$TXT Created by at CINP.FO-BIRM.DOMAIN.EXT (KIDS) on Friday, 09/18/15 at 13:53 ============================================================================= Run Date: DEC 28, 2015 Designation: SR*3*184 Package : SR - SURGERY Priority: Mandatory Version : 3 SEQ #175 Status: Released Compliance Date: JAN 28, 2016 ============================================================================= Associated patches: (v)SR*3*182 <<= must be installed BEFORE `SR*3*184' Subject: ANNUAL SURGERY UPDATES - 2015 Category: - Routine - Data Dictionary - Input Template - Enhancement (Mandatory) Description: ============ In support of the VA Surgery Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP), this patch provides update to the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Surgery package. The updates include the addition of new data fields, changes to existing fields, changes to data entry screens, changes to reports, changes to the Surgery Risk Assessment transmissions, and changes to transplant components of the VistA Surgery application. Note: All updated or new fields are part of the SURGERY file (#130) unless otherwise mentioned. 1. Request Operation Screen a. The PALLIATION field (#661) has been added as new field. b. This patch adds the SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, PLANNED IMPLANT, PHARMACY ITEMS, SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS, and the SPECIAL SUPPLIES as new multiples under the Request Operation options and under the Schedule Operation options. c. This patch adds the SPINAL LEVEL field (#136) under the Request Operation options, the Operation Scheduling options, and the Schedule of Operations report option. This field will be available for edit only if the PLANNED PRIN PROCEDURE CODE field (#27) of the case matches one of the entries in the CPT-SPINAL LEVEL file (#131.4) which is introduced by this patch. d. The PLANNED ADMISSION STATUS field (#.013) has been added as new field and it has been made required for case creation using the Request Operation options and replaced the HOSPITAL ADMISSION STATUS field (#.011) in the Request Operation screen. The HOSPITAL ADMISSION STATUS field (#.011) will be initially auto populated from the new field. 2. Time-Out Verified checklist Screen This patch adds many organ related fields to this option. The complete list of the fields will be listed under the Release Notes manual. 3. Cardiac/Non-Cardiac Risk Assessment a. This patch adds the following fields under the Clinical Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA CLINICAL INFORMATION] options: - IMPAIRED COGNITIVE FUNCTION (#662) - SLEEP APNEA-COMPLIANCE (#667) - The CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE PREOP field (#423) is used instead of the CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE field (#207) which has been marked as obsolete. b. This patch adds the following fields under the under the Preoperative Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA PREOP DATA] option. - IMPAIRED COGNITIVE FUNCTION (#662) - SLEEP APNEA-COMPLIANCE (#667) - CHEMO FOR MALIG LAST 90 DAYS (#338.3) - RESIDENCE 30 DAYS PREOP (#670) - AMBULATION DEVICE PREOP (#671) - HISTORY OF CANCER DIAGNOSIS (#673) - HX RAD RX PLANNED SURG FIELD (#674) - PRIOR SURG SAME OP FIELD (#677) c. The following fields were removed from the data entry screen, missing items, and from Cardiac transmission data: - PULMONARY RALES (#348) - CURRENT DIGOXIN USE (#354) - RESTING ST DEPRESSION (#350) o The data definition of the "PREOP FUNCT. HEALTH STATUS" field (#492) has been updated and will be used under this option instead of the "FUNCTIONAL HEALTH STATUS" field (#240). d. This patch adds the following fields under the Cardiac Procedures Operative Data (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC PROCEDURES] option: - BRIDGE TO TRANSPLANT/DEVICE field (#481) e. This patch updates the Resource Data [SROA CARDIAC RESOURCE] screen as follows: o Adding the following field: - TRANSFER STATUS (#413) - DATE OF DEATH (#342) and the "30 DAY DEATH" (#342.1) - HISTORY OF CANCER DIAGNOSIS (#673) - HX RAD RX PLANNED SURG FIELD (#674) - PRIOR SURG SAME OP FIELD (#677) - RESIDENCE 30 DAYS PREOP (#670) - AMBULATION DEVICE PREOP (#671) - DC/REL DESTINATION (#685) o Removal of the CARDIAC RESOURCE DATA COMMENTS field (#431) o The HOSPITAL DISCHARGE DATE field (#419) has been removed against checking of missing items for Cardiac assessment. f. This patch removes the following fields: - ESTIMATE OF MORTALITY (#364) - CARDIAC RISK PREOP COMMENTS (#430) g. The Outcome Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC-OUTCOMES] option has been set out of order. h. This patch add the DC/REL DESTINATION field (#685) to the Patient Demographics (Enter/Edit) [SROA DEMOGRAPHICS] screen. 4. Operation Screen a. LASER PERFORMED field (#135) This has been added as new multiple is the SURGERY file (#130) and it will replace the existing "LASER UNIT" multiple (#130.0129) in Operation Screen, Nurse Intraoperative Report data entry screens. The complete list of fields of this multiple can are listed in the patch release notes manual. b. The POSSIBLE ITEM RETENTION field (#630) This field has been modified to default to "YES" when accessing the Operation screen if the field has no data. 5. Case Aborted The Abort/Cancel Operation [SROABRT] option has been added as new option under the Operation Menu [SROPER] menu. This menu option should only be used if the patient has been taken to the operating room and no incision has been made. If an incision is made, the case should be completed and the discontinued procedure indicated in the record. Cancellation of future surgical cases should not use this option. When using this option, the user will be prompted for CASE ABORTED field (#18.5) with "NO" default. The cancellation information fields (CANCEL DATE, CANCELLATION TIMEFRAME, and PRIMARY CANCEL REASON) have been removed from all data entry screen under the operation menu except from the new option. When this option is used to abort surgical case, the CANCELLATION TIMEFRAME field (#17.5) will be set to "1". **There are known defects in SR*3*184 with this new option. These will be addressed in a future patch. Defect 1) PRIMARY CANCEL REASON is not properly saved to the Surgery package. Defect 2) User is prompted for "Cancellation Avoidable" instead of "Cancellation Timeframe". 6. Height and Weight Fields The HEIGHT (#236) and the WEIGHT (#237) fields have been added to the first page of the Operation Startup [SROMEN-START] screen and will be auto populated using available data from the Vitals Package. 7. This patch updates various fields in the SURGERY file (#130) and various occurrence category descriptions in the PERIOPERATIVE OCCURRENCE CATEGORY file (#136.5). This patch also replaces various fields with new fields in order to enhance and refine certain data elements that are in common with cardiac and non-cardiac risk assessments. All the associated data input options, assessment printouts and transmissions are updated accordingly. The complete list of updated fields, new fields and replaced fields is in the patch release notes. 8. This patch changes the PLANNED PRIN PROCEDURE CODE field (#27) to be a mandated field when creating Surgery cases and limits selection of CPT codes to range of (10000-69999; 00100-01999; 70000-79999; D0000-D9999; nnnnT.) **There is a known defect in SR*3*184 where, in certain instances, active CPT codes D0000-D9999 and xxxxT will not be selectable. A correction for this will be addressed in a future patch. 9. This patch updates the CPT EXCLUSIONS file (#137) with data for fiscal year 2015. 10. The Transplant Assessment Menu [SR TRANSPLANT ASSESSMENT] menu has been placed out of order. 11. This patch removes missing data screening for major/minor field (removed by Patch 182) - this impacts Lists 7 and 8 of the List of Surgery Risk Assessments [SROA ASSESSMENT LIST] option. 12. The WOUND CLASSIFICATION field (#1.09) prevents the selection of "CLEAN" if the planned principle procedure code (CPT) matches one of the CPTs that cannot be classified as clean. However, if data has already been populated for this field and the user tries to update it again, then the "CLEAN" option will be displayed. 13. The exclusion criteria list of the Monthly Surgical Case Workload Report [SROA MONTHLY WORKLOAD REPORT] option has been updated as follows: - The "SCNR WAS ON A/L" criteria has been changed to "10% RULE" - The "STUDY CRITERIA" criteria has been changed to "INCLUSION CRTA NOT MET" - A new "ABORTED" criteria has been added to the exclusion list 14. Options #4 and #5 of the List of Surgery Risk Assessments [SROA ASSESMENT LIST] option are placed out of order (Deactivated) after this enhancement. Patch Components ================ Files & Fields Associated: File Name (#) Field Name (#) New/Mod/Del ------------- ------------------------------------- ----------- SURGERY (#130) HOSPITAL ADMISSION STATUS (#.011) Modified PLANNED ADMISSION STATUS (#.013) New PREOPERATIVE INFECTION (#.05) New WOUND CLASSIFICATION (#1.09) Modified CASE ABORTED (#18.5) New PLANNED PRIN PROCEDURE CODE (#27) Modified REASON FOR NO ASSESSMENT (#102) Modified SPINAL LEVEL (#136) New HISTORY OF COPD (#203) Modified PRIOR MI (#205) Modified *CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (#207) Obsolete ESOPHAGEAL VARICES (#213) Modified *FUNCTIONAL HEALTH STATUS (#240) Obsolete DEEP INCISIONAL SSI (#249) Modified GRAFT/PROSTHESIS/FLAP FAILURE (#261) Modified PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE (#265) Modified ON VENTILATOR >48 HOURS (#285) Modified IMPAIRED SENSORIUM (#332) Modified *CHEMOTHERAPY IN LAST 30 DAYS (#338.1) Obsolete CHEMO FOR MALIG LAST 90 DAYS (#338.3) New STEROID USE FOR CHRONIC COND. (#339) Modified FEV1 (#347) Modified *PULMONARY RALES (#348) Obsolete *RESTING ST DEPRESSION (#350) Obsolete *CURRENT DIGOXIN USE (#354) Obsolete REOPERATION FOR BLEEDING (#389) Modified REPEAT CARDIAC SURG PROCEDURE (#391) Modified UNPLANNED INTUB W/IN 30 DAYS (#422) Modified CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE PREOP (#423) Modified OBSERVATION ADMISSION DATE (#452) Modified BRIDGE TO TRANSPLANT/DEVICE (#481) Modified ORGAN/SPACE SSI (#488) Modified PREOP FUNCT. HEALTH STATUS (#492) Modified DIABETES MELLITUS CHRONIC (#519) Modified DIABETES MELLITUS PREOP MGMT (#520) Modified BLOOD AVAILABILITY (#610) Modified POSITIVE DRUG SCREENING (#618) Modified POSSIBLE ITEM RETENTION (#630) Modified WOUND SWEEP (#633) Modified BLEEDING RISK DUE TO MED (#642) Modified SYMPTOMATIC UTI (#644) Modified *MECHANICAL VENT W/N 30 DAYS (#645) Obsolete UNOS NUMBER (#648) New DONOR SEROLOGY HCV (#649) New DONOR SEROLOGY HBV (#650) New DONOR SEROLOGY CMV (#651) New DONOR SEROLOGY HIV (#652) New DONOR ABO TYPE (#653) New RECIPIENT ABO TYPE (#654) New BLOOD BANK ABO VERIFICATION (#655) New OR ABO VERIFICATION (Y/N) (#656) New SURGEON VERIFYING UNET (#657) New ORGAN VER PRE-ANESTHESIA (#658) New SURGEON VER DONOR ORG PRE-ANES (#659) New ORGAN VER PRE-TRANSPLANT (#660) New PALLIATION (#661) New IMPAIRED COGNITIVE FUNCTION (#662) New DONOR VESSEL USAGE (#663) New DONOR VESSEL DISPOSITION (#665) New LIVER DISEASE/CIRRHOSIS (#666) New SLEEP APNEA-COMPLIANCE (#667) New IMMUNOCOMPROMISED STATE PREOP (#668) New PULMONARY HTN (#669) New RESIDENCE 30 DAYS PREOP (#670) New AMBULATION DEVICE PREOP (#671) New NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT PREOP (#672) New HISTORY OF CANCER DIAGNOSIS (#673) New HX RAD RX PLANNED SURG FIELD (#674) New PRIOR INFEC/INFLAM SURG FIELD (#675) New HX DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (#676) New PRIOR SURG SAME OP FIELD (#677) New DC/REL DESTINATION (#685) New AORTIC REGURGITATION (#686) New INJURY TO ADJACENT ORGAN (#687) New STOMA COMPLICATIONS (#688) New NON-UNION (#689) New IMPLANT INFECTIONS (#690) New CHYLE/LYMPH LEAK (#691) New ANASTOMOTIC LEAK (#692) New FISTULA (#693) New NECROTIZING SOFT TISS INFECT (#694) New OTHER BLOOD PRODUCT UNITS (#695) New PRESSORS USED INTRAOP (#696) New MITRAL STENOSIS (#697) New PCI INTERVENTION (#698) New ATRIAL ARRHYTHMIAS (#699) New HEAD OR NECK CANCER (#700) New MACULAR DEGENERATION (#701) New GLAUCOMA (#702) New HX RETINAL DETACHMENT (#704) New AXIAL LEN/ANTERIOR CHAM DEP (#705) New CORNEAL GUTTAE/FUCHS ENDO (#706) New DIABETIC RETINOPATHY (#707) New COMPLEX CATARACT (#708) New STATIN 30 DAYS PREOP (#709) New IPSILAT CORTICAL EVENT PREOP (#710) New PREOP MODIFIED RANKIN SCORE (#711) New CAROTID SUR ANATOMIC HIGH RISK (#712) New BYPASS CRITICAL LIMB ISCHEMIA (#713) New ENDOLEAK AT COMPLETION (#715) New HIGH HEART RATE 6HRS PREOP (#716) New HIGH HEART RATE INTRAOP (#717) New LOW ARTERIAL PRESS 6HRS PREOP (#718) New HIGH LACTIC ACID 6HRS PREOP (#719) New HIGH LACTIC ACID INTRAOP (#720) New LOWEST PH 6HRS PREOP (#721) New LOWEST PH INTRAOP (#722) New LOW ARTERIAL PRESS INTRAOP (#723) New OLIGURIA <60CC/2HRS 6HRS PREOP (#724) New OLIGURIA URINE OUTPUT INTRAOP (#725) New LOWEST BICARBONATE 6HRS PREOP (#726) New LOWEST BICARBONATE INTRAOP (#727) New UNITS TRANSFUSED 6HRS PREOP (#728) New VASOPRESSOR USAGE AT OR ENTRY (#729) New CARDIAC ARREST 24 HRS PREOP (#730) New DIC 6HRS PREOP (#731) New HYPOXEMIA W/IN 6HRS PREOP (#732) New ENDOLEAK AT FOLLOW-UP (#733) New CARDIAC ARREST INTRAOP (#734) New FLOPPY IRIS INTRAOP (#735) New PREOP VISUAL ACUITY (#736) New POSTOP VISUAL ACUITY (#737) New ENDOPHTHALMITIS TYPE (#738) New CYSTOID MACULAR EDEMA (#739) New DISLOCATION OF OPERATIVE JOINT (#740) New PERIPROSTHETIC FRACTURES (#741) New D/T PAT ARRIVES HOSP DAY SURG (#742) New D/T PAT LEAVES HOSP DAY SURG (#743) New KIDNEY DONOR PROFILE INDEX (#744) New EXPECTED POST TRANSPLANT INDEX (#745) New BLOOD BANK ABO VER COMMENTS (#746) New D/T BLOOD BANK ABO VERIF (#747) New OR ABO VER COMMENTS (#748) New D/T OR ABO VERIF (#749) New UNET VERIF BY SURGEON (Y/N) (#750) New SURGEON VER ORGAN PRE-ANES (#751) New DONOR ORG VER PRE-ANES (#752) New SURGEON VER ORG PRE-TRANSPLANT (#753) New ORGAN TO BE TRANSPLANTED (sub-file)(#130.0647) New ORGAN TO BE TRANSPLANTED (#.01) DONOR VESSEL UNOS ID (sub-file)(#130.0664) New DONOR VESSEL UNOS ID (#.01) PLANNED IMPLANT (sub-file)(#130.0681) New PLANNED IMPLANT (#.01) SPECIAL SUPPLIES (sub-file)(#130.0682) New SPECIAL SUPPLIES (#.01) SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS (sub-file)(#130.0683) New SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS (#.01) PHARMACY ITEMS (sub-file)(#130.0684) New PHARMACY ITEMS (#.01) LASER PERFORMED (sub-file)(#130.11) New LASER NAME (#.01) LASER TYPE (#1) LASER START TIME (#2) LASER END TIME (#3) LASER TEST FIRE (#4) LASER DELIVERY SYSTEM (#5) PULSE MODE (#6) POWER/AVERAGE POWER (#7) INTERVAL/REPETITION RATE (#8) TOTAL JOULES DELIVERED (#9) WATTS DELIVERED (#10) WAVE FORM (#11) PULSE WIDTH (#12) ENERGY JOULES (#13) LASER DURATION (#14) PATIENT PRECAUTIONS (#15) LASER ON STANDBY (#16) LASER OFF AND KEY SECURED (#17) PERSONNEL PRECAUTIONS (#18) LASER COMMENTS (#19) INTRAOPERATIVE OCCURRENCES (sub-file)(#130.13) Modified INTRAOP DEVICE TYPE (#5) POSTOP OCCURRENCE (sub-file)(#130.22) INDWELLING URETHRAL CATHETER (#10) Modified POSTOP DEVICE TYPE (#15) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (sub-file)(#130.25) New SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (#.01) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (#131.3) New NAME (#.01) NUMBER (#2) INACTIVE? (#3) SURGICAL SPECIALTIES (#4), Multiple (#131.34) SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS (#131.02) New NAME (#.01) NUMBER (#1) INACTIVE? (#2) SURGICAL SPECIALTIES (#3), Multiple (#131.23) PLANNED IMPLANT (#131.5) New NAME (#.01) SIZE (#1) INACTIVE? (#2) MODEL (#3) VENDOR (#4) SURGICAL SPECIALTIES (#6), Multiple (#131.56) PHARMACY ITEMS (#131.06) New DRUG NAME (#.01) DOSE (#1) INACTIVE? (#2) DRUG COMMENTS (#3) SURGICAL SPECIALTIES (#4), Multiple (#131.64) SPECIAL SUPPLIES (#131.04) New NAME (#.01) SIZE (#1) INACTIVE? (#2) MODEL (#3) VENDOR (#4) SURGICAL SPECIALTIES (#5), Multiple (#131.45) CPT-SPINAL LEVEL (#131.4) New CPT CODE (#.01) Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Mod/Del --------- ------ ----------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Mod/Del --------------- ----------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Mod/Del ----------- ---- ----------- SROA CARDIAC ENTER/EDIT menu Modified SROA CARDIAC-OUTCOMES run routine Out of Order SROABRT run routine New SR TRANSPLANT ASSESSMENT run routine Out of Order SROMENU menu Modified Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Mod/Del ------------- ----------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (#) New/Mod/Del ------------- ---- ------------------ ----------- SROMEN-START Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SROMEN-OUT Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SROMEN-OPER Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRONRPT Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRONRPT1 Input SURGERY (#130) New SRONRPT2 Input SURGERY (#130) New SROMEN-VERF1 Input SURGERY (#130) New SROMEN-VERF2 Input SURGERY (#130) New SRSRES-ENTRY Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SREQUEST Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SREQUEST-ICD10 Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRSRES-SCHED Input SURGERY (#130) Modified SRSRES-SCHED1 Input SURGERY (#130) New SRSRES-ENTRY1 Input SURGERY (#130) New SRSREQV Input SURGERY (#130) Modified Additional Information: N/A New Service Requests (NSRs): ----------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ------------------------------ N/A Remedy Ticket(s) & Overviews: ----------------------------- N/A Test Sites: ----------- CLEVELAND, OH MINNEAPOLIS, MN -VAMC UPSTATE NEW YORK HCS WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ------------------------------------- Updated documentation describing the new functionality introduced by this patch is available. The preferred method is to FTP the files from ftp://download.vista.domain.ext/. This transmits the files from the first available FTP server. Sites may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as follows: Albany ftp.domain.ext Hines ftp.domain.ext Salt Lake City ftp.domain.ext The documentation will be in the form of Adobe Acrobat files. Documentation can also be found on the VA Software Documentation Library at: http://www4.domain.ext/vdl/ File Description File Name FTP Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surgery V. 3.0 User Manual SR_3_UM_R1115.PDF (binary) Surgery V. 3.0 User Manual SR_3_P184_UM_CP.PDF (binary) Change Pages Surgery V. 3.0 Technical Manual/ SR_3_TM_R1115.PDF (binary) Security Guide Surgery V. 3.0 Release Notes SR_3_P184_RN.PDF (binary) Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ - The pre-installation process performs the following actions: o Deletes the existing data from the PERIOPERATIVE OCCURRENCE CATEGORY file (#136.5) - The routines SR184UTL, SR184UT0, SR184UT1, SR184UT2, and SR184UT3 are deleted at the end of patch installation. Installation Instructions ------------------------- This patch should be installed during a period of low system activity with Surgery users off the system. It should be installed at a time when the Surgery Nightly Cleanup and Updates [SRTASK-NIGHT] option is not running. No options need to be placed out of service. Installation time is expected to be less than 5 minutes. 1. Choose the PackMan message containing this patch. 2. Choose the INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE PackMan option. 3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select the Installation Menu. From this menu, you may elect to use the following options. When prompted for the INSTALL enter the patch # (SR*3.0*184): a. Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates. b. Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch (routines, DD's, templates, etc.). c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global. 4. From the Installation Menu, select the Install Package(s) option and choose the patch to install. Enter SR*3.0*184. 5. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//', respond NO. 6. When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//', respond NO. 7. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//', respond NO. Post-Installation Instructions ------------------------------ N/A Routine Information: ==================== The second line of each of these routines now looks like: ;;3.0;Surgery;**[Patch List]**;24 Jun 93;Build 35 The checksums below are new checksums, and can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD. Routine Name: SR184UT0 Before: n/a After: B90074856 **184** Routine Name: SR184UT1 Before: n/a After: B89550416 **184** Routine Name: SR184UT2 Before: n/a After: B91819989 **184** Routine Name: SR184UT3 Before: n/a After: B27224946 **184** Routine Name: SR184UTL Before: n/a After: B13988563 **184** Routine Name: SROACL1 Before: B37257930 After: B37063890 **38,71,95,125,153,160,174,176, 182,184** Routine Name: SROACL2 Before: B3657478 After: B5515946 **125,160,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROACLN Before: B12972978 After: B14320665 **38,47,71,95,100,125,142,174, 175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROACOD Before: B16693883 After: B16744459 **146,152,177,184** Routine Name: SROACOP Before: B23252358 After: B15956766 **38,47,71,88,95,107,100,125, 142,153,160,166,174,175,182, 184** Routine Name: SROACPM Before: B52631911 After: B51394670 **71,93,95,99,100,125,142,160, 164,166,174,182,184** Routine Name: SROACPM0 Before: n/a After: B12761142 **184** Routine Name: SROACR2 Before: B14624720 After: B14842120 **125,153,160,166,182,184** Routine Name: SROACTH Before: B7802049 After: B7788055 **38,95,125,184** Routine Name: SROALMN Before: B24842259 After: B24801741 **153,160,176,184** Routine Name: SROALOG Before: B26759607 After: B27914506 **38,55,62,77,50,153,160,166,184** Routine Name: SROAPAS Before: B28675186 After: B29875416 **38,47,81,88,111,112,100,125, 153,166,174,175,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPCA Before: B32334880 After: B37414199 **38,47,71,95,125,134,153,160, 174,175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPCA1 Before: B30466791 After: B25409891 **38,63,71,88,95,125,142,153, 166,174,175,184** Routine Name: SROAPCA2 Before: B2234169 After: B3181612 **38,71,95,125,153,174,175,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPCA3 Before: B24717605 After: B33243647 **38,71,95,101,125,160,164,166, 174,175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPIMS Before: B27575340 After: B27799692 **38,46,47,57,71,81,86,100,125, 134,160,175,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPM Before: B45069143 After: B45146890 **47,81,111,107,100,125,142, 160,166,174,175,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPR1A Before: B7825783 After: B7815328 **38,125,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPRE Before: B16875105 After: B19317061 **38,47,55,88,100,125,142,166, 174,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPRE1 Before: B13656190 After: B15637851 **38,47,125,135,141,166,174, 176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPRE2 Before: B9447593 After: B10254316 **38,47,125,153,166,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPRT1 Before: B22844323 After: B27072163 **38,47,125,153,166,174,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPRT2 Before: B12414779 After: B15912992 **38,125,137,153,160,166,176, 182,184** Routine Name: SROAPRT7 Before: B30812579 After: B30505648 **38,47,57,60,125,160,176,177, 182,184** Routine Name: SROAPS1 Before: B33013237 After: B39695051 **38,47,125,153,166,174,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAPS2 Before: B18823799 After: B23697705 **38,47,125,153,160,166,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROATCM Before: B27083969 After: B27435590 **38,55,68,90,93,95,99,125,153, 174,175,177,182,184** Routine Name: SROATCM1 Before: B63097180 After: B65754224 **38,71,79,90,88,93,95,111,125, 135,134,142,153,160,174,175, 176,177,182,184** Routine Name: SROATCM3 Before: B13215032 After: B27157188 **125,135,153,164,166,174,177, 182,184** Routine Name: SROATM1 Before: B28438380 After: B30626315 **27,38,47,60,62,81,88,93,95, 125,153,160,166,174,176,177, 182,184** Routine Name: SROATM2 Before: B37344320 After: B38389993 **38,39,45,47,57,60,62,68,81, 88,97,129,125,142,153,160,174, 175,176,177,182,184** Routine Name: SROATM3 Before: B24191349 After: B40586510 **27,38,62,88,97,111,142,153, 174,175,184** Routine Name: SROATMN1 Before: n/a After: B4581323 ****184** Routine Name: SROATMNO Before: B39488872 After: B41060989 **27,38,47,62,68,79,83,81,88, 93,95,97,129,125,142,153,160, 166,174,175,176,177,182,184** Routine Name: SROAUTL Before: B45777532 After: B46263358 **38,46,47,63,81,88,95,112,100, 125,134,142,153,160,166,174, 176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAUTL0 Before: B23046095 After: B23178887 **38,47,57,60,61,63,81,125,153, 160,174,176,177,182,184** Routine Name: SROAUTL1 Before: B19181745 After: B23914539 **38,47,81,125,153,160,166,174, 176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAUTL3 Before: B13680381 After: B13665858 **38,47,63,77,142,163,166,176,184** Routine Name: SROAUTL4 Before: B39340588 After: B45150205 **38,71,95,125,153,160,164,166, 174,175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROAUTLC Before: B26739810 After: B26858216 **38,71,90,88,95,97,102,96,125, 153,163,164,166,174,175,176, 182,184** Routine Name: SROAWL1 Before: B33694001 After: B34595712 **38,47,60,62,68,50,86,88,92, 153,160,184** Routine Name: SROCCAT Before: B16850257 After: B16854647 **38,47,95,138,153,160,174,176, 182,184** Routine Name: SROCMPED Before: B55528552 After: B55581013 **26,38,47,125,153,170,176,177, 182,184** Routine Name: SROCPT Before: B12587576 After: B19370849 **3,31,88,127,184** Routine Name: SROESNR Before: B31682934 After: B31824842 **100,184** Routine Name: SROESNR0 Before: B41856155 After: B59023550 **100,129,147,153,175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROESNR1 Before: B42035755 After: B55559388 **100,143,157,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROFILE Before: B15335951 After: B17557010 **48,41,88,100,175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROMED Before: B20688417 After: B21047528 **21,44,79,100,151,166,184** Routine Name: SROMENU Before: B25521719 After: B32209409 **52,67,69,104,107,100,134,175, 177,182,184** Routine Name: SRONEW Before: B36104631 After: B41082533 **3,23,26,30,47,58,48,67,107, 100,144,175,176,177,182,184** Routine Name: SRONIN Before: B95799961 After:B118663107 **68,50,100,129,134,153,157, 175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SRONITE Before: B3746041 After: B3238122 **47,58,62,41,86,142,167,175, 176,184** Routine Name: SRONRPT0 Before: B69675932 After: B69983698 **100,129,147,153,157,175,176, 182,184** Routine Name: SRONRPT3 Before: B27091661 After: B19372732 **100,176,182,184** Routine Name: SRONRPT4 Before: n/a After: B58080598 **184** Routine Name: SROP1 Before: B4409373 After: B4644240 **184** Routine Name: SROPER Before: B13069473 After: B13717033 **37,107,100,177,184** Routine Name: SROSCH1 Before: B16435656 After: B18334786 **63,77,50,182,184** Routine Name: SROSCH2 Before: B4727693 After: B12006303 **34,48,50,108,184** Routine Name: SROUTC Before: B22577677 After: B23991984 **125,135,153,174,175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SROUTL1 Before: B3817248 After: B11083990 **134,175,184** Routine Name: SRSCAN0 Before: B16717618 After: B28185776 **34,42,67,103,107,114,100,144, 175,176,182,184** Routine Name: SRSCHUN Before: B32397035 After: B36843779 **3,67,68,88,103,100,144,158, 175,177,182,184** Routine Name: SRSCHUN1 Before: B10221743 After: B10679849 **34,47,58,67,107,177,184** Routine Name: SRSRQST Before: B33623825 After: B38397734 **3,58,67,88,103,105,100,144, 175,177,182,184** Routine Name: SRSRQST1 Before: B11754122 After: B11879750 **12,34,37,47,58,67,107,177,184** Routine Name: SRSUP1 Before: B26965296 After: B27897479 **7,16,19,47,58,67,77,50,93, 107,114,100,131,177,184** Routine Name: SRSUPRQ Before: B28414875 After: B28802484 **7,47,58,67,107,114,100,154, 177,184** Routine Name: SRTOVRF Before: B14137837 After: B18432995 **175,182,184** Routine list of preceding patches: 108, 127, 182 ============================================================================= User Information: Entered By : Date Entered : FEB 13, 2015 Completed By: Date Completed: DEC 15, 2015 Released By : Date Released : DEC 28, 2015 ============================================================================= Packman Mail Message: ===================== $END TXT