Name: SDES2GETDEMOS Before: n/a After: B5966176 **877** Routine Name: SDES2GETPATDEMO Before: n/a After: B3221289 **877** Routine Name: SDES2GETRECALL Before: B42435036 After: B43973544 **871,873,877** Routine Name: SDES2GETSNAPS Before: B7680021 After: B7988251 **864,877** Routine Name: SDES2GRECAPTYPE Before: n/a After: B1942099 **877** Routine Name: SDES2GREQSINST Before: B21867023 After: B21655344 **853,877** Routine Name: SDES2INACTCLIN Before: B19079558 After: B18240345 **864,877** Routine Name: SDES2QRYAPREQS Before:B163628233 After:B173205795 **869,873,875,877** Routine Name: SDES2QRYAPREQSB Before: B44808460 After: B47043527 **869,873,875,877** Routine Name: SDES2REACTTCLIN Before: B29939632 After: B29688814 **861,864,877** Routine Name: SDES2SETCHECKOUT Before:B217184352 After:B219030886 **867,877** Routine Name: SDES2STOREPAT Before: B2450082 After: B3467516 **864,877** Routine Name: SDES2UNBLOCKPBSP Before: n/a After: B4438267 **877** Routine Name: SDES2UNDOCHKOUT Before: n/a After: B19258032 **877** Routine Name: SDES2UTIL Before:B131662427 After:B137824011 **853,857,864,877** Routine Name: SDES877P Before: n/a After: B2543550 **877** Routine Name: SDESCANAPPT2 Before:B209039158 After:B208845534 **838,842,844,845,847,851,864, 871,873,877** Routine Name: SDESCLINPRECAN Before: B7858622 After: B7773665 **824,825,877** Routine Name: SDESCREATEAPPT Before: B95833819 After: B98381065 **814,823,826,827,828,842,843, 846,847,851,853,869,877** Routine Name: SDESCREATEAPPT44 Before: B48844732 After: B48903331 **814,823,827,851,877** Routine Name: SDESCRTAPPTWRAP Before: B74461547 After: B75458423 **814,816,823,826,827,828,843, 847,864,877** Routine Name: SDESEDITAPPTREQ Before:B149467298 After:B163635402 **823,826,837,845,846,847,864, 871,873,875,877** Routine Name: SDESGETCONSULTS Before: B56564670 After: B59782539 **815,820,824,837,842,847,857, 867,875,877** Routine Name: SDESGETPATINQUIR Before: B1793601 After: B3232941 **842,877** Routine Name: SDESPROVSEARCH Before: B25617902 After: B26066663 **819,826,877** Routine Name: SDESRECALLREQ Before: B8661410 After: B9191969 **835,847,853,875,877** Routine Name: SDESRECPROVSRCH Before: B32393019 After: B30994629 **823,827,845,877** Routine Name: SDESUTIL Before:B128906984 After:B129453912 **801,804,805,814,816,818,820, 823,824,825,831,836,838,845, 851,877** Routine Name: SDMHPRO1 Before: B19699190 After: B20161651 **588,877** Routine Name: SDUPDATECONSPID Before: n/a After: B1499394 **877** Routine list of preceding patches: 588, 603, 813, 875 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : FEB 28, 2024 Completed By: Date Completed: MAY 29, 2024 Released By : Date Released : MAY 29, 2024 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT